After discussing for a long time, the three had no choice but to go downstairs first. Of course, the trio naturally discussed things before going downstairs. They won’t tell the other members about the news for the time being to prevent negative feelings. Guo Bing still needs to inquire and make sure that someone is really eyeing his team, and also let Wang Tong’s wife pay attention and not let her healing abilities be discovered.

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After the three of them went downstairs, they saw a group of people surrounding the French windows near the door, looking out at something incomparably trivial.

“What are you doing?”

“Hush—boss, don’t make a noise!” Hearing Guo Bing’s voice, one person turned his head and gestured at him, inviting him to join the peeping army.

When the three came to the window, they discovered that they were looking at a… girl passing by outside the window.

Guo Bing looked speechless. He was still worried about how to comfort the team, but this group even had time to look at girls!

He raised his hand and slapped the back of the heads in front of him a few times: “What are you looking at? Haven’t seen a woman?”

“Ah, boss!”

“Yes, what should I do if I’m stupid?”

“Don’t say, this kind of woman with high scores1if they were to score each woman on a scale, this person would get many points is not common before the end of the world.”

“Yes, isn’t it, Xiaotian?”

A few people were stunned. Only then did they realize that the girl outside was a fairy from legend in Le Tian’s eyes, who wanted to rush outside.

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He Zizhong heard Fang Hao share this matter last night and looked out, and found that one of the few people walking outside was really pretty—”Ah, that woman seems to be…” Halfway through, he stopped suddenly, causing everyone to turn around and look at him. The synchronized head turning was so frightening that He Zizhong subconsciously took a half step back.

“Who, who?” The group all looked at He Zizhong with blinding eyes.

A drop of sweat dripped from He Zizhong’s forehead. Can he talk nonsense about the woman who was said to be the mistress of the Lu family? In addition, this news was heard before he left the base in his last life. At that time, he was still at the bottom of the Overlord team. One time when she brought a group of bodyguards and passed the Overlord team, he heard them say so. Who knows whether she is still the Lu family’s mistress this life? Maybe there’s a change of owner?

“That woman is Lu Zheng’s woman.” Guo Bing said with a black face. He had seen this woman and knew her identity, but he didn’t know that Le Tian’s dream lover was her.

“How is it possible?!” With a crack, the sincere soul of an innocent boy was severely damaged. The pain and confusion on his face were clearly visible. “Boss, boss…you lied to me, right?” He knew she was very beautiful, and there were always people around her, guessing that maybe she has a strong background. But this background one’s father versus one’s man… these are two completely different concepts!!

Guo Bing gritted his teeth and stared at him bitterly. “Why would I lie to you?!”

“But, but you always lie to us…” Le Tian turned his head and looked out the window, with a pained expression on his face. “I… I want to ask…” Fang Hao held his shoulder down, and prevented the innocent young man from running out with a hot mind to hold the other girl and ask if they were nurtured…

Side by side, Zhang Xiaoming and Fang Hao hurried to the second floor with Le Tian.

“You…if you are interested in someone, just say it straight.” After the crowd dispersed, He Zizhong patted him on the shoulder earnestly as if he were an ally.

Guo Bing’s complexion darkened, and he had an unspeakable expression. He gritted his teeth for a long time before turning to the other direction.

He Zizhong looked at Chen Ning, and saw that his usual expressionless appearance was replaced with a gloating one.

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Fine, if people don’t say, why do you have to join in chaos and manage it? Can’t they slowly figure things out themselves?

When He Zizhong was about to walk to the sofa and give up fighting with him, Guo Bing released another sigh. He walked to the sofa first, unable to sit down: “I don’t want to delay other people. With his little white face, if he really wants to find a wife, it should be doable.”

He Zizhong’s eyebrows involuntarily twitched twice. “Then you are willing? Besides, before weren’t you…” When everyone was joking before, wasn’t Guo Bing not tempted? They were only separated for half a month, how did this happen?

The smirk on Chen Ning’s face became larger. “Perhaps some people have to be dumped by others to realize, okay?”

He Zizhong’s expression mimicked his. “Understandable.”

Guo Bing continued to grit his teeth. He wanted to twist the heads of the two men off and use it as a kick ball. Unfortunately, he couldn’t beat one of them, and the other… If you screw his head off, who is responsible for the mess in the team?

