I’ll listen to Ah Qin (Playing Go)

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On Another Double Ninth Festival1, Ming Qin eagerly dragged Song Shu Qing along, who felt reluctant to participate.

Despite the festive occasion, Song Shu Qing had no interest in climbing to the top of Hidden Moon Tower, even if all the world’s buildings or mountains were to explode. She valued her life too much for such a perilous climb.

The ordeal began when Ming Qin learned that Song Shu Qing had played Go with the princess, and became curious about who had won. Song Shu Qing couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Ming Qin’s childish curiosity.

Song Shu Qing thought of Princess Chongwen’s imposing demeanor that could repel people from miles away, and doubted that the princess would even want to meet, let alone play Go with her.

To brush off Ming Qin’s inquiry, Song Shu Qing made a perfunctory excuse, “I was in a rush for the mission that day and didn’t have time to play Go.”

However, a few days later, Ming Qin excitedly informed her that the princess was pleased with their meeting and would welcome her again for a game of Go during her next break.

Song Shu Qing couldn’t believe it.

The Princess?



Was Ming Qin mistaken?

Song Shu Qing was skeptical, but Ming Qin’s sharp gaze and the expression that seemed to say “Isn’t my princess great?” left her speechless.

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Despite Ming Qin’s foolishness, as her senior sister, Song Shu Qing could only tolerate her.

She was helpless.

Very helpless.

But when she finally met Princess Chongwen, all of Song Shu Qing’s helplessness turned into speechlessness.

The woman standing in front of her had a smile that felt like a spring breeze, a gentle and watery voice, and a coquettish glint in the corner of her eyes as she looked up. Could this really be the same Princess Chongwen who had made her hair stand on end at Hidden Moon Tower?

It was unbelievable!

Oh my God, this world was truly incredible!

Could this be what they meant by doing the impossible for love?

Song Shu Qing felt like her entire body had turned to stone as she was ushered towards the Go board that had already been set up. The princess had taken her seat on the opposite side, while Ming Qin diligently poured tea and water for both of them.

Murong Yan had a snow-white fox fur draped around her waist, a smile on her face, and her eyes reflecting the bustling crowd in front of her.

As Ming Qin finally calmed down, she naturally held Murong Yan in her arms and let her sit on her lap. “If she sits for too long, her legs will get tired. It’s more comfortable to lean against me,” she explained to Song Shu Qing while stroking the waist of the person in her arms to make her more comfortable.

Looking at the two people in front of her, Song Shu Qing felt like she had made a mistake in not checking the calendar before leaving the house. She felt like a huge light bulb in front of the two of them, with a brightness that could probably solve the energy shortage problem in her previous life.

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Lost in her thoughts, Song Shu Qing was caught off guard when Murong Yan turned to her and spoke in a gentle tone she had never heard before, “Senior, please go ahead.”

“Who is your senior!?” Song Shu Qing thought, but she remained calm and started to guess her opponent’s moves.

Murong Yan took the black pieces and made the first move in the upper right corner of her own side, the side closest to her left and adjacent to the Princess’s side.

As expected. She was just pretending to be happy and welcoming, but deep down, she was really provoking to the extreme.

Song Shu Qing sighed inwardly and prepared herself to deal with it.

After a small flying crosscut in the beginning, Murong Yan began to randomly throw stones, even allowing Song Shu Qing to attack and take control of the board.

At the start, Song Shu Qing easily gained the upper hand, but her triumph was short-lived. The pieces on the board, like a fluid, had no fixed form, and seemingly casual placements unexpectedly transformed into a trap. Murong Yan’s chaotic moves caught Song Shu Qing off guard.

With a small risk, the black pieces gained a big advantage, taking the initiative and rendering Song Shu Qing’s previously stable center powerless.

Quickly refocusing, Song Shu Qing assessed the situation and adapted her strategy. Amidst the traps scattered around the board, she adopted a new approach, waiting patiently for an opportunity to strike at Murong Yan’s main point.

