ROHYX Chapter 459 : Business (2)

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Da Nainai[1] Chen had come specifically to discuss grain and fodder supplies. But when she saw that Da Nainai[1] Fu was only chatting with Yuxi for a long time without even getting to the main topic, she couldn't help but interject, "Madam Yun has taken in and raised so many orphaned children. What a Bodhisattva's heart! But with so many children to raise, the cost can't be low, right?"


Yuxi frowned but quickly recovered and replied with a smile, "It's okay. My mother knew I had cared for these homeless children and said it was a good deed. So she gave me all her personal savings and said she would have someone send me some money every year from now on." She did not hide or make up a story for all the good deeds Qiu Shi had done. She also wanted the people she had saved to remember Qiu Shi's good deeds.


Da Nainai[1] Fu was so astonished by this statement that she asked, "She gave you all of her private savings?" The private savings of a Duke's wife should not be a small sum.


Yuxi smiled. "What you don't know is that my mother is the most charitable person, and she will spend a sum of money every year just to do good deeds."


Da Nainai[1] Fu couldn't help but ask, "Do the Lord Duke and Second Master Han know about this?" She assumed that the money had been hidden away without the knowledge of the two Han brothers.


Da Nainai[1] Chen was a little speechless when she heard this question. Is this something you should ask? Even if the money had been taken out without the Han brothers' knowledge, Han Shi would not have told them the truth.


Yuxi laughed as she explained, "My Dage[2] has sent his trusted subordinate to deliver the money to me. In fact, my mother had informed both my brothers before giving me the money. When my Dage[2] and Er Ge[3] knew about it, they told her they could still earn money to support their family. They wouldn't interfere with how my mother used her private savings." It was also because her mother had raised her older brothers well, so they did not focus solely on their parents' little money.


Da Nainai[1] Chen covered her mouth with a smile as she praised, "No wonder Madam, with the heart of a Bodhisattva[4], is so kind and charitable. It turns out that this act has the deep influence of a learned family[5]."


When Da Nainai[1] Fu heard this praise, she blushed a little. That is not how to use the phrase 'the deep influence of a learned family[5]', okay? Don't use it indiscriminately if you don't know how. Such a shame.


Yuxi chuckled slightly. "Actually, it's just a modest contribution." Her answer was a combination of wanting to clarify that Qiu Shi's money was being used to help these children and letting everyone know she was not short of money.


When Da Nainai[1] Chen saw that her act of going around the curves and skirting the corners[6] was not working, she went straight to the point: "I have a business deal; I wonder if Madam would be interested?"

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Yuxi smiled a little as she asked, "I wonder what kind of business it is?" She had only one tavern in Yu City, which had closed its doors some time ago due to the war, and had reopened when the situation had improved. However, with the shortage of wine and the fact that the situation in the border city had not yet fully stabilised, the tavern's business had also suffered. The good news was that although business was not as good as before, she was still making money, just not as much as before.


Seeing that Yuxi was interested in doing business, Da Nainai[1] Chen was overjoyed and said, "My family is in the rice and grain business, so I wonder if Madam could act as the go-between."


Yuxi felt that this Da Nainai[1] Chen was really not very tactful. She could even ask her to act as a go-between so carelessly. But Yuxi didn't pretend to be stupid. She just smiled and asked, "Does Da Nainai[1] Chen want to do business with military provisions?" Fu Tianlei had approached Yun Qing about this matter before, so there was no need for Yuxi to pretend to be confused at this time.


Da Nainai[1] Chen nodded. "After settling the matter, we can give Madam 20% of the shares." The 20% was equivalent to giving Yuxi a direct dividend.


A smile appeared on Yuxi's face as she said, "If I remember correctly, the Xu family has always been the one to provide the military provisions. Since everything is fine now, is there any reason to change it?"


