Seeing the dilapidated buildings on the periphery of the base, everyone was filled with mixed apprehension and excitement. They couldn’t wait to go back and have a good rest, but many were also keenly aware of the vigilance and fear of the motorcades and pedestrians they encountered along the way.

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—After only a few months of walking, it feels like they’re estranged from this base…

“Convoy? They even have military vehicles?!”

“Quick, send someone over to take a look.”

“Did someone come back?”

“It can’t be… didn’t most of those people run away… how can there still people coming back alive?”

“What if? Who knows.”

“Military vehicles? Could they be from other bases?”

“Then why did they come to A city base? Cooperation? Merger? Asylum?”

“No! The base is already chaotic enough. We can’t let others get help first!”

“I always feel that the atmosphere doesn’t seem too right…” Fang Hao pulled away a bit of the tarp and said to He Zizhong in a low voice.

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He Zizhong nodded slightly. “Something must have happened here.” Just after the convoy arrived at the gate, many people rushed here from the base.

“You say, is our home still there? It won’t be occupied, right?” Le Tian pulled Guo Bing’s sleeve beside him.

Guo Bing touched his chin in thought. There was a flash of sternness in his eyes. “Who dares? Fight it out!”

It’s not that Guo Bing is being arrogant. In fact, except for a very small number of people, the rest of their team have all reached level 3.

Without exception, all ability users they met before reaching the city gate from A city base were below level 3. They do have the strength to say such things.

Before He Zizhong and the convoy officially entered the base, they found that the atmosphere inside was not right. When they actually entered the gate and were about to officially return to the base after inspection, almost everyone found that something was wrong.

At the same time, the staff in the base responsible for checking people entering the base also discovered something that shocked them. Picking up the phone, they immediately notified their bosses and those people with money, one after another.

“What?! They’re all third-level abilities users?!”

“Yes, everyone who sees them… they all have light in their eyes!”

“Maybe they were mistaken?”

“That’s impossible. You can see the light that only level 3 abilities have in their eyes!”

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“Quick! Quick! We must find out who they are and if we can add them!!”

Suddenly a group of well-equipped, powerfully armed convoy carrying equipment came to the base, attracting the attention of various forces. Plus all those people have level 3 abilities?! This kind of armed strength, whether external or internal, made all the now-independent large and small organizations anxious to swallow them.

Sadly, when those people in charge of investigating saw the size of the team, and the level 3 ability users with glowing eyes who casually slipped out of the car, no one had any confidence.

As soon as they entered, they were surrounded.

Yan Xin had predicted this situation before he came back, and now what he needs is to find out what happened in the base after he left. It is necessary to find some of the people who remained in the base and inquire about the specific situation of the Song family as soon as possible.

Guo Bing, He Zizhong, and them remained in the truck and didn’t move. There was obviously some confusion outside. It was better for them to stay in the truck with their companions than to go down and be used as a target.

Not long after, there was a commotion in the front, and the roadside onlookers all turned their heads. He Zizhong and the others vaguely heard someone on the roadside say that the first powerhouse of the base is coming… Well, they heard similar words at the prison base, and didn’t expect such names to be popular in the A city base as well.

A few minutes later, the intercom in the car rang, and Yan Xin’s voice came out. The team will not stop for the time being, and will drive to the villa area together before making a decision after negotiating with the base.

Everyone roused their attention slightly after hearing the messages, worried that something might happen. After all, they were not newcomers. They all left the base together. Even if this military mission needs to be handed over to the military, the situation outside is obviously not right.

The vehicles drove into the villa area one after another. Instead of stopping between the villas, they drove to a large shopping mall built in the villa area. This shopping mall was not been completed, and remained empty before the end of the world. After the end of the world, it was used by the base as a warehouse for storing things and materials. Now that most things inside were consumed, the convoy parked over temporarily.

The gate of this mall was originally a little small, but it was remodeled after the end of the world for trucks to convenient come and go.

