(Renée’s POV)

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The sun quickly set, and the sky turned into a scarlet hue. I leaned back in my chair and gazed at the sky that had a similar color to my hair. 

My headache was gradually subsiding thanks to the cold air and ice packs. My ears, which were muffled, were even better than ever.

But what should I do?

Last Mission of the Day

‘There are a lot of people gathered at the banquet! Slap the face of the 100th person you meet and shower them in profanity!’

Accept / Reject


Considering various factors, it would be better if I just pressed the Reject button. If the 100th person I meet turns out to be Diwen Fergus, I’d end up dead. 

Even if it’s not him, if I hit someone right now, all my efforts to change my image for the better will all be in vain.

Should I just pretend to be crazy? Or just follow my role as a villain? Live like a crazy bitch with my eyes closed??

“No, no, I can’t just beat-up an innocent person…”

This was hard for me to do. I have never hit anyone in my life.

‘Then I have no choice but to refuse…’

I looked out of the terrace and saw something I had never seen before. It was a pond with steps made of white stones.

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The pond glimmered and showed a reflection of the scarlet hued sky. While gazing at the picturesque scenery, I reflexively jumped up from the chair as a thought passed through my mind like a flash of light.

“Yeah, that’s it!”

In a low whisper, I quickly pressed the accept option.

‘If this loophole works, I will continue to deal with missions like this as such.’

It was time to let it all out and smile like a fool. I jumped in surprise when I noticed someone looking at me like I was pathetic through the curtains.

“Wait, what are you doing here?”

“I can ask you the same question. What are you doing here?”

It was Reden.

No way, just how did he manage to suddenly appear without me feeling his presence.

As I tried to calm my heart from the surprise, a number suddenly pinged over Reden’s head.

That… It’s number 1.

‘Oh my. I can’t believe that it would just pop up so suddenly. Oh yeah… -but I’m still not sure if I can do this.‘

I stared blankly at him, when I suddenly recalled that I had not yet answered his question, then I spoke right away.

“What do you mean? Am I not your one and only sister?”

“I thought you said you weren’t coming?”

“Ah, that’s… I’m sorry. But I  swear that I won’t cause you any trouble. Look, I’m just sitting here in the corner like this…”

“Why is your face so pale?”

‘Oh, about this… Handel applied a lot of powder on my face…‘

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Before I could respond, Reden seemed to have quickly lost his interest and looked like he was about to leave. Though, for some reason, he sat down in the chair next to me where Anastasia sat before.

Wait, what’s this? I’d feel awkward if he just suddenly sat down and came close to me.

“What is that?”

“Oh, this one… it’s ice.”

“Why do you have that?”

“So…. Why….”

‘Strangely, it was difficult for me to tell Reden that I was sick. Was it because Reden told me to take care of myself last time?‘

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The heat didn’t completely subside even with the ice pack, so I sat on the edge of the chair slightly so that he wouldn’t notice.

“But what brings you here, Reden?”

“I saw you go out here.”

“You have really good eyes.”

The wind blew softly as we shared a casual conversation. My hair flew towards him.

If this encounter wasn’t already unlucky, the long strands of hair pricked the area around his eyes. He hurriedly grabbed and pushed it back as he took a closer look at my complexion.

Though, he didn’t seem angry, unfortunately. Still, I immediately closed my eyes.

The wind stopped blowing and I opened my eyes again. Through my wide gaze, I saw eyes with the same color as mine.

He slowly narrowed his eyes and stared at me. I felt quite embarrassed when we made eye contact when I took a peek. Then, I smiled confidently. 

“Really! Where did Reden’s good looks come from?”

“You’re saying nonsense again.”

“What do you mean, nonsense? Reden knows it too, right? That you’re incredibly handsome.”

I was acting playfully and giggling. Reden suddenly reached out and took the ice pack that was placed on my neck.

At that moment, my fingertips and Reden’s brushed against each other. His eyebrows suddenly twitched.

“Why are you putting an ice pack on your neck?”

“Oh, about this…”

“If it’s about that, shouldn’t you be putting it here?”

As he muttered casually, he pulled the ice pack and pressed it against my cheek. A cold feeling leaked through the handkerchief.

Huh? But why here…?

I looked at him with a puzzled look, and he kindly explained it to me.

“The bruise is here, right?”

“……Ah. Yeah! That’s right! That’s right! It was because of the bruise!”

“But this ice, it looks like it was made of magic. Who made it? Solen?”

Oh right, he’s also a skilled wizard. He already noticed that it was made of magic.

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“Yeah, Anastasia made it for me.”

I nodded briefly and reached out to take the bag of ice from him. His fingertips and mine touched once again.

I thought that Reden would react immediately, but he was strangely quiet. I was really curious about why he did not react, so I looked at his face while I put the Ice pack to my other cheek.

At the same time, I naturally shut my mouth. I don’t know why as well, but…

Then his face wrinkled as if he was very dissatisfied about something.

What? Did I do something wrong again?

While I stopped myself from asking him, he suddenly opened his mouth.

“Do you have a fever?”

“Uh, huh?”

“You seem to have a fever. So that’s why you have an ice pack….”

As he stopped what he was saying, he sighed and put his hand on my forehead. I felt his cold hand and he heaved a heavy sigh.

“Why is your body so weak these days?”

“Haha. I know right….”

“So that’s why you’re acting so strange.”

