Hua Jinyue looks at Fengli's back, and her heart beats ceaselessly. She even tries to dig Qi Shaorong's corner. Qi Shaorong is a pervert!

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Qi Shaorong blinked his black and shining eyes, reached to Hua Jinyue and said, "Miss, is there any other scenery here?"

Looking at Qi Shaorong, Hua Jinyue is startled.

"What's wrong with you, miss! Seems to be surprised, is it scared by me? " Qi Shaorong asked jokingly.

Hua Jinyue shakes her head and says, "no!"

Qi Shaorong looks at Hua Jinyue's insincere expression. It's funny. This dead girl is a little timid! Just a little bit of courage, but also want to dig their own corner.

"I asked you just now. Is there any other scenery here?"

Hua Jinyue nods a little difficultly and says, "yes!"

"Miss, why do you look at me like this! Isn't it nice of me! "

Hua Jinyue said awkwardly, "yes."

Qi Shaorong followed his hair and jokingly said: "Miss, did you find that I was more stylish than Zhuang Hao, so you moved and fell in love with me?"

Facing Qi Shaorong's smiling eyes, Hua Jinyue is in a daze. She nods and says, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Zhuang Hao, holding Qi Shaorong, looked at Hua Jinyue and said, "thank you, Miss Lao. It's getting late. Let's go first. See you later!"

Hua Jinyue is eager to say something, but finally she just watches Zhuang Hao and others leave.

On the way back, Qi Shaorong held his arms and said proudly, "I am more charming than you! Although, some will be cheated by your appearance at the first sight, but after getting along, I will find that I have connotation, empathy and other love. "

"That girl is too weak to pass my test." Zhuang Hao said holding his arms.

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Qi Shaorong: "..." Zhuang Hao is really Damn it, Zhuang Hao said before, if you like someone else, that person has to pass the test of Zhuang Hao, this guy won't be serious.

"The Mojia shop here has also closed down!" Qi Shaorong said. Today, Qi Shaorong has seen dozens of closed Mojia shops.

Yi Fan shouldered his hands and said, "the movement of the business alliance is faster and more hateful than we thought. Before long, the Mu family will probably be broken."

Yi Fan said in secret: the master of the Mu family is no longer good. It is said that many branches of the Mu family have left the master's house. He is worried about internal and external troubles. Mu Yue should be in a state of anxiety now.

Mu Tingxuan closes his eyes and destroys Mu family, which is his dream all the time. But when he does it, he doesn't feel happy.

Looking at Yi Fan and mutingxuan, Qi Shaorong said, "I have something to do. Go to talk to master Fengyuan. Go back first. "

Zhuang Hao chased Qi Shaorong and said:" I have something to talk to master Fengyuan. Go back first. "

Zhuang Hao chases Qi Shaorong and says, "I'll go with you."

Yi Fan looks at the back of Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong, takes mu Tingxuan's hand and says, "let's go back first."

Shen Yuan follows Yi Fan and mutingxuan, watching Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong leave quickly. A firm idea rises from Shen Yuan's heart. He must find a good friend with the fastest speed. Otherwise, he looks like a tragedy.



"Elder, the reason why our trade union has been standing so long in various countries is that our trade union has never been involved in the struggle of various forces, so the major forces have not been wary of our trade union. Now, for Qi Shaorong, the elder openly mobilizes the strength of the trade union to deal with Mojia, just afraid it is not appropriate." Fenghe road.

Feng Yuan said in a poor voice: "elder two, Qi Shaorong saved my life, so he asked for such a small request. Do you want me to ignore it?"

"I don't mean to ignore it, but I think the elder can make compensation in other aspects." Fenghe road.

"I have to do what I have promised. Since I promised before that as long as someone saved me, I would promise one thing to the other party. Don't Feng and you want me to say nothing? What do you want people all over the world to think of me? " Fengyuan's tone is not authentic.

"Of course, I don't want you to be untrustworthy, elder. I just don't think it's proper for our business alliance to interfere in the affairs of Mu's family. There may be hope for reconciliation in this matter."

"Mohe, how many benefits have you received from Mojia? Speak for Mojia."

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"Elder, I'm just talking about the matter."

"There is something wrong with the Mojia family. Our trade union has not helped. There are so many affairs in the trade union. Feng and you don't need to focus on such a small matter."


Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao are led to Fengyuan in the yard. Their mental strength is very strong. Fengyuanfeng's quarrel with them goes into their ears word for word.Feng and Feng Yuan argued for a long time. There was no result. Feng and his face went out badly.

