Teahouse Chronicles (1)

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Winter Without Tea: A Deceptive Myth?

In the Houshengtang Teahouse, during a winter.

After today’s teahouse closed for business, three 『former』 shadow guards found themselves with some free time and gathered together to play cards.

“Ah, how did I lose again and again and again!”

As Ming Qin racked her brain, carefully considering every move and confidently playing what she believed to be a flawless hand, she still ended up losing to her senior sister. Her face wrinkled up like a bitter melon.

“Oh, Qin Qin, you’re too modest.” With a cheerful smile on her face, Song Shu Qing reached out her hand to the visibly distressed person in front of her, taking a string of copper coins. “Indeed, it’s easier to win against you, Qin Qin. Unlike Ah Yun, who plays so conservatively.”

“Since money is involved, it’s natural to be cautious,” Cao Yun said calmly as he stacked the cards on the table and began dealing again.

“Ugh… why can’t I win even once?” Ming Qin rubbed her temples in pain, then took the cards in her hands again, her brows furrowed with determination.

“Don’t worry, Qin Qin. Winning or losing is a common occurrence in the world of strategy. Consider it a subsidy for your senior sister… Oh no.” Song Shu Qing’s triumphant smile froze as her gaze shifted towards the entrance.

“Princess, Miss Zi Yan,” Cao Yun turned slightly, bowing to the two individuals before calmly resuming his card play.

Upon hearing the man’s words, Ming Qin, who had been facing away from the door, turned her head and beamed at the newcomer. “Yan Yan, you’re back! Sooner than I expected. Couldn’t find the rouge you liked?”

As Ming Qin thought to stand up and offer her seat, the white-haired woman waved her hand.

“I sensed the rain coming, so I came back early,” Murong Yan approached behind Ming Qin and gently placed her hand on the shadow guard’s shoulder, leaning in to surround the seated person. “Ah Qin, wait for the right moment to play this card.”

Glancing at the cards in Ming Qin’s hand, the woman pointed to the one furthest to the right, her hand empty.

“No!” Holding her head and looking at her junior sister, who was being guided by the princess, Song Shu Qing wore a desperate expression.

Zi Yan, who had entered the room later, looked at the woman dramatically howling to the heavens and sighed helplessly. “Miss Song, please stop this nonsense.”

As if a child had seen their favorite toy taken away, Song Shu Qing tugged at Zi Yani’s sleeve, as if filing a complaint. “Zi Yan, look at them, it’s so unfair.”

Ming Qin played the card on her right side and tilted her head, sincerely saying, “Senior sister, you can also ask for Zi Yan’s help. There’s strength in numbers!”

Song Shu Qing looked pleadingly at her beloved woman, only to receive a helpless expression in return. The shadow guard could only turn to look at her senior brother, hoping to at least find some support. “Ah Yun… don’t you think it’s unfair?”

“Not at all,” Cao Yun calmly played his card, then paused before adding, “You just won six strings of copper coins from Qin Qin in a row. I think that’s more unfair.”

Song Shu Qing, feeling dejected after being rebuffed, looked at the cards in her hand and muttered under her breath, “Damn… the automatic cash dispenser is gone, gone.”

As expected, under Murong Yan’s guidance, it only took a few rounds before Song Shu Qing helplessly returned half of the copper coins she had won earlier to their 『rightful owner』.

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Just as Song Shu Qing’s gaze seemed empty, continuously muttering 『cash dispenser… cash dispenser…』 Zi Yan sighed, interrupting the game, holding a tray of tea. “Let’s take a break and have some tea.”

“Oh, right.” Looking at the teapot, Cao Yun suddenly remembered something. He stood up and took out a beautifully packaged tea brick from the cabinet. “Here, we have some white tea brought from the capital a few days ago.”

“Ah, is it from that person in the capital? We must taste it carefully then.” Song Shu Qing, who had been downcast, straightened up and reached out to grab a plate of melon seeds from the nearby table, her face filled with anticipation.

“So it was a gift from Little Eleven? He’s really thoughtful. I should praise him next time I see him for growing up so well.” Ming Qin collected the scattered cards and offered her seat to Murong Yan, then went to fetch another chair for herself and Zi Yan.

Zi Yan nodded in gratitude, pouring the tea and whispering in Song Shu Qing’s ear, “Little Eleven? Is he Ming Qin’s friend in the capital?”

Unable to help but smile, Song Shu Qing tilted her head and pondered, “Hmm… yes, only Ming Qin can call him a friend.” Just as the woman beside her was about to pour tea into the porcelain cup, she suddenly spoke again, “After all, the His Majesty the Emperor does indeed have a good relationship with Ming Qin.”

Zi Yan’s hand holding the teapot trembled, and a few drops of tea splattered.

His Majesty the Emperor?

It’s true that the current Emperor is the Eleventh Prince.

But, is it permissible to casually use that name?

Blinking her eyes, the woman became a little flustered.

