How can you bear to waste every minute and second?

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As spring approached, Cao Yun once again packed his bags and prepared to set out on a journey.

“Ah Yun, how come you can take a break again? That’s not fair,” complained Song Shu Qing, leaning on the counter with a sullen expression.

“Even though the Princess favors Qin Qin, why does she also favor you? I don’t even have any vacation time…”

“Maybe it’s because Junior Sister Song owes the Princess an astronomical amount of money, and even if she works non-stop at the teahouse for two years, she still won’t be able to pay it off?” Cao Yun responded earnestly, donning his cloak. “The Princess and Qin Qin wrote to say they are on their way back and will arrive in about seven days. During this time, Junior Sister Song can just run the shop with Miss Zi Yan.”

“Not fair, not fair…” Without responding to her senior brother’s words, Song Shu Qing slumped over the counter like a pickled vegetable, looking listless and counting on her fingers when she could finally shake off her terrifying creditor and regain her freedom.

Until she heard Zi Yan’s footsteps coming down the stairs, Song Shu Qing quickly withdrew her hand and exaggeratedly sighed to the sky, “Ah Yun is so bad, so evil.”

As she sat there, she grabbed the person who had just come downstairs and complained, “Dear Zi Yan, look, Ah Yun wants to leave us alone and go play…”

Indulging the capricious Song Shu Qing’s pretense of grievance, Zi Yan nodded at Cao Yun, who was about to leave, “Master Cao, take care on your journey.”

As she reached out and helplessly patted the hidden face buried in her waist, the shadow guard whimpered like a child.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.” Watching the man leave, Zi Yan sighed and gently comforted, “We’re out of rice at home. Can we buy some rice and have dinner at the Bull Horn Street later? My treat.”

As soon as she heard that someone was treating, Song Shu Qing immediately lifted her head, her face full of joy and excitement, and asked, “Is Zi Yan treating me to a meal?” She tightened her grip on the woman’s arm, “What should I do? I’ll be too happy today.”

“What if I don’t treat you?” Zi Yan tilted her head, her tone gentle.

“That won’t do.” Song Shu Qing suddenly stood up and casually tidied up the table. She took Zi Yan’s hand and looked eager, “Let’s go while the sun hasn’t set yet.”

Hidden beneath her oversized sleeves were tightly clasped hands. The two walked to Bull Horn Street and had dinner, then went to the rice shop to buy a bag of fifteen kilograms of white rice.

“Darling Zi Yan, this rice is so heavy, I can’t carry it.” Carrying the sack with one hand, Song Shu Qing complained pitifully, not even out of breath.

Zi Yan glanced at the person beside her without saying much. She simply loosened her grip and extended her hands towards Song Shu Qing, saying, “Since that’s the case, let me help you carry it.”

“Eh, no need.”

Song Shu Qing shook the rice bag and retrieved her soft hand from the woman’s grip. She sternly refused, “Although it’s extremely heavy, I can still bear it for the sake of carrying it for my dear Zi Yan. As long as you remember my kindness and show me a little compassion.”

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Listening to this nonsensical talk, Zi Yan couldn’t help but laugh. Looking at the elongated shadows of the two figures in the slanting sun, she felt that this peaceful time was so perfect that it was unbelievable.

『Ah! Robbery! Help!』

『Someone, quickly stop them!』

As the two walked along the streets at dusk, cries of alarm suddenly came from behind.

Before Zi Yan could react, she was quickly shielded by the person beside her.

The vigilant shadow guard pulled the woman towards the corner of the wall, evading the chaotic crowd.

In Song Shu Qing’s arms, Zi Yan saw two men with curved knives in one hand and several money bags in the other, rampaging through the street and knocking over several vendors pushing their carts.

The frightened horses didn’t even dare to stay and ran from one end of the street to the other as if escaping.

“Ah, I thought the security around here was pretty good lately, but it seems like there’s still room for improvement. Could it be that those government officials’ children are slacking off because the Princess is away?”

Careful not to let the woman in her arms collide with the crowd, Song Shu Qing turned her head to look at the thief’s back, revealing a clear curve connecting her neck and collarbone. Then she returned to reality and smiled at Zi Yan, “Good girl, wait for me here.”

With that, the vigilant shadow guard swiftly jumped onto the roof, avoiding the chaos on the street.

With one hand carrying the rice and the other empty hand pulling out two black iron needles from her hair bun, she held them between her fingers. She narrowed one eye as if measuring the distance, then casually threw them towards the two men who had already run several feet away.

The thieves, who thought they had successfully escaped, suddenly felt a sharp pain in their knees and fell down on the ground.

Without looking back at them, Song Shu Qing took three or four steps on the tiles and jumped onto the back of a horse in the bustling market.

“Hey, good horse, it’s all right now.”

She held the reins tightly with one hand and coaxed the horse gently with a soft voice.

Within a few moments, the once restless horse gradually calmed down.

“Thank you, ma’am, thank you for your help!”

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As soon as Song Shu Qing got off the horse, several men and women, still gasping for breath, gathered around her. In their hands were the money bags that had just been stolen, their faces filled with gratitude and admiration. Some even reached out to stop the sleeve of the shadow guard and kept bowing to express their thanks.

