The mess from last night was still in the living room, after a night of fermentation, the foil smell was a little too strong, Shen Yi took the clothes Fu Yuhe gave him and went to the bathroom.

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Today is a holiday, he wasn’t in a hurry.

He turned the shower on, and the water cascaded down his hair and to his body. Shen Yi’s hair wet hair were stuck to his forehead, falling into his eyes. He raised his hand and pushed it back. He remembered what happened last night very clearly.

As for why last night developed into what it did, it was entirely due to Shen Yi’s deliberate intention, mixed with a little bit of accident – it was originally just small talk, but after chatting, they mostly talked about Fu Cheng, Shen Yi felt it was a bit interesting, so he told Fu Yuhe if he wanted to know the answer to a question, you have to trade it for something else.

It was a rare opportunity and naturally the best time to ask for whatever you wanted.

So without a doubt, Shen Yi asked for a kiss. Fu Yuhe said that his kissing skills weren’t good. Shen Yi wasn’t angry, it’s only natural to practice something more if you aren’t good at it, right?

But Fu Yuhe’s lips were so soft, he realized that when they kissed, he would never say what he felt, obviously kissing makes him feel good, even if he doesn’t say it, Shen Yi could still feel it, feel the changes in his breathing, heartbeat and body.

Shen Yi currently has no plan to breed with others, but he and Fu Yuhe are both men, “breeding” is not within their scope, at most they can only engage in that kind of meaningless behavior.

On the other side, Fu Yuhe was standing by the balcony smoking a cigarette.

He held the cigarette between his fingers, and slowly exhaled the smoke from his mouth, blurring his handsome face. He didn’t sleep well all night long, so his face had a bit of decadent beauty.

What happened last night was caused by not only alcohol, and also by his own desires. Shen Yi’s handsome and sunny face appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he had been single for too long, to think he would like a little kid like him. He was a teenager, still impulsive but he was a grown adult.

Before this, Fu Yuhe had never thought that he liked men, and he never thought any man was attractive—even though the same applied to women.

He touched his lower lip with his fingertips, and he could still recall Shen Yi’s strength from last night like a little wolf just got his hands on something new. Fu Yuhe was completely sure that he read him right, his gentleness and harmless appearance were just a facade.

But now, he wasn’t completely against this idea, but another kind of emotion surged in his mind, occupying his heart, eager to let him admit that he liked it, but not completely.

The sky was just getting brighter, and there was a little misty from last night.

Shen Yi came out of the bathroom wearing a T-shirt with a towel on his head and went to Fu Yuhe’s room.

“Put on a jacket.” Fu Yuhe threw him a fleece sports jacket.

“I’ll wear it later.” Shen Yi brushed his hair twice, paused, walked to the side to get a hair dryer, and when he passed Fu Yuhe, he stopped.

He turned sideways, with his upper body leaning towards Fu Yuhe.

Fu Yuhe jerked back, “What are you doing?”

Shen Yi sniffed lightly: “Do you smoke?”

“You can smell it?” Fu Yuhe asked quietly.

Shen Yi: “A little bit.”

Fu Yuhe: “Dog’s nose.”

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He turned sideways, stepped out of the way, and asked Shen Yi to get the hair dryer. Shen Yi only blew his hair twice casually, and his hair was half dry and half wet state, with water dripping out of his strands. He didn’t care.

When Shen Yi was going out, Fu Yuhe reminded him to wear the jacket, Shen Yi then turned around and put it on.

The clothes fit just right on him.

These clothes were not Fu Yuhe’s style, he has only worn them once, and unexpectedly it looks good on Shen Yi. Shen Yi was young with a clean and refreshing temperament unique to his age.

“I’ll take you back.” Fu Yuhe got up and said.

The best way to prevent Fu Cheng from finding out that something is wrong between him and Shen Yi was to make Shen Yi leave the place. Then there would be no need to worry about anything.

“Oh.” Shen Yi opened the door.

Outside the door, Fu Cheng, who was passing by with a plate in his hand, about to head back to his room to gorge on a sandwich, blinked and met his eyes.

It was silent.

Fu Yuhe didn’t see the situation at the door, so he took a coat and put it on, and walked towards the door.

Then, the three of them stood at the door, looking at each other.

The atmosphere was tense, and the air seemed to have frozen.

“Crack”, with a crisp sound, the small fork in Fu Cheng’s mouth fell on the dinner plate, and he asked Shen Yi with confusion in his eyes:

“Why are you in my brother’s room?”

