ROHYX Chapter 416 : On The Eve Of The Great War (2)

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Zijin thought for a moment and asked Yuxi, "Madam, why do you think Teacher Song would do this? It's not like you have a deep grudge against her. Even if she isn't fond of you, she shouldn't have gone this far, right?"


Yuxi let out a bitter smile. "I don't know why. Only Teacher Song knows why she has to go this far." She said she didn't know, but she could guess something in her heart. Teacher Song thought she was too scheming, and later, after the Main House adopted her, Teacher Song thought she was disobedient, unfilial and of bad character. But even if Teacher Song didn't like her, she shouldn't have tried to put her to death!


Zijin said, "Are we going to let her talk nonsense there?" This was not only a matter of tarnishing her Madam's reputation; it was a matter of her Madam's life and death.


Yuxi thought for a moment before saying, "This place is so far from the capital. We can't do anything if we want to. Let's put this matter aside for now!" Originally, when Teacher Song showed that she did not like her, Yuxi did not think much of it, as individuals had their own fate. However, Yuxi's heart couldn't even say how wrong she felt right now. Although she was not under Teacher Song's tutelage, she was still her mentor, so she was very respectful to Teacher Song. But in return for this respect, she got this kind of result.


Zijin expressed, "How frustrating." She thought her Madam would be able to live a comfortable life after she arrived in the northwest, but she didn't expect this to happen to her again.


Yuxi said, "Yes, it's so frustrating." Although she had Qin Zhao and Xu Shi's problems before, Yuxi had faith in Yun Qing. As long as Yun Qing was in power, Qin Zhao, Xu Shi, and the Xu family would not be a problem. She had thought that after these matters were settled, she could live in peace in the northwest. Little did she know that a knife was hanging over her head. A knife that could kill her at any time once it fell. The only good thing was that the Yu family had not reacted to this. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to survive the three-pronged attack. Alas, why was it so hard for her to try to live properly?


It was just getting dark, and Yuxi was still reading inside the house. Mama Qu came in and said to Yuxi, "Madam, Steward Han said that the Third Master Lu has come over." At this time of the day, he must have come to stay overnight.


Hearing this announcement, Yuxi also thought of this and said with a smile, "It is already late, and I am not in a position to see him, so I will see him tomorrow. Please treat Third Master Lu well." Although he was a relative, he was still a stranger. Therefore, she could not meet him at night. Although the people of the northwest were open, Yuxi had been brought up in the most orthodox way and was still cautious in all aspects.


Mama Qu returned and told Yuxi something else. "Madam, Steward Han said that Master Lu has taken up the company's commander position." A company commander was an officer of the upper sixth rank. Third Master Lu was two years older than Han Jianye and was already of the upper sixth rank, which was already very good. As for Han Jianye, he belonged to a special situation and could not be compared.


Yuxi nodded her head, indicating that she knew.


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In the evening, Yuxi started to exercise again. She found it very simple, just shaking her arms a little. But even then, Zijin had to watch over her, just in case, she could catch her if something happened. But so far, what Zijin had feared had not occurred yet.


That night, Mama Qu was on night duty. As Yun Qing was away, Mama Xi was worried that if Yuxi slept alone inside the room, no one would know what was going on, so she asked for someone to accompany her. Yuxi could not resist, so she set up an extra wooden couch in the house, and the night watchman slept on it. In Yun Qing's absence, Mama Qu and Mama Xi took turns on night duty.


Yuxi lay down, but she couldn't sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, she remembered what was written in the letter. This time, Yuxi felt really sad.


When Mama Qu heard the commotion, she put on her clothes and went to the table to light the lamp. Then carrying the tung oil lamp, she walked over to the bed, placed the lamp on the table at the foot of the bed and asked, "Madam, did something happen in the capital? Is there something that has made you seem preoccupied?" Madam had not been in a good mood since she read the letter sent by Third Master Lu. It must not be an ordinary matter if the usually expressionless Madam could show such a look.


Yuxi thought for a moment before letting it out, "Today, my Dage[1] told me something in his letter. He said that Teacher Song told the Crown Prince's people that I was a scheming person and would become a disaster to the Great Zhou Dynasty in the future. I can't figure out why she would say that?" Usually, Yuxi would not tell Mama Qu about such things. It was just that this time, she was agitated and needed someone to analyse the matter with her. Otherwise, there was no way she could regain her composure.


