He Zizhong smiled and patted Fang Hao, who was complaining in a low voice, on the shoulder. Although he was looking forward to returning to the space, once he thought of the wantonly growing farmland in the space… cough, if he had to work in the space, he would rather spend two days outside first.

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“Let’s go back and have a good look when things are stable.” Yes, don’t think that giving them a shopping mall means things are over. He doesn’t mind going into the space later for a vacation, but he does mind their two person’s great cause of double cultivation. Because everyone was crowded together on the truck, making it even possible to turn around and bump into each other, he naturally didn’t have Guo Bing’s cheekiness to pull his beloved and do some sports in public. So he’s been holding it back for months…

“Baby, no one is paying attention now, let’s go for a night first.” Hearing some ambiguous sounds from an unknown pair, it was like something tickled his heart, and the arm that was holding Fang Hao involuntarily tightened.

Go in… what if something happens outside?

But not going in… they finally returned. Today is the first day back, so there shouldn’t be anything… And Yan Xin has also arranged for people on duty tonight…

After a little struggle in his heart, Fang Hao nodded. He Zizhong immediately took him back to the space in an instant.

The fresh air, the blue sky, and the breeze blowing a salty taste on the faces of the two of them.

There is a clattering sound from the waterfall. Not far away is the slow-flowing river water. On the other side of the river, cattle and sheep are waving their tails leisurely. In the river and in the pool under the waterfall, ducks and big white geese are wandering leisurely.

Behind is the wildly growing farmland. Vegetables and crops are so entangled, they can’t tell what’s what. Although these crops are rather chaotic, fortunately they have not grown so wildly that they can’t even see the roads and ridges, otherwise it would be even more difficult to deal with.

The two looked at the situation outside for a while, and then held hands and walked back to the main entrance of the bamboo building together. There was a sudden ‘poof’ as Tuanzi rushed into mama’s arms, rubbing coquettishly. they entered. Mama can’t hug him even when he’s outside. Smelly papa treats himself as a balloon and puts it out every day! Although it likes to float around very much, it prefers to jump around! And it is completely different to let it float freely than to designate a certain direction to float!!

Tuanzi’s resentment was ignored by its father, and it was thrown outside the bathroom door. The pair’s clothes were scattered as they went, from coats at the door to socks at the bathroom. The sound of water, moans, and the thumping sound that Taunzi has heard many times before, but has never been able to figure what what it is. It must study it carefully to see how the sounds are made!

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The night life is very long, and it can also relieve the tiredness along the way. The mental tension and uninterrupted fighting along the way completely melted away during the night.

He Zizhong and his wife got up very early – in fact, everyone rested very early last night. After they got up, they sorted out the things in the storage space a little. Fang Hao hurriedly made some food and put it back in the underground space, and the two people flashed out of the space before dawn. Of course, Tuanzi went out to check the situation one step ahead of them. Except for a couple of good friends who were doing morning exercises not far away, no one visited where they rested.

In the morning, everyone got up one after another. Fang Hao, Le Tian and Zhang Xiaoming got together and looked at each other’s similarly moisturized appearances. Everyone smiled clearly in their hearts, and no one said much.

Guo Bing had a contented face as he swayed beside He Zizhong, and and went downstairs to prepare for breakfast together. They happened to meet Yin Dong, who was walking out from somewhere. They didn’t know if it was an illusion, but it felt like the corners of Yin Dong’s mouth were curved upward. Besides being taller than usual, were his lenses also brighter than normal? Did he wipe his glasses last night?

The logistics leader looked for Yan Xin early in the morning. He had to report the gun test in a hurry. After wandering around for a long time, he found him in a small room on the second floor that was apparently going to be turned into an office. He seemed a little unhappy, rubbing his waist, but still gave the head of logistics face to explain why he came over.

“I suggest building a few more cisterns on the roof. It’s raining less and less recently.” He resisted the urge to yell at Yan Xin. —Last time, wasn’t it clearly his family’s major1Yan Xindoing the stuffing2Use your imagination. ?! Why is his major now looking like he has been nourished?! Is it mutual attack?!!

