Does Ah Qin not like to watch beautiful people?

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Ming Qin vanished and departed the Imperial Study towards Murong Yan.

Moments earlier, she overheard the dialogue between the Emperor and the Crown Prince from her vantage point, causing her heart to be overwhelmed with shock.

The Crown Prince murdered Murong Yan’s mother.

The Princess Consort of Prince Yu was assassinated by the Crown Prince due to Murong Yan’s betrothal.

Was Murong Yan aware? She ought to be, shouldn’t she?

Should Ming Qin break the news to Murong Yan herself?

But what would be her reaction if Murong Yan found out?

She would be immensely saddened and blame herself incessantly.

That was the same mother who would serenade her to sleep with a lute and whose name would stir up her anger if anyone spoke ill of her.

As she contemplated the possibility of Murong Yan’s heartbreak and self-reproach, Ming Qin couldn’t help but feel sorrowful.

Ming Qin had always been aware of the Crown Prince’s malevolent character, his fratricide and patricide. Yet, living in her own innocent world, she simply knew him as a “bad person.”

But now, the mere thought of what the Crown Prince had done to Murong Yan ignited an unidentifiable fury within her.

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The Crown Prince had not only imprisoned Murong Yan in a tall tower, but had also killed her beloved mother, and was now claiming her as his own possession.

Ming Qin, who had never been prone to anger, felt her fury welling up inside her and her fists clenching tightly.

She forced herself to take deep breaths.

She was determined to complete her master’s mission of overthrowing the Crown Prince’s faction. However, she didn’t want to witness Murong Yan’s heartbreak and sorrow again before she could accomplish this.

It had been seven days since Ming Qin last saw Murong Yan.

Upon arriving at Hidden Moon Tower, Murong Yan was reading a book and had yet to notice her when Ming Qin suddenly hugged her tightly like a lightning bolt.

Putting her book down on the tea table, Murong Yan hugged her back.

“I’ve missed you so much,” said Ming Qin, half-kneeling on the bed and holding onto Murong Yan’s waist, her face pressed against her softness, sounding a bit upset.

She had rushed to Hidden Moon Tower right after reporting to her master, without even having time to eat.

Resting her chin on Ming Qin’s head, Murong Yan patted the person in her arms gently, held her head with one hand, and responded with a smile, “I’ve missed you too, Ah Qin.”

Only seven days had passed, but it felt like an eternity. It was only when she saw Ming Qin again that time seemed to resume its weight.

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Taking a deep breath of satisfaction, Murong Yan unexpectedly smelled an unfamiliar scent of balm and saw a crimson lipstick mark on Ming Qin’s lips.

This made Murong Yan’s previously smiling face suddenly freeze.

Ming Qin unknowingly tightened her embrace and only let go a few breaths later. She stood up straight and looked towards the book lying on the floor, its cover too blurry to discern. Curiously, she asked, “What were you reading?”

Murong Yan’s face remained calm, “Just a leisurely read,” she replied ambiguously.

Looking into Ming Qin’s innocent eyes, she added with a hint of significance, “Perhaps it’s a book that’s a bit advanced for you, Ah Qin.”

Ming Qin nodded, assuming that Murong Yan was reading a forbidden legend book and didn’t want to admit it.

“Have you been to Nali these past few days?” Murong Yan asked, trying to suppress her anxiety while sipping her tea and casually reaching for a snack from the table.

Ming Qin replied honestly, “Baihua Tower.”

Hearing this, Murong Yan almost spit out her tea, but managed to swallow it down with great effort, relying on her etiquette and upbringing. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Why were you at… that fireworks place, Ah Qin?”

It was the most famous brothel in the capital.

“It’s all Senior Sister’s fault!”

Ming Qin finally had the chance to express her frustration to Murong Yan in a helpless and aggrieved manner after being questioned by a woman. She complained, “I’m never assigned to gather intelligence from Qinlou Chu Guan.”

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Since her master told her that she could speak freely with the princess, Ming Qin had nothing to hide from Murong Yan. As a result, Murong Yan knew everything about the shadow guard camp, from the number of cats to where the wine was hidden under which tree, and even which junior brothers were interested in which junior sisters.

Despite not being able to dance or play the zither, Ming Qin was made to infiltrate and gather intelligence by having other people put rouge on her face. She had to perform among a group of dancing girls and entertain drunken guests, which was a painful experience for her.

Although she was the number one expert in the shadow guard camp, Ming Qin was forced to participate in this mission. Fortunately, her remarkable memory and decent coordination allowed her to keep up with the rhythm, or else she would have to sacrifice her appearance to serve drinks.

Song Shu Qing convinced her that this mission was difficult and required acute hearing, so she reluctantly agreed. She had to stay up all night, secretly climbing up the beams to listen to people having sex. Ming Qin made a face as if she was going to vomit, as the sticky moans and groans, and the sound of heavy breathing, always made her want to pierce her own ears. If she had known that her exceptional hearing would be used to eavesdrop on the sounds of men and women making love, she would never have agreed to her senior sister’s request.

If the intelligence expert she brought back this time hadn’t said it was very useful, she would have been so irritated that she wouldn’t have been able to eat for three days and three nights.

“I understand now. It was really difficult for you, Ah Qin,” Murong Yan breathed a sigh of relief and consoled her. She then calmly moved the unknown book on the tea table away from Ming Qin.

So, that’s the reason she had to put on makeup.

“This mission was really too challenging. Next time, I’d rather face a hundred strong men alone than go to the brothel,” Ming Qin grumbled, “I don’t understand why some people like going to the red-light district.”

As an innocent person, she genuinely didn’t comprehend why some people would fight to the death for a beautiful woman or why sexual pleasure was so captivating.


Murong Yan raised her eyebrows, and her tone was suggestive. “Does Ah Qin not enjoy watching beauties play music and dance?”

Ming Qin tilted her head, pondering. “Maybe because I’m not a man, I don’t comprehend what’s so great about those beauties. I always feel like the fragrance and powder there are too overpowering, and everyone’s makeup is so pale and ghostly.”

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Thinking about that scene, she frowned and shook her head. “Also, I don’t understand music. I always doze off when I follow my senior sister to listen.”

Observing Ming Qin’s disgusted expression, Murong Yan smiled with her lips slightly curled but lowered her eyes.

After a while, she spoke in a low voice, “Ah Qin, you might not have seen a truly stunning beauty, which is why you don’t understand the beauty of a woman’s face. It’s just like someone who has never heard truly moving music and can’t distinguish good from bad melodies.”

Ming Qin was a bit confused by her statement and said, “But I’ve seen many good-looking people?”

She then tilted her head and counted on her fingers seriously, “My senior sister, my adoptive mother, Miss Jiang, they are all pretty. And you, you’re the prettiest.”

“That’s not the same thing,” Murong Yan said softly, her tone tinged with bitterness.

Having been imprisoned for many years, Murong Yan had lost her sharpness and her unparalleled beauty. She fell silent upon seeing Ming Qin’s serious expression and tone, like a child showing off a treasured candy.

After thinking for a moment, Murong Yan suddenly showed an interested expression and asked, “Can you help me bring something when you’re free tomorrow, Ah Qin?”

She silently wiped away the red mark at the corner of Ming Qin’s mouth with her thumb.

“Of course,” Ming Qin readily agreed.

Previously, no matter what Murong Yan wanted to eat, even if it was difficult, Ming Qin always found a way to bring it to her. It was not a difficult task.

“But this time it’s not food,” Murong Yan said, seeming helpless, as if she knew what Ming Qin was thinking. She then affectionately stroked her hand and tightly held her fingertips.

“I need you to help me find some black bean paste.”

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