With a cough, Guo Bing said with a serious face: “I’m also afraid that this stupid boy will be deceived by others again? Just put it next to me and feel relieved.”

He Zizhong rolled his eyes at him in disbelief.

“If you’re worried, why do you still not move when you see him looking at another woman with unrequited love? You still want to watch him put his energy on other women next time?”

Guo Bing turned his head and said nothing for a long time. His heart was quite contradictory. He doesn’t care about finding a man or a woman, and if one comes, that’s good. Especially since now is the end of the world, a lot of people like He Zizhong and Fang Hao are together. The number of women has dropped sharply, and many men in the base are already with men, and he doesn’t even care about this.

But… can’t stand that kid is too innocent… Using his own devil’s claws… Ah no! Rabbits can’t eat grass on the edge of the nest! No, no, no, no… He was also afraid that he would bend people forcibly…

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His mind swirled around in a mess, and finally Guo Bing himself had to agree. In fact, he was afraid of being rejected by the fool again. The previous blow was bad enough.

“Ah…actually last time…that jade pendant… when I said him and I, it wasn’t all casual talk, but…” Guo Bing held back for a long time, finally let He Zizhong understand what he meant. Guo Bing turned his head abruptly, staring at He Zizhong with both eyes, and reaching out to grab his hand, which He Zizhong evaded. “Um… the guy from your family and him seem to have a good relationship. Can you inquire… why is he unwilling to be with men?”

Chen Ning ruthlessly poured him a basin of cold water on the side: “Xiaotian said that he likes beautiful women.”

See Guo Bing suddenly wilt like a smashed eggplant, He Zizhong smiled and patted him on the back: “Don’t worry, if Fang Hao finds out, I will tell you.” He hoped that child is not truly a face-con and insists on only marrying a beauty… Ah no, if he insists, only if there’s the lost cosmetic surgery skills of South Korea, and Guo Bing is allowed to travel around in Korea for a round of overall shaping, will there be even the slightest possibility…

Nowadays, in addition to worrying about the base’s excessive attention on Samsara, the two groups have to plan the matter of going to the city to fetch gold and silver. Now there is another question of helping Guo Bing find out if Le Tian can accept being pursued by the same sex. …None of these three things are easy.

He Zizhong discussed with Guo Bing and finally decided to prioritize the matter of fetching gold and silver. Once the military is equipped with weapons and equipment, they will probably think of this matter as well, so they should strive to get this batch of things while they can. Although there is already a lot of gold and silver jewelry in He Zizhong’s space, they are all decorations, and cannot be openly taken out. (Even if they take it out, people won’t take these things freely.)

Guo Bing and them are not greedy. As long as they can fully equip their team with weapons of their choice with a couple spares, it’s fine. It’s just that they don’t know how much gold and silver should be added to product such weapons. After being targeted, they are even less likely to bargain with the base. It is better to wait and find someone to inquire the news. But in any case, they will not lose out if they keep gold and silver in the space first.

And they can also take the opportunity of leaving the base to test the base’s intentions… Or, perhaps, do something to divert the base’s attention?

After reaching an understanding, several people discussed the route to the city again.

“Go here? Is it too close to the city center? Isn’t it safe?”

He Zizhong was silent for a while and nodded slightly. “It should be okay. We passed by here last time…” What he didn’t say was some of the locations were almost flattened by them in one breath last time. When they came back from the city, they returned from the same way in order to save trouble, plus there was the safe containing crystal nuclei. Don’t know if it was because of that, but there were only a few low-level zombies scattered nearby, which is much safer than other places in the city.

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Although Guo Bing and them didn’t know what He Zizhong was thinking, they knew that he had passed by here, and knew it was safer to choose this route. Thus, they made up their minds and decided to prepare for a few days before setting off.

The three made a decision, and Fang Hao also came to find He Zizhong to go home together. Seeing Guo Bing winking at himself, He Zizhong nodded helplessly, saying that as soon as he got the news, he would tell him immediately. When he brought Fang Hao back to their villa, Fang Hao asked in confusion: “What happened to Guo Bing? It’s like he has eye cramps.”

“He has eye cramps.” The corner of He Zizhong’s mouth twitched a few times. He usually looked at Guo Bing as a pure man who could afford to put things down. When… why he is so anxious?

No, it should be from when Le Tian rejected him last time. It’s hard for ordinary people to take.


@ Guo Bing


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1if they were to score each woman on a scale, this person would get many points

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