The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me

Chapter 57: The Protagonists Are Murdered by

“What? You want me to join Mister Yoo Seodam’s guild?”

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I met Lee Dong-Joon and his daughter Shin Hye-ji again on the weekend. This time, I brought a contract and gave it to them.

“Yes, it will be a great help for you.”

“If that’s what you want, then…”

The decision was one-sidedly made by me and Lee Dong-joon. However, the most important thing in this matter was Shin Hye-ji.

“You know… I got an offer from Velvet, Chinese government, Lost Day, and England nightclubs.”

“I know. But it’s better for you to enter his guild. Because, you don’t have to hide your Mugong anymore.”


Shin Hye-ji’s expression changed dramatically as she heard those words. It was something that no other guild could possibly do for her. Which is, creating an environment where Shin Hye-ji could fully develop her power.

Mugong must be hidden. That’s what his father taught her. I was going to entice her with that point.

“Even though I didn’t use any Mugong, I have something similar to it. Also, I’m thinking of setting up a Dojo where I could teach my power to other people in the next few years. Miss Shin Hye-Ji would be my fir- No, second student. I can guarantee you, Mugong wouldn’t become a problem.”

“I, I, I see.”

In fact, I have produced a brilliant superhuman student named Celeste Costantini. Currently, Celeste was busy traveling around the world, including France, England, and many other countries. She received great attention everywhere she went, even though her superpowers rank hadn’t been updated yet.

But anyway, because she was already a superhuman in the first place, the interest in me wasn’t so great.

But Shin Hye-ji was different.

She used to be an ordinary human with no ability. She became a superhuman after learning the Thirteen swords of Buddha Dharma. How great would this advertising effect be? The existence of Shin Hye-ji will be very helpful for the future of my guild.

It was Lee Dong-joon who taught and nurtured her. And she became well-known after showing her skills in the academy. But her name value could only be exclusively used by me.

“Right now, I’ve only registered the guild to the association. Miss Shin Hye-ji would officially become a member once you graduate. However, Miss Shin Hye-ji will be able to use all of her power if she declared that she will join my guild in the future and sign the contract.”

The word ‘Mugong’ has been a secret between her and her father. That’s why she had been holding back. Now, when she had an opportunity to use it freely, I bet she was feeling very eager.

She wouldn’t need any kind of support from any guild. People from Murim were like that in the first place. Even though she was not a full-fledged Murim person, what was the difference between them and her when she had also learned Mugong? 

“Go, Good! First of all, Please show me the contract.”

I gave her the contract as soon as I heard her words. I received some help from Park Sung-ho, the former deputy director of the Korea Branch Hunter Association, and Lee Joon-seok of the Velvet Guild, while I was in the process of creating my own guild.

Shin Hye-Ji carefully examined the contract, including the confidentiality pledge, and slightly frowned. Beside her, Lee Dong-joon asked with a stiff look.

“You want me to be tied to your guild for at least 7 years?”

I don’t think he would like the condition I proposed. But, I had already prepared an excuse in advance.

“Yes. Let me tell you again, my guild is a special guild. It would also served as an institution that teaches ordinary people who are incompetent to be able to use my ‘Power’. Of course, Hye-ji can learn my humble abilities as well as her father’s great skills.”

My power would be far below the level of the Dharma Sutra, but it was not wrong to say that I was going to teach not only martial arts but also magic.

“So, uh, that ‘Power’, what is it called?”

When Shin Hye-ji asked, instead of answering, Yoo Seodam opened his palm and drew a small magic circle in the air. Of course, the Flower took care of everything.

-I want a glass of soju.

Shin Hye-ji and Lee Dong-joon were slightly surprised when they saw the small breeze that began to gather on top of my palm.

“This is the power that is similar to Mugong.”

Shin Hye-ji, who knew about Mugong but would never have seen magic, stared blankly at the breeze dancing on my palm and signed the contract right away.

I smiled and asked Shin to shake hands.

“I look forward to working with you.”

Shin Hye-ji will be a great driving force for my guild’s growth in the future.

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A week after my meeting with Shin Hye-Ji and Lee dong-Joon.

I watched the video sent by the Supernatural Power Academy.

-Poong, Poong!!

-Oh, my God. What the hell is that?

-She even beat 3rd year’s Vice-president Elyteina…

-I heard she was trained by hunter Yoo Seodam. Is it okay to spread that kind of swordsmanship?

