Despite spending more than a week in the dream, in reality only about seven hours have passed.

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The time can be spent over there can be long or short, but when wake up the time is still the same.

‘I’m sure the quest is the condition to wake up, but I don’t know why there’s so much time difference before waking up.’

On the first day, I woke up in a few minutes after I broke the quest in the forest, and on the second day, I completed two quests and woke up only after the conversation with the chief.

And today, I woke up in my dream after I broke the quest and arrived at the village for about an hour, but I couldn’t see anything in common, so I crunch my forehead.

“I’ve only completed four quests, so I can’t figure everything out.”

The exact thing is that I know, things like gods and aliens may have led me to this situation.

Just in case I’m still eating popcorn while looking at my situationthinking it was just a game.


But then.

The compensation card that was placed at the bedside fell to the floor by itself.


Thanks to that, I was trying to lower my card without saying a word for a long time, but I coughed out for nothing.

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“Hmm! I don’t want you to punish me for my profanity. He’s usually like this. And anyone would be upset if they were in this situation. I’m rather calm.”

I don’t know what I am talking about.

It’s pathetic to see myself making excuses for no reason.

I lifted myself up with a deep sigh, picking up a lower-level reward card that fell to the floor.
I’m in the best condition today.

After I broke the quest, I felt very refreshed as if I had slept in an oxygen room.

“I should start working out.”

The Goblin hunt, was surprisingly tough.

However, more dangerous situations are likely to occur in the future.

Therefore, I need to secure the any means to protect myself.

“I wonder if exercising in real life affects one’s ability.”

I don’t have a fixed schedule until tomorrow, so I’ll start right away today.

But before that.

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The first thing to do is to check the compensation.

Gold letters were engraved on the black card, and a message window appeared in front of me asking if I would use a reward card.

As I nodded, a colorful white light covered the studio.


But I feel that effect is more noisy than last time.

What is it?

Since the reward is random, will there be a prize?

[Paper acquired for section A]

My anticipated expression was shattered.


Frowning, I snatched a newspaper slowly falling out of the air and threw it on the floor.

“It’s making me look forward to it.”

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But for a while.

Feeling something strange, I glanced down at the newspaper.

‘But it’s a hard-earned reward, wouldn’t it be different?’

It could be a false hope.

However, I picked up the newspaper, recalling the fact that it was not the lowest level, but the fact that it was particularly spectacular.


And sure enough.

[Wednesday, 06/10/2020]

It’s a newspaper that’s far from ordinary.

It was future information containing an article about a month later.

Swallowing dry saliva, I quickly picked it up and unfolded it on my desk.

[A serial murder on K University campus] [The police checked the CCTV, but the investigation was difficult because the video was not saved for an hour before and after the incident.]

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In the newspaper, there’s an incident that makes the viewer scared.

[They defeated Japan 3-0 in the warm-up match for the Olympic team]

Kubo was completely sealed off, and Lee Kang-in flew.

A sports article that makes the viewer feel good.

[T Chemical, which was on the verge of being delisted, has seen its stock price soar due to the development of new semiconductor materials and the massive investment of S Electronics. It’s almost 10 times the growth compared to a month ago….]

It also included eye-opening content.


The best reward that would not be insufficient to be called a treasure.

It wouldn’t have been better if it had a lottery number, but it was worth a million depending on how to use it.

Quest number four.

Fourth reward.

I think we’re past the stage of questioning whether this is real or fake.

All I have to do now is raise funds to invest money

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