The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 736: This Is Your Grandson (2)

Chapter 736: This Is Your Grandson (2)

“Rest well. Oh, is this child really Ye Hao’s?” Xia Jingshu asked.

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She was very excited but she still felt a little doubtful because she knew how much her son hated this woman, so how did they manage to produce a child together?

Did they get back together?

Han Xue gave a small nod of her head and a tear rolled down her cheeks. It wasn’t long before her eyes were brimming with tears.

She didn’t speak but she used her tears to show how upset and dejected she felt.

“Alright…” Xia Jingshu said as she handed her a tissue, “Don’t cry. I’ll give my son a call. He should be paying you a visit since it is his son and take responsibility for him.”

Han Qing was inwardly thrilled to hear these words. Everything was going perfectly according to her plan.

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She picked up the child and handed him to Ye Snr.

Then, she smiled and said, “Mr. Ye, look at how beautiful this child is. He even looks a little like yourself.”

Ye Snr. was speechless.

Ye Snr. was taken aback but he quickly remembered something. He looked at the child in his arms. The child was a newborn so it wasn’t possible to tell whether this child resembled either him or Ye Hao.


He suddenly placed the child back onto the baby crib, stretched out his weathered hands and gently placed it on the child’s face. Then, he carefully pushed open the child’s eyelids to look at his eyes.

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His eyes suddenly widened and his excitement was written all over his face and soon, he was beaming widely.

“Jingshu, take a look at this,” he called for his wife in excitement.

Xia Jingshu walked over and they both noticed the same thing.

The child’s eyes were amber-colored, just like both Ye Snr. and Ye Hao.

The defining trait of everyone from the Ye family was that they all had rare amber-colored eyes and genetic trait had been handed down over the generations. Ye Snr., Ye Hao and Ye Yi, and his granddaughter Ye Zixi all had amber-colored eyes. Amongst his children, Ye Zhe and Ye Shiyu were the only ones who did not inherit this trait.

Now that this child had amber-colored eyes, he was almost certain that this child was his grandson. Yes, he had to be his grandson.

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After Xia Jingshu saw the child’s eyes, she was even more certain that he was her grandson.

She quickly walked out of the ward, dug out her phone and dialed her son’s number.

The moment the call connected, she said in excitement, “Ah Hao, I don’t care where you are and what you’re doing but I want you to make haste and head to Central Hospital as fast as you can. Han Xue has given birth to a boy.”

Xia Jingshu delivered the news simply as though she was issuing an order.

After she finished speaking, she couldn’t hear anything on the other end of the light, as though the line had been cut.

She glanced at her screen and saw that the line hadn’t been cut off and the call was still connected.

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“Ye Hao, are you listening?” Xia Jingshu said angrily. Her son had never been once ignored her and treated her so rudely before.

Ye Hao finally spoke. His voice was very cold and there was no trace of excitement or emotion from this man who was now a father of Han Xue’s child.

“Mum…” he asked with irritation dripping from his voice. “No one knows who the true father of Han Xue’s child is yet, so why are you so excited?”

He had only slept with this woman after getting drunk and moreover, he was so far gone that he couldn’t even remember whether or not he ended up having relations with her.

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