(Renée’s POV)

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It was hopeless. I can no longer move forward because of my birth-date, no other reason. Does this even make any sense?

Fortunately, Anastasia and Renée are the same age, so their birthdays must be around the same time.

I roughly scribbled the year. Troubled by my own date of birth, I filled in the blank, saying, “I don’t know.”

“If I fail because of this birthday dilemma… I’ll have to think about how I can hit Handel lightly.”

After overcoming the mishap over my birthday, the rest of the process went rather smoothly. It felt easy to do since I’ve written a resume before.

In addition, I’m writing a resume that I’m submitting to myself.

Which is why…

“No one will know even if I clumsily filled up the resume.” 

I muttered lightly and filled in the rest of the blanks. At the end of the application form was a rather unusual column.  It was asking for my motivation for applying. It’s unbelievable that an application form would ask such a thing. My reason was questionable, but I didn’t think too much about it and just roughly wrote it down.  

Finally, I completed my resume. It was too empty to be a resume, but what can I do? 

Renée Blair has no experience! 

I took the stamp I received from Reden without hesitation and stamped it. 

The resume, which had the Blair Family seal stamped on it, gave me a sense of satisfaction. I laughed. 

“I’ve finally become a maid!”

Unconsciously, I screamed out of happiness. Well, I wasn’t quite sure about that yet because of the whole birthday mix up, but I decided to enjoy what I’ve accomplished. 

Soon enough, I calmed down and stood in front of the mirror.

My swollen cheeks now turned purple. It was great that Catherine didn’t say anything about it, even though it was such a mess. 

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Well… Catherine knew all about the crazy things that Renée Blair had done. A swollen cheek or two wouldn’t be surprising. 

The thought made me a little bitter. I shook my head. Anyway, let’s just lightly slap my cheek. Come to think of it, there was no reason for me to hit myself too hard.

I slapped my cheek as a test run. Immediately, the stabbing pain on the bruise spread further. I reflexively spat out the sound of pain.



“Does Not Count As A Hit.”


As expected, this won’t be easy. 

If this was not considered a hit, then… As expected, I was meant to hit hard…

Well yeah. If it were acceptable to hit lightly, then Renée Blair would have hit softly from the beginning.  


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It hurt even though I hit myself very lightly. How much harder do I have to hit? I let out a sigh of defeat. 

What should I do? I was destined to get hit because of this mission window. 

I took a deep breath and prepared to hit myself again.

God, why do you give me this ordeal?

I stiffened my trembling hands while cursing a god that I didn’t believe in. I held my breath and raised my hand.


The sound created by the friction made my ears deaf for the fourth time today. 

The immense pain made my cheeks vibrate, and all kinds of profanities started bursting out. 

“Should I have just become a villain instead?” I thought in regret.  

(E/N: Lmao.. that’s really hard)

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(3rd Person’s POV)


Handel picked up a box of medication and headed for the bedroom of the lady that she served. However, she was stopped by a strange sound that came from behind the door.

“What is this? What was that sound?”

Before she could even calm herself down from shock, she tried to quickly knock on the door as she was worried about the lady in the room. If it weren’t for the sound that followed. 

“I succeeded! I succeeded! Hahahaha! That’s right. No matter how crazy the contents of the missions window is, it’s nothing compared to my wits! I was so worried about my birthday, but I got lucky!”

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‘Michelle Window? Whose name is that?’

[Tl: hilarious, she thought the ‘mission window’ was a name]

Handel was quite shocked when she realized that the strange sound was nothing other than the laughter of the lady.

Her face turned white. She hesitated to knock on the door. She wasn’t quite sure if she could do it or not.

“My, of course, she has become quite gentle recently…”

Handel, who used to be beaten all the time, reflected on what she felt over the past week.

It was a week ago. 

Handel, who was in charge of breakfast for the time being under the direction of the maid Susan. 

Handel was slapped in the cheek by the girl who seemed to be in an incredibly terrible mood that day. She wanted to quit, but she couldn’t because she needed to send money to her home every month.

But the next week, Lady Renée changed. She didn’t slap her in the face. 

It may sound funny to others, but it was a very surprising fact. 

Handel ended up shedding tears of joy from not getting slapped. She thought she might get hit again if she cried, but she couldn’t control it.

Did the lady become gentler? 

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She was aware that people don’t change easily. So Handel suspected it to be a farce. Sure enough, Lady Renée collapsed from a fever. Handel was upset and afraid at the same time.

If the lady was sick and just didn’t have the energy to hit her that day, then she may do it again once she regains good health.

However, her suspicions were fortunately incorrect. The lady who had gotten out of her sickbed did not slap her again today.

“Don’t say that, Handel. Why should I hurt you?” 

The Lady even called her name tenderly. But Handel knew because she wasn’t a fool. 

It has only been a few days, she shouldn’t be complacent. 

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If someone suddenly becomes soft, can’t they also turn toxic at any time?


