[Renée’s POV]

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“Let me speak on behalf of Miss Renée, who is busy thinking of other things.”

I suddenly came to my senses at the words of the king who pierced my blocked ears while I was focusing on Diwen.

TL/N: LMAO same energy as your teacher calling you in class while you daydreaming

“It’s a joke to call Miss Renée a normal person.”

What are you talking about again, Your Majesty?

Even though it was my story, I felt like it was someone else’s story, so my eyes widened.

The king, who did not even look at me, continued her words.

“My escort knight swung a sword at Miss Renée as a joke.”


Reden dared to cut off the king’s words. The king went over generously.

“Although it’s a joke, Miss Renée avoided it very well.”

“… … Your Majesty, it seems unreasonable to include Renée in the search party just because of the fact she evades well.”

“I can see that Dame Anastasia cares very much for Miss Renee. But.”

The king rose from the throne.

Five people who were sitting at the same time got up at once. Like they can’t sit when the king is standing.

I can’t sit alone, so I stood up a beat late, looking around, and the king came down the stairs with light, soundless steps.

“It’s not normal from the moment when an ordinary person without any magical powers is fine even after holding an activated dragon bone with their bare hands. Doesn’t everyone know?”


“It seems like Miss Renée doesn’t know anything, so let me explain. The spirit of the dragon dwelling in the dragon bone eats away at the spirit of the bearer. And digs through the gap and slowly encroaches on them. When the encroachment is over, it can manipulate the body of the bearer at any time. That’s why dragon bones are dangerous. That’s why we need to collect lost dragon bones as soon as possible.”

The king came to the front of the semi-circular table before I knew it.

As tall as Anastasia, she snapped her finger. Then, the escort knight who followed like a shadow brought a chair from somewhere.

The king sat down and beckoned again. This time towards us. Thanks to that, I was able to sit down again.

“There is one way to escape the Dragon spirit. Dragon bones turned into swords.”

The king, who was staring at me, took something out of her bosom and held it.

It was only a small dagger. Fitted into an ornate sheath.

I was wondering what to do, but she dropped it on the floor.

“You drop it from your hand like this.”

At the king’s whisper, as if telling a secret story, I thought ahh and remembered a few things.

The Count, whose scales disappeared when he lost his sword at the banquet hall, or Bradley, whose scales disappeared when he lost his sword due to being shocked by the magic contained in the necklace.

‘I see. So maybe the other Bradley’s arm was cut off…….’

“The problem is that they rarely miss their sword. Count Sirius and Young Master Bradley, whom you fought against, are rare examples.”

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“Now, do you understand Miss Renée? How do you separate bones from humans?”

“… … You cut off their arm.”

“Haha, that’s correct.”

I didn’t understand. Wouldn’t it be better to take the sword without cutting off the arm violently?

“Maybe you’re thinking, why do I have to cut off the arm when I can just take the bone?”

I looked at the king with a puzzled expression on my face, unable to nod or even shake my head.

Suddenly, in her hand was the dagger that had been dropped on the floor.

“But keep this in mind. Bones that have turned into swords are called activated dragon bones.”

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The king stopped talking and put the dagger in my hand. I was startled, but I did not reveal it and regained my composure.

“What if I try to take away the sword?”

The king, who had been explaining while extending her hand to the hand holding the dagger, suddenly turned her head to Reden.

“…… Conversely, it can be eroded. In an inactive state, it is slowly encroached on like climbing stairs, but in an activated state, it encroaches right away.”

Reden went on to say. I was scared because his expression was hard.

The king laughed and withdrew her hand without taking the dagger.

“Give it back to Your Majesty.”

“Well, that’s enough. Keep it.”

“No, give it back.”

“Omo. By the order of the king. Keep it.”

In the end, I put my hands together without returning the dagger.

Okay. Regardless, the king spoke again.

“Now that I’ve explained it up to here, I think Miss Renee’s feelings will be new. Do you see how unusual you are?”

“…… So, even after I grabbed the active dragon bone, I wasn’t consumed, right?”

“That’s correct. Do you have a secret?”

Things have become complicated and I’m in a cold sweat, but the king is carefree. It was somehow annoying, but the opponent is the king of this country.

“It’s a coincidence.”

It was then. Diwen, who was silent, spoke out. He still doesn’t look good.


“Yes. Perhaps the spirit of the dragon in the bone was absurdly weak or misguided. The bones of the inactive form as a sword.”

“From what I’ve been told, the dragon bone was in the form of a brooch. Can you mistake it for a sword?”

“Suddenly, I was attacked by the half-dragon without knowing why. There is a possibility that I was shocked and didn’t see it properly.”

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“Huh. Is that so?”

The king touched her chin as if in trouble. Gray eyes looked down and then came up. A glance passed us once.

“You guys are trying hard not to drag the young lady in. It is a tearful friendship.”

“It’s not that, but Renée is an ordinary civilian. If she gets caught up in something dangerous, she won’t be able to defend herself at all.….”

“But the person who stole the dragon bones is targeting Lady Blair, so how can we exclude her?”

Anastasia’s protesting face hardened.

“That is…”

“Bradley Brothers after Count Sirius. Even I can’t predict who else it’ll order to target the young lady.  I think moving with you guys would be better suited to finding dragon bones and protecting the young lady? If you’re going to refute this, tell me.”

She’s smiling, but the atmosphere is not smiling at all.  I bit my lip because I felt like I was sitting on a cushion of thorns for no reason, but the king pointed at the dagger in my hand.

“You, take the knife out of the sheath.”


“Come on, take it out.”

Then, out of nowhere, she gives orders.

