Chapter 360 : Fall Out (3)

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Translated byきつねonJuly 13, 2022

At the time Wen Shi fell, Ah Hui had cushioned her. As a result, Wen Shi only suffered some fright, and the fall didn't hurt her child. This time, though, it was horrifying for Wen Shi.


Hugging Ah Hui, Wen Shi cried out, "Who am I doing this for? Aren't I doing it for this family? How could he do such a cruel thing to me? My baby would not have been saved if it weren't for you." She would have lost her baby if she had fallen to the ground then.


Although Ah Hui was not smart, she was not stupid either. It was enough to see the Third Old Lord's true heart from today's incident. "Master, you must plan more for yourself and the little Master in the future." They couldn't rely on the Third Old Lord from now on.


Wen Shi wasn't foolish either. Qiu Shi Shi's words today had made her realise how cold and mean Han Jingyan was. He had hidden his privately-owned residence without even hinting at it to her. Before, he was usually reluctant to buy a single hairpin for her. "You're right. It's better to rely on yourself than anyone else."


The attendant told Han Jingyan that Wen Shi was currently safe and sound. Han Jingyan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and calmly instructed, "I know. Ask someone to come in and clean this up."


As soon as the attendant looked at the puddle of blood on the floor, his heart became alarmed, and his body leapt. He lowered his head to utter, "This little one will go now." He didn't expect the Third Old Lord to be so angry till he vomited blood.


The next day, Han Jingyan started moving his family out. He had bought a five-entry residence in Jinyu Lane, and he originally planned to move there after the 100th day of his mother's passing. Now, he couldn't stay in the State Residence even for a day. In the future, he would never return to the Duke of State's residence.


Yuchen was raising her foetus at present and was stunned when she heard her father had moved out of the State Residence. "Didn't you tell me Father would wait until after New Year to move out? Why did he do it right now, in such a hurry?"


Momo Gui immediately told Yuchen about the incident happening inside the State Residence. Of course, those scolding words Qiu Shi gave Han Jingyan were just casually mentioned. After she had done telling Yuchen, she commented, "If it weren't for Wen Shi, there wouldn't be such a scene." If someone asked Momo Gui, she would have said Zhou Shi was already senile. She didn't even leave many things to the Main House; they were all given to the Second House. No one would feel comfortable if they were put in this kind of situation.

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Yuchen was silent for half a second before commenting, "It's good that Father finally moved out." There was no point in pursuing who was right and who was wrong before. However, after this incident, it was hard to maintain the mutual affection between the Main House and Second House.


Momo Gui sighed. "Niangniang should have a good pregnancy!" They could only rely on themselves since the natal family was unreliable now. Fortunately, Niangniang had a healthy womb. She gave birth to a pair of a dragon and phoenix last year, and now, she was pregnant again. If she gave birth to another son, her position in this household would be more secure, that even Song Ling-er would not be able to shake it.


Yuchen gave her a brief nod.


Momo Gui paused for a moment before informing her of another piece of news. "Niangniang, Fourth Miss is also pregnant. I heard that Yun Qing is also very fond of her. He loves her dearly and treats her like the apple of his eyes." What Yuchen disliked most was someone hiding something from her, so Momo Gui told her whatever news she had acquired. Please read this chapter at xinshou blogspot com.


Blood Swallow Nest
Image Credit | Golden Nest Inc (Blood Bird's Nest - A Rare Asian Delicacy, April 6th, 2022)

Yuxi gave out a little smile. "Really? Then, that is a happy event. Didn't you buy a batch of first-class blood swallows nest a few days ago? Take half of them, select some nourishing herbs and send them to the State Residence. Ask them to deliver them with Eldest Aunt's gifts to the northwest." With Yuxi's talent, looks and intelligence, it would not be difficult for her to win over Yun Qing, so Yuchen was not that surprised by this news.


