The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 710: Went To Liyang City

Half an hour later, a white bus with a limit of 55 passengers came, which clearly marked the trip from Lanjiang town to Liyang City.

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 He Xiyan and Chen Jiahang got on the bus. Their belongings were put in the trunk of the bus.

 They sat side by side. Since the bus had only gone past two towns, there were not many people on board, only twenty including them. Along the way, passengers continued to come up. Liyang City was the nearest prefecture-level city to Mang village, 240 kilometers by car. Since only half of the journey was on the expressway, it would take about four hours to get to the destination.

 It was almost noon when the bus arrived at the station.

 Liyang City was a small tourist city. In recent years, with the vigorous development of cultural tourism industry, the GDP of Liyang City had increased by more than 20% annually, and the immigration population also increased year by year. Now the permanent residents in the urban area were more than 1.5 million and the population of the ten sub-counties was over 4.67 million people, which could be said to be a prefecture-level city.

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 It was the second time that Chen Jiahang had come to this city, which was also the farthest place he had been to.

 After getting off, he moved all the things they brought down and came to the roadside beside the station with He Xiyan.

 He seemed to be at a loss, not knowing where to take his wife. It was noon now, and they were also hungry.

 “Yanyan, you wait here for a moment. I’ll buy you some steamed buns.” Chen Jiahang quickly took out his pen to write, and after that, he turned around to go to a nearby small shop selling buns and snacks which he could see.

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 He Xiyan, however, pulled him at this moment.

 She looked at Chen Jiahang with some worries. Unlike normal people, with the IQ of a child, worsened by his dumbness, he could easily be deceived by others or got into trouble by accident in this city.

 “Let’s go eat. You pick up what we have brought. Follow me and don’t run around.” He Xiyan warned him as if telling a child.

 Then she helped pick up the two boxes of 100 eggs and dried fish and shrimps. As for the two heaviest boxes, she could only let Chen Jiahang carry them.

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 Near the station where people came and went, they, with so many things, were from the countryside at first sight.

 He Xiyan went to a nearby noodles restaurant.

 They didn’t bring much money, so they had to save it. Even in the city, they dared not go to restaurants to have big meals.

 He Xiyan ordered two bowls of noodles with shredded meat, seven yuan each. The price here was still lower than that in big cities.

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 There were not many people in this small restaurant. He Xiyan, while eating the noodles, chatted with the aunt who was cleaning up the tables.

 “Auntie, do you know any food market around here?” He Xi asked with a smile. In this unfamiliar place, smiling was the most polite way to greet people.

 “The food market…” The aunt cleaned the table and said. Seeing the two young people coming in with boxes of things, she immediately thought of something, “You want to go to the vegetable market to sell things, don’t you?”

 He Xiyan nodded towards the aunt, feeling a little embarrassed but not awkward. Now that she was going to sell things, how could she care about face?

 “Yes, there are. But now the city management is strict, and street vendors are forbidden in many markets. It may be difficult for you to sell these things.” The aunt said with a smile.

 He Xiyan was also smiling. She had guessed that street vendors might not be allowed in the city. If there was indeed no other way, she would then sell these things to the shops in the vegetable markets by wholesale. The price must be a little higher than that they sold to agricultural merchants anyway.

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