From a distance, Zi Yan, who stood against the wall, watched as Song Shu Qing was surrounded by the crowd. She couldn’t help but blink her eyes, feeling a bit sour in her heart.

The next moment, she shook her head, trying to shake off this uncontrollable jealousy.

What am I doing?

She has always known that Song Shu Qing is a good person. If not, how could she have helped her when she was bullied?


How can she expect Song Shu Qing to look only at her?

Zi Yan, don’t be too greedy.

It’s already enough.

“What’s wrong with you, Zi Yan?” Song Shu Qing asked with concern as she walked towards the swaying woman. “Are you feeling unwell?”

“No, I’m fine,” Zi Yan lowered her head, unwilling to let the person in front of her notice her strange behavior. “Aren’t you going to talk to those people?”

“I’ve done all I can do. Besides, they have already reported the matter to the officials,” Song Shu Qing replied, sensing the woman’s downcast mood.

The shadow guard bent down slightly, turned her head to look at Zi Yan’s pale face, and tried to understand her sudden change of mood. “My dear wife is waiting for me, there’s no need to delay any longer.”

Song Shu Qing frowned and touched the woman’s cheek with concern. “Did the scene just now scare you? Don’t be afraid, they were just some small thieves.” She took Zi Yan’s hand and held it tightly, comforting her. “Let’s go home. I will personally handle this matter at the official’s tomorrow.”

Feeling the warmth in her palm, Zi Yan looked at the serious profile of Song Shu Qing. Due to her worries, the usually lazy and smiling shadow guard had tightened her lips into a straight line.

How strange.

This person is really strange.

She said she doesn’t like to meddle in other people’s business, but she can’t help but intervene in those evil deeds that she can’t stand.

She is usually lazy and boneless, and suddenly becomes a different person at critical moments, showing a handsome side.

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When they were in a crowded teahouse, she would shamelessly act like a spoiled child towards her, but when they were alone in a room, she would speak softly and tenderly, which made her heart flutter.

She was truly strange.

But this strange person was the only one she had ever loved in her life.

She was the first, and She would be the last.

She was the embodiment of all the goodness in her small and insignificant life.

There was no doubt about it.

As they returned to the teahouse, it wasn’t until they reached the third floor that Song Shu Qing let go of Zi Yan’s hand, allowing her to break free from her thoughts.

“You rest first. When the water is hot, I’ll call you down for a bath.” She gently pushed her back and turned to leave the room, but her clothes were tugged on before she could go.


“What’s wrong?” Song Shu Qing turned around, bent down and looked at the person with concern, who was hanging her head and saying nothing. “Zi Yan, what’s wrong?”

“…no… together…” The woman whispered something, her eyelashes trembling lightly.

“Hmm? Zi Yan, I didn’t hear you clearly, say it again.” Still puzzled, Song Shu Qing leaned closer to hear more clearly.

After swallowing her saliva, Zi Yan wrapped her hand around the neck of the shadow guard and whispered in her ear on tiptoe, “Wait a bit first.”

“Later, after dark, let’s bathe together, okay?”

Even after speaking, the woman still didn’t move, letting their bodies press tightly against each other, feeling each other’s warmth through the clothes.

“Zi Yan…” Although vague, Song Shu Qing understood, but still uncertainly asked, “Do you know what you’re saying?”

Instead of answering, Zi Yan reached out to undo her hairpin, and her black hair fell down with the silver hairpin, and then she lifted her head with a stubborn tone, “It’s your turn now.”

Sighing and rubbing her cheeks, Song Shu Qing smiled indulgently, “As expected, I’m really happy today.”

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As she walked to the bed with the person in her arms, she took off the hidden weapons on her head one by one and threw them on the ground.

As she looked at the woman lying beneath her, the shadow guard couldn’t help but lean down and kiss her soft lips, then hoarsely spoke, “Zi Yan, I need you to remember one thing.”

Looking at the woman’s puzzled eyes, Song Shu Qing lovingly touched her earlobe and emphasized, “At any time, as long as you don’t want to, as long as you say ‘no,’ I will definitely stop.”

Holding her hand tightly, she spoke solemnly, “No one can force you if you don’t want to.”

“I will cherish your feelings, I promise.”

The kiss on her forehead was like a solemn declaration of a knight.

But that night, Zi Yan didn’t say any words that represented resistance.

Perhaps it was because Song Shu Qing was too gentle, or perhaps it was because she was unintentionally trapped in the eyes of her beloved, who cherished her deeply. From beginning to end, Zi Yan never pushed away the person who was holding her.

It was the light she had been longing for.

It was her everything that was beautiful.

Even though it was a chilly night outside illuminated by the moon, inside the room, she felt as if her heart was bathed in sunlight.

Hot and warm.

Occasionally, mischievous glints of light would suddenly flash, making her scream, making her teary-eyed.

But so what, afterwards it was still a refreshing and regular breeze,

Everything made her joyous.

As long as it was Song Shu Qing.

As long as it was that person.

How could she bear to waste every minute and second?

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