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After the convoy stopped, Yan Xin called the people in charge of the various vehicles over, and arranged for them to wait. Then, he brought some people with him to meet the person in charge of the current base.

In addition to Yan Xin’s original deputies, Yin Dong, Guo Bing, He Zizhong and Fang Hao, and several others who gradually showed their strengths on the trip as team leaders came.

Needless to say, Yin Dong is a person with spiritual abilities. In some respects, he is a very suitable person to be the dog-headed military. As for Guo Bing, many of the most aggressive people in the convoy are his subordinates, and Guo Bing’s own leadership and combat strength are also impressive.

And He Zizhong and his wife… The pair thought they were brought along as bodyguards in case they encountered any difficult situations, and could come out and scare people… Well, putting aside Fang Hao for the time being, He Zizhong’s lethality and strength will definitely scare a large number of people as soon as it is shown.

After He Zizhong and his wife followed Yan Xin out of the gate of the former shopping mall and met the people waiting at the entrance of the base, they raised their eyebrows and glanced at the other party – who was also a level 3 ability user.

The third-level ability user has a fire ability, and fiery red streamers in his eyes. His entire person seemed to be filled with inexplicable arrogance. Of course, this kind of arrogance was probably cultivated after he rose to the level 3 in the base.  When Yan Xin led people out of the mall gates, his expression changed when he saw the various streamers in the eyes of this group of people. A splash of green, a splash of white, it was very colorful.

Although they heard most people on the convoy had level 3 abilities, the level of shock from hearsay and seeing it is still different. Emerging forces, big and small, stared from dark corners at the shadowy doors of the mall (the lights were not turned on in the shopping mall to save electricity), wishing they could go and hook back a few masters immediately.

The convoy divided into two, and one half stayed back to guard the vehicles, equipment, weapons and other things. But in fact, after learning that Guo Bing’s “space” could hold a lot of things, Yan Xin asked him to take out the two vacuum food production lines, and then put some weapons in each vehicle halfway along the way.

They have encountered countless battles on the way, most of which were solved with their own abilities. Most people use special weapons, and they rarely use real guns and live ammunition, so most of the arms they got on the way are now well kept in Guo Bing’s jade pendant.

Therefore, even if something happened to one side at this time, the entire convoy would not be wiped out.

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He Zizhong followed the team, scanning the surrounding streets from time to time. The villa area was quiet. It seemed like no one was there, but the two of them could find many people looking out secretly behind the doors and windows of the villas.

Tuanzi floated in the air, looking down from up high. It finally stepped out after finishing all the plant crystal cores, and returned to the couple, a little unfulfilled.

What surprised the two of them was that there didn’t seem to be as many cars in the base as before.

After the last zombie siege, many people took away vehicles when escaping. The remaining vehicles were smashed to pieces by those aerial zombies because they were relatively large targets. Therefore, although there are still some cars in the base, the number is far less than before.

Following the crowd to a small building specially used for meetings, He Zizhong and the two didn’t quite understand the function of this place, but Yan Xin knew it very well – this place was specially used for large and small meetings before he left.

Among the people he met, there was no one he knew from before. There weren’t even familiar faces or even those less familiar faces, and he didn’t see anyone from the Song family, or other major military bosses either. Although he may not know everyone, they should be some familiar faces at least. But he hasn’t seen any military personnel yet. What does this mean? A city base may very well have experienced something similar to SH city.

There is not much sense of loss in his heart. Yan Xin is very clear that the current situation of the base here is not bad. The base itself has not been broken, and it seems like only the leadership has changed.

Therefore, he followed the other party into the small building without any pressure, ready to see the situation before deciding what’s next.

When the group entered the small building, they learned that some people who got the news didn’t have time to go out to rob people, but because they knew their itinerary, they rushed here ahead of time. After they arrived, many people who got news later came one after another.

This mess, and the appearance of many people carrying gunpowder to each other made He Zizhong and his group even more aware that the decision-making the base really had a big problem.


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