The imperial capital.

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Bi Liuyun looks at the account book tired. Qi Heng is playing with the abacus at one side.

Bi Liuyun yawned and scratched his head with some headache. "The two bastards, young master and Yi fan, came out of the limelight and ran out to avoid the wind, leaving us two to deal with the mess."

Qiheng looked at biliuyun and said, "you have dealt with it very well!"

Bi Liuyun was lying on the sofa. "I'm so tired. When the young master comes back, I must ask him to raise my salary."

Qi Heng: " Young master, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while, so you want to raise your salary. I don't know what year and month you're going to wait for. "

Bi Liuyun turned his mouth and said lazily: "it's said that my young master saved Fengyuan. He's very good in Liguo. I don't know how happy he would be!"

Bi Liuyun shook his legs and said, "by the way, I heard that Lord JunShang, knowing that the young master saved Fengyuan, was very happy at first, and then very angry."

Qi Heng turned his head and said, "I didn't expect you to ask Feng Yuan for that. Tingxuan has been with the young master for many years. You are so stingy. I don't want to know that the young master will definitely choose Tingxuan.

"For so many years, the heart knot of Tingxuan has been unable to be untied. If Tingxuan unties the unhappy knot, I'm afraid that he doesn't have the chance to break the heart devil pass. In his life, it's level eight at most." Bi Liuyun road.

Qiheng lowered his head and sighed: "I hope this time, Tingxuan can untie the knot."

Bi Liuyun held up his chin and said, "Third Master Zhuang, he's on his way."

As soon as Qi Shaorong left, many people were covetous for the business of Qingcheng cosmetics store. Fortunately, Zhuang Renquan came out and helped them to settle down those people who were not involved in the internal affairs of the cosmetics store, which was a bit aboveboard.

"The Third Master of Zhuang should be entrusted by Zhuang Hao. In fact, Zhuang Hao is not bad." Qiheng road.

Bi Liuyun nodded and said: "it's not bad, at least it's good.

Qi Heng: "..."



Qi yaoman is angry and turns around the room, "Zhuang Renquan, this bastard."

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Qi Yao clenched his fist and knew that Qingcheng cosmetics store was Qi Shaorong's industry. Qi Yao's heart was filled with regret.

Qingcheng cosmetics store is a hen that can lay golden eggs! What a pity! Qi Shaorong left the original country, but gave the management right of the cosmetics shop to bi Liuyun and Qi Heng.

What is Qi Heng? It's just a servant beside Qi Shaorong. Bi Liuyun, a florist, is not at all right.

Qi Shaorong would rather trust these two outsiders than his father.

After Qi Shaorong left, Qi Yao also thought that, depending on the influence of Qi family, he forcibly robbed Qi Shaorong's cosmetics store, but he was stopped by Zhuang Renquan.

Thinking of the banker, Qi Yao feels angry. Qi Shaorong is engaged to Zhuang Hao. His father is marginalized.

Qi Shaorong didn't know what he thought. He saved Fengyuan, but he used the precious opportunity to Mu Tingxuan. He didn't know where the mu Tingxuan came from.

Jun Shang is furious with Qi Shaorong and Fengyuan about Mu's family, accusing him of not teaching his son.

Qi Yao bit his teeth and felt a kind of sour and painful feeling in his heart. Qi Shaorong is so promising now that he can't touch a bit of light. Qi Shaorong did something wrong, but he has to take responsibility.

If he had paid a little attention to Qi Shaorong in those days, this would not have happened today.


In a small building on the outskirts.

Yeoman, Yichu snow, Yihuo and Yibing are packed together.

"Mother, how can I live in such a small, messy and dirty house!" Yi Chu is full of grievances.

Yangman closed his eyes and said, "if you don't want to live, go to your father!"

Yang man lowered his eyes and was filled with anger. Yi Huo and Yi Bing had an accident one after another. Yi Xun's attitude towards her also changed dramatically. In order to treat Yi Huo and Yi Bing, yang man spent all his savings.

After Yi Xun had a new person, he thought that she and her children were out of the way, so he sent them to the suburbs.

Yi Chu Xue lowers her head and looks for Yi Xun. How dare she go to find Yi Xun? At first, Yi Xun just suspected that she is not his blood. But now, there are several more women, playing the sidedrum and gossiping around Yi Xun. It seems that Yi Xun has determined that she is not her daughter.

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Yi chuxue bit his teeth, and the Committee in his heart was hard to restrain.

Yi chuxue looks at yang man and gets angry. If it wasn't for her mother who couldn't see her father, she wouldn't be so miserable now. What kind of place is it! No servant of the family can live in such a bad place.

Yi chuxue feels that she is too shameful to see people at all.

Yang man glanced at Yi chuxue. Yang man was able to succeed in his junior high position. His ability to observe words and colors was first-class. Yi chuxue's careful thinking could not hide yang man's dark eyes. Yang man was angry, but he had nothing to do.

Yeoman closed her eyes and fell directly from the top of the mountain, which made her close to collapse.At first, yang man didn't understand why Yi Fan didn't touch Yi Bing, Yi Huo, and Yi chuxue. Now yang man understands that losing her children and her easy-to-find shelter is a kind of unspeakable torture for her to live.

