Qi Sheng did not show up for several days until May 19th. On that day, the Emperor, Imperial Consorts, the Empress Dowager, along with the whole imperial family went to Fuping Villa Palace to enjoy the cool. So Qi had had no other option but to take me on the trip.

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The Bathroom Lord, Tree-climbing Lord, and the little lady who deceived me to catch adultery that night, all came to join the tour group except Zhao Wang and his wife. It was said that Jiang shi was still bedridden, so the wife-loving Zhao had been taking care of her around the clock in his palace, and refused to follow his father to take the holiday.

As the emperor understood the son’s affection to Jiang shi, he just asked Zhao to stay in Shengdu and help with the official affairs while accompanying his wife.

However, Jiang’s absence made Qi’s face somewhat clouded.

People had been casting me looks filled with sympathy.

So I had to play along and pretended to be sad.

During the journey, He Bingze was in charge of the royal escort, and from time to time he rode past me along with some handsome riders. “clip-clop, clip-clop” the horses' hooves were like stepping on the hearts of the ladies, left the minds of my maids filled with stirring fantasies.

But I was irritated by the noise, even with some resentment in my heart. Imagine if I could have the physique, wearing the uniform and armor, galloping the horse with the waving whip, I could easily attract the eyes of the beautiful young ladies, hmm, that would be wonderful!

Once the idea arose in my mind, I felt more suffocated in the car. Actually, Nan Xia, the dynasty I transmigrated in, was quite liberated and open, women here were free to ride a horse as they pleased. I simply had no confidence in my riding skills, that being the case, I didn’t venture to go out to lose my face.

When I was hesitating, there came yet another light sound of the hoofs outside the carriage, but it slowed down when passing me. Then I heard a crisp voice calling from outside: "Crown princess, Crown princess!"

I was rendered speechless by this appellation and I got goose bumps like when I was suffering constipated.

Lv Li took a glance at me and quickly pulled up the curtain for me.

Princess Chaoyang’s flowery little face appeared. She grinned and said, "The scenery outside is charming. Don’t just sitting inside, come out and ride with me please!"

I looked up at the sky outside unconsciously. The weather was really nice, clear blue and white being the sky view. I didn’t know what tricks the little girl was playing this time. Since Jiang Shi didn’t come, would it be the case that Qi Sheng was hooking up with other brother’s wife in the front of the troop?

The little beauty still smiled at me: "My sister, just come out quickly. It's not easy for us to hang out. It's so boring to be stuck in the carriage all day!"

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I had no resistance to beautiful ladies. Although I knew that this girl was up to no good, her soft words made me weak, even my bones felt melted for the moment. So I responded quickly, "Wait for a moment, I'll change my clothes and go out!"

Outside, the little beauty shouted, "OK, I'll ask them to prepare a horse for you."

As I was changing my clothes inside, I shouted, "Why do I need another horse? I can ride the same one with you."

Lv Li quickly tidied up my clothes, but she lowered her voice and said, "Watch out for her."

I nodded, lifted my boots and pulled up the curtain to get out.

The carriage hadn't stopped yet. The little lady rode alongside me, smiled and reached out to me: "Princess, don't ask them to stop. I'll just pull you up to my horseback."

"OK." I answered. Holding her hand, I quickly jumped from my carriage to her horse.

Soft were her hands, and softer was her waist. It was very enjoyable to hold it up.

The little girl giggled. "Sister is still so nimble, hah."

I smiled and did not reply.

She raised the whip and spurred the horse straight forward. Soon, the figures of Bathroom Lord and Tree-climbing Lord had come into sight. Immediately the doubts in my heart have been unraveled. As expected, the little beauty belonged to the camp of Bathroom Lord, who must have doubted the identity of me, the "Zhang Shi".

The little girl waved her hands at him and shouted happily, "Brother Nine!"

As he looked back, a gentle smile emerged on his face, but he first greeted at me, "Sister-in- law!"

Hearing his calling, I got a shiver for no reason. Chaoyang in front of me noticed that, and she looked back at me, puzzled.

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I smiled at her in disguise. "It's a bit cold, huh?"

I saw her expression frozen.

Yang Yan looked up at the sun in the sky and said confusedly, "I don't feel cold, how hot it is today!"

Only Bathroom Lord, still smiling, explained for me: "Her Highness just came out of the carriage, she would naturally feel cold in the wind."

After hearing this, The little beauty smiled and said, "The Crown Princess has been stayed in the palace for a long time, and she is almost as weak as Zhao Consort."

I didn’t utter a word because I really had no idea about what to say, for fear that they would find any loopholes in my remark. So I just kept my mouth shut. The silver lining was if any, the waist of the little beauty in front of me was so thin and tender as the one of a snake, but was still not as comfortable as that of Lv li.

