(Renée’s POV)

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The name of the maid who serves me everyday is Handel.

She was crying again. She said that Renée had asked for her name for the first time and called it pretty. After that, she looked after her with all her heart.

But I couldn’t even cherish the moment. I looked at Handel’s cheek in the mirror. Handel’s cheeks had light freckles. Her face is small, like her frame, and her cheeks are also small.

‘How can I hit a kid like her?’

Of course, Handel wasn’t the only maid.

She looked too innocent to hit. It feels like one hit is enough for Handel to be knocked out all night. 

It’s not easy to use violence against someone for no reason.

That’s the problem.

‘What do I do?’

I let out a deep sigh from my troublesome thoughts. Handel, who was fixing my hair, asked me with a worried look.

“Lady? Are you ill? If you don’t feel well, would you like to eat in your bedroom…?”

“No, it’s alright. I just have something on my mind.”

Like, how to hit you gently…

I swallowed a sigh and looked down at my hand. The hand with long fingernails did not look like it had the strength to slap a maid on the cheek. 

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I’d rather slap my own face.….

…Wait? My cheek?

Then, I came to a realization…

Yeah! I can hit myself! How would the mission window know if I’m a maid or not?

It was an impulsive decision.


Thoughtlessly, I forgot that Handel was there and roughly slapped my cheek. A dizzying pain spread across my cheeks, to the point that stars appeared in front of me.

Ignoring Handel, who screamed quietly from behind me and shouted ‘Why.’

My senses turned to a ring and the window that popped up.

“Not a maid.”


A few seconds later, the window disappeared again.

-Of course… It couldn’t have been solved that easily.

If Renée could complete a mission with such a cheap trick, she would have been good from the beginning.

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“Lady! Your cheeks are swollen!”

After realizing that I had failed, I could only hear Handel’s voice properly.

When I looked in the mirror, the vision was clear. It was Renée Blair’s face with a swollen cheek.

“Hang on…”

Wait a minute. If an error appeared because I’m not a maid, then… couldn’t I just become a maid?

“Right now! Should I call a doctor right away?!”

Yes, yes! I just need to become a maid!

What should I do to become a maid? I’m a part owner of this mansion. If I thought of myself as a maid, wouldn’t I become one?

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Thinking that much, I muttered as if I were possessed by a spirit.

“From now on, I am a maid.”


Handel looked at me as if she was looking at a crazy person. Whether they like it or not, I will claim to be a maid. I raised my palm and muttered, ‘I am a maid’. 

I hit myself again.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Renée’s POV)

In the end, I failed.

The error window appeared again and taunted me for not being a maid.

Why? Because I personally appointed Handel as a maid in the mansion!

I even tried appointing myself as a maid with all seriousness but the results remained the same.

Handel’s suspicion of me being crazy has now increased. 


Hitting myself three times resulted in my huge reddish swollen cheek.

I gave up and began thinking of another alternative. Since I couldn’t appoint myself as a maid due to lack of authority, naturally, my first thought was to borrow power from someone at a higher position than me. 

This morning, I went to look for my brother, Reden. Being the successor, he’s the one in charge of managing the territory.

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‘Should I ask Reden to hire me as a maid?’

…No. He’s going to treat me like a weirdo.

‘What if I ask him to leave managing the employees to me?’

That idea penetrated my head like lightning. Any other idea wouldn’t have been any better. 

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If I take care of managing employees, I can hire myself as a maid.

I peeked at Reden and thought the idea was plausible. I tried to jump straight into action right away, but I was held back by the fidgeting Handel, who fell on her knees in front of me..

“Lady, if you’re angry, hit me instead…!”

It was utter nonsense.

‘What do you mean? Can’t you see that I’m doing my best to avoid having to hit you?’

I had those blunt remarks in my head but gently grabbed her hand to raise her up.

“Don’t say that, Handel. Why would I hit you?”

Of course, Renée Blair has been hitting you all this time, but still!

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I looked at Handel, swallowing words that I couldn’t even laugh at.

Anyway, one thing was certain.

For as long as I’m in Renée Blair’s body, I will not be mean to all the employees, not just Handel.

Handel’s reddish-brown eyes trembled slightly as if they were about to burst into tears.

I never had a good interpersonal relationship in my life, so I was always at a loss with what to do when someone cried. To prevent her from crying any further, I tapped the back of her skinny rough hands, to acknowledge how much she had suffered. 

Handel’s eyes were fixated on me, I responded to her gaze with a sincere smile.

