Chapter 150 : Evil Spirit (10)

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Returning to Taoran House, Yuxi heard Moju was waiting for her in the yard. Moju was matched with Meng Xiaofeng by Yuxi. Not long after her marriage, Moju became pregnant. After giving birth to a child, Yuxi didn't let her come back to the residence, so she let Moju and Meng Xiaofeng manage the grocery store instead.


As soon as Yuxi entered the yard, she saw Moju with red and swollen eyes. She immediately asked, "Is there something wrong with the grocery store?"


Moju cried out, "Miss, a group of local ruffians came today. They smashed our grocery store and the baozi shop inside the store. Now all the workers in the store are badly injured."


Yuxi hurriedly asked, "Was Steward Meng injured as well? Is he badly hurt?"


Moju cried as she said, "When those ruffians came to smash the store, my husband had just gone out to collect debts."


When Yuxi heard this, she breathed out a sigh of relief. This was good news. Yuxi then turned her head and asked Zisu to fetch a hundred tael of silver while saying to Moju, "Take this money and give it to the store servants first. If they are not enough, I'll send over more."


Moju didn't take the money and instead said, "Miss, the store is so badly damaged that I can't do business for a while." She was also afraid that those people would come back.


Yuxi explained, "You should be aware of the recent incident that happened to the residence. Close the shop for now, and open it again after the matter is settled. By the way, you should quickly have someone send a message over to Mama Fang to inform her to close the baozi shop temporarily."


However, it was a bit too late for Yuxi to say this. After half an hour, Yuxi got the news that those ruffians had also gone to the baozi shop managed by Mama Fang. Nevertheless, Lian Shan's relationship with other people was quite good. When the surrounding neighbours saw something was wrong, they immediately came over and chased off the troublemakers. Since the ruffians were droved away so soon, they could break only a few tables. Thus the loss was not that huge.


When Yuxi heard that Mama Fang was okay, she said to the messenger, “The baozi shop will not be opened for now. Safety is the most important thing. Please inform Mama Fang that she also should pay special attention to her safety during this period."


Mama Fang was distraught when she got the news. She was not worried about herself, but she was worried about Yuxi. She told Lian Shan, "Miss has always been careful. I don't understand how Miss caught this Heshou Xianzhu's attention. This is truly a sudden and unexpected disaster. I don't know how Miss is doing right now?"

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Lian Shan responded, "Before, when you said this Heshou Xianzhu had paid people to commit murders and arsons in the State Residence, I didn't believe it. But now, from what I see, this rumour is nine times out of ten to actually be true." If Heshou Xianzhu could invite the ruffians to smash the shops and injure people, she could surely commit arson and murdered people.


Mama Fang couldn't help but curse Heshou Xianzhu, "What this about her has opened her all-seeing mind? I think she's just an evil spirit that has especially come here to harm people."


Lian Shan also felt that Heshou Xianzhu was evil all over. "Let's close the baozi shop for now! Wait until this matter is over before you open it again. You should also not go out during this period. Just stay at home. If you have something to do, just ask old woman An to help you with them." No matter how evil Heshou Xianzhu was, she was still a royal lady. This kind of thing wasn't something that poor people like them could just meddle in.


Mama Fang nodded, "Well, I haven't been going out lately anyway. However, I'm worried about Miss." That Heshou Xianzhu was trying to burn her Miss to death, and since it didn't work this time, who knew what kind of method she would use next time.


Lian Shan also felt that Fourth Miss was really unlucky. She had been out of luck ever since that evil spirit had targeted her. "As long as Fourth Miss doesn't leave the State Residence, her life won't be in danger." That night was an exception. If it weren’t for the palace rebellion, there wouldn't have been a chance for the bandits to break into the State Residence, and even if they did, they wouldn't have succeeded. Now, if they still wanted to sneak into the State Residence to commit murders and arsons, that would be impossible.


Mama Fang thought for a while and then said, "When you take a break, please accompany me to the temple!" She had to ask the Bodhisattva to bless and protect her Miss.


Lian Shan knew that Mama Fang had been uneasy ever since she heard the rumours outside. Thus, he nodded and said, "Okay. When the yamen is not busy in two days, I'll take leave to accompany you." It would also be good to give incense to the Bodhisattva to get rid of Fourth Miss' bad luck.


Meanwhile, Yuxi went to the Master Courtyard and saw Qiu Shi's angry face. She walked over to her and asked, "Eldest Aunt, what's wrong?" Too many things had happened in residence lately, and none of them was a happy event.


Qiu Shi stated, "It's not good what that evil spirit has done." She addressed Heshou directly as an evil spirit ever since she knew that night was Heshou's handiwork.


Mama Li explained beside her. It turned out that the State Residence's store and Qiu Shi's business had been suppressed and destroyed to varying degrees, and now both stores couldn't do business normally and had to close down temporarily. As a result, the State Residence suffered great losses. [+]

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Yuxi tried to reassure Qiu Shi, "Eldest Aunt, don't be angry. It's better to be out of business than end up like a few of my shops. They had smashed them to smithereens, and my workers also got injured. The medical expenses alone along with the future renovation of the shops will require a large sum of silver!"


Qiu Shi's voice suddenly became loud, "What did you say? Your shops were also smashed?" When she saw Yuxi nod, Qiu Shi shouted, "This evil spirit acts so arrogantly. If she dares to smash our shops, I'll have someone smash her shops as well."


Yuxi quickly said, "Eldest Aunt, that is inappropriate. The truth was originally on our side, but if we also smashed her shops, then we would also become unreasonable like her."


Qiu Shi swept her eyes at Yuxi and questioned, "How can you expect us to ignore this? We've been bullied to our doorstep. Don't tell me we still can't strike back at her."