Momo Gui was a little hesitant. "Niangniang, if these things are sent there, won't the Old Lord be unhappy when he finds out about this?" The reason for this was because the Fourth Miss already had a fall out with the Second House, and now her Master was blatantly giving something to the Fourth Miss. The Third Old Lord would surely feel uncomfortable when he found out about this.


Yuchen was not even worried about this. She said, "Father will not get mad when he finds out about this matter since this is a normal human interaction. If I knew that my Si Mei was pregnant but didn't react to it, what would outsiders think of me?" This was just to maintain the mutual affection between them on the surface, showing how deep their sisterly love was or something alike, even if what happened, in reality, was the opposite!


Momo Gui first went to the Second House to greet Han Jingyan, revealing what Yuchen's idea was to him. Although Han Jingyan felt very uncomfortable, he knew that Yuchen was doing the right thing. "Go ahead with it then!"

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Only then did Momo Gui take the gifts and go to the Main House.


Qiu Shi was a little surprised when she received the gifts from Yuchen. After all, she just had a fallout with the Second House. However, since Yuchen had sent something over, Qiu Shi didn't refuse it. In addition, she handed Momo Gui a small box. She said, "This is what Yuxi asked Jianye to bring back from the northwest to give to Niangniang. You can bring this over to Niangniang." Not many jades were inside the box sent by Yuxi, but the weight was still heavy enough, which added a lot of burden to Han Jianye.


Heitian White Jade
Image Credit | The rightful owner via Baidu

When Momo Gui took the small box, she realised that the stuff was heavy. It was also not locked. When she left the State Residence, she opened it, and inside was a fist-sized piece of Hetian white jade.


Back at wangfu, Momo Gui showed the object to Yuchen. "I have always heard that jade is abundant in the West, and now it seems that it is true." As soon as the item came out, it was a fist-sized Hetian fine jade, proving that the Fourth Miss still had something better on her hand.


Yuchen looked at the jade and said with a smile, "Yun Qing has fought so many battles, so there was no way he wouldn't have any private stash. Send this jade stone to the Treasure Pavilion and ask them to carve an ornament from it." As for what ornaments should it be carved into, that was the Treasure Pavilion master's job to think about.


It wasn't that Momo Gui was being shallow-eyed. She just couldn't help expressing her thoughts. "The Third Old Lord will be living in Jinyu Lane from now on. I would like to inquire about Niangniang's opinion on this matter." Because of the mourning period, no banquet would be held. Han Jingyan's intention was that if it was convenient for Yuchen, he would like her to come over as a recognition of their family branch. Of course, if it was inconvenient for her, she could just forget about it.


Yuchen said, "I will go over there when my pregnancy is stable." Her child was just one month old, making her not dare to wander around carelessly.


As the two of them were talking, they heard the maid outside send word that Qin Liang Di had come over. Yuchen was a little surprised: "Qin Liang Di came over to see me?" Yuchen wondered in her heart why Qin Yue came over to see her? The two of them didn't have anything in common at all.

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When the Crown Prince married Qin Yue, Yuchen was nursing her foetus. Therefore, she couldn't attend it in person and only managed to deliver some gifts. It was just a side room marriage, after all; hence it didn't matter if she didn't make her appearance there. This meeting would be the first time for the two.


Once Qin Yue saw Yuchen, she froze. It was only when the momo beside her gave her a tug that she returned to her senses. Qin Yue also knew that she had forgotten her manner just now and smilingly spoke, "When I was in the northwest, every time Madam Yun talked about the Wangfei with a face of admiration, I became so curious. Today, when I finally saw Wangfei, I found that Wangfei looked just like a heavenly maiden."


Yuchen had been with Yuxi for more than ten years. How could she not know Yuxi's temper of being the most cautious person? How could she tell others too much about her? At most, she would give her only cursory attention by saying only a few sentences about her. Yuchen questioned this matter in her heart without showing it on the surface. She smiled. "Hearing these words, I know that Xiao Sao is familiar with my Si Mei. I wonder how my Si Mei's life is in the northwest? "Because Qin Yue was only a Ce Fei, it was right for Yuchen to address her as xiao sao.