Fu Yuhe: “He… got lost.”

Fu Cheng opened his eyes wide, looking at Shen Yi, then at Fu Yuhe.

Why does the atmosphere seem a little out of place?

Shen Yi almost laughed out loud.

Maybe the brother’s ability of not being able to tell a lie is genetic?

“I came here to borrow a hair dryer.” Shen Yi pointed inside, “I just took a shower, and my clothes are dirty. Seeing that you hadn’t woken up, I asked your brother to lend me some clothes.” Fu Cheng was relieved for some reason, the frozen atmosphere seemed to have returned back to normal.

“Is that so…” Fu Cheng said, “No wonder you didn’t reply when I sent you a message. Are you hungry? Would you like to eat something? I left a sandwich in the kitchen.”

“Thank you, Fu Cheng.” Shen Yi smiled radiantly, revealing no flaw, “I’m really hungry, thanks to you I can finally eat something.”

Fu Cheng immediately forgot all of his doubts just now and smiled with his lips pursed.

Fu Yuhe: “…”

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He looked at Shen Yi’s back.

Is this how he tricked others? With his sweet talk?

Shen Yi seemed to be aware of his gaze, and one second before going out, he turned his head, showing a shallow smile, but this smile was not so pure in Fu Yuhe’s eyes. He didn’t know if it was because of Fu Yuhe’s psychology, or because of what happened last night. He kept feeling Shen Yi had some other intentions.

After this day, Fu Yuhe discovered that Shen Yi came over more frequently. He used to come once every two or three days, but now he is at his house almost every day—but the fact is that after Shen Yi moved places, he was much closer to the Fu family’s house than before. It was also much more convenient, thus the frequency of his appearance in their house naturally increased.

Shen Yi’s favorite thing to do now is to stay on the balcony of Fu Cheng’s room. From there, he had a great chance to see Fu Yuhe who came to the back garden.

With the help of binoculars, he had a pretty good view.

But as the weather got colder and colder, Fu Yuhe stopped coming out to the back garden.

In front of Fu Cheng, the two weren’t any different from before, only when they looked at each other, there were gestures that they only understood, but neither of them took a step closer.

The two maintained a delicate relationship.

This kind of subtlety is reflected in the news on their mobile phones, Fu Yuhe’s side has accumulated more nonsensical messages. For example, Shen Yi will ask him if he had lunch, this kind of meaningless conversation was something that Fu Yuhe might have ignored in the past, but now he was willing to send a word or two back.

In his opinion, Shen Yi was pursuing him, and he was very clingy.

[Shen Yi: Brother, did you forget me?]

[Fu Yuhe: I’m in a meeting, don’t send me messages even if you have nothing to do.]

“Ah… so tired, let’s go to the cat cafe this afternoon.” Fu Cheng leaned on the table and said to Shen Yi.

With a smile on his lips, Shen Yi looked down at the message on his phone, sighed, and said back to Fu Cheng: “Okay.”

“What are you looking at?” Fu Cheng poked his head curiously.

Shen Yi backed out, “It’s nothing.”

After a while, the corners of his lips curved up, “Something interesting.”

Shen Yi just thought that Fu Yuhe had no choice but to reply to his message and found it very interesting, completely unaware that in Fu Yuhe’s heart, Shen Yi was pursuing him.

Fu Cheng: “Really? Show me.”

Shen Yi raised his phone: “It’s refreshed, so I can’t find it anymore.”

Fu Cheng didn’t bother with it either.

When the two of them left school in the afternoon, a female voice came from behind to stop them. To be more precise, it was stopping Fu Cheng.

There were people coming and going at the school gate, because Shen Yi and Fu Cheng were good-looking, despite wearing their school uniform, they were still very eye-catching in the crowd, and occasionally someone looked sideways.

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A girl with a ponytail trotted up to them, panting, “Long time no see.”

“Are you feeling well?” Fu Cheng greeted.

“I’m good.” The girl waved her hand and looked at Shen Yi curiously.

Fu Cheng said “Ah”, and then he reacted and introduced them, the girl’s name was Shen Meiyue, and she is Fu Cheng’s junior high school classmate, she wasn’t in good health, and had to repeat a year, so right now she was a sophomore in high school.

Shen Yi raised his hand, and said with a smile: “Hello.”

Shen Meiyue’s cheeks went red, and she replied “Hello” in a daze.