Mama Qu's face changed.


Yuxi just wanted to find someone to vent to as she continued, "Mama Qu, I respect her very much. She is my teacher, and I respect her very, very much. Even if she doesn't like me, I still respect her. But why? Why does she hate me like this so much that she can even let me die? What have I done wrong to have this done to me?" She didn't know why Teacher Song would say something like that about her. It would have been fine if she had only said something terrible, but Teacher Song wanted her dead! It would be fine if this statement came from an enemy, but this person was her first teacher, someone she respected!


As Yuxi said this, her eyes turned red. She didn't understand why. Sometimes she wondered if she really had a bad destiny. Why else could she have been treated so horridly? Her own father loathed her so much that he wished her dead. Her grandmother hated her and left word on her deathbed that she was forbidden to observe mourning for her. Now, even her respected teacher wanted her to die.


It was the first time Mama Qu had seen Yuxi looking so sad. She paused for a moment before saying, "Madam, since Song Mingyue said such things, it proves that she has no regard for the teacher-student relationship. Why should you feel sad for such a person?"


Hearing such words, Yuxi looked up sharply at Mama Qu and asked, "Do Mama know Teacher Song?" Even now, Yuxi still respected Song Mingyue as her teacher.


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Mama Qu shook her head. "I don't know her, but I have heard some stories about Song Mingyue." After a pause, Mama Qu asked Yuxi, "Does Madam know why Song Mingyue married Second Master Lu back then?"


Yuxi shook her head. She really didn't know. "Could it be that Mama knows?" It had been many years since this happened, and few people knew about it. And because Teacher Song was her teacher, Yuxi didn't want to pry into her affairs.


Mama Qu nodded. "It wasn't a particularly uncommon thing at the time. Song Mingyue's father was close friends with the then Marquis Lu, the father of Lu Song, the Second Master Lu, so infant matrimony was arranged between them. Later the Song family became better and better, while the Lu family was in bad shape since the death of Marquis Lu. But Master Song was a man of his word. Even if the Lu family had declined and Lu Song hadn't grown into useful timber[2], he still had to keep his promise. Otherwise, with Song Mingyue's talent, appearance, and reputation in the capital, she wouldn't have married the mediocre person as Lu Song."


Yuxi had long guessed that the marriage should have been set by both parties' fathers. Or else, these two would not have married because they were too mismatched.


Mama Qu glanced at Yuxi and saw that she had looked much calmer before she continued, "I'm sure Madam has heard of what happened afterwards. The Lu family was afraid of being affected by the incident that befallen the Song family. They wanted to find a way to kill Song Mingyue, but she somehow managed to leave Lu Song unharmed."


Yuxi nodded her head. "I have heard of that."


Mama Qu added, "Song Mingyue brought back her dowry and used it to support the Song family, who remained in the capital. Later on, she came out to teach and accumulated a lot of contacts, all of which were used by Song Mingyue to pave the way for the Song family's heirs. Otherwise, the Song family would not have been able to rise up so quickly. Song Mingyue made great contributions to the family."


A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.


Yuxi asked, "If Mama Qu has something to say, just say it." It was a waste of time to beat around the bush so much.


It was the first time Mama Qu felt that Yuxi was so impatient, but she knew it would be difficult for anyone who encountered such a thing to bear. "Madam, to put it mildly, because of the Third Old Lord and the deceased Great Old Lady, many people feel you are disobedient and unfilial. Even in many people's eyes, the First Lady has been influenced by you." Her Madam treated her biological father like a stranger, and her relationship with the Great Old Lady was terrible to the extreme. Otherwise, the Great Old Lady would not have released her last words that she would not allow Yuxi to observe mourning for her on her deathbed. So, in the eyes of many scholars, this was a disgraceful act.


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Yuxi didn't take offence to Mama Qu's words. "Mama, go on."


Seeing this reaction, Mama Qu continued, "The scholars pay attention to 'filial piety, fraternal duty, loyalty, propriety, justice and honesty', and these people can't accept what Madam had done." These people, naturally, included Song Mingyue as well.


Hearing this explanation, Yuxi smiled bitterly. "If the father can be kind to his daughter, who is willing to bear the reputation of being disobedient and unfilial?" She had already died once in her previous life, and if she did not resist again in this life, she would have to go through the same outcome. She didn't want to lose her life; she just wanted to live well. But now, this path seemed not easy to follow either. Before she even knew it, she had created so many new enemies.