Da Nainai[1] Chen's expression became stiff. She thought she could easily talk her way through Yuxi. And Yuxi was behaving quite well just now, but she had not expected Yuxi to turn against her in the blink of an eye. "Madam, the Xu family is the Qin family's money source. While they were supplying for the military before, they were filling their purse with public money[7] at the same time. I don't know how much they have embezzled. It was rumoured in Yu City that the Xu family has been living in brocade garments and jade meals[8] from top to bottom. It is not an exaggeration at all to..."


Yuxi interrupted Da Nainai[1] Chen by saying, "Even if the Xu family did fill their purse with public funds[7] and embezzle some of it, there must be evidence. Besides, the supply of military food is an important matter, and even if there was a need to change it, it is not for me, a woman, to interfere."


Seeing that her Saozi[9] was getting a little anxious, Da Nainai[1] Fu interjected with a smile, "If Dimei[10] thinks it is inappropriate, then just forget it." Da Nainai[1] Fu was no fool. Looking at Yuxi's attitude, she knew that today's trip was for nothing.


Da Nainai[1] Chen's face was flushed with anger. Did this woman come here to help? It was more like she was here to dismantle her stage[11]! But Da Nainai[1] Chen didn't dare to offend Da Nainai[1] Fu. She smiled at Yuxi and said, "If Madam doesn't like the amount, we can discuss it slowly."


Yuxi shook her head. "Please don't make things difficult for me, Da Nainai[1] Chen."


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Da Nainai[1] Chen arrived in high spirits but left disappointed. After leaving the Yun Residence, she frowned and wondered, "Could it be that Han Shi thinks that 20% is too low? In that case, her appetite is too big." She had already said the percentage could be negotiated, but Han Shi still refused. She found the situation to be troublesome.


Da Nainai[1] Fu promised, "Don't worry. I'll ask my husband when I get back. Given his friendship with General Yun, he won't refuse." Da Nainai[1] Fu had this confidence, mainly because Fu Tianlei guaranteed her. The reason that she was able to toughen her scalp[12] in bringing Da Nainai[1] Chen over was because the Chen family had promised to give her half of the shares after the matter was settled.


But Da Nainai[1] Chen was less optimistic. "I'm afraid things will change!" If Guye[13]'s words were so valuable, the matter would have been settled long ago, and there would have been a result now. She would feel reconciled if she could not eat such a big piece of meat[14].


A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.


Yuxi waited for Yun Qing to return in the evening and told him about the matter. "He Rui, the task of providing grain and fodder cannot be given to the Chen family."


Yun Qing still had yet to hear about this. Not only was he busy, but so was Fu Tianlei. "Is there something wrong with the Chen family?"


Yuxi replied, "Although the Chen family has opened a rice shop in Xinping City, their overall strength is not great. I don't think they are qualified for this job. That is why I rejected Da Nainai[1] Chen's proposal this morning."[Note]


Yun Qing was in a quandary.


Yuxi knew what he was struggling with. "You don't have to worry about telling Fu Tianlei. If he asks, you can say that the price of grain and grass the Xu family gave before is too high, and you will lower it by 30%. I think Fu Tianlei should have nothing else to say."


Yun Qing was so surprised that he asked, "We're going to lower it by 30%?"


Yuxi chuckled lightly. "In the capital, one jin[16] of coarse grain costs only three copper coins, and that is just the price for buying in bulk. How could such a large amount of grain and fodder for the army cost less than that, right? But the price given by the Xu family is four copper coins per jin[16], which is more expensive than what you can buy in bulk in the capital. What I just said is only for the price of coarse grain, and those refined rice and wheat flour are 50% more expensive than those in the capital. Even if the cost price of grain and fodder is reduced by 30%, which is 2.8 copper coins per jin[16], the merchant will still be profitable." Soldiers usually ate coarse grains, while refined rice and wheat flour were only consumed during wars.

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Yuxi spoke about the price of supplying military rations, and the rice sold in bulk in Yu City was even more expensive. Not to mention refined rice and wheat flour, even miscellaneous grains cost six copper coins per jin[16], and it wouldn't be uncommon for the price to rise by ten to twenty copper coins during wartime.


