Qi Shaorong stayed in the Inn and knocked at the door.

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Qi Shaorong opened the door, and a boy with sky blue hair, face and belly full of fat came in with his hands on his back and his head held high.

The boy is short and fat. Qi Shaorong thinks that this guy is like a balloon. He is accompanied by several guards who are also like balloons.

Looking at the young man with high toes, Qi Shaorong asked, "what can I do for you, young master?"

The young man looked Qi Shaorong up and down, full of disgust: "you look really ugly."

Qi Shaorong: "..." The dead boy, come and find fault.

"I heard that you are the new Lord?" Asked the young man.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes!"

"You're the only one who wants to sit in the Lord's position. It's really hard!" Youth is full of disdain.

Qi Shaorong looked at the round belly of the young man and said to himself, "I'm so ugly, you're so deformed. Is that ok?"?

"Don't worry about it, young master." Qi Shaorong said.

"Your stomach is too flat. There is no meat at all. Most of the lords who come here usually have a big stomach. I said that you are too weak." The young man pulled his brow and said.

Qi Shaorong: "..." I don't need you to worry about it. It's so noisy.

A guard beside the young man coughed twice and said, "young master, don't delay your business. Miss Bei Xue is still waiting."

Hearing the guard's words, the young man's face was a little red. The young man raised his head and looked at Qi Shaorong directly. "Hey, I heard that you do cosmetics business, your high-end cosmetics, give me a dozen sets for your uncle."

Qi Shaorong: "..." This dead fat ball is quite a drag! A dozen sets are required at the first opening.

"Cosmetics, I have! But are you rich? No money, I don't say hello. " Qi Shaorong asked disdainfully.

The boy had a big stomach, and was full of displeasure. "You bastard, how dare you look down on your uncle."

With a wave of his hand, the boy seized a cloth bag.

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Qi Shaorong looked at the blood red beads in the cloth bag, frowned and said: "what is this, glass marbles! Just a few marbles, I want to change my cosmetics. I am an idiot when you are my uncle! Kid, you'd better ask your parents for money and come back. "

Blue fat boy looked at Qi Shaorong angrily and said: "you idiot, this is not a glass marble!"

"Not glass marbles what is it?" Qi Shaorong is not willing to show weakness.

"Deal, young master, change with him." Bi Liuyun comes in.

Blue fat young man, glanced at BI Liuyun for a few eyes, snorted softly, and said: "it seems that there are people who know the goods!"

Blue fat boy, left a pack of blood red beads, holding a pile of cosmetics, left contentedly.

"Liuyun, you are back! Has anyone come? "

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "please, we can start tomorrow."

"Or Liuyun, your efficiency is high!" Qi Shaorong is full of admiration.

Qi Shaorong twists a bead and says, "what is this! What's the use! "

"It's a blood pearl, which can only be produced by a blood clam. It's a rare treasure among pearls. It can replenish the blood gas, strengthen the body, grind the Pearl into powder, and drink it in water." Bi Liuyun road.

Qi Shaorong rubbed the beads on his hands and said, "so, this thing is very expensive?"

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "yes! It's not only expensive, but also rare. Young master, it seems that you are very empty. It's just time to make up for it. "

Qi Shaorong: "..." Bi Liuyun is a bastard. What's wrong with him?

"That dead fat ball is a black sheep!" Qi Shaorong muttered.

Bi Liuyun smiled and said, "if I'm not wrong, the dead fat ball should not be a human race, but a Bei race. Moreover, he is generous, just afraid that his position among the Bei race is not low."

Qi Shaorong said in secret: it seems that the sea people are very active in the Bihai plain!

Bi Liu Yun nodded his head and said, "the sea race is very active in the plain of the Bi Hai River. I heard that this place of the plain of the Bi Hai Plain has been developed for many years, and there are many sea people's eyeliner. This place, the power of the sea race is larger than that of the Terran.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

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When Qi Shaorong went to the city Lord's mansion, he saw a group of powerful Haizu migrant workers.

"Here comes the Biqin master. Oh, Lord." Hailing smiled at Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong looks at BI Liuyun, lowers his voice to bi Liuyun and asks, "what's going on?"

Bi Liuyun touched his chin and said, "I saw the little Lord again later. He said he wanted to help."

Qi Shaorong couldn't help looking at Hailing. "Liuyun, is that guy interested in you?"

Bi Liuyun shook his head and said firmly, "no way."Qi Shaorong looked at BI Liuyun and said strangely, "when did you lose confidence in yourself?"

"No, I'm very confident in myself, but..." In the eyes of the sea people, the human race is not the same kind at all. Most of the sea people regard people as garbage.

Qi Shaorong didn't want to say more when he saw Bi Liuyun, so he didn't ask more.

Hailing came to Qi Shaorong and said, "Lord, are these migrant workers OK?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "it's not wrong that the sea master introduced it."

"Please, Lord." Hailing road.


The imperial capital.

Looking at Yi fan, mu Tingxuan said, "has the young master come to inform you?"

Yi Fan nodded and said, "yes."

"What did the young master say?"

"Young master says, the seafood of blue sea plain is good."

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Mutingxuan: " This is the only one. "

"He also said that the city Lord's mansion over there had been robbed and had to be rebuilt."

Mutingxuan: "..."

"In addition, the young master also said that there are many nobles of Hai nationality, who seem to like cosmetics very much, and intend to develop waterproof cosmetics." Yifan road.

Mu Tingxuan smiled and said, "young master seems to be very motivated."

"I'm sure that you will soon be able to stand firm there with your ability." