Chapter 67

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[Anastasia’s POV]

“Renée are you sick or something? I heard that you’re overdoing it because you’ve been coming to the palace lately…….”

“What the heck. Anastasia, you must have bad eyesight. Do you think that looks like it hurts. Do you want me to get you a good doctor?”

Horaisha, who spoke in a heartfelt pitiful voice, pointed to the book.

“She fell asleep while reading a book. It didn’t even last ten minutes.”

“……Renée doesn’t like reading books. Since she was young, she used to sleep right away when she read books.”

As Anastasia took a step closer, the distorted barrier returned again.

From now on, their conversations will not reach the librarian.

“Why did you come here? You must be busy. To go to Heronimo.”

Horaisha asked Anastasia, who was sitting on the armrest of the sofa where the marquise family’s crazy young lady who almost laid down.

Anastasia wordlessly removed the book from her friend’s face. The neat face of my childhood friend was revealed.

“Because you suddenly did something strange.”

“Something strange? I didn’t do it.”

“What, your time…….”

Anastasia kept her mouth shut, barely choosing her words.

“You did.”

“I did. But it didn’t work either. The magic resistance is much higher than expected.”

“Look at that.”

“Is that a strange thing to do? I just checked. Confirmation.”

Anastasia stared at Horatia with fed-up eyes. Horaisha didn’t care and just turned the pages of the book she was reading.

Naturally, Anastasia’s eyes landed on her book.

A book with a thick chain wrapped around it. Anastasia closed her eyes with a troubled face.

“Why do you read that?”

“Just. To see what the taboo magic humans have set?”

“You’re the one who said you have to be careful if this is to succeed, Horaisha.”

“Urgh, I shouldn’t have told you. Whenever I do something, You’re talking about it nearby.”

Horaisha laughed softly, parak and turned the page. It seemed that she had no intention of stopping reading.

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“More than that, there’s a kid who bothers you these days.”

Horaisha changed the subject.

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Anastasia, who immediately took her eyes off her and looked at her friend, sighed as if she remembered something.

“That’s right. I tried to ignore…….”

“That’s what happened?”

“It’s a person who didn’t exist in ‘before’ but suddenly appeared in ‘after’. It’s so weird that I can’t ignore it.”

“After so long?  It’s already been several months since things went differently from ‘before’.”

“You said that. The little things can change.”

“I did.”

“So I thought that man, of course, was a minor variable…….”

She casually brushed her silver hair, which fell down like a silver thread, behind her back. She was afraid that it might touch her friend’s face.

“It’s not a small thing, it’s like a big variable. A few days ago, he grabbed me and openly asked me if I had time.”

A shadow fell on Anastasia’s golden eyes, then quickly disappeared.

“He seems to know everything.”

“He made it obvious. Even on the day your friend’s guts popped out. huh? It’s a pity that everyone’s distracted.”

“Choose your words and say it.”

Anastasia snapped. Horaisha only shrugged her shoulders.

Anastasia let out a deep sigh and rubbed her fingertips.

In addition to the big variables, there were quite a few things that bothered her.

For example, these days, it’s her blood relatives who often harass her. Something that will happen in the future.

Also, the person who killed my friend in the ‘before’ that I often see nearby… …

Anastasia shook her head as if brushing it off.

“Never mind. We can just keep avoiding it More than that, Horaisha. Even if you know, you’re still going to keep your mouth shut right?”

Horaisha’s gaze finally turned to Anastasia.

Pale purple eyes glistened beautifully in the sunlight pouring down from the window.

“I told you.”

Tuk, Gently closing the book with her chin, she unfolded her magic. Immediately, the book in her grasp disappeared like a fire.

“I can’t tell you the future in detail.”

“Ah, really?”

Anastasia, who responded with a tone of ‘I knew it’, sighed again and drew the curtains by the huge window.

TL/N: OMG OMG SO it seems like Anastasia and Horaisha are aware of what was supposed to happen in the “OG story”!! Wtheck I totally didn’t expect this plot twist! And Horaisha seems to be able to see the future!


[Renée’s POV]

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“You have to be careful and be careful again.”

“I know.”

“Heronimo is in the north, so the season is completely different from here. It’s winter all year round, and…….”

“All right, Catherine! This is the 22nd time you’ve said that.”

The volume of my luggage was no joke with only winter clothes packed in midsummer. That was not enough, so I had to put my winter coat over my arms and get into the carriage.

Even if you go to the area near Heronimo, you will get a bone-chilling cold or something.

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“Why of all times are you going to Heronimo now? Heronimo starting this year? Since a few months ago? It’s getting very cold again. It has been for four seasons for about 15 years.”