After mutually attacking, Yan Xin, who was in the lower position this time, subconsciously rubbed his sore back, and pondered for a while: “Cisterns? Indeed, it hasn’t rained much recently…”

Although almost no one timed it after the end of the world, but their car has a watch with strong battery life and calendar function.

“It seems that since the beginning of November, it’s only rained a few times…” The sky was still gloomy and there was no sunlight. The surrounding fog continues to to be misty, making it difficult to see the tall buildings farther away. But there is no rain in the sky. Before, it was raining almost every day, from morning to night, but now rain is unusual.

“That’s right, we’ve only encountered three rainfalls since November.” And now, it’s almost mid-month.

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“As soon as those materials are delivered, let the earth abilities give priority to building a reservoir on the roof of the building.” If there is no rain for a long time after that, then the days after that will be impossible! What about farming? What about drinking water? They can’t rely on the small river outside the base that has been polluted many times, right?

The head of logistics took the order and left. Yan Xin was about to get up and go down to manage other things, but suddenly sat back again, scolding between his teeth – that bastard! Did he really do it all in one night?! My own chrysanthemums can’t be felt!!

In order to get the two pieces of equipment as soon as possible, the big bosses in the base worked hard to get the neccessary materials overnight and escorted them to the gate of the mall in person.

After Yan Xin led someone to conduct an inspection, he confirmed that although the items were still a little short, they were generally acceptable, so he sent out two trucks with a big wave of his hand.

One was given to everyone, and the other was given to the Song family.

When she got the car, Song Qiaoqiao stopped looking at Yan Xin. Although Yan Xin was also very handsome, he was by no means the kind of handsome guy she liked. Put in other words, she held great hostility towards him. The reason… is unclear. It can only be said that if Song Qiaoqiao is a man, then her reaction is normal – jealousy. But now? Even Song Xianghong and his wife couldn’t understand why their daughter hates this type of handsome guy so much.

His daughter hates him, but Song Xianghong likes Yan Xin very much. At first, he thought that it would be good for his daughter to marry him. Even Mr. Song also thought so. There are few young people with such ability, courage, and strength; he is much stronger than those other second generations.

But his daughter didn’t agree, and with her increased fighting force, he could only give up.

After Yan Xin received the materials they needed, they immediately asked people to make a cistern that could store a lot of rainwater. Built on the roof, it flows into a “pipe” to a cistern that is specially used to store rainwater. This pool was built in the parking lot on the basement floor, separate from the parking space. With earth abilities on the team, it is really easy to do these things.

Since November, it has not rained much in the sky. Although the water abilities can product water, this is predicated on water vapor being in the nearby air. Therefore, when it rains, these water abilities can play their greatest role.

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Fortunately, although it hasn’t rained for a while now, there is still enough moisture in the air for these water abilities to make water and store in advance.

Yan Xin and them exchanged crystal nuclei for a lot of water purification tablets and other items, and threw them into large tanks for water storage, finally solving the problem of drinking water.

Planning, dividing rooms, building tables, chairs, benches, beds, and other things that are useful for production, no one in the entire team is idle.

Compared with the survivors in A city base, the wealth of this team definitely makes everyone jealous.

After the last zombie wave, people in the base went out to collect crystal nuclei, and most of them had good results. But because the crystal nuclei is a consumable, although the base now uses it as the currency, crystal nuclei are still in short supply. No matter how many zombies they kill, they cannot mimic Yan Xin’s team who can fight zombies twice a day and may even be surrounded occasionally and fight fiercely.

Especially when there are no high-level ability users in the base. How can they kill level 3 zombies with their firepower alone?

While everyone was busy building their new residence, they did not forget to send someone out to inquire about the news. Within two days, the situation was almost fully clear. Everyone was particularly concerned about level 3 abilities. They heard things were messy after that zombie wave, so why is there only one level 3 ability user in the base?

It turned out that when the people in the base went out to dig crystal cores after killing the zombies, they didn’t pick up many third-level zombie crystal cores at all!

Some sharp-eyed people said that they saw level 3 zombies die in the defensive battle, but then those zombies beside them immediately scrambled to dig out the crystal core in their heads.

The zombies may not kill each other, but after they die, they will dig the core of their companions to eat? This is not good news.

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Lol. Yan Xin and Yin Dong…


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1Yan Xin2Use your imagination.

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