A Decade Apart (Returning to Hometown)

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Ten years had passed since Zi Yan bid farewell to her family at the age of 17 and left Jiangnan, claiming to be a maid in a wealthy household.

Amidst the bustling streets, holding hands with Song Shu Qing, the woman felt everything was both unfamiliar and familiar.

“It wasn’t like this here before…” Stepping out of the inn and gazing at the lively scene before her, Zi Yan felt a bit lost. “It’s completely different from what I remember.”

“That’s perfect.” Song Shu Qing tightened her grip on the woman’s delicate hand, tilting her head with a relieved expression before smiling. “I was worried that if you went back to your hometown, you wouldn’t find anything exciting and wouldn’t want to be a tourist like me.”

“Now, this way, you can accompany me. We’ll explore together and see everything.”

Zi Yan listened to her words and gently rested her head on the shoulder of the shadow guard. After a moment, she spoke, “My hometown is still quite far from here, about half an hour’s walk.”

“Ah, half an hour is a long time. My feet will get sore.” Song Shu Qing pressed her empty hand against her forehead, pretending to be fragile, and raised the corner of her mouth as she asked, “Have you ever ridden a horse, my dear Zi Yan?”

Blinking her eyes, the woman shook her head. “Never.”

Zi Yan had never even thought about such a thing. Her tone grew somewhat nervous as she said, “Riding a horse… I… I don’t know how.”

Coming from a poor family, she had never learned how to handle a horse. And after becoming a courtesan, she had never engaged in such audacious activities.

“Is that so? Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

Taking Zi Yan to the inn’s stable, Song Shu Qing handed a few copper coins to a young boy doing odd jobs, gesturing for him to bring out the horse she had brought. She said, “Riding a horse isn’t difficult. I’ll do it with you.”

With slightly sweaty palms, Zi Yan looked at the horse that had pulled the carriage earlier. It was a beautiful black steed, standing at about one foot and shining all over. Only the hair near its four hooves, about the width of five fingers, was snow-white.

“Taxue is well-behaved, and the officials in Shu take good care of him.” As Song Shu Qing approached to saddle the horse, she spoke, “Although he’s good at pulling carriages, his true joy lies in running freely with his hooves unleashed.”

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“He’s so tall.” Rubbing her hands together, Zi Yan’s throat felt dry, and she involuntarily swallowed her saliva.

“After all, before retiring, he was a horse exclusively trained for a shadow guard. He runs fast, has good endurance, and is capable of combat. Those are his characteristics.” Song Shu Qing patted the companion who had followed her all the way from the capital and turned to the woman, extending her hand. “Come.”

Though still feeling anxious inside, Zi Yan extended her hand nonetheless.

After all, the person before her was the one she trusted most in the whole world.

If needed, she would even entrust her life to her.

Sensing the woman’s soft yet slightly damp hand, the shadow guard spoke soothingly, “Don’t be afraid.”

She held onto the woman and rose up on her tiptoes, effortlessly flipping onto the horse’s back.

Zi Yan, who had never ridden a horse before, stiffened her body. Behind her, Song Shu Qing wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close to her chest.

“Stay close, relax,” Song Shu Qing advised.

“As long as I’m by your side.” With one hand gripping the reins and the other embracing Zi Yan, Song Shu Qing gently patted her. “I have excellent riding skills. You’ve seen it before, haven’t you? I won’t let anything happen to you, absolutely.”

“Mmm.” Zi Yan took a deep breath, making an effort to sit back, feeling the soft warmth against her back. She responded softly, “I know you won’t.”

“Good girl,” Song Shu Qing tilted her head and brushed her lips against the person’s temple. “Let’s go.” Only then did the shadow guard gently urge the horse forward.

People came and went on the main street, and even the fastest horse could only move at a slow pace.

Although the local customs were relatively open, the sight of the two women riding together still attracted attention. Especially rare was the sight of a skilled female rider, astride the tall and majestic Taxue.

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Feeling somewhat shy under the gazes of others, Zi Yan instinctively leaned further into the embrace of the person behind her. She closed her eyes, tilted her head, and rested against Song Shu Qing’s neck, the two of them pressed closely together.

Sensing the slightly quickened breath of the person before her, the shadow guard merely chuckled softly, a hint of mischievousness appearing in her eyes.

Shaking her wrist, Song Shu Qing gently urged Taxue, and as they left the crowded main street, she gradually increased the horse’s speed.

“Ah…” Zi Yan, who had never ridden a horse before, felt the steed beneath her picking up pace. Though she bit her lip to suppress any exclamations of surprise, she instinctively tightened her grip on the guard’s arm around her waist.

Lowering her gaze to the person who endured it all, Song Shu Qing smiled inwardly.

How could she be so endearing?

Dispelling the mischievous thought of suddenly speeding up to startle her, Song Shu Qing maintained a steady pace with Taxue. She lightly kissed the white jade ornament hanging from Zi Yan’s earlobe, gently and affectionately.

“You’re really timid.”

Although the words seemed mocking, the shadow guard’s tone was gentle.

“It’s not… it’s all because of you…” Feeling the warm breath near her ear, Zi Yan softly retorted, her voice filled with a hint of playfulness.

“I know, I know. Only in front of me does Zi Yan behave like this.” Song Shu Qing wore an expression of “I completely understand,” then pretended to be distressed. “Just now, although I looked at the map, I’ve completely forgotten how to navigate.”

“Zi Yan, open your eyes and help me find the way, okay?”

