TL/N: SURPRISE!!! With The Obsessive Male Lead Made Me the Female Lead coming to an end, I’ve decided to revive and pick up another older Pink Muffin project I really enjoyed reading while Kyesha was translating it! Hope I can do a good job and hope y’all will enjoy the ride with me~ Feel free to let me know if you spot any mistakes!

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[Renée’s POV]

Is this what it feels like to have your heart plummet to the bottom?

Seeing that half dragon’s sword was on the verge of reaching Diwen’s neck,  I prayed that if there is such a thing as the god of time, please stop.

I don’t want to see, I don’t want to see. A dragon cutting a human’s throat…

It was then. The moment I put my foot out to jump at them without even realizing it, something appeared between the two and pulled Diwen’s hair.

It was Zion.

TL/N: Threw me off for a second since Zion was the nickname for a character in my previous project LOL

Thanks to this, the dragon’s sword trying to cut Diwen’s throat cut through the air, and Zion threw Diwen to the floor in that state and quickly kicked the half-dragon in the chest.

How strongly he kicked, the half-dragon rolled on the floor.

In the midst of the situation that was organized in an instant, Diwen jumped up while holding onto the back of his head. I could only see his back, but I could guess how much he was wrinkling his expression.

“Isn’t this crazy? Grabbing my hair because you have nowhere to grab it?”

“Are you really crazy? If you’re going to die, kill all the dragons and die, because I won’t stop you.”

“If it were my sword, not this kind of sword, I could have just killed it.”

Diwen finally threw the broken sword to the ground. Then, as if annoyed, he tousled the back of his hair roughly and got up from his spot.

Zion sarcastically made fun of him as if he were not tired.

“Why are you coming at it without using a sword? If you can’t even think about it simply because of the side effects, go away.”

“Ha? Can I kill that half dragon in this current state? I was feverish the day I killed that dragon, too?”

“A lie that doesn’t work anywhere… …”

As I watched the childish conversation from behind, asking each other if they were crazy, the crazy people to me were both.

When it felt like my stomach was about to burst, the dragon that had fallen to the floor wriggled and tried to get up. Could it be that they couldn’t even see the scene?

“Hey, you crazy bastards! Aren’t you fighting? Why don’t you fight with someone you need to fight with? Huh? If you went crazy because you wanted to die, I’ll kill you after this, so hurry up and finish your work!”

When I shouted as hard as I could, the two of them looked at me in shock at the same time. And they watched the half dragon in front of the road.

Yeah, it’s a little better. My throat hurt from shouting, but I felt relieved to see the two’s foolish expressions.

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In fact, since Diwen’s sword was broken, my uneasiness did not subside. But I had no choice but to believe because I literally didn’t know how to do anything.

Let’s do what I can for now.

I turned around and saw a wall that stretched out like a hemisphere. Yeah, I’m going to do something with this barrier.

‘Shall I dig the ground and move on?’

But the stone floor in the garden was reckless to dig by hand.

‘There’s no other way but to break it.’

I know it will be difficult to break because it is a wall made by that half-dragon. But you can’t just stamp your feet here without even trying.

Deciding to put it into action, I looked around. Just at that moment, I saw fragments of a carriage lying on the floor. What stood out among them was, of course, a thick iron rod like an iron pipe.

I held it with both hands and took a deep breath. It was so light that it seemed like it would break or bend at any moment, but thanks to someone personally destroying the carriage, there were a lot of iron pipes.

First let’s lose!

No, what are you saying? Let’s break it!

No one was watching, but I nodded and swung the iron pipe as hard as I could.

A gigantic, almost roaring sound erupted, and at the same time, a tingling vibration traveled through the iron pipe and was transmitted to the palm of the hand. It was tolerable.

It doesn’t seem to absorb shock… Looking at the sound, It might break.

As soon as I thought that, I swung the iron pipe once more. There was another roar and it felt like the walls were shaking. However, the iron pipe broke into a sickle shape, so I couldn’t swing it again.

I immediately picked up a new iron pipe and squeezed it tightly, when I heard a familiar voice from somewhere.

“Don’t be ignorant. It won’t break.”


Startled, I blinked and shook my head. This indifferent, low and cold voice… …  Something sarcastic… 


No matter how much I thought about it, it was Reden’s voice. But inside this black barrier, it was just me, those two idiots, and the half-dragon.

“Where are you talking? Where are you now, Reden?”

“In front of you. Come closer.”

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In front of me?

The only thing in front of me was the black wall I was trying so hard to break down. When I frowned in doubt and stayed still, I heard Reden’s tongue clicking from the other side.

“Don’t be distrustful. I’m really Reden.”

“What if it’s not Reden? Where are you? Are you over the wall?”

“What if it’s not Reden…  Yeah, stay here.”

He knocked on the wall. It was none other than the wall I hit hard. Ummm, but when I couldn’t believe the situation and couldn’t take my steps easily, he got nervous.

“Why don’t you believe it? I don’t have time for pranks now.”

