Senior Sister Part 7

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Stop Daydreaming (Checking Into The Tea House)

On the day Zi Yan left Chunfeng Tower, the sky was somewhat gloomy.

But the black-robed figure waiting for her outside in a carriage did not dampen the mood of the former courtesan.

When the other girls at Chunfeng Tower heard that Zi Yan would be leaving, some looked at her with envy, while others made snide remarks, believing that she would return to the world of pleasure-seeking in less than half a year.

Zi Yan did not know whether their words were right or wrong, nor did she know where she would end up in the future. The road ahead, illuminated by the sun, was painfully bright for a woman who had spent years in a brothel.

But as long as she could stay by Song Shu Qing’s side, she was willing to try.

I’ll chase after it.

Even if my bare feet get burned by the sun.

Zi Yan helped to lift her heavy qin onto the carriage and Song Shu Qing took her bag with surprise written all over her face. “You don’t have much stuff with you. We were originally planning to close the shop and help you move. It’s a good thing we didn’t.”

She opened the door and reached out to help Zi Yan into the carriage.

“These are all gifts from customers, not really mine,” Zi Yan replied, her unpainted lips slightly parted as she took her bag. She looked back at the entrance of Chunfeng Tower with no sense of attachment.

“Is that so? It’s okay, you’ll gradually accumulate more later.” Zi Yan smiled and closed the door. Song Shu Qing got on the front seat, lightly flicked the reins, and the wheels slowly turned.

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In less than the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, they arrived at Haoshengtang and parked the carriage at the back door. They bypassed the crowd in front of the shop, and Song Shu Qing led Zi Yan upstairs.

Damn it, why isn’t Qin Qin here? This kind of heavy lifting is not suitable for someone as delicate as me.

Carrying Zi Yan’s qin, which was not heavy at all, Song Shu Qing, who was only lazy and talkative, climbed up to the attic, groaning and complaining as she carefully set down the items in her hands.

“This is your new home from now on.” Song Shu Qing turned to let Zi Yan pass and pointed to the room where Ming Qin used to live. Then, she suddenly remembered something and said, “Your wardrobe needs to be assembled when Ah Yun has some free time tomorrow. The wood hasn’t been cut in the yard yet.”

Moving houses was not too much trouble for Song Shu Qing, but doing woodworking was definitely not her forte.

Upon entering the spotless room, Zi Yan looked around.

The single bed was made with white sheets, neatly spread out. A handcrafted table and chair were placed at the other end of the room, with ink and brush holders on top. In the corner next to the wall, a brand new dressing mirror and a few small drawers were placed with care.

The unsealed window allowed in the gentle breeze, blowing the bamboo curtains lightly.

“…Although it may not be as spacious as your place in Chunfeng Tower, this entire floor is yours, so you can decorate it however you like from a technical standpoint.” Seeing no response from the woman, Song Shu Qing added, “Uh… just be careful not to set anything on fire.”

“This place… is nice.”

Zi Yan’s eyelashes trembled lightly as she answered softly.

There was no annoying scent of fragrant powder, no stench of alcohol from the nobles, and no choking smoke, the only thing present was a faint scent of tea.

Clean and tidy, it was nice.

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“Is that so? As long as you like it.” With her arms crossed, Song Shu Qing leaned against the door frame and glanced down, “I live on the second floor, next to the warehouse. Ah Yun’s room is on the first floor, but he never comes up.”

“Every night when we cook, we’ll heat up some water on the side, and you can use the bathtub behind the kitchen to take a bath.”

“Both Ah Yun and I agreed that you can use the water first after dinner, especially since the weather is getting colder lately. With your fragile body, catching a cold would be troublesome.”

Suddenly remembering something, Song Shu Qing shrugged helplessly and smiled bitterly, “Oh, by the way, I told you earlier that we provide meals here, right? I wasn’t lying to you. Ah Yun and I take turns cooking every night.”

“Just that… Ah Yun’s cooking skills are passable, but mine, well, if you can stomach it, go ahead and eat. I won’t blame you if you don’t want to eat it.”

No matter how long it had been, she still couldn’t get used to cooking with firewood, having been accustomed to using gas stoves in the 21st century. Every time she cooked, the food was either undercooked or burnt to a crisp. She could only be grateful that Qin Qin and Ah Yun weren’t picky eaters and would eat anything.