At this time, Qiu Shi's young male servant ran over and informed, "My Lady, it's not good. Second Master has been taken away by the yamen."


Qiu Shi's face turned pale. "What happened?" For their shops to be smashed and had to be shut down were only trivial matters. But the safety of her son was the most important matter to her.


Yuxi heard that Han Jianye had killed someone before being taken away by the yamen. Hence she said, "Eldest Aunt, you don't have to worry. Er Ge is not the kind of person who has no sense of propriety. There must be something wrong with this." Since Han Jianjun and Han Jiancheng's accident, Han Jianye had been escorted by more than ten people. If it had been before, Han Jianye would have been reluctant to take them, but he had known that their current situation was a bit special, so he didn't decline the escorts. Rather, Yuxi didn't expect that Heshou would use this way to calculate against her Er Ge.


Qiu Shi was furious, "This evil spirit, why didn't the monk come to take her away? No, Heshou and the monk are like the wolf and the bei, which often gang up and attack livestock, so the monk can't be trusted." Qiu Shi hated it so much that she couldn't stab that nasty person, Heshou. She could only curse Heshou to end their suffering by dying quickly and then being reincarnated.


Liuyue came in and said, "My Lady, Master Shizi's personal maid has come over, and she was instructed to invite Fourth Miss to go to Master Shizi's study."


Qiu Shi frowned, "Why are you being called at this time?" What could Yuxi, a child, do to help him.


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Yuxi smiled and said to Qiu Shi, "Eldest Aunt, it might be that Dage is seeking me for something, so I'll go over there first." Presumably, this matter regarding Er Ge was giving Dage a headache.


Near Han Jianming's study entrance, Yuxi watched as an angry-looking Han Jingyan came out from inside. However, because of their different paths, Han Jingyan didn't see Yuxi.


Yuxi had a bad feeling in her heart. It looked like that there should have been a quarrel. Although Dage was recognised as the head of the family, there was still his father above him. Thus, Dage was not yet legitimately named nor smoothly worded as the head of the family. If her father were against it, then it would not be good. It wasn't good for them to have internal strife while they hadn’t yet eliminated their external troubles. [+]


When she arrived inside the study, Yuxi saw a stern-looking Han Jianming, "Dage, is Er Ge's matter a bit troublesome?"


Han Jianming shook his head, "There's no big problem with your Er Ge. Furthermore, he'll be back later. It's just..." In front of Yuxi, Han Jianming couldn't speak ill of Han Jingyan.


Naturally, Yuxi wouldn't be foolish enough to take the initiative to ask what Han Jingyan had come here for, "Dage, this isn't the way for us to go on." They had always been passive and taken all the beating. When would this matter end if they acted like this?


"Yuxi, you were right at the time." Han Jianming's answer was not what Yuxi had been asking.


Oh? thought Yuxi. "About what?" She now felt that all of her ideas were only tickling matters to Heshou, which had no real effect.


Han Jianming smiled, "You said that letting people know that Heshou uses her prediction ability to do bad things will lead everyone to feel that they are in danger. Murdering and setting fire may make people feel dubious, but what she does these days are observed by the observant and conscientious people." It could be seen from what Heshou had done to the people of the State Residence these days. This showed that Heshou was truly a person with ruthless means and had a very vicious heart. For such a person to have the ability to predict, how could people not fear her?


Yuxi asked Han Jianming, "Dage, what kind of person do you think Heshou is?"


Han Jianming replied with only one word, "Stupid." If one could foresee, one should use that ability to work for the Imperial Court and then use it to elevate one's name and reputation. When one managed to climb to a position that no one else could reach, with enough strength and status, one could just stretch one's hand and grab all the money, and power one wanted. But Heshou chose the most foolish path by doing business on her own, and she did so with such great momentums, for fear that others wouldn't even become aware of them.

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After hearing his words, Yuxi was silent for a long time. Men were not the same as women. Men's vision was broader, while women's vision was far too narrow. For example, Heshou and her, for instance. Heshou could at least use what she knew to make money, but she, Yuxi, did not dare to do anything for fear of being noticed by other people. Of course, she didn't feel that her decision was wrong. Before she had enough ability to protect herself, leaking too many things that she shouldn't know would only lead to suspicion, thereby bringing disaster upon herself.


When he looked at Yuxi's tangled face, Han Jianming couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking?" Although Yuxi's ideas were sometimes immature, there was no denying that she was making progress and making rapid progress at that.


Yuxi smiled and said, "Dage sees things from a long-term perspective, while I've been somewhat stuck on three-tenths of a mu."


Han Jianming gave Yuxi a rare compliment, as he said, "You're already good." Not to mention Yuxi's vision, at least Yuxi was already looking beyond the inner chamber to the world outside.


It was rare to be praised for once, but unfortunately, Yuxi didn't have any joy in her heart, "Dage, the inner chamber and the front courtyard are actually closely related to each other."


Han Jianming nodded his head and said, "Don't think about it so much. A lot of things should be done step by step. No one is born with it. You're still young and have plenty of time to learn."


That meant she was allowed to come to this side more often in the future. Thus, Yuxi grinned, "Thank you, Dage." It would be at least four more years before she got married, and having four years of study would be enough. By then, no matter what family she married into, she wouldn't be afraid.


Yuxi happily returned to the Taoran House. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, she heard Kufu come over and said, "Miss, the Lady invites you to Biteng Courtyard."


Zisu went to Yuxi's side and said, "Miss, I heard that the Lord is also in Biteng Courtyard." In this case, it was the same as saying nothing good would come to her Miss.


Yuxi said, "While I'm here in residence, can he still eat me?" It was nothing more than venting his anger out on her. Even if he were furious, he would just scold her or punish her by telling her to copy the scriptures or something. Anyway, it was of no importance. She should just bear with it.

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