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The day of New Year’s Eve, the emperor was at Da Ming Palace hosting the hundreds of government officials attending the state banquet. Today’s banquet at Yan Chun Pavilion was considered to be the palace’s family dinner.

Qi Sheng stopped outside of Yan Chun Pavilion, turning his body and slowly extending his hand toward me. I saw that this time he only extended one hand out and estimated that this time it wasn’t to change his clothes. I thought it over again and came to a sudden realization. He wanted to display his affection with me before others and grasp his hand to go in.

I forcefully pushed down the goose bumps that appeared on my body and grasped Qi Sheng’s hand.

The inner servant at the gate stretched out his neck and shouted: “His Highness the Crown Prince and Her Highness the Crown Princess have arrived——”

Qi Sheng grasped my hand, and entered Yan Chun Pavilion’s main hall with me unhurriedly.

The Emperor, Empress, and Empress Dowager, these big bosses had yet to arrive. The ones who had arrived were all those wangye, wangfei, gongzhu, fuma, and such. There was also some junwang and junzhu and so on distantly related relatives. Even though it was just these, the inside of the main hall was still filled with not a little amount of people. It could clearly be seen that the royal family’s reproduction ability was strong ah!

Qi Sheng led me inside, the various people inside the palace hall all getting up and saluting toward us. My face followed along with Qi Sheng’s expression while peeking at the many kinds of beauties inside the hall as well as the different expressions on their faces. Zhao wangfei Jiang shi was still wearing the same white silk dress as before, looking very cute standing next to Zhao wang.

I couldn’t help but sigh: Sure enough it seems like to be cute one needs to wear clothes like mourning apparel, to be beautiful one needs to reveal their legs!

[TN: Lol my mom told me I was reading a bad novel when I had her help me with this, but essentially he’s saying that to be cute, you have to wear funeral clothes (which are simple and not colorful) and to be beautiful you have to show off your legs – but, like, with not that many words]

Jiang shi’s gaze stopped on me for a moment before turning to quickly look next to me at Qi Sheng.

I turned my head – sure enough, Qi Sheng’s passionate gaze was also attentively watching Jiang shi. Hey bro, as a man, I understand and support you, but, can’t you also take into consideration your bro Zhao wang’s face? In the end, this is still his wife ah! Even if you put a green hat on him, you can’t put it on him so brazenly right?

[Edit: Almost forgot about this, but for those who don’t know, in Chinese, putting a green hat on someone means that their significant other is cheating on them]

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Zhao wang clearly also discovered that the meaningful gaze exchanged between his wife and brother was too warm. As a result, after looking at Qi Sheng again, he unexpectedly turned to look in my direction.

Bro, your meaningful gaze, I understand. However, that is your wife, not mine, shouldn’t be mine to manage ah! What? Manage the Qi Sheng at my side? He hasn’t flirted with my wife, why should I manage him?

As a result, I calmly looked face to face with Zhao wang.

This scene was very strange – Qi Sheng and Jiang shi were warmly staring at each other, and Zhao wang and I were calmly staring at each other……

This was until there suddenly was a voice sounding from beside us: “Third Brother, Fifth Brother, fuhuang and muhou are just about to arrive, let us go out to welcome them.”

I turned my head to look toward the voice, seeing an elegant and beautiful gongzi smiling at the side. I felt that he looked a bit familiar and once again carefully gave him a look, and finally couldn’t keep my calm.

Bathroom Lord ah Bathroom Lord, I only hope that day the light of the bathroom was dim, and your eyes were blurred from intoxication, so you couldn’t see clearly my appearance……

While thinking about it in my head, the Bathroom Lord looked at me in my direction, and as calmly as before said: “Sansao.”

After speaking he then turned his head slightly to call out a wusao to Jiang shi.

I saw that his expression was not peculiar in the least, I was able to settle down my heart a bit. There wasn’t even time to rejoice though as the Bathroom Lord’s expression turned not too good and I heard the Bathroom Lord say in a cultured and refined manner: “Sansao, the Three Six Song you wanted that day, my people have finally found it. I will send it over to sansao on another day.”

I couldn’t help but stare blankly after hearing what was said. Three Six Song? Where did this Three Six Song come from? Looking at that Bathroom Lord’s calm and collected meaningful gaze, I suddenly realized it. Three Six is Eighteen ah! What he was saying was Eighteen Touches ah!

