The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me

Chapter 82: Chapter 82 < Time to walk the sto

Chapter 82< Time to walk the story (Rewind)>

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Translator: Asta

Editor: Aaghna

‘You could become a protagonist.’

I was flustered because of the system’s statement.

It was a similar kind of feeling to when I was given a deadline out of nowhere.

Protagonist was a word that looked good at first glance, but I knew it was not.

It was because I had come to know that every single action they did was actually going with the flow of the probability set by the world, and their will was rarely involved.

With the power of probability and clichés, I’d gain many things easily. But I know that things would leave me sooner or later, and the world I lived in would collapse as well.

“…….How can I avoid becoming a protagonist?”

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“Wake up. Why are you stuttering?”

The image of the system in my head was a woman with a calm demeanor who was as cool as a machine. But when the possibility that I could be the main character emerged, I feel that she became flustered as well.

“If the probability is overflowing, can’t we just consume it somehow?”

“You’re kidding me.”

I thought about it for a while, but there was only one way to solve my current situation.

“Just like before, can’t we consume the probability by going back and forth between dimensions?”

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“Then, is there anything that is less exhausting but still consumes probability?”

“Oh, what is it?”


When I made an expression of disbelief, the system continued her words.

Regression, possession, reincarnation, transference, past life.

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“Oho, so you’re telling me to regress to the past? On Earth?”

“…..Oh, yes.”

“Then what should I do?”

The client contemplated for a moment, then said in a brighter voice, as if she had found a way.

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Is that really so? Because it’s the first time I heard about it.

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“Time intervention?”


“In what kind of world could I use it then?”

“Is that so?”

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I had never seen the world collapsing before my eyes. However, I had indirectly experienced what would happen when the world collapsed after entering the dungeon that appeared on Earth.

The protagonist, who has consumed all the possibilities in the world, loses everything he had gained. And the world collapses and all life and civilization are lost, and in the process, only the protagonist, who possesses a tiny bit of probability, survives until the end and watches the destruction of the world.

“…Show me.”

A hashtag appeared in front of me.

『The warrior could not save the world』

#Fantasy #warrior #devil

#Predatory #survival #despair

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The world ended in the hands of the devil.

The hero couldn’t save the world.

“…The hashtag and the plot are pretty bloody, aren’t they?”

After reading the plot, it’s a place I really don’t want to go.

“Is there a protagonist here too?”

Death by probability is inevitable while hunting the protagonist. I’ve hunted quite a few protagonists so far, and I almost gave all of them ‘deaths that fit the probability’.

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Even the level 500 Supreme Dharma had a death probability, but very occasionally there’s such a protagonist which had no death probability, like the protagonist of the world I’ll go to.

“Alright then.”

“Yes, let’s go.”

In any case, there will be no problem as I just need to run away with a lot of probability.

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[There is one soul who shares the skill ‘Library of the White Witch(D)’.]

“You mean Yekaterina?”

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[Would you like to leave a part of the skill ‘Library of the white witch(D)’ in the individual ‘Yekaterina’s’ mind?]

Come to think of it.

Yykaterina’s soul is in my head. However, if I take her soul and cross over to another dimension, her body will remain here and become an empty shell. That would be a problem.

“Leave it.”

[A part of the skill’ Library of the White Witch(D)’ has been copied and left in the mind of the individual.]

Now Yekaterina’s soul could remain intact on Earth.

“Let’s go.”

[Moving to ‘Anwar Carmel Empire’. The original world of the protagonist Leskapi.]


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My surroundings distorted and soon a white light burst out.


[Transfer completed.]

[Current time: May 30, 3070]

[Current location: Devil Omega’s castle]

When I opened my eyes, I could see the world falling apart.


It was not a metaphor.

The world crumbled into dust, light, and fine particles.

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The world was really disappearing.

The land was gradually disappearing, and eventually it became a cliff that had been carved out on all sides. What would happen if one falls there, I wonder?

In the midst of such destruction, there was a giant walking up as it looked to the sky.

A giant that emitted a dazzling light like the sun all over his body. Wouldn’t it be that way if God appeared in this world?

The world was cramped. Everything disappeared, and now there was little left. The sun was coloring the sky red, as if it was going to illuminate this world for the last time.

I glanced at the sight of the world perishing.

I realized that giants weren’t important. It only looked like a god, it was neither god nor anything else. He was just holding onto the perishing world and crying to survive.

“···who are you?”

I turn my head to the voice coming from behind.

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There was a middle-aged woman looking at me. Her whole body was muddy, she was wearing ragged clothes.But her clear brown eyes were shining brightly.

Above her head, I couldn’t find the protagonist’s mark. I instinctively asked her a question.

