
So he indeed, was looking forward to love letters?

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Fu Yuhe was soaking in the bathtub, his thighs were a little red, he closed his eyes and leaned back, his mind flashed to Shen Yi’s child-like expression, filled with both expectation and innocence.

The fire burning in his heart had dissipated, and he clearly understood what he wanted – he couldn’t stand Shen Yi walking with other girls.

After Fu Yuhe took a bath, he put on his clothes and went to drink a glass of water. In the corridor, he met Fu Cheng who was returning home. Fu Cheng stood in front of his door and was about to knock on the door. He stopped him and walked over.

“Brother.” Fu Cheng put down his hands and turned to his side.
Fu Yuhe: “What’s the matter?”
“I…” Fu Cheng’s eyes wandered, erratically.
Fu Yuhe: “Say it.”
Fu Cheng handed the mobile phone in his hand to Fu Yuhe: “Second aunt sent me a message, saying that she wanted to see you.”

Fu Yuhe took his mobile phone and saw the message on it.

[Xiaocheng, please help your second aunt, your brother is so busy nowadays, so he, oftentimes, can’t even see his relatives. Second Aunt really doesn’t have any I’ll intentions. Do you remember your little cousin? He often took you out to play when you were young…]

The content in the message utilizes both hard and soft measures. Playing the family card in front of Fu Cheng. Fu Cheng was soft-hearted, so he was a little uncertain about how to deal with her, nevertheless, he hasn’t forgotten what happened back then.

“I don’t know what’s the matter with second aunt, anyway I haven’t called her back yet,” Fu Cheng said.

Fu Yuhe showed a look of pure disgust, which soon disappeared. He returned the phone back to Fu Cheng and said, “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry about it.”

Fu Cheng: “Oh.”

“Is there something else?”

“Ah?” Fu Cheng came back to his senses and walked away from the door, “I’m going—brother, have you taken a shower?”


“Yes.” Fu Yuhe said, “I sweated a lot today before I came back.”

His body had an unusual glow, making him less rigorous than usual. His figure exuded a sense of laziness, like a beast that had eaten his fill and was about to doze off, but Fu Cheng just asked casually, nodded, and said, “I’ll go back to my room first.” before he left.

Fu Yuhe entered his bedroom and closed the door behind his back.

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In the bedroom, Shen Yi sat on the floor, using the sofa as a support, beside the coffee table, with a cushion under his buttocks and a book on his lap. Fu Yuhe put the water glass on the table and it made a crisp sound, causing Shen Yi to raise his head.

“Fu Cheng is back, don’t go out lest he sees you.” He said.

Shen Yi: “Yes.”

While talking to Fu Cheng in the car, he said something was up and it was something “private”. If he were to appear here now, it would seem suspicious. After all, in Fu Cheng’s eyes, his relationship with his brother wasn’t very good, at least it was not to the extent that they would have anything together that would be considered “private”.

Even if Fu Yuhe didn’t say anything, he didn’t really want Fu Cheng to see him.


So far, Shen Yi only wants to be Fu Cheng’s friend, and he doesn’t want to give him too much of an impact.

Fu Yuhe bent down and lifted the collar of Shen Yi’s clothes, and glanced over his shoulder There he saw a bloody tooth mark wound that hadn’t been treated.

He left this mark when Shen Yi deliberately frightened him as a prank.

Shen Yi didn’t move, he just turned his head and glanced at Fu Yuhe’s hand.

Fu Yuhe got up and left. After a few minutes, he came back with a medical kit in his hand.
“Take off your clothes.”

Shen Yi: “It’s cold.”

Fu Yuhe: “Turn on the air conditioner.”

“Don’t wanna.” Shen Yi pulled his collar and sniffed, “They smell like you.”

These words made Fu Yuhe’s blood rush straight to his head. Even the previous series of events did not make Fu Yuhe feel this embarrassed, yet a single sentence had done it.

There was an unnoticeable trace of red on the base of his ears, he turned his head away from Shen Yi, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, “Put it on later.”


Shen Yi was wearing a white shirt, which was easy to take off and easy to apply medicine on. Fu Yuhe had bit down pretty hard, and the area around the wound was a little red and swollen. Seeing this, Fu Yuhe frowned and took a cotton swab dipped in the medicine, and wiped on it.

“Hiss…” Shen Yi took a breath.

Fu Yuhe paused in his movements, “It hurts?”

Shen Yi nodded, his eyes seemed to be filled with tears, moist and clear, Fu Yuhe pursed his thin lips, “I know it hurts, so be more obedient next time.”

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The hands applying the medicine became gentler and he lightly blew on his wound.

“How can you be obedient?” Shen Yi asked.

Fu Yuhe didn’t answer.

It wasn’t until the wound was completely disinfected that he pinched Shen Yi’s chin and said, “Next time, don’t smile so kindly at women.”

Then he added: “You can’t do it either with men.”

Shen Yi didn’t leave that night, He didn’t sleep in the guest room, rather he slept on Fu Yuhe’s bed. He hugged Fu Yuhe’s waist from behind, and buried his face in the back of his neck, taking in the scent.

He really liked the faint fragrance of Fu Yuhe’s body, it gave him a very peaceful and stable feeling.

Fu Yuhe, who was hugged by him, froze. After a while, he took Shen Yi’s hand away, so he didn’t stick to him anymore.

After venting out his energy, he fell sleepy very quickly at night.

Shen Yi said “good night” softly, and didn’t continue to test Fu Yuhe’s bottom line.

He turned his back to Fu Yuhe and fell into a deep sleep.


He fell asleep, yet the other person couldn’t sleep.

