Senior Sister and the Stupid Lovers

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When Master entrusted Ming Qin with the task of delivering a letter out of the city, she accepted the duty with willingness and gratitude. Despite the month-long commitment and the need to flee the city, she eagerly embarked on the mission.

Under the scorching summer sun, the shadow guard, clothed in black robes, rode on horseback, perspiring heavily with a mind in turmoil.

Since that fateful kiss, Ming Qin’s mind, previously unaccustomed to introspection, had been consumed with thoughts that refused to abate.

As she had never before encountered the practice of testing rouge with a kiss, it seemed curious to her.

Despite questioning all the junior sisters in the shadow guard camp, including Qin who was skilled in makeup and frequently went undercover in brothels, none of them had heard of this exclusive royal family secret technique.

Since that day, every time Ming Qin caught a glimpse of Murong Yan, she couldn’t help but be reminded of the silk-like touch and unconsciously lick her lips.

The young shadow guard couldn’t help but bury her head in her hands, feeling impulsive and foolish, not unlike those frivolous flower thieves.

When they said their goodbyes before leaving the capital, the woman remained unfazed upon hearing that Ming Qin would be absent for a month, simply handing her a jar of scented ointment before departing silently.

As she who is on horseback touched the jar tucked away in her sleeve, she felt utterly perplexed, unable to comprehend why Murong Yan had suddenly gifted her with such an item.

Ming Qin had never used scented ointments before.

As a shadow guard, it was essential to operate discreetly, blend in with the surroundings, and leave no trace of one’s presence, including any fragrance on the body.

However, Murong Yan’s ointment emanated an intense and captivating fragrance reminiscent of the vibrant peony flowers. Its overpowering aroma seemed to draw attention to her presence, making it useless for someone like Ming Qin, who had to remain unnoticed as a shadow guard.

Feeling exasperated, Ming Qin was desperate for an outlet.

Suddenly, there was a sharp, slicing sound that cut through the air.

Ming Qin raised her head without any surprise and swiftly turned around, catching the arrow aimed at her with ease.

As she faced the more than ten masked individuals, each carrying weapons with a serious and menacing expression, she couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

“What a shame,” she thought.

Dismounting from her horse, Ming Qin quickly closed in on the man holding a bow, brandishing her sword with a smile on her lips. Before the man could even react, she made a swift upward slash, cutting open his chest.

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The surrounding crowd immediately grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the woman as she approached within a few breaths.

Amidst flashing blades and splattering blood, Ming Qin nonchalantly kicked up some dust, causing her once-clear vision to become suddenly blurry. A dark figure moved among the crowd, swinging her sword recklessly, accompanied by the sound of screams.

In less than a moment, she was the only one left standing amidst a sea of blood.

Ming Qin shrugged her shoulders, cracking them, and let out a long sigh.

“What a shame for all of you,” she said, wiping her sword on the sleeve of one of the corpses. “I was feeling particularly restless just now and needed a good fight.”

Her face was splattered with blood, and although her tone sounded apologetic, her expression was calm, as if she didn’t care, and she even gave a pure smile.

“I’m truly sorry about that.”

Murong Yan stared out the window, her book unread for the past half hour. Ah Qin had been gone from the city for almost a month now, and Murong Yan missed her terribly.

As she thought about Ah Qin’s appearance during their last encounter, Murong Yan couldn’t help but smile. Ah Qin had still been fidgety and unable to maintain eye contact, her gaze shifting and her fingers tightly clutching her sleeves.

But it was clear that Ah Qin was worried about being away for too long. She had talked for a long time about how the mission was simple, and nervously reminded Murong Yan to eat and sleep well.

Occasionally, Murong Yan found her staring at her lips, but her gaze would quickly dart away when she realized what she was doing. It was a cute and mischievous habit that she couldn’t resist.

As she remembered Ming Qin’s unconscious habit of licking her lips, Murong Yan felt a sense of joy wash over her.

Despite her sometimes slow mind, her body was honest and genuine.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips.

After snapping out of her reverie, Murong Yan found herself unable to continue reading the book in her hand. She was about to extinguish the candle and go to bed when she heard several mysterious sounds coming from outside the window.

“It can’t be Ah Qin,” Murong Yan thought to herself.

Not only was Ah Qin away on a mission, but she also moved around without making a sound.

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“Who else would climb up to the Hidden Moon Tower in the middle of the night?” Murong Yan wondered.

Only a select few people in the capital were capable of scaling the tower. Who could it be?

Could it be a lecherous thief?

Murong Yan tightly gripped the hairpin on her head and held her breath, ready to strike the thief with the hairpin as soon as there was any movement.

When the window was pushed open, Murong Yan was about to pierce the intruder with her hairpin, but she heard a woman protecting her neck and speaking urgently, “I am Qin Qin’s senior sister, please spare me, Princess!”

The sharp object in her hand was still pressed against the intruder’s skin, not moving away.

After a few breaths, Murong Yan asked calmly, “Under which tree in the Shadow Guard Camp did Brother Li hide his wine?”

“But, there’s no senior brother named Li in Qin Qin’s group. If you meant Senior Brother Lin, his privately brewed plum wine is buried under the third tree to the right of the west gate in the Shadow Guard Camp. Although Qin Qin found it, I’ve almost drunk it all,” the woman spoke urgently.

Murong Yan paused for a moment, her hand tightly holding onto the sharp object. “So, you really are Ah Qin’s senior sister,” she said with a menacing tone.

