Chapter 431: Date Of Judgment

A few more days had passed. In a blink of an eye, it was December 21, the day of adjudication.

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On this day, Mo Yixuan got up very early. He put on the clothes that He Xiyan had bought for him, a delicate suit, on which she spent more than 20,000 yuan. The clothes, though not so expensive, was now his most precious thing.

Downstairs, he smelled a faint smell of noodles. Knowing that they were going to the court, the chef prepared for the breakfast early.

Li Qin got up even earlier. She dressed up very smartly today, in a wine-red mink coat, looking like a rich lady coming out of the palace. With her hair tied up and her makeup done, she, the whole person, looked four or five years younger.

She did not know how long she had waited for the opening day of the court session, feeling as if she had waited for years. The day finally came.

“Come and have breakfast, Yixuan. After breakfast, we’ll get ready to go.” Li Qin couldn’t wait any longer.

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Mo Yixuan walked over. Having a look at his mother, he could not help sighing. Today, whatever the result was, it would be very painful for him. He knew that if the child was granted to Yanyan, then his mother and he would be in great pains. If the child was awarded to him, Yanyan would not be able to take it for a while and might cry on the spot.

Thinking of what might happen, he could not calm down for a long time.

However, Li Qin didn’t think so. Now, upon thinking that Yuanyuan might come back, she became extremely thrilled, even hoping the court session would start earlier than nine o’clock.

“Mom, eat slowly. It’s still early.” Mo Yixuan looked at his mother, kind of speechless.

It was now only seven o’clock. There was no need to be so anxious.

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Li Qin, however, urged, “Well, hurry up, Yixuan, in case of a traffic jam. Besides, it’s a fifty-minute drive from our home to the court.”

Li Qin couldn’t even wait.

At this time, it snowed heavily outside. The whole world was shrouded in a whole whiteness, and the sky became gray and gloomy.

At seven forty, urged by his mother, Mo Yixuan finally drove the car out of the garage. There were also maids, the lawyer they invited, as well as Li Qin’s brother, sister, father and other relatives accompanying them there. If she could, she would not wait to ask more powerful relatives to give her stronger backing.

Around half past eight, they arrived at the entrance of the court on time. At the same time, He Xiyan arrived as well.

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She got off the car. Because of coldness, she wore a eiderdown overcoat that reached below her knees, together with a thick scarf and even a hat. On her whole body, only her face was shown out.

Her face, however, looked somewhat haggard and anxious, as if she hadn’t had a good rest recently.

Ye Hao held his wife’s shoulder in arms. His face looked equally bad. Even the helplessness could be seen between his eyebrows.

“Be careful, Yanyan…” Ye Hao reminded.

It was snowing now. The ground froze, becoming wet and slippery.

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He Xiyan walked very slowly as if for her, the way to the court, though only several dozen meters long, was a long and thorny road for her.

Mo Yixuan sighed heavily, turning his face away, as if he could not bear to see her. However, no one saw the drop of tear slipping quietly down his face.

Once the most intimate couple, they now should confront each other at court. The greatest sorrow in this world was nothing more than this.



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