Shin Hye-ji was originally a top student among all the first grade students. Her skill was clearly unrivaled, but many people said that she was still inferior to her seniors in second and third grade. It couldn’t be helped since she was hiding most of her ‘Mugong’ skill. But now, with those restrictions gone, she could crush all of her seniors without any worries.

‘Oh, what an unfair world.’

That’s what third grader Elyteina and all senior students thought when they looked at Shin Hye-ji.

Even though I’ve asked Lee dong-joon to teach me, all I can learn from him right now is footworks and breathing methods. Unlike Shin Hye-ji, who had the ‘Supreme one’ as her father, or Eliteina who was born talented.

[T/N: This essentially means that he is not as skilled as them.]

They were able to fight skilfully at such a young age.

The damaged duel arena was vividly captured inside the video. The trace of fire magic and sword strike could be seen all around the arena. No matter how strong I am right now, something like that was clearly impossible for me.

Shin Hye-ji was of course stronger than me. But her opponent, Eliteina was also stronger than me.

‘I’ll have to work extra hard for the next two years.’

As the one who created the guild, Shouldn’t I become stronger than the people who will be an instructor in my guild?

‘First of all, I need to learn another swordsmanship.’

The white swordsmanship style wasn’t something that could be taught to anyone. It was a skill that was created as a new swordsmanship unique to himself. In other words, he had to acquire another skill, either martial arts or swordsmanship, that could be taught to other people.

I’m actually not much worried about that part. Now that I have acquired inventory skill, even when I can’t steal such skills from the main character, I can bring different items related to martial arts or swordsmanship.

Bzzzttt! Bzzzttt!!

These days my smartphone was constantly ringing. A lot of swordsmen and aspiring hunters were contacting me. It was only natural, because in addition to Celeste, my new disciple Shin Hye-ji, the top student of supernatural power academy, was showing an exceptional strength.

Among those people who want to be taught by me, I would only choose and teach the one with purest intention.

“I want to get some items. Long sword, dagger, double sword, Anything’s fine. Please show me the world related to the sword.”


[…. Finish searching]

[Showing the result]

#Did_you_die_again? #Do_it_ again!

#Fantasy #Regressor #Grow #Sweet_potato #Cider


#Fantasy #Regressor #Sweet_potato #Grow


#Mugong #Munchkin #Revenge #Noir

The list showed numerous protagonists that used ‘sword’ as their weapon. The list was really endless. Most of the main characters used swords because that was cliche. Of course, there were many characters who used other weapons such as spears, bows, hammers and axes, but the number was very small.

“There’s so many.”

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Of course, the main character who simply used the sword did not appear on this list. What he needed was a place where the world view itself revolved around the sword.

I chose an option where I found a suitable protagonist to deal with.


#Fantasy #Regressor #Sweet_potato #Grow

“Let’s go with this one.”

[The main character’s name is Adonen, his level is 51.]

[Do you want to check the plot?]

“Show me.”

Adonen, a man with no talent, no connections, and no teacher.

His dream was to become the best in the world with just one sword.

“You trained the sword for ten years? It’s been less than a year for me.”


However, he met a real ‘genius’ and died.

“What is this?”

He suddenly came back to yesterday?


As expected, there is not much to know from the plot alone. But It’s still better than nothing.

“First of all, it’s definitely a regression. Can protagonist hunter skill detect a regression?”

“Okay. Let’s go. A level 51 should be doable.”

[Transfering to Rostislav Continent, the world where the level 51 Protagonist Adonen resides.]



[Moving completed.]

[You’ve become a wanderer on the Rostislav Continent.]

[Currently the time difference is 3.1417]

[Current date: Imperial calendar, February 18, year 712 current time: 17:39]

“Huh, is this guy serious? Why are you picking a fight?!”

“I am serious! Take out your sword now!”

“Look at this trash talking back!”

I found myself in the middle of a hall, which seems to be the reception area of a large medieval style Inn.

“What the hell?”

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Two or three Westerners wearing light leather gear pulled out their swords from the sheath before my eyes. They seem to have been at odds with each other. I thought it would be better not to get dragged into the fight, so I slipped back and got out of there.

Only when I came out to the streets that I realized the ‘law’ of this world.

“What? You are asking for more discount?”

“This bastard! Follow me outside and fight me!”

This was a world where the strong survived. There was no need to distinguish between the right and the wrong. If something happened to a person and they didn’t like it, anyone could prove their words through a duel. It was a perfect world for a strong person to live.

