(Renée’s POV)

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I read the unbelievable mission content, over and over again.

The moment I realized that I wasn’t reading it wrong and that the mission was about killing the people at the banquet, I squeezed my shoes real hard.

Soon after, the string of reasons that I was barely holding on to was cut off due to the sound of a broken heel.

This mission is very unreasonable….

“Is this ….. Are you kidding me?”

I couldn’t explain how I felt about this mission.

There are things in the world you can do and not, and this is the best example for that.

Slap someone on the cheek? Push Catherine down the stairs? Burn Reden’s room or tear apart all of the papers that he had written all night?

Let’s say that it’s okay then since I’ve yielded a hundred times already. It’s the same even if I don’t agree with it, but up to that point, I can still say that it’s okay!

But now, it wants me to run towards the banquet hall and put everyone’s life in danger?

The unexpected mission is so ridiculous and it’s now asking me to commit a murder just because I wasn’t good enough?

“Just why….! Why is this happening to Renée Blair! Just what did she do wrong!”

I could no longer control the simmering anger. Just, why on earth does this mission appear and that I wanted to get rid of it all so badly.

I don’t know if it’s someone’s curse or because it appears as a large device in this story.

There is a degree to everything.

A reason for all of this.

With a trembling hand due to intense anger, I continued to bang the rejection button without looking at it. Then a warning window that I had seen only once before, popped up.

‘An Unexpected Mission. Are you sure you want to Reject it?’

Yes / No


Wait, does that mean if I reject this unexpected mission, I would be severely penalized?

I clenched my teeth as I kept looking at it. Will I be able to deal with ‘that’ until a capable person appears? 

And the answer is no of course. If I was Anastasia then it’s possible, but unfortunately, I’m just Renée Blair. I don’t know how to use a sword or perform any kind of magic. In other words, If I get a penalty here, I would die.

Did this ever happen in the original story? Was there an incident where one of the nobles turned into a monster and harmed someone?

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Even if I tried to remember the original plot, It only becomes more and more blurry, like a fog.

“What do you think?”

‘That’ who said that he would be playing with me instead of killing me, asked leisurely.

I feel so tense because it looks like a relaxed predator, taking time to eat its prey.

“You…….. What the hell are you?”

“What? Why are you asking that now? Are you trying to kill time?”

‘It’ brushed its teeth with its tongue. And it’s not just a normal tongue, it’s similar to a snake which is very long.

(T/N: I’m using ‘That’ and ‘It’ referring to the monster which is formally Count Sirius.)

“I don’t think that I’m obligated to tell you, so should I finish you now?”

At that moment. Another window popped up above the warning window.

‘Input timed out. Automatically Accept the Mission.’


Until now, there has been no case where I have not pressed an option. I blinked several times in confusion and clenched my teeth again. 

‘Damn it, do whatever you want! If I couldn’t carry out the mission, then that’s it!’

Come to think of it, it was better for me to accept it. Because if I decline now, I would immediately be penalized, but if I accept it, it could give me some time to waste. 

Then ‘that’ bowed like a beast preparing to charge in. And in the blink of an eye, it came right in front of my nose.

I stepped back barefoot and threw my shoes clumsily. Naturally, ‘it’ lightly avoided the shoes and swung his sword.


The sword cut some flesh as it passed through my arm. I clasped my arms due to the burning pain while walking backward.

I was in a hurry to get up because I knew I would die If I didn’t get up, but then ‘it’ stepped on my chest.

“What are you doing! Why don’t you kill her at once!”

It was hard to breathe, so I groaned, but another voice came out of ‘it’ who was currently stepping on me. Every time that happened the expression of ‘it’ changed drastically.

“I told you to wait, but you kept ordering me! Just keep your mouth shut.”

“Then what if the Knights of Hugo come?”

“The Knights of Hugo…?”

“Yeah! Those people are like monsters! They’re monsters who can kill a dragon single-handedly! If they came to know about this I don’t know what they’ll do! So kill her now. Hurry! Kill her! Ack!….. Ouch!”

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An unbelievable sight happened. As his expression changed, he suddenly cut his arm with the sword while talking to himself.

Suddenly, something fell right next to my face. I couldn’t bear to look at my side. A lukewarm liquid flowed and touched my body, but I couldn’t move.

I couldn’t believe what was happening, but then I had no choice but to look at ‘it’ who only had one arm remaining.

‘It’ looked down at his arm for a moment and screamed.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh! What are you doing! Why? Why did you cut off my arm…!”

“Shut up. I can’t listen to your squeaking.”

It was all so strange. The one who said that he would kill me, couldn’t resist pain and had a wrinkled expression on its face, but once ‘it’ changed to the face of a beast-like creature, it was calm as if it didn’t feel any pain at all.

‘It’s as if ‘it’ has 2 personalities.’

‘It’ without a left arm pressed hard on my chest.


