Chapter 390: There’s a Letter, Is It for You?

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Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The next day, Ye Hao rose early and headed to the office where he would be for the next 10 hours or so while He Xiyan slept until she naturally woke up.

She got out of bed and ate the breakfast that the chef specially prepared for her – a bowl of millet congee, a cup of milk and an egg. It was both nutritious and low in calories. She didn’t dare to eat too much during this period and thus, could not produce as much milk as before. Xi Xi was basically fed by the nanny.

She had grown a little plump and was almost 60 KG; there was a layer of fat around her belly and her stretch marks had not gone away. Her body wasn’t in a good shape because she did not look after herself well after those two pregnancies.

Her weight gain was because she had eaten too much nutritious foods during her pregnancy and did not exercise.

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Fortunately, she had visited a post-natal slimming center last week and she would be able to get professional guidance and help as well as lose weight healthily to regain her pre-pregnancy figure.

After breakfast, she went to the living room to check up on the children. At the moment, Qin Xiaoyu carried a few parcels over and said, “Sister He, a deliveryman came by earlier and said that all these are for you.”

Qin Xiaoyu placed all these parcels in the living room.

He Xiyan frowned and looked at these parcels in confusion. She didn’t purchase anything online recently, so why were there so many parcels?

“Open them up and see what’s inside,” she said with some puzzlement.

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Then, she walked over to those parcels as well.

Qin Xiaoyu opened the first parcel and saw that it was a set of children’s clothes. It was a cowboy outfit and even came with a cowboy hat. It was obvious at first sight that the material of this outfit was of very high-quality and the style was very unique.

“This should be for Yuan Yuan,” she said.

He Xiyan stood in a corner and for some reason, her heart suddenly clenched as though something was poking at it.

Qin Xiaoyu opened another parcel and this time, it was a children’s toy – a crystal ball that lit up. According to the picture on the box, after this ball was charged, it could light up in different colors and could transform into 208 different designs. Each design was either a little animal or a tiny plant.

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It was very beautiful and mysterious.

Qin Xiaoyu pressed the red button and the ball gave off a milky-white light and a small picture of a tiger appeared on the ball. She pressed the control button again and this time, they ball turned green and the picture on the ball changed to that of a gardenia.

“It’s really pretty. Yuan Yuan will love it,” she could already see Yuan Yuan jumping with excitement at the sight of this toy.

He Xiyan remained frozen to the spot. She did not buy all these items and it was even more unlikely for Ye Hao to do so, so these had to come from the Mo family.

She had relaxed when she saw that they hadn’t come back to kick up a fuss and thought that they would not fight with her for custody of Yuan Yuan, so she was stunned to see them back again after a month.

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She didn’t need to open the rest of the boxes to know that all these toy were for Yuan Yuan.

“Should I keep all these?” Qin Xiaoyu turned to look at He Xiyan who looked very conflicted.

He Xiyan pursed her lips and did not respond. She walked to the doorway and rubbed her temples which were throbbing slightly. She felt both conflicted and upset.

“Sister He…” Qin Xiaoyu suddenly walked toward her and said, “There’s a letter inside. It must be for you.”

She discovered this letter with He Xiyan’s name on it after opening the third parcel.



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