“I’m scared. You appear to be in a good mood whenever you smile. But if I knock and offend you somehow…”

Just the thought of it gave her goosebumps. However, Handel could not choose to turn back now.

She looked down at the medicine box in her hand and recalled an event that happened a while ago.

“You there.” 

“Yes? Ack- greetings, sire!” 

“You were the one that found that kid collapsed on the floor last time.” 

“Oh, yes, yes sir!” 

“Take this and put some medicine on her face.” 

“Ah? Oh, yes, yes sir, definitely!” 

“Don’t say that I ordered it.”

Yes. The medicine box she was holding was handed to her by none other than the owner of the mansion himself.

He ordered her to apply the medicine herself.

Therefore, Handel couldn’t turn back. She eventually knocked with tears in her eyes. 

She felt as if the loud knocking sounds clenched her heart. Handel waited anxiously for words to come from the other side.

However, she heard something else rather than scolding. 


“Uh, Handel. What’s going on?” 

Frightened, Handel took a step back. She didn’t know that the Lady would open the door and welcome her.

“No, that’s not what I…….”

“What’s in your hand?””

“This, Oh, the medicine box. I’m going to put ointment on your cheek. “

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Handel stuttered and panicked.

Her unusual hair color was a mixture of pink and scarlet red. She had jewel-like eyes, fair skin and a smooth face.

Handel thought she was beautiful when she first entered this mansion.

The idea soon fell apart due to her infamous attitude. Her heart and body trembled even at the mention of her name. Handel could never predict whether she would get hit or kicked whenever she served her. 

This convinced Handel that she would never consider her beautiful again.


“Really? You’ll put ointment on my cheek? How did you come up with such a cute gesture? Come on in. Huh? Why is your face so pale? Are you sick, Handel?”

‘Why do I find you so beautiful today?’

Light peered through the open door and brightened the lady’s back. It was blinding. The light touched her unusual hair and it shone brightly, almost transparent.

The lady was certainly beautiful. She looked so pure in her eyes.

But there was something else.

“You’ve changed.” 

She held Handel’s hand gently. It was her second time today. The warmth permeated skin. 

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This was also very strange. Her hands were always as cold as ice. 

She pulled Handel. Naturally, Handel entered the open door.

As Handel entered the bright room, she took a slow but prominent step forward. She made a new conviction. 

‘You’ve changed. I’m sure you’ve changed.’ 

Somehow, she felt like she was about to cry. 

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Renée’s POV)

A week had passed. 

Over the past several hours, I have been able to spend my day peacefully.

Becoming a maid by writing an application was a success!

I remembered when I succeeded in completing the mission for the first time, and I burst out laughing. Oh, I was so happy that I couldn’t hold it in.

Suddenly, I remembered how boisterously I laughed that time and my smile washed away. 

“It’s a relief that no one saw me then.”

Anyway, there were a few things that I learned in the past week.

-First, if you reject all three missions, I will receive a penalty. I don’t know if the penalty would be the same as before because I haven’t had a penalty since the first one. 

-Second, if I complete the first mission, I don’t need to do the second or third mission.

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Last week, I only succeeded in the ‘Slap a Maid’s Face Mission’ because I was running out of time. Still, I didn’t receive a penalty for not doing any of the other missions.

The rest of the day would be easy as long as the difficulty of the mission is lowered.

I’ve decided to only complete missions related to maids!

When I didn’t receive any maid-related missions, the tasks were usually about stealing something. It was easy enough. Plus, I was lucky enough to get a maid-related mission last week.

Of course, I can’t deny that I’m happy that my cheeks would be spared from the pain.

“Ha, this mission window is ruined.” 

I cursed mentally and tapped the gold coins rolling around on the desk. 

-The third thing I found out was that if I accepted a mission, then the window would disappear. But when I ignore the mission window, it’ll disappear for a moment but keep re-appearing. 

It seems that it refuses to leave me alone without accepting or rejecting a mission.

-The fourth, but also the most important, the moment that a mission is successfully completed, I receive money as a reward.

The gold coins that are piled up on the desk are the evidence. 

“Is that why Renée Blair had a lot of money even though she didn’t do anything?”

Thinking about it, I don’t feel comfortable spending money. Who would be happy about spending money you earn from committing evil deeds?

This is why I can’t do anything with it. Demotivated, I sighed. 

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Suddenly, the bell rang.

Now that I remember, there’s still one last thing that I have learned over the part week.

That is… A bell rings at 9am. When the ringing stops…



Today’s Mission
“Let’s go to Reden Blair’s office and set fire to the documents he worked on all night!”
Accept / Refuse



Like that, the mission window has appeared.

‘Sigh, it’s evil through and through. What do you mean set fire?’

It’s time to press no with tired eyes. The knock rang concisely. 

“Come on in.” 

I was almost certain I knew who it was. There was only one person who came to my room every morning. It was none other than Handel…

“Huh? R-Reden?” 

It was not Handel, it was Reden.

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