“What if you’re a bad guy! What if it’s the half-dragon’s friend!”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“And how did you know I was here? Reden only cares about me causing trouble, but he doesn’t care much about anything else.”

Perhaps I hit the nail on the head with what I said, Reden, no, fake Reden, did not reply.

I don’t know how he uses his voice and manner of speaking like Reden, but I understood when he said he used magic.

Tsk. Clicking my tongue, I was about to go somewhere else and break down the wall when I heard the voice of Reden again.

“When did I not care about you?”


“If I don’t care about you…… Would I have run over as soon as I knew you were locked up here?”

“…… Huh?”

“Don’t talk, just come, or I will take away the right to manage the employees again.”

Seeing that there was even talk about the right to manage employees, Reden seemed to be right, so I approached him without realizing it.

Wait, didn’t Reden just say something very important? You ran here as soon as you knew I was locked up? That Reden?

I thought it was something unimaginable, but I think it might be a little touching if it’s true, but Reden muttered.

“Honestly, I couldn’t find a solution, but you found a way because you were ignorant.”

“Way? What way? Before that, can you stop calling me ignorant? What could I have done here?”

Tch, I grumbled, but Reden didn’t even pretend to listen and started talking.

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“This wall is a dragon’s subspace. Usually, a dragon traps someone or unfolds it to protect itself. And deciphering and unlocking this is going to take a very long time even for me.”

“I see…Then what should I do?”

“For some reason, you hit this place, so only this place was disturbed. Maybe you can break it a little bit if I twist it with detox magic.”

Oh my gosh. That was a lot more reliable than those two idiots. It wasn’t even something Reden could see, but I quickly nodded and clenched my fists. It was a so-called fighting stance.

“Cheer up, Reden! What am I doing? Should I keep hitting the wall?”

“I’m not done talking yet. Even if you can break this, it’s a very small part. And sooner or later, the part you broke will be filled again.”

“Oh, no…… There are Diwen and Zion here besides me, so if we want to go out together, we’ll have to hold out for quite a while.”

“……You must have gotten close? Seeing you call their names.”

No, Mr. Is that what you’re saying now?

Ever since I was at the banquet hall, I felt like I was about to sigh because of Reden’s obsession with strange places, but I held it in. Even when I doubted Reden a little while ago, Reden must have been frustrated too.

“Whether we’re close or not…… It should stay open for a long time to get out together. Besides, they’re fighting a half dragon right now.”

“I know. But you won’t be able to come out alone. The broken part will be too small for you to come through, and it will be filled in seconds.”

Then why… Why would I break it?

As if he had read my thoughts, Reden answered right away.

“The reason I’m breaking the subspace now is not to get you out. It’s best if I can get you out, but it’s impossible.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“I’ll give you two swords.”

Two swords?

I suddenly remembered Diwen who had broken his sword. Isn’t the sword what Diwen needs most, who is fighting with his bare hands!

“Totally nice timing!”

“Nice, what?”

“You’ve come in perfect time!” Diwen broke his sword a while ago, and now he’s fighting with his bare hands.”

“… … The sword I am giving you now is the sword of the Lords. If you have this, it will be easy to solve.”

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Ahh. No wonder. That’s why the swords the two were holding looked like toys. The thought crossed my mind that it might really be a decorative sword.

“All right, let’s do it anyway! I’ll take the sword quickly.”

No answer came from Reden, but I was no longer embarrassed. It’s because I’ve learned from spending time with him that he’s not ignoring me.

I was quietly and reverently waiting for something to happen when a faint light leaked from the wall I had worked hard on.

It was a light that somehow felt warm.

I could see the dim black barrier blurring. And Reden’s hand, visible beyond it. He was touching the barrier.

Come to think of it, isn’t this the first time I’ve seen Reden use magic?

It was the same when Anastasia used magic, and somehow I felt strange.

Reden’s voice was heard louder than before. It was proof that the wall was being breached.

“Where did you get hurt?”

“Hurt? Ah…… I hurt my arm. But Zion said it’s okay because it’s not that deep a wound!”

Reden sighed. At the same time, the black barrier, which had been faint like ice breaking, shattered into pieces.

While watching the black shards disappear in the air, I grabbed the two handles of the swords that Reden was holding out. Both handles were light.

I heard it would be filled quickly, so I quickly pulled out the swords and went to the two idiots, and Reden muttered.

“Don’t get hurt any more.”

Looking at Reden’s tightly clenched fists that could be seen through the barrier pierced by that sound, I slightly bent my knees.  And I turned my head and looked up at Reden through the hole.

Reden, who had the same hair color as the coral sky, widened his eyes as soon as he saw me. His eyes were shining like the setting sun, as always.

Ugh, I want to tease you if you’re worried because I like it, but you’re going to insist that you’re not worried again, right?

Instead of teasing, I smiled proudly.

“Okay, I won’t get hurt! I’ll come back in perfect shape and make you feel reassured!”

As soon as I finished speaking, the wall that had been pierced began to fill again. And I saw it.

Reden laughing as if he couldn’t stop it.

TL/N: Renée consistently calling Diwen and Zion idiots cracked me up!

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