Who says the Emperor has a bigger role than the wife?

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Murong Yan and Zi Yan unexpectedly had a very close relationship.

This made Song Shu Qing feel completely bewildered.

Every time she saw the two whispering to each other in private, she felt like she was facing a formidable enemy, wishing she could hold onto her wife tightly and retreat ten steps on the spot.

After all, those who associate with the influential are influenced by them, and Song Shu Qing truly didn’t want Zi Yan to become the kind of sinister figure who could give her goosebumps with a single glance, forcing her to speak with utmost caution.


In the late afternoon today, Song Shu Qing went to help the neighbor, Wang Wei, as a laborer, while Ming Qin seemed to have been called along for some new experiment that required extra hands.

As a result, the Houshengtang teahouse was closed, with only Murong Yan and Zi Yan sitting together, sipping tea and chatting.

“So,” Murong Yan put down her cup, her expression flickering, devoid of her usual calmness, but rather displaying a rare thirst for knowledge, “Less than half an incense stick’s time… Is it because I am too weak?”

“Perhaps it’s because of the Princess, she has a more sensitive constitution,” Zi Yan pondered her words with a lowered head, “You can take a slight break for a few moments, and then gradually build up again.”

“Ah Qin is just too worried, always so cautious.” Despite complaining with her words, her reminiscing gaze was filled with tenderness, “She insists on me telling her what I want before she continues.” Murong Yan, propping her head up, suddenly chuckled softly.

“Such a well-behaved Ah Qin might just be the most cunning of all,” Murong Yan chuckled, pouring tea for the woman in front of her, unable to contain her amusement. “She treasures this Princess deeply.”

Taking a sip of tea, Zi Yan reminisced, “Before leaving Shu to return to the capital, Qin Qin came to find me and asked me some questions…”

At that time, Ming Qin had secretly gone to Chunfeng Tower alone, concealing her actions from her senior sister, asking straightforward questions with an innocent and sincere expression. It truly unsettled the courtesan, who had always been composed and knowledgeable.

“So, that’s how it was,” Murong Yan poured tea for the woman before her and couldn’t help but smile. “The first time in Hidden Moon Tower, Ah Qin did surprise me indeed.”

Although she still clumsily stumbled around, seemingly unable to grasp the essentials like Emperor Yu attempting to pass through the family door three times without success, and needing guidance from her subordinates to move forward, Murong Yan couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of fondness when he saw Ming Qin, who was always pure and innocent, biting her lip and struggling with the practical application of the theoretical knowledge she had studied, diligently trying to figure things out.

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This feeling is probably more exhilarating than any physical pleasure she has ever experienced.

“What about your Song Daren?” Murong Han raised an eyebrow playfully, setting down the teapot. “Don’t tell me that when Song Shu Qing faces her beloved alone, she doesn’t have that mischievous look on her face?”

Recalling the nights when they snuggled up to each other, despite being an experienced former courtesan, Zi Yan felt her ears slightly heat up. After a moment of contemplation, she lowered her gaze and whispered, “Song Daren is wonderful…”

“Song Daren, she…”


Zi Yan’s words were interrupted by the sound of the door being pulled open.

“Yan Yan!”

Ming Qin, who had returned from outside, had an excited expression on her face as she quickly approached and embraced the smiling Murong Yan. After a few spins, she tilted her head back and said, “I’m back, and I missed you so much.”

“Oh my goodness… We’ve only been apart for less than an hour, how can you be so lovey-dovey already?”

Following behind them into the building was Song Shu Qing, her shoulders slumped. She looked at the couple in front of her, who seemed to be under a spotlight, muttering something under her breath, with an expression as if her eyes were about to go blind.

But as she saw another woman waving at her, Song Shu Qing immediately lit up with joy. She swiftly moved towards Zi Yan, leaning down and raising the corners of her mouth. “Kiss, kiss, Zi Yan! I’m back! Did you miss me?”

“You’ve worked hard.” Zi Yan reached out and smoothed the wrinkled collar of her shadow guard’s uniform. She attempted to stand up and offer her seat, but Song Shu Qing pressed her down.

“No need, no need. You sit.” Song Shu Qing grabbed a chair from another vacant table and sat next to the woman, pouring tea for herself using her own cup.

“Senior Sister, Zi Yan, we need to head home now!” Ming Qin, who had already set Murong Yan down, draped a cloak over the woman beside her and spoke to the others.

“Hmm? Qin Qin and the Princess aren’t staying to have dinner together?” Song Shu Qing asked, finishing the tea in her cup.

Shaking her head, Ming Qin said, “Not today.” She held Murong Yan’s hand and guided her towards the door. “Tiger is still at home, and Yan Yan suddenly wants to go back home immediately, right away.”

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Murong Yan remained silent on the side, merely lowering her gaze and revealing a meaningful smile.

Zi Yan blinked, understanding the situation, and then pulled Song Shu Qing to bid farewell to the two.