Ha! This youngster wasn’t just the calm and collected emperor! He’s actually more black-bellied!

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It’s just a pity that this small grandpa was not a vegetarian. My face paused on a conspicuously happy expression, putting on an act as I faced the Bathroom Lord: “Then I will thank you a lot, Ninth Little Brother.”

The Bathroom Lord courteously replied: “Sansao is polite.”

The two of us exchanged pleasantries, but those beside us were confused upon listening. Qi Sheng liked his face and with a cold expression, did not want to ask, while Zhao wang asked the Bathroom Lord: “What song is Ninth Brother talking about?”

The Bathroom Lord finally leaked out a smiling expression on his face, and took another glance at me, before answering: “Eh, it’s just some vulgar song among the people. Sansao unintentionally heard it, wanted me to help look for it a bit.”

The Bathroom Lord spoke in deadly earnestness, however when I heard it I was quite silent, thinking that what he said couldn’t be considered entirely wrong – Eighteen Touches couldn’t just be a vulgar commoner’s song!

Qi Sheng hadn’t been speaking this entire time at one side, however at this moment he glanced at me a bit with a cold eye.

The continuously gentle and melancholic Jiang shi at the side also suddenly opened her mouth, softly asking the Bathroom Lord: “Don’t know whatever song, is it possible for Ninth Brother to also give me a copy?”

Once these words came out, I almost lost my calm. “Must not give,” I began blurting out these three words, only shouting out two of them before my trusty lips nimbly squashed down the very last word. I hurriedly put back on an expression of calm, looking at the Bathroom Lord to ask: “Must not——or can give?”

[TN: a little bit confusing to translate properly to English, what she had wanted to say is “给不得”, with the first part being “give” and the second is must not/cannot. What she changed it to is “给不——给得呢?”, which is basically like, give or not give and tosses the decision into the hands of the Bathroom Lord]

The smiling expression on the Bathroom Lord’s face deepened further as he answered: “Naturally give, on another day I will let people transcribe more copies and also send it over to wusao.”

Jiang shi faced the Bathroom Lord and nodded her head as she softly smiled. My inner heart was impure and looking at Jiang shi’s tender and small white face, I wondered what would it feel like if I also sung Eighteen Touches to her.

Perhaps because I was thinking too hard and was lost in thought, I was unable to control the temperature of my gaze toward Jiang shi for a while. Jiang shi swept an eye over me, hurriedly leaning her head away from my gaze and softly reaching her hand out to firmly grasp Zhao wang’s sleeve.

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Zhao wang busily turned toward her with a smile to appease her, extending his hand to hold her small one.

This time he would no longer able be take it! Qi Sheng’s complexion once again changed, turning colder by several degrees. I was shocked and my head hurt from his powerful aura, thinking that even this Qi Sheng could lose his cool. You say you are a crown prince, yet for a woman, in this public place filled with people, you would forget yourself like this? Isn’t it just a woman? Wait until you become an emperor, don’t even talk about a woman, each and every female under the heavens will become yours!

[TN: this was a bit hard for me to translate, especially the first part “这下可了不得喽!”, I was really confused and my mom had trouble explaining XD I just kinda went with whatever my gut, pretty much, on how it sounded like]

Ai, the crown prince was still too young in the end. We should allow young people to make mistakes. It’s not making mistakes that is scary, as long as you can learn from your mistakes it’s alright. With the mindset of treating the disease to save the patient, this type of majestic goal, I at last grit my teeth hard and extended my hand toward Qi Sheng, also grabbing his sleeve. Using a tender tone of voice that disgusted even me, I spoke: “Your Highness, it’s about time to go greet fuhuang and muhou.”

Fortunately this Qi Sheng had still not lost his mind and did not shake off my hand in front of all the princes and royalty in the palace hall, only saying: “Okay.” Once he finished speaking, he no longer looked at Jiang shi, first taking the lead to turn around and leave.

He walked away just like this, and my hand was naturally left empty. I had no other choice but to withdraw it and nonchalantly fixed my cuff like nothing had happened, following behind Qi Sheng. Inadvertently shooting a gaze to the side, I was just in time to catch a glance of the Bathroom Lord looking at me with a smile that was not like a smile. I blankly stared for a moment before suddenly coming to an understanding.