Despite being merely a wooden board and some stones, the intensity of their game could be likened to a battlefield with dense smoke of gunpowder and flashing blades. Each move was a calculated step, carefully considering the possible outcomes.

Despite their slow pace of placing stones, both of them had beads of sweat on their foreheads.

They continued to battle until sunset, and when there were no more moves left to make, before Ming Qin could count the points, Song Shu Qing let out a sigh and said, “I won unfairly, let’s call it a draw.”

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In the latter half of the game, Song Shu Qing had noticed that Murong Yan was physically struggling.

“Half a point lost is still a loss,” Murong Yan said calmly, her head weakly resting on Ming Qin’s chest. She looked exhausted from the long match.

Ming Qin wiped her sweat with one hand and massaged her waist with the other, feeling a little regretful. “Let’s not play again, ever.”

Murong Yan smiled at the compliment, “The same can be said for me, you are also a formidable opponent. I hope we can play again in the future.”

Ming Qin chuckled at the idea, “Only if I don’t have to be the referee again. My neck is sore from watching your game.”

The three of them laughed, and Murong Yan stood up, saying, “Then let’s call it a day. Thank you both for the great time.”

As they parted ways, Song Shu Qing couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for the princess. Not only was she skilled in the game of Go, but she was also a gracious and charming person. It was no wonder that she was so highly regarded and respected by her people.

Murong Yan smiled warmly and asked, “Would Miss Song be willing to play another game in the future when you have the time?”

“I’d be delighted,” Song Shu Qing replied with a playful smile. “But let’s start earlier next time.”

As the sun had not completely set yet, Song Shu Qing noticed the weariness in Murong Yan’s eyes and rose from her seat to take her leave.

After a maidservant served dinner, Ming Qin finally returned to the room from her hiding spot in the treetops. Though exhausted from the intense match, Murong Yan couldn’t shake the game from her mind. She gripped her chopsticks but didn’t move them, ignoring Ming Qin’s attempts to get her attention.

“Ah! Ah Qin…” Murong Yan exclaimed, startled as she felt herself being lifted up. She looked down and realized that Ming Qin had removed her prosthetic limb and was holding her up by one arm, looking somewhat displeased.

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“This won’t do,” Ming Qin grumbled as she weighed the prosthetic in her hand. “It’s so light. Why aren’t you eating properly?”

Looking at the slightly reproachful face in front of her, Murong Yan suddenly spoke with a hint of joy in her voice. “Is Ah Qin trying to discipline Yan Yan?”

Taken aback, Ming Qin quickly explained in a flustered tone, “No, no, no. I just think it’s not good to not eat properly.”

Murong Yan leaned her forehead against Ming Qing’s and their breaths intertwined. “If you want to, Ah Qing can discipline me,” she said. “I’ll listen to you.”

After a while, Murong Yan lowered her head. She hadn’t eaten yet, and the only flavor in her mouth was the overpowering scent of peonies. The fragrance rushed into Ming Qing’s mouth, begging to be swallowed.

Ming Qing accepted everything about Murong Yan and was aware of her shortness of breath. She thoughtfully retreated when Murong Yan’s breathing became erratic.

Ming Qin understood the delicate nature of the woman in her arms, so she continued to press her lips sympathetically against the corner of Murong Yan’s mouth while she struggled to catch her breath, not wanting to let her go.

“Are you feeling up to eating now?” Ming Qin asked in a hoarse voice as she rubbed Murong Yan’s chin, afraid that the woman would slip from her arms. She lowered her body again, seeking reassurance.

A light blush spread across Murong Yan’s cheeks as she gazed down at the person in front of her, her eyes shimmering like waves. Despite her own aroused desires, she sighed softly and compromised.

“I’m okay. Let’s eat together.”


The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is also known as the Senior Citizens’ Festival.

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