“I was feeling sleepy earlier and wanted to wake myself up. Don’t worry too much, I’ll take care of my heart. Hadel should go back to work now to avoid getting scolded.”

“…How can you say that, lady? Let me put your hair up beautifully.”

“It’s okay! I’m just going to go see Reden anyway. Come on.”

“Then, applying ointment…”

“Hmm, Handel.”

Handel bit on her lips tightly at my iron wall. She appeared to be trying to hold back her tears. After finishing hair, she went outside to calm her emotions.

At the same time, I turned around to look at the mirror, I did it so quickly that I could even hear a swoosh.

I was groomed well but my hair is the problem. It was curly and I couldn’t comb it well, dozens of strands were pulled out, but that wasn’t important.

For now, I’ll go to the office where Reden Blair will be.

I was going to lure him into giving me the authority to manage the employees.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

 (Renée’s POV)

I stood in front of the office door.

I was nervous. So nervous that I felt sick. I licked my dry lips with my tongue and took a deep breath.

Slowly, I knocked on the door.

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What will I do if Reden refuses? I made conditions to make him agree but… If it doesn’t work, then I’ll have to make it work.

It was only the beginning, and it already seems to be not going well. No matter how long I waited, there was no response.

“Isn’t he inside?”

“What are you doing here?””

A sudden voice was heard from the behind that made my heart jump.


Surprised, I screamed and unknowingly reached out behind me…..

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I tried to push away whatever it was behind me. But, I swear, I only did it lightly to ask for a little distance. .


I heard a dull sound after I pushed, perhaps because I wasn’t very good at controlling my strength. 

Ack-, it shouldn’t be like this.

Startled by the sound of pushing with all my might, I witnessed the frame of the person behind me

Reden was the one I just pushed. 

Reden got caught on his own leg and tilted backwards making him fall back with a thumping sound. We were engulfed in death-like silence in the hallway. 

Amid the silence, my cold sweats began. I’m doomed. I came here to convince him. I can’t believe I screwed up and pushed him down. 


And then I stared at Reden and screamed inwardly.

His eyes were almost dead.

“I didn’t mean to…I didn’t push you hard on purpose.”

I felt sadness and regret.

But this wasn’t the time for this. 

He glared coldly. I came to my senses and reached my hand out to him. However, his glare only grew colder and stood up by himself. As if taking my hand was unnecessary. 

‘I don’t think I would have accepted the help either if it were me.’

I held his awkward hand lightly and apologized to him.

“Sorry. I was startled.”

“Were you startled?”

He said sarcastically.

“Of course I was startled! I suddenly heard a voice from behind.”

“Why would you be surprised when you can read signs like a ghost?”

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Reden, who was filled with sarcasm, turned away from me and entered the office as if he had nothing more to say to me. 

I stared blankly into space before hurriedly following him in.

The office was as spacious as my room.

“It’s a place only used for work, yet it’s needlessly spacious.”

There was a luxurious sofa in the corner of the spacious room, and a stack of books that were difficult to see from the other side of the room.

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As soon as I entered the office, a pile of documents on a long desk caught my eye.

Sunlight permeated from the window behind the desk, creating an enormous, mountain-like shadow of the documents. The shadow was on me, so I turned my attention away from it. 

Hngg, does Reden do that everyday?

Unable to hide my hateful face, I stared at the pile of documents like a bug. Then, something familiar appeared. It was Reden, who was sitting in an upright position and silently working.

He didn’t spare me even a slight glance. Even though he was aware that I followed him here, he didn’t peer his eyes away from the papers. He was ignoring me blatantly, but it was nice.

I walked towards him.

“I have something to say, Reden.”

“Do it later. Busy.”

“No, it’s simple. All I need is your permission.”

Reden didn’t answer, but I wasn’t going to give up.

“Employee management, I’ll handle it from now on. Lend me your authority.”


“… What?”

Only then did he look my way.

I continued to look at him without turning my gaze. I asked him again so he would realize that he didn’t hear wrong.

“What does that mean?”

“It’s as I said. From now on, I will manage the employees. So, please hand over the authority.”

“…What kind of nonsense is this now?”

“I don’t have a hidden agenda! Just give me permission. Reden is in charge of it, right?”

This sure is difficult. I tried hard to swallow back my words and waited for his answer.

But his answer that followed embarrassed me.

“Yeah, I’m in charge of it. Because you didn’t do it.”


Was it like that?

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