Princess Chaoyang nodded indifferently.

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I looked up at Xie Yi. She was indeed wearing a brand-new dress. Though the fabric and the design weren’t the best, it was tidy.

Xie Yi’s eyes were still a bit puffy, and she looked at me helplessly, as if she had so much grievance to tell me.

I winked at her and had some more small talks with Princess Chaoyang, then I returned to Qi Sheng with Xie Yi.

On our way back, Xie Yi whispered in my ears, “Your Majesty, someone nudged me into the water on purpose. When they took me to change, I just wanted to put on some random cloths, but they took away all my wet dresses and asked me to wait inside. After a long while, they finally fetched me the dress I am wearing now.”

I slowed down and turned around to shot her a look. I smiled, “Of course, they would have to. Otherwise, how can they spare some time to take me to meet someone. Ah? Do you think we should tell this to His Majesty?”

Xie Yi thought for a while and told me, “I think you’d better tell His Majesty.”

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I nodded, “That’s what I am thinking as well. After all, it’s not possible to deceive him, so instead of being interrogated, I’d better tell him myself.”

Xie Yi was holding my hands and obviously she went stiff.

I only smiled at her guilty conscience. I patted on her arms. It’s okay, girl. Let’s intrigue against each other and see who would win in the end.

Qi Sheng had already got rid of Yan Yang, and he was discussing classics and principles with the abbot of Fuyuan Temple under the tree. He just gave me an indifferent look as he saw me returning, then he continued his conversation with the old monk.

Though it was an indifferent glance and Qi Sheng still looked calm and gentle, somehow it made me extremely guilty. I just felt his indifferent look was a lot colder and sharper than usual. Heck! Why was that? I was here having a date with him as he wished!

On our way back from Cui mountain to Sheng City, I sat tightly in a brand-new luxurious carriage, briefed my conversation with Bathroom Lord and Yang Yu to Qi Sheng. Of course, as the transcriptionist, Xie Yi, was not here at the moment, I left some details out. I only told him that Yang Yu had already known Qi Sheng purposefully trapped him in Yunxi, and Bathroom Lord pointed it out to me that the intimate relationship between the Emperor and the Empress right now was merely a camouflage. It was only a tactic of Qi Sheng to win the support of Family Zhang and he suggested that I should not be deceived by Qi Sheng’s sweet talk. If Qi Sheng treated me wholeheartedly, he would not keep Jiang shi in Da Ming Palace, nor would I still bear no son as the Empress.

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Qi Sheng kept his eyes down and absent-mindedly played with a new string of prayer beads he just got. He didn’t show any reaction until I finished my words.

I guessed he didn’t want to interrupt me, so I was just about to add “over”. Qi Sheng looked up and shot me a glance. He unhurriedly asked, “Yang Yu was there as well?”

I thought for a while, and decided to be careful on my answer, so I replied, “Yes, that’s how Lord Ninth introduced him. But I’ve only seen Yang Yu once from afar in Taixing, so I’m not certain whether he was the real Yang Yu.”

Qi Sheng raised the corner of his mouth as if he was smiling, “If Lord Ninth only wanted to talk about this, he didn’t need to bring Yang Yu with him.”

I was surprised. Qi Sheng looked as if he was not concentrating on what I was talking about, he was right to the point. Indeed, if Bathroom Lord only wanted to pit me against Qi Sheng, then there was no need for Yang Yu to come all the way from Yunxi.

I was a bit regretted. I shouldn’t have told Qi Sheng about Yang Yu’s return to Sheng City only to gain his trust. But if I didn’t tell him now and he learned about it later, he wouldn’t trust me ever again no matter I told him the truth or not.

I looked at Qi Sheng and said, “I guess he wanted to show me his sincerity, and to make me believe he was supported by Yang Yu, so with the Zhang Family, he could turn things around.

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Qi Sheng leaned against the wall of the carriage, raised his chin and looked at me quietly.

I took a deep breath, emboldened myself and continued, “He also told me that, he didn’t just want the world, and… me. He could make me the Empress, and whatever you could give me, he would give me twice as much.”

Qi Sheng squinted and a murderous look flashed through his eyes.

I murmured Amitabha in my mind, Bathroom Lord, sorry, now your life will be even worse now. Remember to keep your head low and don’t give Qi Sheng the chance to chop your head off.

Qi Sheng asked me, “How did you answer him?”

I blinked and replied, “I said it was too important and I couldn’t make my own decision so I had to seek your opinion first.”

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Qi Sheng was taken aback and then he laughed.

I still sat on my knees beside him, looking at him with my lips pressed.

Qi Sheng laughed for a long time, and suddenly he put his arm around my waist and dragged me towards him. He put the string of beads on my wrist and rubbed my head gently with his chin. He mumbled, “I know you are lying to me, but I just liked to hear it… I just like it.”

I couldn’t control myself and my body went stiff.

I wanted to straighten up and explain to him, but he grabbed me harder and pulled me against his chest. After a pause, he suddenly whispered to me, “Pengpeng, let’s have another child.”

I was still in a trance but he had already lifted up my chin, lowered his head and kissed me.

I felt dizzy and couldn’t help to marvel, Qi Sheng was indeed someone with vigor and resolution.

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