When the three of them walked out side by side, Shen Meiyue chose to walk beside the familiar Fu Cheng, and Shen Yi was on the other side of Fu Cheng.

“I’m sorry, Fu Cheng. I didn’t know about Xu Fanchao looking for you back then.” Shen Meiyue said in a low voice, and let out a sigh of relief, “I’ve troubled you.”

“It’s okay.” Fu Cheng said.

Shen Yi turned his head and glanced at Shen Meiyue, Shen Meiyue looked like a girl from a small family, perhaps because of her poor health, she had a weak temperament, not aggressive but gentle.

They separated when they reached the school gate.

Shen Meiyue waved at them, turned around, and boarded the bus.

Later, Shen Yi found out that Fu Cheng and that girl were at the same table when they were in junior high school. They used to be friends because they were both shy and introverted, but later on, they were teased by others claiming they were a couple.

Before Fu Cheng asked Shen Yi if he wanted to keep a cat, the classmate whose cat gave birth to a kitten was also Shen Meiyue.

“It’s fate.” Shen Yi joked, “Are you attracted to someone with the surname Shen?”

Fu Cheng said “ah” before realizing that they both shared the same surname.

Shen Yi looked at him helplessly: “You didn’t realize it until now.”

Fu Cheng: “I… didn’t pay attention.”

“Too slow… But maybe it’s a good thing.” Shen Yi said, rubbing his chin, thinking it was good.

“Why?” Fu Cheng asked.

Shen Yi smiled and said nothing, but Fu Cheng questioned to no avail.

Fu Yuhe didn’t go home today and called Fu Cheng at night to tell him that he was on a business trip to City B.

So for the next three days, Shen Yi didn’t send any messages to Fu Yuhe to harass him, because he left without telling him, which made Shen Yi feel a little unhappy.

This kind of unhappiness has nothing to do with liking or disliking, but one would be unhappy after being ignored.

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Fu Yuhe noticed Shen Yi’s emotions on the second day. The person who said good morning and good night every day suddenly didn’t send him any messages for two days straight.

At night, he took a shower in the hotel and sat on the bed, flipping through magazines to pass his time, and heard his phone vibrate. Fu Yuhe’s lips curled up, and he took the phone to see that it was a piece of junk news.

Fu Yuhe: “…”

It was getting late, the corners of Fu Yuhe’s lips flattened, he threw the phone aside, closed the magazine, and turned off the light.

He knew that Shen Yi lost his temper.

Feelings were just a game, and Fu Yuhe’s heart still harbored grievances about completely being led by Shen Yi the night when they kissed, but now that the fish has been on the hook has been long enough, it’s time to give the child some sweetness.

Shen Yi is young, and he wears his emotions on his sleeves, which is understandable. Fu Yuhe is a little bit dumbfounded. He stabilized his mentality and waited for the child to come to him on his own initiative.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yi could really bear it well, he didn’t send him a message throughout the duration of his business trip.

This meant that he was very angry.

After Fu Yuhe sent Shen Yi a message, he never received a reply back.

At around 7 o’clock on Friday night, Fu Yuhe got off the plane and asked his assistant to drive home.

The light in the corridor was on, and Fu Yuhe was standing at the door of Fu Cheng’s room. Just when he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, he put it down and tidied up his clothes slowly so that he would not look disheveled and then he raised his hand to knock on the door.

The door opened, and it was Fu Cheng who opened it.

Seeing him, Fu Cheng asked, “Brother, you’re back, what’s the matter?”

Fu Yuhe handed him what was in his hand, “I brought you a specialty product.”

“Thank you, brother!” Fu Cheng happily took it, turned around, and entered the room, Fu Yuhe followed him in.

There was only Fu Cheng in the room, no one else.

“Doing your homework?” Fu Yuhe leaned on the desk, tapping his fingertips on the surface.

“Yeah.” Fu Cheng was unpacking his package.

Fu Yuhe flipped the test paper casually and paused. There was a pink envelope under the test paper. It was easy to guess what it was.

Fu Cheng, who was dismantling the specialty products package, obviously remembered that there was something under his test paper, so he quickly raised his head and walked over to press the test paper, and closed the textbook with a “snap”, his face flushing.

“Brother, this…”

“You don’t need to explain it to me.” Fu Yuhe didn’t care very much, “Take care of your own affairs.”

He straightened up, “Rest early.”

Fu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly explain: “No, no, no! Brother, this isn’t for me! It’s for …Shen Yi.”

Fu Yuhe’s footsteps stopped abruptly.

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