Chapter 1153: He Had Learned How to Cook

Mo Yixuan smiled tenderly at her, and he would only smile so tenderly at the person he loved.

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“Yan Yan, you should head to the living room to rest while I cook,” he said.

“You’re going to cook?” He Xiyan froze and looked at him in confusion.

She was clearly surprised and shocked by his words.

This man didn’t even how to cook fried rice, so how was he going to produce an entire meal?

Did hell freeze over today?

Mo Yixuan pursed his lips and his dimples briefly appeared because he had lost so much weight. This made him look much friendlier than usual.

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“Yes. I’ll head inside to cook. You should rest in the main hall with Yuan Yuan,” Mo Yixuan said with a nod. He sounded very friendly and his gaze seemed much softer. He wasn’t as aloof as before either.

Then, he turned and walked into the kitchen.

He had only learned that Yuan Yuan wanted to move back to live with him that afternoon, so he quickly contacted a cleaning company and requested for someone to clean the house.

He also made a special trip to the grocery store that afternoon and bought some food home to cook.

He took out a blackhead fish from the fridge. He had bought this fish because he read online that drinking soup made from blackhead fish would facilitate the healing process of a wound.

After living alone for some time, he started to learn how to cook, but because he had never cooked before, he had to search for the recipe and the step-by-step guide online each time he made a dish.

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He could only cook five dishes, and he had only learned how to cook these five dishes over the past month. He could make fried eggs with tomato, stir-fried beef, Sichuan boiled fish, boiled shrimp, steamed pork ribs.

He didn’t buy shrimp because He Xiyan couldn’t eat shrimp after her surgery.

He took a long time to prepare the food and took one to two minutes to peel one garlic. He also took a long time to slice the vegetables. If he continued to move at this speed, he would take at least two to three hours to finish cooking.

He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

He was just cooking, so he was confident that he would be able to make a complete meal. He was only unwilling to learn how to cook in the past because he thought it was a waste of time.

Mo Yixuan first cooked the fish. Since this was his second time cooking fish, it didn’t take him long to prepare the dish and he soon threw the fish into the pot.

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However, he struggled with slicing the beef for a long time.

He suddenly spotted a familiar figure at the doorway. It was Yan Yan.

He Xiyan bit her lip as she watched him moving around the kitchen. She was surprised to see that the man who would never step into a kitchen had now learned how to cook.

She could tell that he was new to cooking from his clumsy movements and the amount of time he was taking to slice the beef.

“Let me do it,” she said as she went to stand beside him.

She didn’t know how long he was going to take if he continued at the rate he was going.

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Mo Yixuan smiled at her sheepishly, but he didn’t put his knife aside and continued to slice the beef.

“It’s alright, Yan Yan. I’ll be able to make these dishes,” he said. It would just take him longer than usual to cook.

He Xiyan took a deep breath and glanced at the pot. She noticed that he seemed to be cooking something in the pot.

She walked over and lowered the fire.

“You should boil the fish over low heat so that the broth would be thick and flavorful. You should also add a few pieces of ginger to get rid of the fishy taste,” she said as she looked at the fish in the pot.

Mo Yixuan felt touched by herswords because Yan Yan was no longer keeping him at an arm’s length as she usually did. She was even teaching him how to cook.

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