On the ancient road outside the city gate, Qi Shaorong swung the whip in his hand, with a tangled color on his face.

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"Jun Shang, how can you send this laggard Qi Shaorong looks disgusted.

Shen Yuan Dynasty made a smile to Qi Shaorong and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qi. I'm afraid we'll get along with each other day and night."

Qi Shaorong looked at Shen Yuan with his arms in his arms and said, "Shen Yuan, what do you mean! Threatening me? "

Shen Yuan quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't mean that. Qi Shao, in fact, I'm very good. Although I can't compare with you, I'm also a talent." What is Qi Shaorong doing! Before Shen Yuan, he was also a famous figure in the imperial capital! Although now It's a disgrace.

"Pretty good? You are not good! Of course you can't match me. To save such a bottom-up thing as you want to compete with me? " Qi Shaorong disdains Tao.

Shen Yuan: "..."

Zhuang Hao came over and explained to Qi Shaorong, "the Shen family is a business family. There are also some relationships with the Business League. If Shen Yuan is there, many things can be more convenient."

Qi Shaorong looked at Shen Yuan, full of doubts: "this guy has such a big role? Is it true? "

Shen Yuan looks at Qi Shaorong, smiles and says, "of course, Qi Sishao. After getting along on the road, you will know how useful I am."

Qi Shaorong smiled coldly and said, "I hope so. If you are useless, I will choose a duck shop to sell you for the fare."

Shen Yuan: "..."

Mu Tingxuan came to Qi Shaorong and said lightly: "young master, everything is ready and you can go."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK."

Shen Yuan looked at Qi Shaorong's back, full of entanglements, and said to Zhuang Hao, "you don't care about this guy! That guy is your wife! You're so used to him that it's easy to lose heart. "

Zhuang Hao looked at Shen Yuan and said, "bear with me. You can offend me, you can offend him, you can't."

Shen Yuan: "..."


in the carriage.

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Yi Fan looks at Shen Yuan, but his eyes are full of displeasure.

Shen Yuan looks at Yi Fan and says, "why do you look at me like this?" Is he rubbish? Why is this guy Yi Fan looking at him with a quick look after removing his face!

"Why should I take a carriage with you?" Yi Fan said discontentedly

There are several black lines on Shen Yuan's forehead, "you are my wish! Have the ability, you go and Qi Shaorong, Zhuang Hao rob! "

Shen Yuan took a deep breath. He was in the imperial capital. Before, there were many people chasing him. Now what is it like! It's a person. They all think he's out of the way.

A scarlet Viper crawls around Yi fan. Shen Yuan says to himself, "Yi fan is still surprised why he can't catch up with his wife. He knows to hang out with a snake all day. Which normal person will like Yi fan so terrible!"!

Yi Fan ignores Shen Yuan, steps out of the carriage, and lands beside mu Tingxuan, who is driving.

Shen Yuan looks at Yi Fan and mu Tingxuan and says: Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong are sleeping, Yi Fan and mu Tingxuan are driving, and they are all in pairs when they go out. He is alone, and he is so pitiful. According to the family's requirements, he has to find a chance to resolve the spear shield with Qi Shaorong. Shen Yuan looks at Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong's carriage in front of him, and feels a bit frustrated, He was clearly kind at the beginning.

Mu Tingxuan glanced at Yi Fan and said, "go in and have a rest. I'll drive."

Yi Fan said casually, "it's OK. I'll accompany you."

Mu Tingxuan glanced at Yi Fan and said, "it's OK."

"It's getting late. I'm afraid we're going to sleep in the woods if we don't have a village in front of us or a shop in the back." Yifan road.

"Mu Tingxuan doesn't care about the way:" sleeping in the woods is nothing

Yi Fan looks at mu Tingxuan and says, "later, I will go to hunt some prey. What would you like to eat? I'll hunt for you. "

Mu Tingxuan glanced at Yi Fan and said, "when you go out, everything is simple. You can start your prey at will, and you will be satisfied. You don't need to pay so much attention."

Yi Fan nodded and said, "OK."

Qi Shaorong leans on Zhuang Hao and sleeps sweet.

Qi Shaorong used to sleep by car, but he fell asleep in Zhuang Hao's arms.

Zhuang Hao looked at the man in his arms with a gentle face, only aware of the quiet years.

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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The carriage stopped in the forest.

Mu Tingxuan opened the curtain and said, "Master Zhuang, we can only sleep in the wild tonight."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "I know. I'm going to hunt."

Looking at Zhuang Hao, mu Tingxuan said, "ah fan has gone."

"I'll help." Zhuang Hao said: there is one of the pre engagement agreements. When he goes out, he has to be responsible for the fire, cooking, laundry and bed making.Zhuang Hao's figure disappeared in the forest.

Qi Shaorong stepped out of the carriage and sat by the fire to bake.

Mu Tingxuan set up two tents and Shen Yuan was helped by mu Tingxuan.