Yun Qing was silent momentarily before speaking, "Food is more expensive in Yu City because of the unsafe situation outside the city. I liked the Chen family because they were originally involved in the rice business and had their own channels." It wasn't that he didn't know that grain was more expensive in Yu City than outside; it was just that there was chaos everywhere, and it wasn't easy to transport grain safely to Yu City, so the price would naturally be high.


Of course, Yuxi also considered the problem of banditry outside the city. "Speaking of the bandit problem, the road from Jiangnan to the capital isn't safe either. And military food supplies are always escorted by heavy troops. Those bandits must be starving and unable to make a living in the usual way for them to even have the courage to attack a military convoy."


Yun Qing still had worries.


Yuxi smiled and said, "Let's put this aside for now. We still have half a year to go." The agreement signed with the Xu family would be terminated at the end of the year. Although both Yun Qing and Yuxi knew that even death could not wipe out the crimes of the Xu family[17], they had no evidence to support their claims at the moment, so they couldn't tear up the agreement for no reason.


Yun Qing responded, "We don't have to wait for half a year." He had already asked people to gather evidence of the Xu family's crimes, and soon they could finish off the Xu family.


Of course, Yuxi understood the meaning behind Yun Qing's words, so she immediately said, "The new Prefect of Xinping City has arrived." Seeing Yun Qing's confused face, she explained, "Don't you remember, the new Prefect Tan is my elder brother's disciple." This was tantamount to saying that this person was one of their own. With Prefect Tan around, bringing down the Xu family would be much easier.


"I've been so busy lately that I forgot," Yun Qing said with a sudden realisation.


Yuxi felt it was terrible for Yun Qing to forget such a significant matter. With Prefect Tan as one of their people, you had no idea how much easier it would be for them to act in the future!


While they were talking, Mama Xi came in briskly and said, "Madam, Young Miss has a fever." Yuxi now entrusted Zaozao to Mama Lan. Mama Lan was attentive and experienced, so Yuxi felt comfortable leaving the child in her care.


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Hearing this, Yun Qing calmly asked, "What's going on? Why did Zaozao have a fever when she was fine?" Zaozao was born at full term and was healthy at birth. She had never been sick and had never been a worry to Yuxi.


Yuxi had no intention of pursuing the culprit at that time but hurried to see the child instead. When she entered the room, she saw Mama Lan feeding Zaozao some plain water.


When Mama Lan saw Yuxi, she said, "Madam, Young Miss's fever is not high; give her some boiled water first and then a warm bath later." Mama Lan was very experienced in taking care of children. In this respect, Mama Xi was no match for her.


Yun Qing asked with some doubt, "Will this help?"


Mama Lan nodded. "Young Miss just caught a cold this afternoon. Let's cool her down like this first. It's good if her temperature comes down. Otherwise, we will have to give her some medicine."


Yuxi said, "It's better not to give her any medicine if we can find a way to avoid it." The medicine was somehow poisonous, and she didn't want to give bitter medicine to such a young child.


Only then did Yun Qing respond, "Has a physician been called?"


Mama Xi, who had just walked into the room, happened to hear this question and replied, "General, I have already asked someone to invite a physician." She did this before reporting the matter to Yuxi and Yun Qing.

da=eldest, nainai=a young mistress of a family eldest brother er = second, ge = older brother, short form for Gege Chinese idiom: compassionate a family devoted to literature for generations Chinese idiom: to speak in a roundabout way Chinese idiom: to take bribes Chinese idiom: a life of luxury sister-in-law younger sibling (fig.) to pull the rug out from under sb's fee, to undermine sb's plans to brace oneself to do st, to put a bold face on it, to summon up courage,; to force oneself to son-in-law (used by the bride's family ready profit; easy gains Originally, the author put Da Nainai Fu in this sentence. Logically, only Da Nainai Chen made an offer to Yuxi. So I changed it to Da Nainai Chen. a traditional unit of weight, each containing 10 liang (市两) or 16 old liang (旧市两) and equal to 0.5 kilograms or 1.102 pounds Chinese idiom: to be so guilty that even the death of the person is not enough to pay for his or her crimes

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