“Mhm, yes. I think I’ve heard that a million and twenty times.”

Responding unenthusiastically to Handel, I threw the winter coat over my arms into the carriage. I saw Catherine trying to nag and holding back.

Yeah, don’t do that. You won’t see us for a while.

Even though it’s not goodbye forever, Handel’s eyes had been red from a while ago. I can say that this is a very surprising development.

‘It seems like yesterday that you trembled at the sight of me and hit your head on the floor… ….’

Pook,  I silently hugged Handel and patted her on the back, then in turn hugged the maids and Catherine, the butler.

I’d like to hug the other servants too, but then I won’t be able to leave today.

Like that. It was today that we left for Heronimo.

Today was the day after completing the missions that had become easier due to a drop in difficulty over the past few days and hearing all the things to be careful about in Heronimo from Reden.

“Uh, but I heard it takes 15 days by carriage. It’s too far.”


Catherine widened her eyes in surprise at my sudden muttering to myself.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you mistaken? Certainly, it takes more than 15 days if you take a regular carriage, but as far as I know, they teleport in the middle.”

Teleport? So teleportation?

It was my first time hearing it, so I asked while tilting my head.

“Who said that?”

“I did.”

Ah. The origin of this brusque voice.


“If you’re ready, get in. I’ll join everyone in the middle area before teleporting.”

“Can we go in groups like that?”

“What’s not going to happen?”

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I know. It’s not impossible.

Quickly convinced, I held hands with Catherine and the maids once more, said goodbye, and got into the carriage

Sitting on a soft chair and looking out the carriage door, I saw Reden holding out his hand and making an absurd expression.

“What are you doing now?”

Then he asks in a voice that is as absurd as his expression. I was a little taken aback.

“What did I do?”

“Yes, you. Are you aware that you are the daughter of a marquise family? You have to go up with an escort.”

“Ah, those annoying words again. I can go up on my own, so why do I have to borrow someone else’s hand? Didn’t you just see I rode with my feet up like this. Don’t tell me you didn’t see it.”

At my rapid-fire words, Reden opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it.

A look of deep regret appeared on his face. Why did I ask to take her with me, things like that.

That’s what I’m saying. Mr. Reden, why did you ask to take me with you.

Reden soon rode in front of me. I opened the carriage window, waved my hand again, and the carriage departed.

TL/N: As always, they crack me up.


I don’t know exactly where the middle area is, but seeing as we stopped after riding for a while, it seemed that this was the middle area.

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I opened the window because of the heat, so I could see the outside without any effort.

In addition, the carriage of the Solen family.

“It’s Anastasia’s carriage.”

I was about to get off to say hello to Anastasia, but Reden grabbed my hand.

“Don’t get off. We’re leaving right away.”

“Aren’t you going to say hi?”

“What greeting. Have you seen her only once or twice?”

I’ve only seen it once or twice…….

TL/N: Banquet and Horrenne House hahahaha

Somehow depressed, I held on to the window and looked at the Solen family’s carriage. That carriage, like ours, had its windows open.

Should I call once?

No, it’s a nuisance. Let’s just keep our eyes on it… …

Silver hair was visible through the window.

Of course, I thought it was Anastasia, but when I looked closely, the hair was very short for Anastasia. As if it was a cool cut.

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‘Did she cut her hair?’

While thinking about something, short-haired Anastasia turned her head.

At the same time, our eyes met.

The sharp and fierce eyes were shining golden, but it was not Anastasia.


Again, the memories that go through the head.

Memories pop out as if taking out things that were submerged in the deep sea.

‘There are no wizards in the Solen family!’

‘Do you want to be a stain on your family?’

‘You don’t have any talent for magic.’


I opened the carriage door violently with the memory that I did not know but seemed to know.


I don’t care if Reden calls me or not.

The problem is that Anastasia is not far away, and unless I’m wrong, Anastasia…….


You’d hate to be there.

Without daring to ask for your understanding, I opened the door to the Solen family and reached out as I called out her name.

Like Reden, who reached out to me when we left our mansion.

If there’s something different, it’s not boarding, it’s getting off.

It was good anyway. I held out my hand and succeeded in getting the gaze of the main character in the carriage.

However, it was not my main character who spoke first, but a man who I was not interested in.


‘Damn Astaron Solen.’

“It’s still the same that you’re shameless.”

“Asha, it’s lonely to be alone. Let’s get off and take my carriage.”

Astaron’s face frowned as he spoke to Anastasia, who looked dumbfounded and didn’t even pretend to be listening.

“Lady Blair, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

I’m trying to find the main character who got caught by the scruff of the neck by the villain.

TL/N: Finally get a name for this prick of an older brother. Things I can live without :3

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