[Reden’s POV]

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Reden, who was silent and looked down at the elegant writing style, narrowed his brows in silence. I think there was a similar case like this once.

I remembered it without difficulty.

Ten years ago, the first thing the younger sister did when she woke up from an unknown fever for a month, was to send himself a note.

The contents were short. I need to go to the bank right away, so prepare the documents needed to open a savings account.

At the time, Reden was more surprised by her bad handwriting, which took him five minutes to read, than by the fact that a child had asked for it*.

TL/N: “It” refers to savings account.

Because her handwriting was so elegant that I couldn’t believe it was originally written by a child…

Thinking that far, Reden hesitated for a moment. I realized at the same time. Why now, I felt like I haven’t seen this elegant handwriting for a long time.

‘It’s the handwriting from 10 years ago…….’

As soon as he whispered in his mouth, Reden tightened his hand.

The resume was crumpled. My brows also wrinkled mercilessly. It’s because I didn’t understand.

That’s right, so suddenly… … . Can handwriting change overnight?

No, sure. Even ten years ago, the handwriting changed overnight, so even if it is possible… … How did it change like it went back ten years?

“To go back 10 years…ago?”

Reden, who muttered what he had been thinking casually, quickly blinked several times.

Why didn’t I think of that?

If, if… … . What if she wasn’t fake now, but what if she was fake for ten years and acted viciously?

Ten years ago, my younger sister who woke up after being sick for a month was very strange. At the time, I thought she had changed because of the shock of my father’s death. What if she didn’t really change, but rather she was fake?

And what if she’s real now?

What if for some reason the fake pretended to be her for 10 years, and now she’s back.

Being so friendly, calling me by name… … Did she become friendly with Solen as if she had never bullied her?

Confused, Reden gritted his teeth at the end of his thoughts and narrowed his brows again to the loophole that was immediately revealed.

If this is true, where have you been for ten years? There’s no way the fake can confess that they’ve been pretending to be you… …

He ended up laughing.

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“You’re delusional because you want to believe what you want to believe.” 

TL/N: he’s referring to himself btw

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Yeah, It was cold as if cold water had spilled on his head, which was rolling quickly.

Yes, it’s a crazy imagination. I am writing a novel just because her handwriting has changed. Considering what she’s been through for ten years, it wouldn’t be strange to say that all of this was acting.

Don’t have expectations. How many times did I get hurt after expecting it? Reden closed his eyes tightly because of his throbbing head, then opened them again.

Then, there was something that caught Reden’s eyes. It was the motive for applying below the mercilessly crumpled resume.

[What motivated you to apply for this family?]

It was a question that I saw every three months before handing over the authority to her. Usually, applicants would use sugar-glazed words.

Reden lowered his gaze. In the meantime, there was a little curiosity about what she wrote in this column.

Soon after, for some reason, the watery eyes of the sunset were fixed in the small compartment below it.

TL/N: My guess is that Renée drew a little crying face in the space!

[To correct the reputation and the misdeeds that have been committed!]

Reden stopped thinking about the sentence, which had no sincerity and was not even a sentence. To be exact, I only read one thing again.

“Committed… … ?”

This, doesn’t it read like she was made to read it out.

TL/N: As if Renée is just reciting lines.

Misdeeds, As….if they were not committed by herself… …

It was that moment. The sound of sniffling penetrated Reden’s ears, whose mind was confused. Surprised by that, he immediately turned his head, but all he could see was his younger sister’s room, which was empty.

Maybe I heard it wrong, but when I slowly scanned the room and tried to turn my head back to his resume, my eyes were fixed somewhere. It was the large closet.


It was a simple closet. Even so, Reden couldn’t easily take his eyes off the closet. The reason was simple. It’s because I suddenly remembered my childhood.

My younger sister, who was less than ten years old, always went into a dark and narrow space and did not come out whenever she was in a bad mood. It was under the bed and in the closet.

She just hid anywhere as long as it was dark and narrow. As if playing hide-and-seek, she would never come out until someone found him… …

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‘I asked if it was an extension of her habit of hiding behind someone’s back when she was scared.’

Why did that suddenly come to mind now?

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I haven’t seen that act since ten years ago. Come to think of it, it was like that. Rather, when she was in a bad mood, she acted violently, and she did not hide anymore.

But if, if she’s obviously in a bad mood right now… ….  If just a little…….

Knowing that it was still a ridiculous idea, he quietly put his foot out.

If just a little, she’s absurdly hiding right now. If she’s acting like she did 10 years ago.

‘Then I…….’

Reden’s thoughts did not continue to the end. It was because he arrived in front of the closet and opened the door.

All kinds of clothes caught my eye. From flashy things to clothes I’ve seen several times.

In the meantime, the hem of a strange skirt sticking out.

Only it was spread out as if it had fallen from a hanger. Reden looked at it for a long time before reaching out his hand.