Yi fan! Yang man hated this man in his heart, but he was helpless.


A banker.

"Three uncles, brother wrote?" Zhuang qianruo rushed in.

Zhuang Renquan nodded and said, "yes!"

"Brother, what did you say?"

Zhuang Renquan turned his eyes and said: "your brother said that Qi Shaorong attached great importance to his subordinates, so I must protect biliuyun and Qi Heng. If there were any accidents between them, he would not be able to lift his head in front of Qi Shaorong. In that case, he could only die to thank the world!"

Zhuang Qian rubbed his nose and said, "I didn't expect that big brother is actually looking for words."

Zhuang Renquan: " Qi Shaorong, this guy, really attaches great importance to his subordinates! Feng Yuan's human feelings are used by him to vent his anger on his subordinates. "

Zhuang Qian nodded and said: "Qi four little, speak of righteousness, with the eldest, it should be with Qi four little, there is security."

Zhuang Renquan: "..." Zhuang Qian, this boy, was bribed by Qi Shaorong so soon.

Zhuang Qian turned his eyes, looked at Zhuang Renquan and said, "uncle, did you say when you will come back?"

Zhuang Renquan shrugged his shoulders and said, "that guy and Qi Shaorong are doing well outside. I don't know how happy they are. I'm afraid they won't come back in a short time."

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Zhuang Qian: "..."



When Shen Yuan came back, he saw Zhuang Hao and Yi Fan talking happily.

When Shen Yuan came back, they just finished talking.

Shen Yuan came to Zhuang Hao and stabbed him with his elbow. "When did your relationship with Yi Fan become so good? What were you just talking about?" he said

"I taught him!" Zhuang Hao said.

Shen Yuanman looked at Zhuang Hao incomprehensibly and said, "education? What do you teach him? "

Zhuang Hao shrugged and said, "I teach him how to pursue his wife!"

Shen Yuan 's face broke down and he said: "you teach him how to pursue his wife. It's over. It's over. Yi fan, this guy, is going to be a bachelor all his life!"

Zhuang Hao gave Shen Yuan a bad look and said, "what do you say?"

Shen Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm just kidding."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"If it wasn't for you, I'd do the same now!" Zhuang Hao has no good way.

Shen Yuan scratched his head and said, "I can't blame it all! It's your stepmother's order! "

Zhuang Hao sighed and lowered his head.

His father met his mother, Yan Fei, when he went out for adventure. They fell in love at first sight and quickly came together. They had a very good relationship.

After marriage, his mother gave birth to him and his younger brother. The family was very happy. Unfortunately, his father was poisoned several years ago. In order to save his father, his mother exhausted her magic power and died.

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After the death of his mother, his father almost fell into a state of depression. He used alcohol to drown his sorrows all day long.

At this time, the Yan family sent Yan Li to the Zhuang family. Yan Li is her mother's sister. She looks like her mother in nine aspects. When Zhuang Renxian was drunk, she took Yan Li as her mother, and something absurd happened to her.

After the father sobered up, he regretted and felt sorry for his mother.

The Yan family asked her father to marry her, and he agreed.

Although my father married Yan Li, his relationship with her has always been peaceful, and he never touched her.

Zhuang Hao and Zhuang Qian are also indifferent to this stepmother. The Yan family can only be regarded as a small family. Yan Li is not liked by Zhuang Renxian and has no sense of existence in the villa.

For this stepmother, Zhuang Hao's feelings are somewhat complicated. On the one hand, Zhuang Hao feels that Yan Li has destroyed the feelings between her father and mother. On the other hand, he feels that she is in a good time and married into the villa to keep her widowed, which is pitiful.

"Yan Li will marry me. I think it's for my good." Zhuang Hao shook his head.

Shen Yuan shrugged and said, "it should be!" It's just that, it's just that.

"Where have you been these days?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Shen Yuan shrugged and said, "we Shen family have some shops here. I went to see them."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes." Although Qi Shaorong always lost Shen Yuan to nothing, in fact, Shen Yuan was the first heir of the Shen family, one of the four families in the original country, and the son-in-law in the eyes of countless people.

"By the way, here are some letters for you. JunShang knows that Qi Shaorong has cured Fengyuan, and he and Fengyuan have asked for them." Shen Yuandao.

Zhuang Hao smiled bitterly and said, "you must be very angry!""Yes! I don't think you should go back in a short period of time. I heard that Qi Yao ate a lot of Hang numbers in JunShang. " Shen Yuanman is the way of sorrow.

"Qi Yao ate the fall of the king, why?" Zhuang Hao asked curiously.

Shen Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "why else? He can't educate his son! "

"Shao Rong, what's wrong?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Shen Yuan shrugged and said, "it's very good! I just don't know that the overall situation is the most important thing. Our Lord, however, those who hate the country are all worried about the country and the people. They take the interests of the country as their own responsibility. Qi Shaorong has made his debut for mu Tingxuan this time, and has made a lot of blood. "

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "Shaorong does whatever he wants, so there is no overall view!"

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