I was wondering how I could move my hand on her body without being spotted, but the little beauty suddenly stepped aside and grinned, "Oh, my dear sister, don't move your hand around my waist, it makes me ticklish."

I was speechless and blushed with shame since she really had a big mouth, but how could she talk nonsense like that? What was more, I just moved my mind before moving my hands! Oh, my Heavenly Lord! I was wronged unjustly!

Chuckling at my discomfiture, Yang Yan said, "Chaoyang is most sensitive to be tickled. You can try her waist!"

My hands had clearly loosened the waist of the little beauty. But after hearing his words, she giggled again with excitement. With a push of the saddle, she flew up from the horse and fell right behind Yang Yan on the other horse. Reaching out her hand and grabbing his waist, she threatened Yang Yan with a smile on her face, "I dare you! Let you taste it first! "

Yang Yan was apparently more ticklish than the little beauty. He dodged around for a while and simply pulled the reins and galloped his horse forward.

Such a grand play really made me startled! “Isn’t this the ancient society? Do you guys dare to be more open? Do you dare to be more flirtatious?” I thought to myself.

On the other side, the Bathroom Lord pulled the reins lightly and paralleled with me, similing and explaining: "Chaoyang and Yang Yan have been playmates from childhood, their relationship is special."

"Um." I nodded, the love from childhood was surely much better than the relations with others.

Bathroom Lord caught a glimpse of me and stopped. Suddenly he asked in a low voice, "How's the wound on your body?"

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I was shocked at his concern, unconsciously blurting out what was in my mind: "we are not playing together from childhood, right, are we?"

He was stunned and smiled reluctantly, then he shook his head, and drew some distance from me.

It was a bit embarrassing for a while, but we really had to avert suspicion, didn't we? Anyway, I was the Crown Princess now. I certainly should be more dignified as a candidate of the first lady of our state.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help feeling complacent.

Before I could speak out, he said in a gentle way," Pengpeng, You've changed a lot, you're not the one as a child I knew."

For a moment, I was stunned, and my chin felt a little heavy.

“What the hell is he talking about? Isn’t it the case that ancient people attached great importance to keeping distance between men and women? Isn’t it said that men and women cannot be seated together after the age of seven? He is a prince, Zhang shi is the daughter of a noble family, no way could they having studied  in the same kindergarten campus when they were young by royal etiquette, how could they have any history?” I thought to myself.

When I saw the pair of his emotional eyes, a few words glowing golden light flashed into my mind: Every cause has its fruit.

“Qi Sheng, Qi Sheng! You just go ahead and hook up with your brother’s wife, and you can be with her for a lifetime. But what about your wife? Your own fence was drilled by your brother, wasn't it? You deserved it!”

I sat calmly on the horse, but there was much anger in my heart.

Why were the men in the imperial family more tend to hook up with their brothers’ wives? Even if you are attempted to have any affairs, why not go and find a remote one? How embarrassed would be the young and beautiful ladies in your palace seeing you guys skipping them, weren’t they attractive enough!

But Bathroom Lord gave a puzzling chuckle there.

My mind was empty inexplicably. So I was considering finding an excuse to go back to my carriage.

Before I could open my mouth, the sound of hoofs in the front came to my ears. Looking up, I saw Prince Qisheng galloping from a distance. I suddenly felt my scalp tightened.

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Oh! Qi Sheng! Do you come to catch me in adultery, or to save me?

The man with his horse came to my sight in a twinkle.

Qi Shengle halted his horse and first greeted the Bathroom Lord, "Brother Nine!" Then he turned to me and asked, "How was your wound?"

This time I quickly understood the intentions of my leader Qi, pretending to be sick and sad, and answered in a dying tone, "Not very well. Princess of Chaoyang pulled me out to get some air. And I was just riding for a while but little did I expect it would make me feel more tired."

Everybody, look! This was the art of speaking. In a short sentence, it explained all the questions that need to be clarified to my leader Qi.

First, it was Chaoyang who asked me out. It wasn't my initiative!

Second, I was just out for a while, so there was no affair between me and Bathroom Lord.

Third, I really wanted to go back to the carriage now!

Frowned at my words, Qi said with displeasure: "Since you are not feeling well, just return to your carriage. Don’t care about the courtesy. Brother Nine is not an outsider.”

I answered in a low voice and glanced at Bathroom Lord with the corner of my eye. There was a fake smile on his face. He said, "Brother, you’d better  send sister-in-law back personally. Those servants are clumsy and can't be relied on."

Qi Sheng nodded slightly and sent me back in person unexpectedly.

When we were back to my place, Lv li saw Qi Sheng accompanying with me, she beamed with delight, and hurriedly asked them to stop the carriage and lifted me in.

Then Qi Sheng followed me in!

Lv li retreated with a bright smile, but my heart sank, it sank big time

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