The vast majority of small bases nowadays are remote, generally difficult to find, and even more difficult to manage in a centralized manner. Although it can help people nearby protect themselves in a short period of time, it will become more difficult to control over time. Once the external situation improves, who knows if something more difficult may arise.

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This is also one of the main reasons why the base region usually adopts measures of wooing and merging small bases.

For example, the accidental loss of important supplies is because it is unclear whether the person who took the military weapons was from the base in A city, or from a small base outside. After a long time, there is no longer hope of retrieving it. Although the base has brought back as much of the weapons and equipment as possible, if those scattered things cannot be used in a centralized manner and distributed uniformly, it will form competition. If things go on like this, it will not be conducive to the future development of mankind.

Frowning in the office, the leader in charge had to take the team leader who was in charge of retrieving those supplies to the villa area to plead for guilty. Things have already transpired. No matter how long they delay, they can’t think of anything else. Shrinking one’s head or stretching out one’s head are both knives.1As in, if they retreat or hide, they’ll be in hot water. If they go out and tell the truth – that they couldn’t find it – they’re also in hot water. The most important is to directly push this incident to those small bases outside!




Now that there is no space to retreat into, He Zizhong and Fang Hao have to be more careful when acting. Stomping on the gas to return to where explosion happened, they took out the two safes of crystal nuclei Tuanzi harvested – yes, He Zizhong left two safes before they left. Now, one was completely filled, and the other was more than half full.

After the safes are put in the car, there is no more space in the car. Even sleeping at night can only be done in the driving cabin.

“Let’s go back to the base and find a place to fight zombies.” There were too many things in their car and it was too noticeable. Driving a car full of gold and silver jewelry is a very dangerous thing whether before the end of the world or after the end of the world.

Nowadays, although most people think that jewelry is not as valuable as food, in the near future, once the situation stabilizes, the value of these things will definitely increase. Faced with such things, no one will not be tempted.

The two got together and discussed it, and selected a shopping mall closer to the base on the map. This can be regarded as a watershed. From here to the west is relatively safer and within the base’s sphere of influence, and to the east is a relatively dangerous urban area.

In this spot, they can fight zombies and collect crystal nuclei without it being too dangerous.

For five and a half days, the couple stayed in this mall that collapsed by more than half. Because it is very close to the A city base, the contents have been taken away long ago. Not to mention original products and shelves, even the decorative panels and wallpaper on the walls, ceramic tiles on the ground, and the wooden floorings have all been taken. Many things have become raw materials for building shacks in the base today.

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In the past five days, they only faced a few first-level zombies and occasionally a few second-level zombies. If they didn’t carry a lot of things and it was not convenient to take risks, they would rather stay in the middle of the city to fight those higher level zombies. It’s a pity that they can’t move around for the time being.

Fortunately, after holding back for a full five days and sleeping on an empty, hard floor for five full days, the space finally moved!

As soon as they carefully probed their spiritual power into the space, the two heard a “poof”, and a familiar, white, translucent ball came out.

Before it could rush into Fang Hao’s embrace, He Zizhong grabbed it and examined it up and down.

“It seems… there is no change, right?” At least from the outside, there is no obvious difference between the level 3 Tuanzi and level 4 Tuanzi.

Fang Hao poked its cheeks, pinching the two lightly pink surfaces that had appeared since level 3. “The face hasn’t become redder either.”

Is there any use for the face to become redder?

He Zizhong didn’t complain about this to his wife as he hugged his dear and brought them back to the space. Before they flashed into the space, a clear message rushed into the two people’s minds – “I’m hungry! Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry…”

Their expressions grew stiff, and their eyes fell on Tuanzi who was in He Zizhong’s hands. If it weren’t for the previous primitive communication they had with Tuanzi before the space evolved, they would almost think that the person who had ‘spoken’ was a zombie.

“What are you going to eat?” He Zizhong’s expression was slightly distorted. Lifting its “head” up, the Tuanzi in his hands made two tears.

“Green ones, so many green ones, I put them away!”

Fang Hao blinked and pointed to Cavalier 15 who was next to them: “Does it want to eat plant crystal nuclei?”

Seeing Fang Hao’s pointing, the ball in He Zizhong’s hands desperately nodded. Water was about to drip out from its large black eyes.

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Yes, although there are no level 4 zombie crystal nuclei, it seems that it still has a soft spot for plant crystal nuclei?