Qi Shaorong sees Feng he coming out and nods to Feng he lightly.

Feng and coldly glanced at Qi Shaorong and left angrily.

"Two, elder, please."

Qi Shaorong walked into the hall and Feng Yuan sat in the main hall with a calm face.

Looking at Feng Yuan, Qi Shaorong said apologetically, "elder, has my request caused you any trouble?"

Feng Yuan smiled at Qi Shaorong and said, "if you don't have Qi Shao, don't think about it. Your request is not too much. It's just that I may disappoint some people, so it's just a pretext."

Qi Shaorong's heart was suddenly shocked by Fengyuan. Such a powerful force of the Business League, there was no lack of internal struggle. He saved Fengyuan. The people of Fengyuan naturally appreciated himself, but the people of other factions of the Business League

"Qi Shao, don't worry. I promise you that I will do it." Fengyuan road.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said: "I can trust the character of elder Feng. Elder Feng, let's talk about the cosmetics business in Qingcheng."

Feng Yuan nodded and said, "OK! It has to be said that Qi Shao, your cosmetics are really popular. The products in several cosmetics stores in Liguo have been emptied. I think we can expand our production. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I went to several cosmetics stores today. Business is really good!"


Qi Shaorong talked with Fengyuan for a while and left.

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Zhuang Hao walks beside Qi Shaorong. Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Hao and says, "what's wrong with you? I don't look very well. "

"Nothing. I'm just worried." Zhuang Hao replied.

Qi Shaorong did not understand: "what are you worried about?"

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "you saved Fengyuan. It seems that Fenghe has a big prejudice against you. After Fengyuan recovers, there seems to be some big moves in the chamber of Commerce."

"Big move?" Qi Shaorong was puzzled.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes, Fengyuan was in critical condition. Fengyuan's movement was a little big. Now Fengyuan is recovering, and Fengyuan's people are looking up again."

Qi Shaorong frowned, full of exclamation: "either the east wind to the west wind, or the west wind to the east wind!" Feng Yuan and Feng he are both good. He doesn't want to make cannon fodder in the middle.

Zhuang Hao, holding his arms, said: "in the present situation, Feng Yuan is the one who has the upper hand. You don't have to worry too much."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "hope."


"You are back! How is the negotiation with Fengyuan! " Shen Yuan welcomes Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao into the door.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "it's very good. In cosmetics business, we can strengthen cooperation later."

"Your letter has come up. We have been staying in Li for a long time. Let's go back as soon as possible." Shen Yuandao.

Qi Shaorong askew head, way: "gentleman wants us to go back, shouldn't he still be angry with me?"

"Not so vengeful a gentleman." Shen Yuandao.

"Are you sure?" Qi Shaorong is full of doubts.

Shen Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "in fact, Fengyuan is also very proud of you. After all, you are introduced by JunShang. Fengyuan owes JunShang a favor, so Fengyuan sold a lot of war resources to JunShang at a low price."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I see." He said, he said, when did the old fox become so generous.

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"Qi Shao, when are you going back?" Shen Yuan asked.

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "let's wait a while."

Shen Yuanman said gloomily, "why is there another time?"

Qi Shaorong put in his waist and said: "because elder Fengyuan said that he has opened a miraculous medicine garden in Liguo, which specializes in growing raw materials for cosmetics. I hope I can have a look : br >

Shen Yuan was a little discouraged and said, "this way!"

Qi Shaorong looked at Shen Yuan and said, "what are you doing so urgently! Anyway, you don't have a good friend waiting for you at home. "

Shen Yuan: "..." Qi Shaorong, this guy, really looks down on people!

"Don't you say that you need to go back for a blind date, let alone worry about it. Anyway, people can't see you, and it's a waste of effort." Qi Shaorong said.

Shen Yuan: "..."


"Ah fan, you're out. Where's Ting Xuan?" Asked Qi Shaorong.


"So early?"

"He's been thinking a little bit lately. It's good to go to bed early." Yifan road.

"Today, Mu Huai said something to Ting Xuan!" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"He said, can remove the wood spirit heart, return to the pavilion Xuan." Yifan road.Qi Shaorong held his chin, shook his head, and said, "that old Wang Badan of muyue mountain is a scum, and the character of muhuai can live well!"

"Mu Huai this guy, also revealed a thing, Mu Xing secretly helped to stop the Mu family who came to look for something." Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong suddenly widened his eyes and smiled. He said, "it seems that this man is not infatuated."

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