Fu Yuhe opened his eyes and stared at a certain point in the room in the dark. Since he could remember, he rarely ever slept in the same bed with anyone. Even when his parents passed away during his high school days, he only let the timid and insecure Fu Cheng sleep with him for less than two weeks.

After that he got too busy, so Fu Cheng would obediently go to bed by himself.

Shen Yi didn’t sleep well, he loved tossing and turning, Fu Yuhe was next to him, and he put his hand on Fu Yuhe’s waist from behind, this time Fu Yuhe didn’t push his hand away.

He let himself lean back, his back muscles were relaxed and Shen Yi’s chest was tightly pressed against it, it was as if he was wrapping himself in a quilt because Shen Yi’s body temperature was continuously coming from him.

That night, Fu Yuhe woke up several times, but his consciousness was not clear yet. He always felt the body temperature behind him and fell asleep quickly. He was a light sleeper and it was common for him to wake up several times in the middle of the night. Sometimes he would wake up near dawn and couldn’t fall back asleep. So according to that, he woke up very late today.

The scenery outside the window was covered by the curtains, and the time of his mobile phone showed that it was almost eight o’clock. There was a message on it and Fu Yuhe was alone on the bed. He sat up, looked sideways at the wrinkles on the other side, and pursed his lips. He raised his hand and touched his forehead. After a while, he threw his phone aside.

The chat hasn’t been closed yet.

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[Shen Yi: Brother, good morning, I’m leaving first, looking forward to meeting you next time.]

[Shen Yi: By the way, before you woke up, I secretly kissed your forehead, I hope you won’t be angry [heart].]


[Fu Yuhe: See you soon.]

Next time he will have to return this kiss… This was probably what Shen Yi meant.

Yesterday seemed like a ridiculous dream, in brilliant colors, it became a colorful memory, including the colour of the person in the dream, and it became more dazzling as time went by.

The relationship between the two has become unclear, and the boundary has gone blurred, as if threads had been tangled in a mess with countless knots that cannot be untied, disrupting their trajectory.
Their next meeting came quickly.

In the evening of the next day, Fu Yuhe knocked on Fu Cheng’s door, and as expected, he saw Shen Yi nestled on the sofa in his room. Shen Yi waved his hand and greeted him with a smile, calling out “Brother” affectionately.

His attitude towards others has always been so familiar, so Fu Cheng didn’t think there was anything wrong.

Fu Yuhe nodded coldly as if there was nothing happening between the two of them. After looking away, he gave Fu Cheng the dessert he had brought back and went to his study instead.

——All he had to do was sit and wait.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the study.

Fu Yuhe opened the door, and standing outside the door was the little rabbit he was waiting for.

Shen Yi was wearing an off-white slim-fit sweater, holding a cup of warm water in his hand. The moment the door opened, Fu Yuhe grabbed the back of his head before he could speak, and lightly kissed his lips.

There was a sweet taste on his lips and teeth, it was likely the dessert brought back by Fu Yuhe.
The snacks delivered to the door weren’t for free.

Shen Yi’s warm palm clasped the back of Fu Yuhe’s neck, and Fu Yuhe wrapped his arms around Shen Yi’s waist, deepening the kiss.

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After a while, the two separated, breathing heavily.

Shen Yi licked his lips, leaned closer to Fu Yuhe’s ear with a smile on his lips, and said, “The dim sum is delicious, thank you, brother.”

” You like it?” Fu Yuhe rubbed the corner of Shen Yi’s lips with his fingertips.

Shen Yi: “I do.”

He knew that he liked these pastry desserts, but still, the moment he heard him say these two words, Fu Yuhe’s heart couldn’t stop pounding for a moment, wanting him to say more.

“Then eat more.” Fu Yuhe pressed his lips, and said something meaningful in a hoarse voice, “What else do you like to eat? I will bring it for you next time.” Just like that, the next appointment had been fixed.

“It’ll be troublesome if I always ask you to bring it over though.” Shen Yi’s voice carried a slight smile, “Guess, I’ll have to reward you well.”

Fu Yuhe no longer had the indifferent attitude that he did in front of Fu Cheng, hugged Shen Yi’s waist tightly like a shackle that he couldn’t break free from, he closed the door, pressed Shen Yi against the door to kiss him, and answered him with his action – naturally he must be rewarded well.
After all, he wasn’t the type to run errands for someone else.

Shen Yi passionately kissed him back, his body language expressed that he liked it.

“Don’t leave a mark.” Shen Yi snorted when Fu Yuhe was about to bite his lip, “Later if Fu Cheng saw it, I won’t be able to explain it.” Fu Yuhe lightly bit his lip, “Aren’t you very good at making excuses?”

“Hmm…” Shen Yi thought for a while, and said, “Then should I say, I was bitten by a dog?”

Fu Yuhe had the urge to strangle him to death for a moment.

He was angry and found it funny, “What are you talking about? Huh? Who exactly are you scolding?”

Shen Yi touched his earlobe comfortingly, and a series of tiny electric currents seemed to pass through Fu Yuhe’s back, reaching his waist, and his breathing stagnated.

“I was wrong.” Shen Yi resolutely blocked his mouth when he spoke again.

He was wrong, but he would still dare to do it next time.

Fu Yuhe didn’t know the underlying meaning of his words and didn’t look too deeply into it.

When Shen Yi went out of the study room again, his lips were a little darker, and there was a small tooth mark on the corner of his moist lips. The beige sweater had wrinkles, and he carefully smoothed them out. Filled with satisfaction, he slowly returned to Fu Cheng’s room with warm water.

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