You…… You…… You can’t be thinking you want to flirt with me, right? -_-|||

I still couldn’t be certain though, and couldn’t help but look at him a little more with my two eyes. Sure enough, this expression was too familiar. I originally practiced this in front of the mirror numerous times, what those numerous female compatriots all liked——this like a smile yet not a smile expression ah!

The must have secret weapon to seducing women——the like a smile yet not like a smile smile: looking like you are smiling yet not smiling. This facial expression is extremely difficult and not easy to control. If your action is too large, then it would become a foolish smile, but if your action is not enough, then your facial muscles looked like they had spasmed. In summary, as a result, the number of people who could learn this supreme skill was very few, and there were not just a little amount of people who ended up appearing as if they had put on a fake smile.

However, it was extremely evident that this Bathroom Lord’s like a smile yet not a smile had been learned to perfection.

It’s just a pity ah, you have used the wrong target. I have yet to hear rumors of a Crown Princess who had successfully changed jobs, do you have a big enough temple to hold this honorable Buddha? It’s still better to not waste your breath!

Therefore, I looked at the Bathroom Lord with an empty gaze and calmly turned away to follow Qi Sheng and greet the emperor and empress. After getting to the palace door, the sound of the inner servant’s voice called out just in time. The emperor and empress were on one side, one of them supporting the empress dowager. Following close behind them was a crowd of colorfully dressed imperial concubines, walking in slowly from the outside.

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Qi Sheng took the initiative and lifted up the corner of his gown to kneel down in greeting, and the entire palace hall behind, with a hualala sound, also all kneeled down. The empress dowager, seeing the younger generation of imperial household members like this, was obviously happy, hurriedly calling for everyone to stand.

I only then got up with everyone else, and right after standing did I hear the empress dowager call me over. I had already seen this empress dowager a few times, and although this elderly lady appeared benevolent, she was actually a very shrewd and difficult to deal with person. Hearing her call me again at this moment, I hurriedly and carefully went over.

Esteemed grandmother grasped my hand, warmly asking: “Are you feeling better?”

I acted like a quail, softly nodding my head, answering: “Better, many thanks to huangzumu to think of me.”

Esteemed grandmother smiled slightly, reaching out her hand to grab Qi Sheng’s hand from beside me and covering my hand with it. Smiling: “This pair of husband and wife ought to be kind and love one another, afterward you must not let go again.”

Hearing it, it was like my heart had grown mold, but I couldn’t shake off Qi Sheng’s hand, and could only lower my head and act in a bashful manner.

Esteemed grandmother smiled again, reaching out her hand to pat mine and Qi Sheng’s with effort before letting us off at last and walking to sit properly on the important seat. I loosened a bit a let out a breath of air and hurriedly returned to my seat to grab Lu Li’s hand and flip it over a few times before finally able to squash down the feeling of growing mold from before.

[TN: important seat = 正位, really wasn’t sure how else to put it lol if anyone has any better suggestions o3o it’s the place where the important people sit! Do you know what I mean??]

The imperial household’s banquet was just only eating and drinking, singing and dancing. Eat, I didn’t dare to let go and eat; drinking, this is even more something I don’t dare to do, the same mistake, making it once is already enough; singing, I can’t really understand the melody; Dancing, I was wearing too many clothes, a little view couldn’t even be seen at all. As a result, all that was remaining for me was to just measure this hall of a thousand delicate white charming beauties with my eyes to pass the time.

Before I had yet to finish looking at all the beauties, there was suddenly someone from my side lightly pulling at my sleeve. I turned my head, seeing that a little beauty had already replaced the original Qi Sheng. Looking at her, the age shouldn’t be more than 15 or 16, exactly at the age where they are lively and cute, smiling at me with a heehee as she pulled at my sleeve, calling: “Saosao.”

Ai, if what she had called was “gege”, these two words would be how great. I couldn’t help but sigh. Lu Li at this time was not by my side, and I didn’t know who this little beauty in front of my eyes was. But, since she had called Zhang shi as saosao, it could be estimated that she was some gongzhu or another.

The little beauty once again pulled at my sleeve, putting her mouth by my ear: “Good saosao, staying here I am already bored, is it alright if you come with me to go out and look at the colored lanterns?”

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