As she surveyed the woman, Song Shu Qing, Murong Yan put away her hairpin and let her hair down. Her body was struggling to maintain balance and she was about to fall to the side. When Song Shu Qing tried to reach out and help her, Murong Yan spoke sharply.

“Don’t touch me!”

She then used her arm to slowly move herself onto the bed, still maintaining her dignified composure as a princess.

Murong Yan lifted her gaze to Song Shu Qing and inquired, “What business brings you to me at such a late hour?”

Despite Murong Yan’s stern demeanor, Song Shu Qing remained composed and respectful as she replied, “My name is Song Shu Qing, and I am Qin Qin’s senior sister. I understand that today’s incident has caused inconvenience, but I have a letter that must be delivered to Chongwen Princess.”

With a graceful movement, Song Shu Qing retrieved a sealed letter from a bamboo tube concealed in her sleeve, and presented it to the princess.

Murong Yan took the letter and scrutinized it intently, her brows creasing slightly in concentration.

After the passing of a tea ceremony, she set fire to the letter with the flame of an oil lamp, holding it outside the window. She held onto the paper until it was nearly consumed by the fire before letting it go, allowing the ashes to scatter with the evening breeze.

After brewing a pot of tea for herself, Murong Yan broke the silence.

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“So it seems that the fifth prince passed away today?” she asked.

Song Shu Qing paused for a moment before nodding in agreement.

“He passed away during the Shen Shi hour1, and the news hasn’t leaked yet,” she said calmly. Song was known for her intelligence and had an exceptional memory, which allowed her to quickly process information and make astute observations. Her master often referred to her as a prodigy.

While Song was used to impressing others with her intellect, she was surprised to find that the Chongwen Princess, who had spent her entire life immersed in feudal traditions and was trapped in a high tower, could analyze the court situation based on a few words in a letter and the sense of urgency conveyed by the shadow guard camp. The princess’s intellect and shrewdness were no less remarkable than her own, which left her deeply impressed.

“No wonder,” Murong Yan murmured.

After taking a sip of her tea, she calmly said, “Tell your master not to worry. As long as the Emperor’s life is secure, the Crown Prince won’t act impulsively…I know him somewhat.”

She let out a contemptuous snort.

“As for the task master entrusted you with, regarding the Princess’s earlier promise?” Song Shu Qing asked cautiously.

“I am not a person who goes back on their word. If it comes to the final moment, there is no reason for me to give up,” Murong Yan replied.

Murong Yan impatiently waved her hand and then narrowed her eyes as if she had just remembered something important. “No wonder,” she said seriously. “Tell your master to trust me and not to have any thoughts about harming Ah Qin.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Song Shu Qing bowed and clasped her hands. “Junior sister Ming Qin is a member of the shadow guard camp. It’s impossible for her to be involved in any plots.”

There was a long silence that made Song Shu Qing’s back ache. Finally, Murong Yan spoke in a cold voice. “You’re the senior sister who often takes Ah Qin to listen to music in the fireworks place?”

“…At present, there is only one person who junior sister Ming Qin calls senior sister in the shadow guard camp, so I believe that you are indeed referring to me,” Song Shu Qing replied, lowering her head. She felt her scalp tingle at the Princess’s faint questioning, something she had not experienced in a long time.

Murong Yan fixed her gaze on Song Shu Qing, taking note of her submissive posture. “You must be the senior sister that Ah Qin praises every day for being smart and beautiful, aren’t you?” she spoke, her tone even more hostile.

Song Shu Qing felt her body stooping lower and lower, as if she were about to collapse. Despite her unease, she forced herself to speak, “I don’t know why junior sister Ming Qin exaggerates her praises of me to you, Princess. I’m not as great as she makes me out to be.”

“I see,” Murong Yan replied icily.

Murong Yan furrowed her brows, looking somewhat troubled. “Indeed, that’s an exaggeration.”

Damn it!

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Are these the so-called “stupid lovers”?

They’re so absorbed in their own little world, oblivious to other people’s feelings.

A social nuisance.

Song Shu Qing suppressed her inner impudent monologue and the urge to roll her eyes, her mind quickly thinking about how to respond to the princess without being rude.

Fortunately, Murong Yan didn’t seem to mind her silence. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked again, “So, you’re also the one who asked Ah Qin to become a courtesan in the brothel?”

Song Shu Qing’s internal alarm bells went off, and she broke out in a light sweat on her forehead. She stuttered in her explanation, “The…brothel matter…is required for the shadow guard’s mission.”

“Is that so?”

Unexpectedly, Murong Yan didn’t seem annoyed at all and instead showed a faint smile. “Then This Palace must thank you properly.”

“Huh?” Song Shu Qing’s face, which was still somewhat panicked just now, showed a rare expression of confusion.

Late at night, when Song Shu Qing left the Hidden Moon Tower to report back, although she was carrying a heavy load of gold and silver jewelry, she felt like she had left at least five years of her life there.

The Hidden Moon Tower was not only difficult to climb, but even with full preparation, she almost fell to her death.

The Princess inside was truly a formidable woman.

If it hadn’t been for her quick reaction just now, her neck might have been pierced.

When it came to Qin Qin, the protectiveness and possessiveness in her gaze were enough to consume her. And then, the sudden smile she gave later was inexplicable, sending shivers down her spine yet feeling a strange sense of reward.

How did Qin Qin manage to get along with such an enigmatic woman like the Princess?

As her master had predicted, even if the Prince of Yu had ten, no, a hundred daughters, she still needed to escape from there.


Shen Shi is three to five o’clock in the afternoon

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