However, for someone like Zi Yan, an ordinary woman who has never been trained in the Shadow Guard Camp, it may be a completely different kind of torture for her stomach.

“Anyway, rest well today.” Waving her hand, Song Shu Qing closed the door. “You have to work hard tomorrow, Miss new employee.”

Within less than half a month, Zi Yan had already picked up her job at the tea house.

Not only did she know all the types of tea like the back of her hand, but her tea brewing and water boiling skills were also twice as good as Song Shu Qing, who had been working in the tea house for a year and a half.

However, her only weakness was her stiff and cold demeanor. No matter how much people tried to make her laugh, she still maintained a serious and earnest expression, leaving many customers who had hoped to win her smile feeling disappointed.

After eating the plain vegetable soup that Cao Yun had made with barely any salt, and the tough and chewy pot rice that Song Shu Qing had struggled to eat, the slightly skilled Zi Yan silently took on the responsibility of cooking for the tea house.

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With just a few home-style dishes she had learned from her mother, the former courtesan suddenly became a goddess in the eyes of the two shadow guards, who worshiped her religiously.

Currently, in the tea house, the status of Zi Yan has risen like a rocket and is second only to Murong Yan, who is the major shareholder and currently traveling, holding absolute power.

(Note that this is not an objective tea house pyramid, and the ranking is Murong Yan > Zi Yan > Cao Yun > Ming Qin > Tiger > Song Shu Qing. Although Murong Yan’s position is absolute, Ming Qin can play a restraining role on her, and Song Shu Qing can subtly restrain both Ming Qin and Zi Yan. Therefore, the situation can be said to be very complex.)

After closing the shop today, Cao Yun was in the shop using an abacus to do the accounting, while Song Shu Qing was following Zi Yan like a little tail, with a face full of flattery.

“Zi Yan, look, this is the radish I bought at the market early this morning, isn’t it fresh?” With a pleasing smile, Song Shu Qing held vegetables and meat in her hand and presented them to Zi Yan, saying, “And this pork belly, I told the lady that it was for my dearest Zi Yan’s braised pork, so it must be the best part. Am I super great?”

“…You’re so noisy,”

Zi Yan turned her head away from the woman who kept getting closer to her. “You’re really getting in my way.”

“Hey, how can you dislike me like that, Zi Yan?” protested Song Shu Qing.

As she adjusted the seasoning for the braised pork with rolled-up sleeves, Zi Yan found Song Shu Qing quite annoying. “You’re obstructing me.”

“Don’t chase me away. Let me help you,” said Song Shu Qing, hoping to contribute a little to alleviate her guilty conscience since she was the one who suggested making braised pork in the first place.

She stood behind Zi Yan and acted like a spoiled child, with her chin on Zi Yan’s shoulder and a pout on her face. “You can’t dislike me, kiss-kiss Zi Yan, at least let me cheer you on here.”

“…I don’t dislike you.” Feeling the warm breath on her neck, Zi Yan’s ears hidden in her black hair turned red. Her body stiffened, but her tone was surprisingly calm. “If you have nothing to do, go wash and cut the vegetables for me. Don’t occupy the kitchen doing nothing.”

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“Understood.” After receiving the order, Song Shu Qing stood up straight, obediently saluted with a standard 21st-century gesture, and took the vegetables to the well.

Seeing Song Shu Qing waving her dagger and cutting meat with joy in the distance, Zi Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, trying hard to calm her breathing. However, her heart still couldn’t control its strong beating.

She unconsciously looked at Song Shu Qing outside, then lightly touched her chest, hoping to quickly calm down the love and longing that filled her heart.

If she didn’t stop herself soon, the next moment might bring the overflowing of the blocked spring water, until it bursts its banks.

Forcing herself to focus on what was in her hand, she dipped her finger in the seasoning of the braised dish and tasted it, hoping to divert her attention from the unattainable figure outside and to neutralize the bitterness in her heart with the savory flavor in her mouth.

Her mind was in turmoil, and the woman kept reminding herself in her heart.

Zi Yan, what are you doing?

Stop deluding yourself.

You are already fortunate enough to be able to stay by her side.

What else do you want to ask for?

This is already enough.

Be clear-minded…

Be clear-minded.

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