Qin Yue smiled. "In the northwest, because of General Yun's terrible reputation, no girl dared to marry him. But I did not expect that General Yun would become a good husband who loves his wife and cares for his family after his marriage. Does Wangfei know, because of this change in him, many people have wrung their hands in disappointment!" Qin Yue wanted to say that this Han Yuxi was also a strange person. How could she look past Yun Qing's situation? Not to mention the murderous aura surrounding his whole body; even his appearance looked frightening.


Yuchen laughed at this. "This is also her fate."


After talking for a while, Yuchen yawned, looking very sleepy. She actually did not want to speak with Qin Yue any further. The two were not even familiar with each other. Where would there be something common for them to talk about? Besides, she was also unwilling to offend Yu Xiyu. [+]


Upon seeing this scene, Momo Gui persuaded, "Niangniang, since you are sleepy, it'll be good if you just go to sleep!"


Yuchen smiled and said, "Please forgive me, Xiao Sao. I'm always sleepy lately, as if I can't get enough sleep." Pregnant people were generally like this.


Qin Yue knew their meaningful glances were a signal to show that it was time for them to send off the guests. So she stood up with a smile and said, "Then Dimei should have a good rest. I will go back first." Qin Yue really had no other intention for her visit this time. She simply wanted to see how beautiful Yuchen, the rumoured world's first beauty, really was. After finally setting her eyes on Yuchen today, Qin Yue realised that the rumours were true. Although Qin Yue had always been very cautious, her subtle thinking was still shallow, and she didn't have much patience in doing things. If she had just waited, she would naturally have had the chance to meet with Yuchen after some time. It was unnecessary to make this particular trip, only to see her for a few minutes.

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Momo Gui complained after sending Qin Yue off. "This Qin Liang Di has really been spoiled by the Crown Prince." That woman didn't understand the rules at all.


Yuchen smiled as she responded, "How many rules can she learn from a place like the northwest?" She thought Qin Yue was some kind of beauty, but the level of her appearance could only be considered middle-class.


Momo Gui commented, "The Crown Prince only favours her because her brother, Qin Zhao, is the Commander-in-chief of the northwest army guard." Without Qin Zhao, Qin Yue would be nothing.


When Yuchen heard this, she wondered, "There was news of victory coming from the northwest some time ago. If I remember correctly, Yun Qing led the army at that time. How come no wind comes from the Ministry of War at all?" If one was victorious in the battle, one must be rewarded based on one's merits and deeds. But this time around, there was no sound about this at all, which she found very strange.


Momo Gui softly said, "I heard this matter had been suppressed by the people of the Song family. The Crown Prince has not taken his position regarding this matter, for the time being, so we still don't know how he will handle this in the end."


Yuchen laughed a little. "The Song family is acting even more arrogantly." If Yun Qing were a nobody without any background, it would not be impossible to erase his military service. But now, Yun Qing was the general who led the army to war. Did they think they could simply erase his military service? She couldn't even understand what the people of the Song family were thinking.


Momo Gui said, "Don't bother thinking about these things, Niangniang." These fights between the two sides had nothing to do with them anyway. The most important thing for them to do now was to have a good pregnancy period.


Yuchen nodded lightly. "En, it's not me who should worry about it either." The one she genuinely worried about was Yuxi. Speaking of which, Yuxi had been in the northwest for almost a year, and she didn't even write a single letter to her. Yuchen wasn't even sure if Yuxi would seek her help then.


Momo Gui urged, "Niangniang, you should go to bed and have a rest!" When Yuxi went to the northwest, she had also taken some precautions. But now that she thought more about it, the Fourth Miss' fate was already bad. Even if she did nothing, the Fourth Miss would never have a promising future. So, she was not that interested in knowing about Yuxi's news right now. Therefore, it could be said that Monk Liao Tong still greatly influenced her way of thinking.


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