“What about the other survivors?”

Then she looked at me with trembling eyes, then shook her head.

“All are dead. Now, the only one left is me. The 7 survivors, including the ‘Brave Leskapi’, boarded the ‘ark’ and left for another world. Now this is the end. You, me, and that ‘Omega’, the Demon King of Disaster who led the world to destruction… will all disappear.”

The lady with pointed ears stared at the Demon King. Her eyes seemed to contain both hate and compassion, but I couldn’t understand well, I’m not used to reading people’s feelings.

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“The warrior couldn’t save the world. And, in the process, I didn’t do anything.”

As if I was going to write a diary, I listened to that murmur, and after that I opened my mouth.

“Your name is?”

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“Hah, you are still asking that even though the world is in the middle of being destroyed?”

“l’m Yoo Seodam. I’m a hunter.”

“…My name is Nisha Carmel. Queen of the Anwar Carmel Empire and the last survivor. No, not the last survivor. There must have been one more person who survived…”

Nisha looked at her giant with her blank eyes, and she suddenly focused and looked into its eyes.

Then, she slowly muttered something.


She wasn’t talking to me. It was a word full of regret that addressed the past.

“If I hadn’t relied on the hero… no. If I had accepted him in the first place, would things have been different …?”

A word like that was really meaningless.

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But the moment I heard that, the world suddenly began to distort.

[Transferring the story of the main character ‘Leskapi’.]

[Returning to the past.]

[Current Time: May 30, 3020]

[Current Location: Anwar Carmel empire, 3rd Imperial palace of Acacia-The Empress’s Bed]

I saw beautiful brown eyes staring at me when I opened my eyes.


“Do you know me?”


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I tried to control the fluids threatening to rise inside my body because of the motion sickness. Soon after, I came to my senses and woke up. The brown eyes in front of him did not belong to Nisha, but she was a girl in her early teens much younger than Nisha he met earlier.

“What is this…?”

Looking around her, a medieval bedroom came into my view. It was a luxurious palace. And from the window, a bright sunlight was shining.

I slowly approached the window and looked outside.

The high castle, as if piercing the sky, stood out exceptionally. The whole castle was being supported by some kind of an unknown device which even the Library of the White Witch could not figure out. Just by seeing this, I knew one fact for sure.

The magic technology of this world had been tremendously developed. Maybe, as much as the Vivienda Empire.

< Successfully intervened in the story. You have returned 50 years to the past. >

‘Huh… It’s amazing….’

This beautiful world with magical science which was similar to that of the Vivienda Empire was the starting point of the story.

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I turned my head again.

The girl with brown eyes was still staring at me.

“Is your name Nisha?”

Perhaps the girl in front of him was the childhood version of the earlier Nisha.

“Yes. Who are you?”

“I, um… I’m just a passing hunter…”

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Come to think of it, Nisha said she was a princess. And this is probably the bedroom that Princess Nisha used 50 years ago. I looked like a strange person who intruded the princess’s bedroom right now.

For some reason, she didn’t scream nor call the guard but smiled at me.

“I think I saw ahjussi in my dream before.”

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[Ahjussi means uncle]

“What? Me?”

“Yeah! I think ahjussi said something after making eye contact with me…”

Why am I in your dreams? (T/N:IKR? Why are you invading people’s dreams!?)

“Well. By the way, what day is it today?”

Since the system said I successfully intervened with the story, it mustn’t be a normal day.

Then, Nisha answered with a wide smile.

“It’s the day I turn 9!”

I am not even curious about that.

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By the way, as I looked at Nisha, I finally understood the plot of this world.

The Hero and the Demon King. It’s a common cliché. It wasn’t used pretty often these days, but it was popularly used in the old children’s books.

‘The warrior and the demon king. Usually, the cliché used in this case is….’

At that moment, my sixth sense warned me of a ‘presence’.

As the eerie sensation descended on my back, I quickly turned to Nisha.

She was still smiling and looking at me.

“…Nisha. Don’t look back. Got it?”


Dark and violent sensation filled the princess’s bedroom. How could I forget about this cliché development in a story about Hero and Demon king?

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‘The kidnapped princess.’

Also, it’s okay to say that the development of kidnapping princesses on her birthday was an inevitable development.

Damn it!

Something sneaky slipped through the gap of the door. It looks like darkness, it must be a ‘devil’.

“Nisha. Listen carefully. Now you are having a nightmare. got it?”

“Yes. Yes···.”

When I carefully reached out to Nisha, the demon reacted and ran toward me faster than the speed of sound.


I cut the devil’s neck with the ether blade in my hand.

[The flow of the story fluctuates, speeding up time.]

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