He Zizhong couldn’t do anything, so he took out the safes. As soon as he opened the safe with a pile of plant crystal nuclei, he saw the dumpling that he was holding in his hands rush over with a swoosh, and sucked…

Seeing Tuanzi flash into the space and the collected third-level nuclei remaining in the corner of the safe, even if they guessed that Tuanzi would no longer care about level 3 nuclei, the appearance of not even looking at it still made the two of them feel quite hurt.

“In the future, can it only eat plant crystal nuclei before the appearance of the fourth-level zombies?” Fang Hao tugged He Zizhong’s sleeves. This is a big problem. Will they have to help that guy fight mutant plants whenever they encounter them in the future?!

He Zizhong nodded slightly with a very sorrowful expression, and pushed the safe back into the car, but left the door open. From Tuanzi’s speedy movements, it will likely never give up until it has eaten all those things. Keep the door open for it.

The husbands returned to the space hand in hand. Ignoring the trembling ball in the air, the two looked around.

White clouds appeared in the blue sky, moving quietly with the slight breeze. In the distance is the sound of waves hitting the beach and rocks.

The space completely revealed its original appearance now.

In a flat valley surrounded by crescent-shaped mountains, lush farmland looks thriving.

A waterfall hung from the cliff, separating the fertile ground.

He Zizhong and Fang Hao could see that the area of ​​the farmland spread out some more, spreading from the bottom of the cliff. This time, the land did not double like the previous few times. It seems that there is only so much farmland, and the mountains that were originally shrouded in mist are completely revealed at this time.

This is a small island. The entire island is roughly circular with a crescent-shaped mountain range surrounding it on the outermost periphery. The only gap is the small bay in the crescent.

The salty and humid air swept through the island by a breeze. At this time, there were very plump river fish swimming in the small rivers connected by a silver chain of waterfalls and pools. Trees of various colors, high and low, were scattered on the mountain range. The two looked at it from a distance and confirmed that all the trees planted on the mountain were all the trees that they had planted on the mountain before.

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The cattle and sheep on the other side of the river flung their tails leisurely, looking very laid back. On this side of the river, in the paddy and dry fields, all kinds of lush crops grew. On the open space in front of the bamboo building, some of the vegetables and fruits Fang Hao were drying in the sun had dried out.

At first glance, there is no big change in the space, only that it’s original appearance is completely revealed. But in fact there is something more – its more vivid.

The clouds in the sky, the breath in the air, and even the sea water gave off a feeling of full strength.

The two of them walked to the bamboo building together holding hands. In any case, even if there is no change in the space, as long as it can be used, it is enough for the two of them. Sleeping on the floor is driving them crazy. Not to mention, they haven’t washed themselves for over five days now. =.=2The original face is == , which doesn’t look as good in English, so I added a period.

The two hadn’t been so uncomfortable since the apocalypse began. Now that they can use the space, the first thing they thought of is the bathroom that they haven’t seen for a long time…

Outside the bamboo building, is a vibrant and prosperous area.

In the bamboo building, the room is full of springtime and rippling water.

The young couple had not had time to relax for several days. Working hard, they earnestly carried out dual cultivation with the help of hot spring water, wishing to make up all of the previous few days in one breath.

In the early morning of the next day, the couple who woke up in the evening remembered that their car was still outside!

Tuanzi slept on the pillows next to the two people’s bed, with its belly upturned like a dead pig. Before the two had time to awaken the ball, they quickly put on their clothes and flashed out to see the situation.

Fortunately, no one passed by in this long-empty mall this night. Although their car’s door was open, they were not patronized by thieves.

The two safes in the back were both open, and all the green plant nuclei were gone. The remaining level 1, 2, and 3 crystal nuclei were untouched.

“Nothing is missing, right?” Fang Hao followed out of the space enduring a sore waist and weak legs. He Zizhong hurriedly placed a hand on his lower back to support him. “No, nothing’s missing. I will pack things up and put away the things that are not needed for the time being. You should go back to the space and rest first.”

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After persuading Fang Hao to reeturn, He Zizhong simply organized things. Most of the food and water can simply be put back. And those remaining things, mostly jewelry of assorted colors, are tossed in.

The things that were not needed are kept outside. Although he’s worried about the crystal nuclei on the car, if they put these things in the space, they’ll be absorbed by the space indiscriminately. However, He Zizhong decided to leave things in the car temporarily, and then make plans after returning to the base. As for now? He wants to go in quickly and have breakfast with his dear, and then return to the base after a short rest.


Level 4 space. I want my own space-island.


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1As in, if they retreat or hide, they’ll be in hot water. If they go out and tell the truth – that they couldn’t find it – they’re also in hot water.2The original face is == , which doesn’t look as good in English, so I added a period.

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