I blinked my eyes in wonder and glanced around. Five people were looking at me. Among them, only Reden was frowning as if he was in trouble.

‘Damn it, I want to go home.’

If the king is the first, I am the second*. I wanted to leave my seat and go home right away, but what can I do?

TL/N: Full context of the First/second- 갑이다.(G)  을이다 (E) are words used to express the power dynamic between two people or groups. Gab represents the person with more power, and Eur is the subjugated.

If you ask me to take out the knife, I will take it out. It’s not anything difficult.

Holding the sheath with one hand and the handle of the dagger with the other, I pulled it out and lifted it. It came out smoothly without a hitch.

There. Done?

Raising my gaze from the dagger, I was stunned.

The king was laughing as if she had found another interesting toy.

“Haha. You pulled it. The three people familiar with magic know what that dagger is, right?”

……What is it.

What. What did you do to me again?

The expressions of Reden, Anastasia, and Aiden, who were apparently the three people mentioned by the king, became subtle.

Reden narrowed his brows to the point where they couldn’t be narrowed any further, Anastasia was confused, and Aiden raised her eyebrows.

“Miss Renée, that is a dagger I magically processed. It’s a so-called artifact.”


“Yes. I put a spell on it so that it can’t be pulled unless it’s the owner. Haha.”

Whether or not I put on a bewildered expression, the king smiled elegantly and then covered her mouth.

“Our Miss Renée doesn’t get encroached on even if she just catches an activated dragon bone, and she has magical resistance that easily ignores high-level magic, right? It’s amazing.”

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Magical resistance. I’ve heard of this term too.

I heard the other day in the Royal Infirmary… …

“That’s not all. Didn’t you have the strength to bruise my escort knight’s arm? It’s like….”

Gray eyes narrowed.

“It’s like seeing a little dragon.”

“You’re talking too much.”

“Ahaha! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

The king quibbled and tilted her head. Her blonde hair, as bright as a light lemon color, fluttered.

“Looking at you dodging my escort knight’s sword, I think you’ll be good at defending yourself.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Even if you can’t defend yourself at least, there are five people who will do their best to protect you.”

“Not me.”

“The Duke is a little shy. Yeah. Miss Renée, please understand.”

“All is well, Your Majesty. I understand roughly why you want Lady Blair to join the search party.”

Aiden opened his mouth, frowning. Looking at the fist resting on the desk, he seemed to have a lot to say.

“But I don’t know why you want me to join the search party.”

“Because you have a vast divine power.”

Aiden, who seemed speechless for a moment, barely answered.

“What does it have to do with my divine power?”

It was a polite way of speaking, but what was hidden in it was not. I noticed without difficulty that Aiden wanted to ask the king if she was sane.

“What does it matter? Are you really saying this because you don’t know?”

“………I am so lowly that I cannot fathom Your Majesty’s deep intentions. Please tell me personally.”

“Tch. The Duke doesn’t have cute taste. Did you hear that, Miss Renée? Look at that sarcasm.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Well, aren’t you the only one who can heal Miss Renée?”

Huh? Me right here?

I opened my eyes wide in surprise at the unexpected words.

I wasn’t the only one who was surprised, but Aiden didn’t respond.

I couldn’t bear to look at his expression, so I clenched my fists. I could clearly feel the sheath of the dagger digging into my hand.

In addition, Aiden’s threatening aura spreads quietly.

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“I heard that healing magic doesn’t work because of her high magic resistance. But with the divine power of the duke, she can be cured. Wouldn’t I be sorry if Miss Renée was hurt by my reckless push?”

“Sacrifice for Your Majesty’s sake.”

“Haha. It’s a bit exaggerated, but that’s the truth. Whoo, all my people are smart. The future of the kingdom is bright.”

“I refuse, Your Majesty.”

Aiden quickly expressed his position, but unfortunately, the king did not even pretend to listen.

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“Now, can I understand that everyone agrees?”


Perhaps the king asked without expecting an answer, but everyone, including me, called the king and tried to get an opinion.

“Your Majesty. May I, the person involved, say something?”

But it was me who caught the king’s attention.

The king looked at me as if she was willing to let me speak, and thanks to that, everyone was silent.

Phew, I finally have time to talk.

Isn’t it funny? Everyone talking about this without even listening to my opinion, the person involved.

I laughed for now.

“Your Majesty, what happens if I refuse?”

“Hmm. But Young Lady. It’s not a bad condition for you either. You know it best. That the person behind it is after you.”

The king chose to persuade me instead of answering my words. I listened to the king in silence for now of silence.

“Look. You who wants to be safe from the knights who are after stealing the bones and those who are behind them. Wouldn’t it be mutually understandable for Miss Renée to act together with the Knights?”

The king laughs again.

“You use the knights to protect yourself, and the knights use you to catch the person behind it.”

Wow, isn’t your statement right now treating people like objects?

I didn’t say it, but it was the moment when I noticed Diwen and Zion.

“Cough, Your Majesty, one.”

First of all, there was one thing I had to do. To reassure two knights and two wizards who might suddenly be taking on the burden of the country.

Trust me, kids! I don’t like things you guys don’t like!

“I’m sure Your Majesty insisted this a while ago. I can at least defend myself.”

“That’s right.”

“You must have refuted their claim that it is dangerous to wipe out with the Knights and search with the Wizards.”

“That’s right.”

Now! Isn’t there something wrong, Your Majesty? Try to refute this one more time!

I talked grimly on the surface and smiled brightly on the inside.

“As you said, I can do minimal defense. In other words, there is no need to use the knights as a shield.”

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