“Hey, human. Is what he is saying true? Will the Knights of Hugo come soon?”

“Huh, Hyuk…”

“Oh, my! You can’t breathe just because I stepped on you. Humans are really weak.”

‘It’ pulled out its feet while blatantly ranting.

A heavy breath came into my lungs. As I coughed in pain, I put my elbow on the ground for me to get up, and then was forced to turn my head as I fell in my arms again.

“Come on, speak quickly, are the Knights of Hugo coming?”

“… Oh my! What if they come?”

“Hey, you b*tch, why aren’t you answering me?”


‘It‘ slowly stepped on my arm this time. The pain, which was a little bit familiar, became enormous again and continuously spread all over my body. And if this continues I would definitely lose consciousness.

“Come on, say it quickly. I don’t like asking multiple times.”


“Tsk. This can’t be. This girl didn’t want to answer me, so I had no choice but to ask another bastard.”

‘It’ suddenly went somewhere. I was grateful for a second but then my blurry eyes saw where it was going, my heart suddenly stopped as I saw that it was going to the banquet hall.

“No, no, no…..”

I barely managed to spit out those words, I got up from my position and pushed myself to run towards that monster. But then it suddenly caught my head. With it’s left arm that has been recently cut off.

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‘What? Just how did it manage ….. DId his arm just grow out?’

Then ‘it’ pulled my hair and muttered.

“Okay then. You want to go with me? All right, let’s go and ask them about the whereabouts of the Knights of Hugo.”

No, not the banquet hall!

Suddenly, the mission from a while ago came to mind, and in order not to be dragged, I grabbed ‘it’s’ arm and pulled with all my might. And a miracle happened.

That creature was pulled to the point where it could be said that it has no strength at all, and then it was ridiculously thrown on the floor in a recoil.

‘Wait? Did I just throw it?”

Otherwise, it could not be explained. Perhaps because it was a desperate situation, so I had an illusion that I might have exerted superhuman power.

At that moment, ‘it’ jumped up from his position and threatened me with a very harsh face.

“You’re such a fussy b*tch!”

And immediately ran to me.

However, for whatever reason I could see a black blade in a hazy vision, whether it was because of tears or the dust.

I muttered to myself bitterly.

I’m dying. I’m really dying.

They said that memories would flashback once you’re on the brink of dying. Before I possessed this body, it never happened to me, but now it did.

‘Asha! Are you practicing magic again today?’

‘I can tell that she is, because she’s a magic genius.’

‘Ah, I’m really annoyed with Reden! He look so stupid!’

‘My father’s friend came today? I thought he didn’t have any friends… .’

‘What is this? Burwars? Do you want to play with us? Then give the money. If you pay me then I’ll play with you.’

The funny thing is that it was the memories of the original Renée Blair, not the me of my previous life. For some reason, it seemed that even things that I had not ‘seen or experienced’ were flooding as a passing memory.

When the slow-motion blade really came close to my nose, I tightly closed my eyes.

There are a lot of things that I regret if I die. The fact that I’ll die without spending Renée Blair’s wealth, and that I didn’t apologize or thank Anastasia properly.

When I think about it, dying now seems to be the deterrence of the original work. 

Maybe I’m facing another death in this way, just because I didn’t die from Diwen Fergus’ hands.


Aren’t I thinking that long?

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I slowly opened my eyes, because it’s way overdue that I’m supposed to be already stabbed by the sword.

My vision, which had only been blurred before, is now clear.

Thanks to this, the dazzling sunset light pierced my eyes without filtration, and I frowned, as I stared blankly at the scene unfolding in front of me.

The sword that was about to stab was shaking because it was blocked by two thin swords.

With trembling eyes, I shifted my gaze towards the toy-like sword.

There are two outstretched swords. And I can see hands with protruding veins and if I go beyond it…..

“No wonder, it smells like a fishy lizard.”

“Your body must be in disarray because of the side effects, if you’d like you can go rest in that corner.”

“Shut up.”

Two men suddenly appeared.

One is Diwen Fergus, who shows his disgust to the fullest. And next to it.

This man had a unique pale white hair like fresh snow and clear, cold blue eyes.

The moment I saw the man, I remembered.

“If I hit you, you wouldn’t kill me right?”

“No way.”

“I’m so annoyed… I can’t even hit you..!”

“… If it would relieve your anger by slapping someone, then it’s fine with me.”

“…You really won’t kill me, right?”

“Why do you keep saying such weird things?”

The conversation that continued with sniffling and the fact that he waved his hand at the end of the conversation. The sound of the cheeks and palms rubbing was very loud…

Finally, the man who stayed still until I completely lost consciousness and fell down. He was that guy, it was definitely him. 

“Oh, I’m sorry I hit you yesterday!”

I knew that I was on the verge of dying. And now is not the time to say such a thing in this situation.

But I had to do it because I could die right now.

If I die here, I would never be able to apologize to this person, right?

It was just simply that.

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