Understand My Identity

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Upon conducting an investigation, Murong Yan witnessed a young boy, approximately 7 years of age, arrogantly commanding a group of servants to physically assault a small tiger that cowered on the ground.

The boy bellowed, “Kill it! Kill it! How dare this little beast roar at me! Hurry up and get rid of it!”

The tiger, still in its infancy and not yet weaned, evaded the kicks aimed at it and staggered about.

“Cease this at once, all of you!”

In response to this inhumane display, Murong Yan sternly reprimanded the group of individuals by commanding them to stop their violent actions.

The grubby little tiger cub’s sizable eyes illuminated with recognition at the sight of someone familiar. It made a beeline for Murong Yan, stumbling and tumbling along the way, as if it had finally found its footing.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Murong Yan crouched down and scooped up the bedraggled tiger cub, her eyes brimming with affection.

The forlorn cub whimpered, attempting to climb up to the woman’s neck with its small, chubby paws. This caused Murong Yan to lower her head and tenderly kiss its forehead, providing it with solace.

However, the pampered child, who was the only grandchild, became irate at the sudden appearance of the unfamiliar woman with half-white hair resembling an old lady in the mansion. “Who are you? How dare you tell me to stop! Why should I listen to you just because you said so?” he bellowed.

After waiting for the young cub to calm down, Murong Yan lifted her head slowly to confront the foolish child standing in front of her. She spoke in a cold tone, “Even the prince of this mansion must heed my commands. Do you think that I am incapable of disciplining you?”

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The ill-tempered boy was taken aback by the woman’s response and hollered, “I am the eldest grandson of this mansion! You, old hag with white hair, leave at once!”

A few aged servants gazed at the woman in front of them in shock, seemingly recognizing her, and grew apprehensive as they attempted to halt the boy’s disrespectful conduct. Abruptly, Murong Can, a prince of the mansion, emerged from his quarters.

“Fu’er! Show some respect!” he thundered.

As he scolded his impudent nephew, Murong Can’s neck bulged with veins. “Where have your manners gone? This woman is your own aunt, the Princess Chongwen, who was personally bestowed the title by the previous Emperor. Don’t offend her!”

He stepped forward to shield his sister.


The young Murong Fu had already noticed the subtle status differences between Murong Can and his father. Upon witnessing his typically kind and soft-spoken uncle rebuking him, the boy couldn’t help but pout and dissolve into tears.

The commotion and wailing in the hallway drew the attention of Murong Wen and his birth mother, Lady Liu.

Upon spotting his father and grandmother, Murong Fu hastened towards them as if he had found a source of support. He then began to cry even louder, releasing all his pent-up emotions.

“What’s happening?” Lady Liu observed her precious grandson in such distress and promptly picked him up, wiping away the tears from his delicate cheeks.

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“That woman and Uncle bullied me…” Murong Fu was nestled in Lady Liu’s arms, looking as though he had been gravely wronged.

Observing her dear son’s crying and reddened nose, Murong Wen gazed at the two individuals in front of her with some disapproval and remarked, “Fu’er is still a child. If there is anything that has caused offense to brother and sister, you both should be tolerant instead of getting angry with a child.”

Murong Can was perplexed by the comment and felt further displeased upon hearing Murong Wen blaming his cherished sister. He wanted to voice his opinion, but Murong Yan spoke first.

“Brother Wen always regards himself as a scholar,” Murong Yan sneered coldly, “Yet he fails to discern right from wrong and aims to defame my brother and me. Brother Wen, can you cite any of the sages’ classics that endorse this behavior?”

Upon hearing this, Murong Wen was rendered speechless and his face flushed with embarrassment.

He stiffly crouched down and asked the boy, “What happened that made you feel wronged?”

“I wanted that little beast, but it didn’t want me to hold it and even tried to scratch me,” Murong Fu said. Pretending to cry, he had already stopped shedding tears and instead pointed vigorously at the small tiger in Murong Yan’s hand. “I want to kill it, but Uncle scolded me.”

Without giving Murong Wen a chance to defend his son, Murong Yan spoke directly. “This little tiger is not your pet, it’s playing well in the mansion. Why do you think you can catch it, and why do you think you can punish it?”

The woman looked at the boy with a cold expression.

“Everything in this mansion belongs to this young master, and this young master can do whatever he wants. Why do I need any proof?” Murong Fu broke free from Lady Liu’s embrace and gestured with his fists in the air, unwilling to accept this. “Father, am I right?”

The young boy pulled at his father’s sleeve, hoping to receive the usual support and favoritism he had grown accustomed to.

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However, this time his father remained silent.

He dared not answer.

“Are you suggesting that this mansion, which belongs to Prince Yu, is your personal property, despite being a child with no accomplishments or standing?”

Murong Yan sneered, looking at the pale-faced Murong Wen and Lady Liu with disdain. She spoke mockingly, “Is this the type of thinking Brother Wen has instilled in you?”

The woman’s face remained expressionless as she finished speaking, her eyes fixed on the man in front of her who nervously swallowed his saliva.

Glancing at her half-brother, who lacked both literary and martial talents but held a high opinion of himself, Murong Yan appeared unwilling to waste any more words. She simply lowered her head and addressed the still-crying boy, “Your father cannot control me, and neither can your grandfather Prince Yu. Once you understand my identity, leave.”

Ignoring the others and holding the little tiger, Murong Yan turned and headed back to her room. Murong Can quickly followed his sister after regaining his composure.

“Yue’er, please don’t be angry.” Murong Can appeared apprehensive as he watched Murong Yan sit on the edge of the bed with an impassive expression.

“I just didn’t expect…”

As Murong Yan groomed the little tiger beside her, she remarked without glancing up, “It seems that Prince Yu’s Mansion has not only produced a sour scholar but also an arrogant and domineering boy.”

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Listening to her sister’s taunts, Murong Can scratched his head and responded, “Brother Wen has always disliked killing and can barely wield a sword. He shouldn’t be sent to the battlefield as a scholar. The Mansion can afford to raise him, but as for Fu’er…” He spoke in a dry tone, “Perhaps being the youngest in the family has made him a bit spoiled.”

“Reciting texts without understanding their meaning is a waste of time. He dare to call himself a scholar when he only know how to recite dry and boring texts and lack flexibility. No wonder such a crooked offspring is raised,” sneered Murong Yan, raising her gaze to meet her brother’s.

“They act so brazenly because there’s no legitimate grandson in the family, and Father’s character is easy to manipulate,” she continued, putting down the little tiger. “When are you planning to get married, elder brother?”

Caught off guard by the question, Murong Can scratched his chin and spoke candidly, “The Northern region is not like the capital, and I lead troops to fight against barbarians day and night. It’s dangerous, and I could lose my life at any moment. Why should I bring a woman to suffer with me?”


How can a delicate daughter of a wealthy family, who is accustomed to being nurtured by the warmth of the sun, endure the bitter cold of the northern territory?

Marrying a military commander means living in constant fear. If barbarians invade the border in winter, the husband may be away for three months, causing one to weep day and night.

Even if someone chooses to be with their beloved despite all the difficulties, who can guarantee that they will receive their partner’s deepest affection?

What remains of the position of Princess Consort besides hardship?

The Dragon and Phoenix twins seemed to have simultaneously thought of their own mother and fell silent in tacit understanding.

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