What’s so hard about lifting between clothes. He hesitated, then hesitatingly lifted the layer of clothes hanging with the back of his hand.

I saw a crouching child.


My complicated mind was empty. There was only one thought that came to mind.

‘Then I have no choice but to believe it.’

Of course, it could be smoke. Maybe there are other cases that I haven’t thought of. but… …

I have no choice but to believe it. I can’t help but believe that this child, who acts as if she went back 10 years ago, is my younger sister, I can’t help but believe that she is indeed my younger sister.

Even if you ridicule me for being deceived again, you can say that I am a unique idiot in this world who believes only what I want to believe. But even if you’re really being played by this kid.

I had a contradictory idea that she had already played for 10 years, and that I had resigned and had false hopes that nothing would change much even if she played once more.

He reached down to her crouching head. The flinching and stiffness were clearly felt in the palm of my hand.

Reden stroked her hair, being careful not to shake his hand. Then, very slowly, as if time was passing slowly, she raised her head cautiously.

The moment he finally met eyes that looked exactly like his own, Reden moved his mouth without even realizing it.


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Just two words* that barely came out of my mouth.

TL/N: Renée’s name in Korean is 2 words, in case y’all are confused.

Her eyes widened slightly, and Reden finally realized. Just as she hadn’t called my name for a very long time, I hadn’t spoken her name for a long time too.

The fact seemed to choke him a little, but Reden didn’t show it outwardly and barely suppressed it.

“……Let’s have dinner.”


“Let’s eat together after a long time.”

Confusion settled on her face. She looked as if she had heard something unexpected. Sure enough, she asked in a confused tone.

“That’s all you have to say to me… …?”

“Then what should I say?”

I don’t want to pry into you when you’re in a bad mood. No matter what you say anyway, I’ll believe what I want to believe, selfishly and foolishly.

He barely swallowed his true feelings and gently grasped her hand. I spat out the words with difficulty.

“I’m just saying, let’s have a family meal after a long time.”

Yes, family.

My tongue awkwardly rolled out words I hadn’t uttered in a long time and I pulled her out of the closet. Eventually, I ignored the mind that barely refuted that it was a groundless thought.


[Susan’s POV]

Susan left the mansion with a briefcase. She took off her maid outfit, which was like her skin, without regret, but she didn’t take off her hairpin.

In an upright posture, Susan silently stepped forward and recalled what had happened a while ago.

‘Yes, think as you please. It’s none of my business. Whether you think of me as your master, as someone else, or as nothing.’

That face, anyone could see, was the face of my master. But sure enough, she wasn’t the owner either.

Because the owner didn’t call me by name. Not once in about a decade.

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I still remember the first time we met. Eyes with age that did not suit their young appearance. Your fingertips, your actions, your tone… …

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In the past, the daughter of the Blair family was said to have suffered from an unknown fever for a full month. No doctor knew the cause, and no wizard or priest could cure her.

It was during that time that Susan was hired as the first lady-in-waiting of the Blair family. There was only one reason she was hired. Because I have a history of serving of young ladies.

If it was only for that reason, it would have been better to hire a maid or a nanny, but how could I understand the thoughts of the Marquis, who was also young at the time.

For Susan, there was no other way but to silently respond to Marquis Blair’s order and find her.

So the day Susan first stayed in the mansion, Susan, who was trying to nurse her early in the morning, entered the room casually and sat down covering her forehead in sudden pain.

When I opened my eyes, which were difficult to open due to pain, to understand what was going on, I saw a broken vase lying on the floor. Is that all? I could feel the warm liquid flowing from the hand that covered my forehead.

When she barely raised her stiff head in a daze, Susan saw ‘her’ for the first time on the large bed.

Dusk-like hair, expression full of composure, and eyes full of joy for no reason.

‘You can’t come in as you please. You don’t even know the basics of getting permission?’

After saying that, she approached Susan silently, bent her knees carefully, and looked into Susan’s face.

Susan couldn’t take her eyes off her. Because the pupils in her eyes were strangely long vertically.

In the blink of an eye, the bizarre pupil disappeared without a trace, but Susan did not think she had seen it wrong.

Ah, it’s like a jewel.

Even though she was the daughter of a marquis family, she suddenly threw a vase and hurt her, but Susan fell in love with her eyes and couldn’t say anything.

I just realized why people collect gems like that.

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At the same time, I had a strong desire that I should serve this person as the ‘master’.

‘What’s your name?’

‘Su, this is Susan.’

‘I see.’

My heart might explode if she calls my name.

Susan thought so at the time. However, the owner never called me by name, so much so that I wondered why she asked.

‘Instead, she called me by another name. It’s…’

“Baby, did you end up being kicked out?”

TL/N: OMG I feel like “OG” Renée is the dragon thing that possessed Count Sirius!

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