Fearful of getting burned, she took the overflowing teacup with her hands and quickly wiped the water stains from the table with her sleeve. Song Shu Qing smiled reassuringly, trying to calm her down. “Don’t worry, don’t worry, everything’s fine.”

Just as the attentive Cao Yun was about to hand the brewed tea to Murong Yan, Ming Qin suddenly slapped her thigh as if she had remembered something. “Ah Yun, don’t give tea to Yan Yan.”

Observing Cao Yun’s puzzled expression, Ming Qin confidently added, “Yan Yan mentioned that she doesn’t drink tea in winter.”

(For details, please refer to Chapter 6 of the main text.)

The others were somewhat skeptical upon hearing these words.

After all, it was well-known that Princess Chongwen had an insatiable love for tea.

The hand that was reaching out to take the tea stopped halfway, hesitated, and Murong Yan suddenly chuckled helplessly, as if realizing something. “Ming Qin is really something, remembering such distant matters.”

Withdrawing her hand and no longer looking at the premium white tea brought from the capital, she tidied up the hair of the person beside her.

“Are you sure your princess really doesn’t want to drink it, Ming Qin?” Song Shu Qing raised an eyebrow, shaking the porcelain cup in her hand. “It’s really delicious, you know.”

Tilting her head, Ming Qin repeated, “But… Yan Yan said she doesn’t drink tea in winter.”

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Before the others could react, Murong Yan turned her head and affirmed with an expression that revealed no flaws, “That’s right, I don’t drink tea in winter.”

Firmly resolved.

With a light scoff, Song Shu Qing didn’t believe it at all, wearing an expression of 『What are you talking about?』 She casually waved her hand and said nonchalantly, “You big liar, don’t deceive me. Just the day before yesterday, I clearly saw you…”

Before she could finish her skeptical words, her half-open mouth was swiftly stuffed with a plum by Zi Yan.

Zi Yan, with Song Shu Qing constantly found herself making foolish mistakes in front of the princess despite being agile in other aspects, felt exhausted.

Ignoring the face of the shadow guard across the table, who was awkwardly nibbling on fruit, Murong Yan spoke up and asked Cao Yun to pour her a glass of water. She calmly sipped it, avoiding the gaze of Míng Qìn, who was engrossed in peeling sunflower seeds for herself, and gently scanned the rest of the table with her eyes.

Sensing the chill down their spines, everyone obediently fell silent. Zi Yan collected the remaining tea brick and signaled discreetly to Murong Yan while Míng Qìn stood up to discard the melon seed shells.

Understanding the gesture, Murong Yan nodded subtly.

The group chatted casually until the rain outside gradually subsided and dusk approached.

Feeling a gentle squeeze on the hand resting on the thigh next to her, Míng Qìn returned the gesture and stood up, holding Murong Yan’s hand. At the same time, she spoke up, “It’s getting dark. We should go.”

“Aren’t you going to wait a bit longer? It’s still raining outside,” Zi Yan looked out of the window, expressing her concern.

Murong Yan didn’t show any extra expression but tightened her grip on the hand she was holding. Míng Qìn understood and shook her head, “No, we have to go now.”

As the shorter woman beside her was wrapped in a cloak, the shadow guard took the oiled paper umbrella handed to her by her senior brother and opened the door to look at the drizzling rain outside. She turned back to wave at the others, “We’ll be on our way then.”

Holding the umbrella and embracing Murong Yan’s waist, Míng Qìn stepped into the rain curtain.

Standing in the wind, shielding the person in her arms from the chilling night, the two of them walked leisurely.

“Yan Yan…”

The sound of raindrops falling.

Amidst the rhythmic patter of rain, Míng Qìn suddenly spoke up.

“Yan Yan, is it a lie that you don’t drink tea in winter?”

Their steps remained synchronized as Murong Yan maintained a steady gaze ahead, calmly asking, “If it’s a lie, would it upset you, Ah Qin?”

“No.” She vigorously shook her head, causing their intertwined hands holding the umbrella to sway along with her. Míng Qìn’s tone was resolute as she assured, “How could I possibly be angry with Yan Yan?”

“Is that so?” Tilting her head, Murong Yan’s eyes concealed a hint of amusement. Suddenly curious, she asked, “Then what must I do to make Ah Qin angry with me?”

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“Well…” She pondered with difficulty, her brows tightly furrowed in distress. After a moment, she shook her head heavily and said, “I can’t think of anything.”

“I can’t think of anything that would make me angry with Yan Yan.”

“Even if I hurt Ah Qin? Even if I command Ah Qin to leave?” Murong Yan pressed on, throwing out one scenario after another, probing, “Even if… I decide to be with someone else, Ah Qin, you mean… you wouldn’t be angry with me?”

As she spoke the latter half, she turned her head to fix her gaze on the person beside her, her tone becoming harsh. Underneath the shadows, her eyes flickered with a suppressed paranoia and madness.