Mama Qu said, "Madam has Madam's own difficulties, and we all know about this, but these people don't care about that. They only believe in their own set of rules." Those with little less tolerance would have been crushed by such rumours, but fortunately for Yuxi, she had strong patience and hadn't been affected by them too much so far.


Yuxi looked up at the top of her bed and exclaimed, "That's right! It was not their flesh that was cut nor their blood that was shed. So naturally, they did not know how much it hurt." If they were to fall into the same situation, let's see if they could still stand on their moral high ground and blame themselves.


Mama Qu paused for a moment before asking, "Does Madam know why Song Mingyue has not given birth to a child despite being married to Lu Song for several years?"


Yuxi found the question a little strange. "Didn't Mama say that Teacher Song couldn't have children?"


Mama Qu nodded. "The fact that Lu Song has shu[3] sons and daughters and Song Mingyue didn't have even one child, and everyone claimed it was her problem?"


Yuxi was confused and asked, "What does Mama mean by that?" If Lu Song only had one shu[3] child, it could still be said that the child might not be Lu Song. But Lu Song had several shu[3] children, so it could not be said that all these children were not Lu Song's. Hence, there was nothing wrong with Lu Song's health at all.


Mama Qu answered, "Madam, Lu Song's talent was limited. He started his basic education at age five and took the exams when he was eighteen, but could only earn the title xiucai[4]. It was not certain whether he got the title xiucai[4] by himself or not. Song Mingyue, on the other hand, was a famous, talented girl in the capital. Does Madam think Song Mingyue could look up to Lu Song?"


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Yuxi heard the implication and asked, "Mama means that it wasn't that Teacher Song incapable of having children, but she was unwilling to do so?" On second thought, this was not impossible. But since Teacher Song didn't like Lu Song, she should have considered withdrawing from the marriage at the very beginning rather than putting her whole life on the line.


Mama Qu did not give a definite answer but said, "This is only my guess. But one thing is for sure, the few students Song Mingyue has accepted are all talented, smart and intelligent and have a lot of potentials." Not to mention the previous ones, aside from Yuchen, all did not marry particularly well. To put it bluntly, Song Mingyue only taught these students for her own benefit. What was even funnier was she believed the thing she had done was acceptable, but what Yuxi had done was unacceptable.[T/C]


In fact, Mama Qu also disliked people like Song Mingyue, who always felt that they were on top and demanded this and that from others, but they often acted without a bottom line themselves.


This was something that Yuxi had seen for a long time. Previously, she did not feel much about it, as it was natural for a teacher wanting to teach a gifted student. What bothered her the most was why Teacher Song said that sort of thing to Chen Yu. "Then why do Mama think that Teacher Song disgusted with me so much that she wishes for my death?"


Mama Qu thought for a moment and replied, "It is not so much that Song Mingyue is so disgusted that she can't wait to see Madam die. My guess is that she thinks Madam has a treacherous nature and the General is a man who can fight. Once the General gains the northwest military power and is influenced by Madam, she thinks it will be a disaster for the world in the future, which is why she says those words to the Crown Prince's people. In Song Mingyue's eyes, she did it for the greater good." Song Mingyue did not have feelings for her Madam, so she did this without any burden at all. On the contrary, Madam was deeply affected because she was invested in her feelings for her teacher.


Yuxi looked at Mama Qu and asked, "Do you think I have a treacherous nature?" People with treacherous natures were those who were disloyal and unjust. Yuxi didn't wish this word to be used to describe her one day.


Mama Qu shook her head. "No. Madam can clearly distinguish between kindness and resentment. Madam is also an emotional and outgoing person." A woman from an influential family was required to be filial, gentle, considerate and chaste. It was very unpleasant to have such a grudging nature.


Yuxi smiled to herself. When did she clearly distinguish between kindness and resentment? She had no choice, and she was forced into it. If she didn't break off her relationship with Han Jingyan, she would be pinned down for the rest of her life and could still end up in the same situation as in her previous life.


Mama Qu said, "Madam, since Song Mingyue doesn't care about you, why do you need to grieve over what she says? Madam, it's not worth being sad and upset over such a person."


Yuxi was silent for half a second before she said quietly, "It is indeed not worth it." From then on, Song Mingyue was only a woman who wanted her life and was no longer her teacher. 


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