[Renée’s POV]

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Diwen didn’t answer. I don’t know if it was because he didn’t have anything to say or because he wanted to listen to me first, but it was good.

“You’re not thinking about the general public, worrying about it at all. That’s why I’m angry.”

“… …”

“And I mean, in the future apologies…”

When I thought about it, I felt emotional, I pushed him a little further and his foot got caught and he landed on the stairs. I didn’t mean to knock him over,  but I looked down at him without taking my hand off his shoulder.

My long hair brushed his cheeks. He, who had been looking down at me until now, looked up blankly at me.

“Don’t look down from the top, look up from the bottom. Okay? Just like that.”

As I spoke, my anger crept in, but in the end, I reached out my hand in a playful tone. It means to hold hands and stand up.

But for some reason, he only looked up at me with a face as if he was stunned, and to my embarrassment, he didn’t hold my hand.

As I was about to withdraw my hand, he grabbed my hand.

The touch of his palm was different from before, so when I lowered my eyes, I saw that his hand, which had been wearing black gloves before, was bare.

After blinking several times, I looked around and found a pair of shabby gloves right next to me.

What, why are you taking off your gloves all of a sudden…?

As I was rolling my head in a strange situation, he yanked my hand. Thanks to him,  I, who was not applying force, fell on top of him, and the distance was so close that we could bump our foreheads.

Again I remembered him whispering in my ear, but I couldn’t push him away. It was because his purple eyes, looking up without avoiding my gaze, felt like they were tying me down.


Also, his eyes don’t feel uncomfortable. Why? Last time, it was uncomfortable as if they were strangling me… 

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After a while, he murmured.

“It’s very strange.”

“Wha, what?”

“Aren’t you Renée Blair?”


After saying words that made my insides churn, he tapped the back of my hand he was holding with his thumb.

“Otherwise there’s no way you wouldn’t be angry…”

It was a meaningful sentence, but I couldn’t ask what it meant. I just hope he doesn’t notice that my heart is beating fast.

“Well, one thing is for sure.”

He laughed. It was very beautiful that the purple eyes half disappeared into the curved eyes. Confused by the smile, I stuttered.

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“What do you mean, you’re sure?”

“Do you remember what I said at your mansion last time?”

What you said?

I didn’t nod or shake my head, but as if he didn’t really want an answer, he immediately went on.

“I, said I was wondering if I really hated you.”*

TL/N: 1st part of chapter 35

Then it came to mind. The day he came to the mansion, what he muttered quietly. His words that passed by in an instant that I couldn’t even react.

“Yes. To be honest, I didn’t like you from the beginning. Every time I saw you, it was strangely unpleasant and annoying.”

“… …”

“But strangely enough, I haven’t been sure since last time. Do I really hate you?”

He whispered and looked at me as if he was going to pierce me.

What, what the hell are you talking about…

“It’s very strange. I didn’t like you without a doubt, but I suddenly questioned it. Why did I hate it, the reason I didn’t like it. Is it true that I really hate you?”

“… …”

“It wouldn’t have been magic, and it can’t be someone else who’s like a shell… … I don’t think so.”

His hand, which was holding my hand, got stronger. It didn’t hurt, but as if it was a catalyst, my heart beat faster than ever.

“Anyway, it’s not my style to think deeply. Just to admit it.”

“…Wh, at?

“Even if you break my leg, even if you push me down like this.”

“… … .”

“Now I don’t hate you anymore?”

I looked at him who playfully copied my tone.

A close distance where breaths are likely to mix, a fresh body scent that has been subtly emanating from earlier, dark hair, and purple eyes that glisten in the light.

Anyone could see that, it seemed to be shouting, ‘I’m a candidate for the lead role’, the words that came out of him casually and as if it were nothing made me feel dazed.

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Then, slowly, in shock, I cried out.

“Did you break your leg? Could it be that I kicked your leg earlier? It isn’t right?”

“Oh, did you pay attention to that part, not anything else? I just said I don’t hate you… …”

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“Is that the problem now? Did you really break your leg? How were you walking!”

Ignoring him who was muttering incredulously, I tore my hair out. No, he broke his leg just because I kicked it! A dragon slayer at that!

The silent scream was a bonus.


But LMAO at Renée’s reaction HAHA


[Renée’s POV]

I stopped making a fuss after hearing about ten times that his leg was not broken, but that it seemed to be cracked, and that he could bear that much.

Actually, I still couldn’t get rid of my doubts. No matter how great the dragon slayer’s body is, there’s no way it’s okay to have a crack in the leg.

Isn’t it wrong that it cracked because you were kicked a little by me, who is just an ordinary person in the first place? Are you lying?

While looking at him for a long time with eyes of disbelief, he opened the door that the guide I met on the second floor told me about. I asked if he needed treatment right away, but he couldn’t help it because the concert came first.

There are two people in this hall who might be half-dragons, and that I cracked Diwen’s bones, and… 

‘That I don’t hate you anymore, huh?’

His sudden outpouring of words made my head dizzy and let out a sigh. I casually told Diwen if this was a problem right now, but I was actually confused.