“Mmm…” Zi Yan, with her remarkable memory, pitifully spoke and secretly pulled on the reins to slow down the horse’s speed.

“Hmm…” Listening to the words of the person behind her, although Zi Yan felt something was off deep down, she didn’t want to disappoint her beloved. After taking a deep breath, she slowly opened her eyes.

A gentle breeze brushed against her cheeks as Taxue galloped through the fields. The surroundings were painted in vibrant shades of green, with a clear blue sky and fluffy white clouds. In the distance, hills rose and fell, showcasing different layers of greenery.

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“The weather is really nice today.” The scent of earth and vegetation filled her nostrils as Song Shu Qing pointed to a cloud in the slanted front, pretending to be serious. “Look, Zi Yan, that cloud resembles a Qin Qin dumpling, the kind that can make people laugh themselves to death.”

Looking up at the sky, Zi Yan saw a cloud that was shapeless and whimsically white. She half-opened her mouth, momentarily speechless. “…Don’t let the county princess hear you say that.”

“Just kidding, and besides, I only tell you these things.” With a smile, as if not wanting the woman in front of her to dwell on it too much, Song Shu Qing continued, “Look at the shadow in the distance between the fields. Do you think it’s a real person or a scarecrow?”

Engaged in conversation, the tense body of Zi Yan on the horse gradually relaxed, feeling the evident absence of stiffness in the arms that held her. Unseen by the woman ahead, Song Shu Qing’s lips curled into an exceptionally gentle smile.

With the steady pace of Taxue’s hooves, it took about the time it would take to drink a cup of tea for the two to reach their destination.

They arrived at a wooden cabin, where Song Shu Qing dismounted while holding Zi Yan. The woman, who hadn’t been home for a long time, clenched her fists slightly, straightened her posture, and hesitated whether to knock on the door.

Standing behind Zi Yan with hands behind her back, Song Shu Qing surveyed the dilapidated walls, silently waiting.

After what felt like an eternity, trembling slightly, Zi Yan finally gathered the courage to knock on the door of her long-unseen home.

『Knock, knock, knock』

From behind the door, the sound of shuffling footsteps could be heard. After a while, a boy of about 13 poked his head out.

Looking at the two unfamiliar women outside, he tilted his head and asked, “Who are you?”

Zi Yan was at a loss, unsure how to respond. It wasn’t until she felt a cold hand grasping hers that she turned her head and saw her beloved looking at her with encouraging eyes. Gathering her thoughts, she finally spoke, “You are Xun’er? Right?”

“How do you know my name?” The boy tilted his head, looking surprised. He turned and shouted loudly into the house, “Sister, sister Zhao, there are two strange guests outside! Come quickly!”

“Stop yelling, stop yelling.” An older girl appeared and looked at her brother, who had turned to her. “What’s all this commotion about, sister?”

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“Could it be… sister Yao?”

“Younger sister Zhao.” The familiar yet unfamiliar girl inside the house waved her hand, and Zi Yan felt her throat go dry. “Long time no see. You’ve grown so big.”

“You’re sister Yao?!” Xun’er stared at the beautiful and incredible woman at the door, his eyes wide with astonishment. “The one who worked in Shu and always sent money back? sister Yao?”

Nodding slightly, Zi Yan hesitantly asked, “…And what about Mother and Hong’er?”

Chaochao, who was already 9 years old when her older sister left, remembered the times when her sister took care of her in place of their frail mother. Seeing her long-lost sister before her, Chaochao felt a lump forming in her throat. She replied, “…Mother comes back home after dark, and as for Hong gege, he sent a letter half a year ago saying he found a job in Youzhou and hasn’t returned home since.”

“I see…” Swallowing hard, Zi Yan felt at a loss, unsure of what else to say. She could only awkwardly inquire, “…Is everything okay at home? Is there enough money?”

“Everything is fine at home.” Chaochao clenched her sleeve and smiled at her elder sister. “A year and a half ago, Mother became a cook in a wealthy household, and the pay is quite good. During the day, I and Xun’er go to school, and they also provide us with lunch. After getting our fill, we come back and work in the fields…”

“Hong gege isn’t here… so no one uses the money for drinking. And with the money you’ve sent back, things are really good.”

“Is that so… Well, then I can rest assured.” Zi Yan breathed a sigh of relief and gently caressed her chest, but she remained silent.

Just as an awkward silence was about to descend, Song Shu Qing suddenly spoke up, “Um, hey, I was thinking… It’s tiring standing outside. Could we go inside first, at least to have a glass of water or something?”

“Oh, right, right, right.” Prompted by the reminder, Chaochao snapped out of her emotions and gestured for Xun’er to step aside. She warmly welcomed the two, saying, “Sister Yao and this… friend of Sister, please come in.”

Gently pushing Zi Yan’s back as if to encourage her, Song Shu Qing took out a bag of malt candies and a bundle of cured meat from the bag on her back, handing them to Xun’er, whose eyes widened in astonishment.

“What’s this?” Seeing Zi Yan’s surprised expression and the silent question in her eyes, Song Shu Qing shrugged and whispered softly in her ear, “When visiting your wife’s relatives for the first time, of course, you bring some gifts. Don’t judge me by appearances alone, I do know a bit about manners.”

With her head held high and a confident stride, she walked through the door as if she owned the place.

Zi Yan’s ears turned red, but she couldn’t help but chuckle at Song Shu Qing’s appearance. The nervousness in her heart was swept away, and she blinked her eyes, once again stepping into this place she had been away from for 10 years.

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