“How strange?”

“Why are they leaving in such a hurry today?” Song Shu Qing questioned, puzzled. “We made a lot of dumplings yesterday that we could have stayed to eat together.”

“Perhaps the Princess has some important matters to attend to…” Leaning on the shoulder of the person beside her and holding onto her fingertips, Zi Yan gently caressed them.

“Feeling tired?” Holding her palm tightly with interlocked fingers, Song Shu Qing’s voice was slightly lower than usual in the secluded space with just the two of them. She turned her head towards the woman and said, “How about resting upstairs for a while? Shall I take you up?”

“It’s not necessary, I’m not tired… Ah.” Zi Yan was about to refuse when she was suddenly lifted up by the pretended helplessness of the shadow guard.

Watching the surprised expression of the person in her arms, Song Shu Qing couldn’t help but tease, “What? Do you think I don’t have the strength that Ming Qin has?” With a mockingly wounded expression on her face but a playful glint in her eyes, she continued, “Although I can’t match Qin Qin in carrying the Princess swiftly, I can still run a couple of laps around the playground while holding you.”

“Tsk tsk, don’t underestimate the skills of a shadow guard.”

The formerly most lazy and lax 『former』 shadow guard exaggeratedly licked her lips and proceeded towards the stairs.

With her arms around her lover’s neck, Zi Yan slowly spoke, “I never underestimated…”

Her voice was gentle, yet incredibly earnest, and her warm breath tickled the shadow guard’s ear. “I have never underestimated you…”

“I know, I know.” Song Shu Qing, with steady footsteps, chuckled and openly acknowledged it.

“It was simply my own pure desire to hold you, that’s all. It’s my fault, I can be so unreasonable, so naughty.”

She tilted her head and kissed the woman’s cold cheek, Song Shu Qing’s eyes filled with tenderness.


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…Not at all.

You’re not naughty.

You’re wonderful.

Bending down, Zi Yan buried her head deep in the shadow guard’s neck, her nostrils filled with the familiar scent of tea leaves and herbs, which brought her a sense of peace.

Thinking about the question that Murong Yan had asked earlier, Zi Yan held the person in her arms even tighter, contemplating the answer she hadn’t had a chance to voice yet.

Song Daren is wonderful.

Song Shu Qing is wonderful.

During the day, amidst the crowd, although she may not act seriously, and her mouth is incessant, lazy and nonchalant as if she doesn’t care about anything.

But in reality, when they were alone together, in the pitch-black night illuminated only by flickering candlelight, they were the most tender and considerate of each other.

She would lean down and whisper comforting words in her ear when she was anxious and uneasy. She would pay attention to every subtle change in her expression and respond accordingly. She would offer her shoulder when she wanted to bite her lip and endure silently, and she would carefully kiss away her tears when she couldn’t control the surge of emotions.

She gave her the first taste of autonomy, allowed her to get used to sleeping in the warmth of her beloved’s embrace, and helped her understand the beauty of fleeting encounters.

She no longer feared the arrival of each night, and she no longer despised herself for being vulnerable and easily broken.

Because I am cherished.

With determination, with solemnity.

If it’s with her, I have no fear.

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As long as it’s with her, I am unrestrained.

Pushing open the door and bending down to set her gently down, “Rest for a while, I’ll call you down when dinner is ready,” whispered Song Shu Qing, but she realized that her neck was still held tightly.

“Hmm?” Unable to see the woman’s face, Song Shu Qing leaned against the bed, gently stroking her hair, her voice soft. “Zi Yan, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t leave.”

Reaching out, Zi Yan took out the hairpin that ordinary people weren’t allowed to touch. She parted her lips slightly, trying to suppress the shyness in her eyes and surrender to her desires. She propped herself up on her neck, looking at the person before her. “…I’m not hungry, and I’m not tired… so please don’t go.”

“Oh my.”

With a tone that was both teasing and encouraging, Song Shu Qing responded with understanding. “I’m so lucky to have a perfect wife like you.”

Unable to hide it, she revealed a indulgent smile. “Kiss kiss, Zi Yan always knows what I long for.”

Relaxing her body, Song Shu Qing rested her forehead against the woman beneath her, her tone sincere yet cautious. “Thank you for allowing me not to hold back.”

Standing up straight, her gaze fixed on the blushing ears of the woman, Song Shu Qing reached out to the belt around her waist.

As the night approached, a faint silver light spilled through the window, allowing the shadow guard to vaguely see the silhouette of her beloved.

“The Princess and Qin Qin have important things to attend to, and so do we.”

Before leaning in once again, Song Shu Qing lightly kissed the back of the woman’s hand and chuckled.

“Even if the Emperor is downstairs right now, no one is more important than the person in front of me.” Tilting her head, the 『former』 shadow guard spoke in a nonchalant manner, making a rebellious statement.

After all, in the 21st century…

Who says the Emperor has a bigger role than the wife?

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