“Ah…” Míng Qìn tightened her hold on the woman’s hand, still filled with anguish as she couldn’t find an answer to the question. “But… whenever Yan Yan hurts me, I never feel angry, you know?”

Seemingly realizing something, the shadow guard grinned foolishly and said, “When you scratch my back in bed and can’t help but bite me, I only find Yan Yan incredibly cute, and I can’t possibly be angry.”

“If… if Yan Yan orders me to leave, I will leave…”

Her voice suddenly turned melancholic as Míng Qìn bit her lower lip, her gaze stealing glances at Murong Yan’s face.

“But I would still secretly follow you, so please don’t be angry with me, it’s just…” Fearing the woman’s disapproval for disobeying orders, she hurriedly explained, “I just feel that Yan Yan being alone is too dangerous. I can’t trust it. Yan Yan, it’s my duty to protect you.”

She turned her head and rubbed her tired eyes against her shoulder, then continued, “If… if Yan Yan finds someone else, as long as he is a good person and treats you well, then I… then I will protect both of you together.”

Swallowing a gulp of saliva, she nodded slowly, as if trying to convince herself, like a child trying to grow up.

Noticing the undeniable reluctance in the eyes of the shadow guard, Murong Yan chuckled softly and asked once again, “But what if that person is not a good person?”

Raising her head, Míng Qìn stared directly into the drizzling rain, her eyes, veiled by the gray mist, suddenly cleared, as if ignited torches.

“If that person is not a good person, if they hurt you, causing you pain…”

The shadow guard murmured, a murderous aura surging forth, and the raindrops falling at her feet seemed to scatter wildly, driven by a sudden gust of wind. “I will personally execute them, no matter when or where.”

“…No mercy shall be shown.”

Immersed in the surging intent to kill, as if ready to draw the sword and cleave through the clouds and rain.

Míng Qìn’s hand gripping the umbrella handle tightened uncontrollably, and the sound of bamboo cracking echoed.

“Ah Qin.”

Just before the torrent was about to burst forth, Murong Yan spoke, her voice akin to a clear spring, “I wasn’t lying, you know.”

“Hmm?” The raging consciousness regained control, as if a wild beast returning to its cage. Míng Qìn blinked, emitting a perplexed and muffled grunt.

“Not drinking tea in winter, I wasn’t lying,” the woman raised her hand to join it with the umbrella handle, her palm pressing against the back of the shadow guard’s hand. Her tone was firm.

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After all, compared to disappointing Ah Qin, it was so effortless for her to make the lie come true through her actions.

But it meant that Zi Yan’s thoughtful gesture of keeping tea for her would go to waste.

“Is that so?” Paying no mind to the sudden change of topic, Míng Qìn grinned happily and gave a little jump. “I knew it! Senior sister didn’t believe me, but it was clearly Yan Yan who told me. I wouldn’t forget!”

“Yes, Ah Qin is certainly not mistaken. Song Shu Qing got confused,” Murong Yan smoothly shifted the blame to the absent woman, speaking with a natural expression of falsehood.

(At this moment, Song Shu Qing, who was listening to Zi Yan playing the qin, sneezed repeatedly on the rooftop of the teahouse, causing Zi Yan to worry and grab her, thinking she had caught a cold. She half-forced, half-spoiledly poured ginger soup for the woman, trying to warm her up.)

The rain grew heavier and heavier, and water droplets slid down the tilted bamboo umbrella, forming a curtain of pearls on Murong Yan’s side.

Calmly leaning over to take a look, Murong Yan noticed that the shadow guard’s right shoulder, exposed outside the umbrella, was already soaked, with water stains spreading from the shoulder to the chest. On her own side, however, it was well protected by the umbrella and remained dry.

“Ah Qin.”

She paused, looking up and softly calling, “I can’t walk anymore, my legs hurt. I need to be carried.”

Following the woman’s footsteps, Ming Qin stopped. “Indeed, the ground here is too slippery, and Yan Yan is truly struggling.”

Changing the hand holding the umbrella to the other side, the shadow guard bent down without hesitation, using her left hand to lift Murong Yan’s hip, allowing her to lean against her shoulder. “Leave the rest to me.”

Bringing the umbrella closer to herself, ensuring better coverage for the woman in her arms from the rain, Ming Qin’s pace became steady again, even on the wet and slippery path. She continued to stride forward with confidence.

Embracing Ming Qin’s neck, Murong Yan covered the shadow guard’s wet clothes with the generous cuffs of her own garment. Even as the icy rainwater seeped into her previously dry sleeves, she paid it no mind.

As long as it could provide some warmth to the person holding the umbrella, as long as it could keep the shadow guard’s wet right shoulder a little drier, she didn’t care about anything else.


A sudden thought crossed Murong Yan’s mind, and she sighed inwardly.

Since both of them were already soaked, why not take the opportunity to invite Ming Qin to bathe together later?

Nestled in Ming Qin’s embrace, she couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, secretly plotting.

Well then.

She indeed couldn’t disregard everything.

There are certain things.

That still need to be cared about.

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