Diwen says he doesn’t hate me anymore. So can I get rid of the obsession that he might kill me in the future? Can I accept that?

I know I can’t fully believe what he says. Still… … .

An indescribable emotion surged through me.

He waved his hand right in front of my eyes.

“What are you doing? Let’s go in.”

“Uh? Uh…”

Come to your senses. First of all, the most important thing right now is the brothers with the dragon bone.

I put my foot out through the door that was thickly covered with black darkness.

The second-floor seats were different from what I thought. I thought the second floor had more seats like the first floor, but it wasn’t like that. This… … .

“Box seats?”

Diwen muttered in a tone as if he hadn’t thought of it.

Yes, it was a box seat.

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As if we were squeezed, we walked not to the chairs inside, but to the railing in front of us.

Naturally, the first floor and the stage came into the field of vision. And I was dazed for a moment, distracted by the vast size on stage.

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The only thing shining in this dark space was illuminated by lighting on the stage. It was pipes of different sizes that filled the wide walls, shining in the light. And the relatively small keyboards underneath.

I heard it was a concert, so I was wondering what kind of performance it was, but it was an organ? My mouth dropped open at the overwhelming size of an organ I had never seen before. Somehow, it even seemed sacred.

“Damn it, what. It’s different from what I expected.”

On the other hand, Diwen’s voice was not good. I glanced over and saw that he was slightly furrowing his brow.


“There were also seats on the second floor, so I thought there would be an audience on the second floor, but we’re the only ones here.”

As he said, we were the only ones in the box seats on the second floor.

What? I heard the tickets were sold out?

“Did they give me a second-floor seat because the first-floor tickets were sold out?”

A seat right in the middle where you can see the stage at a glance? In fact, it was written in the letter that it was a satisfactory spot.

Diwen agreed.

“That could be the case. By the way, how close are you to get this spot? You even got a kiss earlier.”

“It’s weird to say kiss.”

“Okay okay, hand kiss.”

At my grumbling, Diwen spoke awkwardly and then tilted his head.

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“But if you’re this close, you can persuade the two after the concert right? I mean, I want the brooch. Didn’t that guy ask you to see him later?”

“Huuh? Did you hear what he said earlier? I’m scared.”

He laughed as he opened his eyes in a triangle shape and shot back. Even in the dark, I could feel his smile was beautiful.

“What are you afraid of? I’m here.”

“… …”

“You asked me anyway. What if those two suddenly change during the concert?”

He turned his back, leaned against the railing, and turned his head toward me. The light pouring down on the stage reached the second floor, so half of his face was clearly visible, but the other half was buried in darkness.

“Of course, I had that in mind. We’re not stupid either?”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“In fact, I was thinking of giving Anastasia the ticket on the second floor and taking over the first floor. The reason why I didn’t is because that woman is a wizard.”


“Wizards are better suited to protect the majority than knights like me. She can set up a shield with magic, don’t you think?”

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“So Anastasia is on the first floor?”

“Yes. Instead, I was in charge of the second floor to evacuate people in case something happened… … I didn’t know there were no people at all.”

“Then why don’t you sneak into the first floor now?”

“How can I leave you behind?”

Don’t talk weirdly.

As I pondered over his words, there was something I didn’t understand, so I asked.

“In the first place, it’s strange, why did only you and Anastasia come? Sir Zion? Is there anyone else who can support you?”


Diwen opened his mouth as if he was ready to answer, but the lights on the stage went off. I knew what the signal was without anyone telling me.

It seemed that the concert was about to begin.

The venue, which was originally not bright, became completely dark. Diwen silently took my hand and guided me to a chair inside, and I hesitated and then sat down.

I was nervous and my fingertips were cold. Even though I know that it’s only dark for a moment before the performance started.

“Anyway Renée. Don’t be too scared.”

Diwen, who was sitting next to me, leaned over and whispered to me.


“When the spirit of the dragon begins to encroach on the human body, the energy of the dragon becomes stronger, so there’s no way she or I don’t know.”


“I mean, I’m going to let you go as soon as I notice it… …. It means we can evacuate safely.”

Only then did I realize that Diwen was saying this to reassure me.  Did it bother you that I said I was scared?

……Ah, since Diwen told me he didn’t hate me, everything about him started to translate to my liking.

Somehow, I felt feverish, so I tried to rub my cheek with the palm of my hand for no reason, but when I realized that I had makeup on, I leaned back in my chair.  Far from the end of the day, it was as if it had just begun, but I was very tired.

Well, since the morning, the ridiculous missions have popped up three times in a row.  At best, there are two people with dragon bones in the concert.

Fortunately, Diwen obediently complied with my conditions and came without bringing a sword.

Suddenly, I remembered his reaction when I made the condition that he would not bring a sword. It was a face like he had heard an illusion. And what else did he say?

‘What? Why? No, that’s a little difficult for me…….’

Yeah, he said it was difficult… … 

‘Wait a minute,’

I suddenly realized a certain fact and raised my upper body as if I was bouncing off a chair.

TL/N: This feels like it’s gonna be a slow burn in the romance department! *gigglING

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