Chapter 1110: The Blood on the Knife Was Hers

He Xiyan followed Xia Yuwei to a cafe located on the first level of the mall.

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She walked several meters behind Xia Yuwei because she didn’t want to get close to her.

Xia Yuwei smiled wryly and she sensed that He Xiyan was afraid of her.

What could she be afraid of? Was she afraid that she would be infected?

“Don’t worry. I’m taking the best medication and the chance of me being a carrier was at 0% several years ago, so there’s no need to worry,” Xia Yuwei said softly. She had been terrified when she first discovered that she was HIV positive and she felt that the entire world was bleak but she had slowly pulled herself out of her depressed state. She took her medicine every day as instructed and actively sought treatment for her illness. Her CD4 was constantly above 500, so she was as healthy as any other ordinary person.

He Xiyan didn’t respond but her brows still remained tightly knitted.

Soon, they arrived at a private room.

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Mo Ye sat beside his mother and he kept stealing glances at He Xiyan. He finally said a while later, “Auntie He, may I know where Yuan Yuan is?”

Mo Ye still remembered his younger brother who had grown up alongside him. They had not seen each other for some time and Yuan Yuan must have changed phone numbers because he couldn’t get hold of him.

“Yuan Yuan is playing at home,” He Xiyan said calmly. He was only a child so she didn’t hate him, neither had she ever hated him in the past.

“Which school is Yuan Yuan studying at?” Mo Ye asked.

He had made new friends but he still thought of Yuan Yuan as his best friend.

He Xiyan pressed her lips into a smile.

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She was surprised that he still remembered Yuan Yuan.

Mo Ye dug out a pen and a notepad from his school bag. Then, he tore off a small piece of paper, scribbled his number, and handed it to He Xiyan.

“Auntie, this is my number. Please tell Yuan Yuan to drop me a line and I’ll invite him out to play over one of the weekends,” Mo Ye said happily. He thought of Yuan Yuan as his brother since they had grown up together at the Mo mansion.

He Xiyan accepted this slip of paper from the child and looked at the crooked numbers scribbled on it. She smiled as she folded the piece of paper and put it inside her purse.

Then, she turned to face Xia Yuwei and she still looked confused. She wondered why Xia Yuwei brought up the fact that she had failed to be infected a year ago.

“How did you know about this?” He Xiyan asked suspiciously with a frown.

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Xia Yuwei pursed her lips and suddenly, a barely perceptible flash of emotion crossed her eyes. She paused for a moment before she said, “The blood on the knife was mine.”

He Xiyan was speechless.

Her eyes suddenly widened in disbelief and she felt her heart clenched tightly.

Xia Yuwei smiled wryly and added, “One day, Ye Yi’s subordinate, a man known as Brother Long came to look for me. I have known Brother Long for some time so he was aware of my condition. He took 100 ML of my blood and said that he wanted to use it. When I probed further, he said that he was planning to use it on you.”

He Xiyan’s eyes were so wide that her eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. Although Ye Yi’s attempt to infect her had failed, she felt her skin crawl at the thought of what went on behind the scenes. She was still terrified at that thought.

He Xiyan asked, “Why haven’t I been infected then?”

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She knew that Xia Yuwei had been infected seven years ago.

Xia Yuwei blinked and she suddenly turned away. Tears suddenly brimmed in her eyes as a thought occurred to her and when she turned back to face He Xiyan, she looked a little upset.

Who wouldn’t wish to have a healthy body if they had the chance to do so?

She heaved a sigh and said, “Brother Long did not know how this illness was spread.”

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