Soon, Yi Fan came back and left a blood antelope and a few pheasants.

Qi Shaorong looked at Yi Fan and said, "ah fan, your speed is very fast!"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "OK."

Yi Fan came back a short time later, a sound of monster galloping came, Qi Shaorong looked at the distance, Zhuang Hao came with more than a dozen monsters, some running on the ground, some flying in the sky.

"Shao Rong, what would you like to eat?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zhuang Hao is dressed in a white robe and surrounded by a dozen monsters. Qi Shaorong thinks that Zhuang Hao is the kind of ostentatious second ancestor in previous novels who will be bombarded at first sight.

Qi Shaorong looked at the red flying birds flying over Zhuang Hao's head and said, "this bloody bird." Xuelingque is delicious and a good food.

Zhuang Hao made a ring and pointed out that except for the blood spirit bird, other monsters, such as amnesty, fled in all directions.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and couldn't help thinking: the animal master is to pull the wind! However, I don't want to be beaten!

"Master Zhuang, can you help me with the ingredients?" Yi fan asked.

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Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "of course."

Zhuang Hao waves and rolls up the wind blade. His magic is very well controlled. All of a sudden, he cuts the beast open and cleans it up.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao's movements, full of wonder, and said: "when will Zhuang Hao do this, I thought he was just a casual eater."

Shen Yuan looks at Qi Shaorong and says to him, "Qi Shao, you are such a person waiting to have a meal. Fortunately, it means that other people have a meal.".

"Zhuang Shao, you have a hand! Let me have it next. " Yi Fanman is a way of appreciation.

Zhuang Haoru was pardoned and said, "OK!"

Zhuang Hao was a little guilty. In the pre engagement agreement, he had to be responsible for cooking when he was away from home. He had practiced cooking at home. However, his ability to deal with food materials had been improved. However, he had no time to study the cooking method. He tried it several times at home. He didn't eat the food he made.

Yi fan set up several grills on one side, and the flame danced flexibly on his hands.

Zhuang Hao sat down beside Qi Shaorong and said, "ah fan is really like a chef."

Zhuang Hao asked casually, "Yi fan is like a chef. How about me?"

"You? You're like a chef. " Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Yi Fan roasts the meat and gives it to Mu Tingxuan and others. Although Yi fan doesn't like Zhuang Hao very much, he still keeps one for Zhuang Hao.


"young master, you are here!" A young man in a white fox cape and a young girl in a dignified dress came over under the guidance of several guards. A man and a woman looked at Zhuang Hao with admiration.

Qi Shaorong looked at the two men and said to them secretly: these two young masters and young ladies who don't know which family they are are are. If they don't stay at home, they just run out and play. They are not afraid of being eaten by the monsters on the road.

Looking at Zhuang Hao, he said, "I'm looking for you. Where did you meet these two guys?"

Zhuang Hao said lightly: "when looking for food, there was a white tiger attacking them. I see that tiger is fat. Maybe you will be interested in it and lead it away."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "it turns out that tiger meat is thin and woody. I don't like it."

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Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "I know. Next time I won't find a tiger."

Zhuang Hao looked at the two humanitarians and said, "two, it's just a chore. You don't have to come after me specially, and you don't have to thank me for anything."

"How can that work? For you, it's just a matter of raising your hand. For me and my sister, it's the grace of saving lives! " Young way.

Zhuang Hao frowned, and Qi Shaorong said, "you can give me hundreds of thousands of gold coins in return."

The young master frowned and said, "who are you?"

Qi Shaorong pointed to Zhuang Hao and said, "I'm his father-in-law. I'll take care of his money. I'll give him a gold coin pocket money every month to buy snacks."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "Zhuang Hao is such a guy who can attract bees and butterflies!"! And when he had found something to eat, he made two more admirers come back.

Hearing Qi Shaorong's words, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other with complicated faces.

Yi Fan hands the barbecue to mutingxuan and says, "Tingxuan, taste my chicken wings."

Mu Tingxuan glanced at Yi Fan and reached out to take the barbecue that Yi Fan handed over.

++++++++++++++++++++++The young master looked at Qi Shaorong in embarrassment and said, "well, I don't have much money with me, but if you go back with me, my family will repay you well."

Qi Shaorong widened his eyes and said, "when you go out, you don't have money!"

The young man in white can't help but feel embarrassed. "I took it, but I lost it."

Qi Shaorong looked at Baipao mountain and said to himself: this dead boy can lose his silver ticket. This guy is so lost that his achievements are limited.

Qi Shaorong waved and said, "no more gold, you can go."

The girl behind the fox fur youth couldn't help saying: "can we follow you?"

"What are you doing with us?" Qi Shaorong's impatient way.

The girl pitifully explained what happened to them.

It turns out that young people and young girls are young people who come out of the big family to experience. There were dozens of guards brought by the two people. However, after entering the jungle, everyone separated. Now there are only a few guards left by the two people. Most of them are still injured, which is very sad.

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