“What a crazy world. It’s a bloody place.”

Moreover, sometimes there were outstanding talents in the mix, so people preferred to avoid other people because they were afraid of getting into trouble.

Sword and more swords. It was a world where everything was resolved with a sword.

Their currency was a sword, and all buildings were shaped like a sword. And, there was a man who cut his hair in the shape of swords.

My choice was proven to be correct, there were a lot of people on the street who either wanted to sell their swords or teach swordsmanship. I looked at them one by one as if I was shopping.

And then,

“Wow, why don’t you try a little more?”

[Protagonist Adonen]

[Level : 51.]

I found the protagonist.

The protagonist, Adonen. On the surface, he looked like an adult in his early twenty. He was fighting a duel in the middle of the street, and people around him clicked their tongues as they passed by.

“Seems like he’s blocking the road to kill every passing swordsman.”

“He’s really a brave one. He is killing people even though he will be charged for murder by the guard.”

“He has to meet a real master to get himself together.”

“I have to pass, but he is blocking the way, so…”

On closer look, Adonen, as they said, was carrying out a slaughter. No matter how strong you are, indiscriminate killing wan’t right. Besides, there must be swordsmen around here who were stronger than level 51. Just where did his confidence stem from?

But my question was soon replaced by another thought.

It was a good opportunity.

In this world where the strong survive. It was not unlikely that the protagonist will be stabbed to death by random people.

‘Even if I killed the protagonist right now, I can stay in this world as long as I want.’

Then, I thought it was right to kill the protagonist who grew up eating the blessing of this world.

It was a bit of a concern that the exact effects of the regression skill were not revealed. But from what I know, it was a genre where the protagonist grew rapidly by monopolizing the technology and knowledge of the future. It was right to kill him before he could grow any stronger.

I took a grenade out of the inventory and threw it toward Adonen. Adonen, who was telling everyone to fight him if they wanted to go through this road, belatedly found a black sphere that rolled under his feet.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

“What is this?”


The grenade exploded. It seemed to be quite effective because there were wounds all over his body. But it wasn’t enough to kill him so I pulled out my pistol and swung my sword at him.


“Kuhuk! You bastard! Who are you? Let’s have a fair fight!”

Fair fight my ass! I don’t think that’s what the guy who blocked the road and started a slaughter can say.

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I cut Adonen’s sword into two using my ether blade. Then, I pointed my gun at the gap that was created. After that, I switched back to my ether blade to cut his neck cleanly.

I deactivated the ether blade as soon as Adonen’s head fell to the ground. Level 51 Protagonist was someone who could be killed easily with a surprise attack.


[Current date: Imperial Calendar, February 18, Year 712 Current time: 18:50]

[…..The world line starts to twist.]

[Skill ‘Protagonist Hunter Lv. 3’ is activated to detect changes in the world line.]

[The Protagonist Adonen invokes the skill ‘Designated Return (URS)’ and returns to 10 hours and 37 minutes ago.]

[Current date: Imperial calendar, February 18, Year 712 Current time: 20:13]


[Current date: Imperial Calendar, February 18, Year 712 Current time: 18:50]

[We’ve moved to the A73 World Line.]


Suddenly, Adonen’s body disappeared. Even though it was clearly there a moment ago.

Something is wrong.

The people around me were changing. The man who wore a red muffler earlier had disappeared and in his place, a woman was standing there. And the two blonde men who watched Adonen and criticized him, were now walking shoulder to shoulder.


There are some people who engaged in duel

“Well, the trash is dueling again.”

Said a swordsman as he passed by.


And there’s an old man who walked away from the fighting people in fright.

Looks like no one has sensed this ‘change’.

‘Is this the effect of ‘Regression’?”

Yoo Seodam stared at the crowds blankly. But suddenly a voice came from his back

“I’ve been looking for you all day long after I died.”


Yoo Seodam looked back in a hurry. Adonen, who had just been decapitated by his sword was standing there.

“But it’s weird. You weren’t there until just now, it’s like you are appearing out of nowhere. What the hell are you?”

Adonen said and he spat on the floor.

[The protagonist, Adonen, activates ‘Swordsmanship robbing(SS)’ Skill.]

[The Swordsmanship robbing (SS): Analyzes and identifies the swordsmanship of the person who kills him and makes it as his own.]

[Progress: 2.79%]

Adonen smiled violently and pulled out the sword.

“So, why don’t you show me some more of your swordsmanship?”

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