What do you mean strange? Before I could ask him anything, he took the ice pack and placed it on the table, then grabbed my hand.

“Go back to the mansion now.”

“What? Now?”

“Yeah. You’re sick, so you need some rest.”

“What? Are you worried about me?”

He looked at me coldly. Oh, snap. Of course, he wouldn’t.

Eventually, I and Reden came out of the terrace.

After looking at the appetizing food and desserts on the surrounding tables, I unintentionally looked around.

Then, a loud beeping sound was heard one after another to the point that it gave me a headache, and numbers appeared on the heads of those who came into my sight.

‘This is driving crazy.’

Several numbers are popping from number 2 to 67 in white color. I suddenly became confused and annoyed.

I just look at them, is it disregarding the instruction that I had to meet them? This is crazy!

The surprise didn’t stop there. The nobles who discovered Reden began to flock our way.

‘Are they going to have a conversation with him?’

As the numbers grew exponentially, I couldn’t stay still any longer. I had to leave immediately.

I lightly shook off Reden’s hand, and after confirming that the last number I saw was 73, I moved to find ‘that’ thing.

“Where are you going, you…!”

I could hear Reden calling out for me.

‘I’m sorry, Reden…! But I couldn’t wait even just for a minute, I need to act right away!’ I walked with my head bowed down so as not to see anyone. Thanks to this I bumped into a lot of people.

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“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Like a habit, I continuously said those words and cursed inwardly. The reason was simple.

This is because it counted even just by looking at the person’s shoes. Who came into my view while looking down. My gosh!

This is driving me crazy!

Finally, after seeing the number 95, I started walking while covering my face. At this point, people will judge me as a crazy bitch, and they will clear the path for me.

Then, a voice like a miracle came towards me.


Oh, Anastasia!

I almost burst out crying at that friendly voice. I couldn’t see, so I waited for Anastasia to come towards me. Soon, I felt a cold hand wrapped around my shoulder.

“Renée, why are you here?”


But the joy and relief did not last long. It was because as soon as I called her name, a sound rang out and a number appeared in my dark vision.

It was 96.

“Haha, ·······.”

Isn’t this a scam? Damn it. Does it make sense that it counts even if I already close my eyes?


“No, I’ve come all the way here, so it’s a mess.”  


“Anastasia, do you have a mirror?”

Fortunately, the only person who came to me was Anastasia. It was clear from the fact that the number did not increase beyond 96.

I feel like I’m being teased by this freaking mission, so I unconsciously grind my teeth, but then I have to endure it. Since the one who perseveres wins…

Damn! I need to endure this! I can’t stand it anymore, so I have to win it no matter what! You crazy mission!

I felt like I could keep my sanity if I continued cursing inwardly. Having calmed down a bit, I waited for Anastasia to speak up.

“A mirror? There is, but… why a mirror?”

“To look at my face.”

That was the thought that came to mind as I looked at the pond reflecting the sky. What If I look at my face in the mirror for the 100th time?

‘I will be the 100th person that I have met, so maybe I can just slap my face again?’

The trick of becoming a maid worked, so the trick of looking at my reflection in the mirror might work as well.

“Your face?”

“Yeah… Anastasia, I’m in a bit of a hurry. Can you please lend it to me quickly? Please?” 

“Oh, of course, wait a minute…”

As she whispered, I then heard a rustling sound as if looking through a pocket, and soon after, something round was held in my hand.

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“Thank you, Asha!”


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“I should get going now!”

“Wait, Renée! What did you just call me…?”

I’m sorry Anastasia, but I didn’t have time to talk right now.

Glancing through the gap in my hand, I couldn’t find where I am right now. Luckily, all I could see was a dark hallway.

I don’t know where the hallway is connected to, but looking at it in such a dark place, there will be no one there.

I headed straight right into that hallway. In the meantime, whenever someone passed by, the number steadily increased.

Fortunately, as soon as I entered the hallway, it barely reached 99.

‘I guess God helped me. Oh my gosh, I would believe in your existence now. God, thank you so much.’

As I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the dark hallway and turned around the corner. A light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Walking towards the distant light as if it was killing me, but I threw that thought away, thinking that I might be looking at myself in the mirror, and slapped myself on the cheek.

‘No, wait a minute. I can’t see my reflection in the dark?’

But even though I closed my eyes it continues to count, so then it might be okay even though it’s dark.

It was when I raised my hand to look into the mirror. I collided with the protruding wall and fell like an idiot.


My knees and palms hit the floor and it hurt badly.

If it was normal, I’d cry out in pain, but I felt blood draining all over my body, so I looked down at my hands blankly.

Please tell me that it’s not a person.

And also please tell me that the mirror in my hand didn’t break…

However, when I gently removed my palm off the floor, I heard a rustling sound, and pieces of the mirror shattered.

“Are you okay?”

Then, someone suddenly spoke to me. A ping rang, together with him.

‘Oh no, this can’t be… It must not be it. No!’

As I looked back. There was a man, I must have bumped into him when I collided into the wall.

But it didn’t matter who the man was.

The problem was that the number 100, which shines brightly even in the dark, was on the man’s head.

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As a starting point, I eventually exploded.

“Hey, you dammit!”


Verbal abuse Success!


The ignorant mission window suddenly showed up.  

(T/N: My gosh the plot is getting more and more interesting! Ayiee could this be the mysterious ML?)

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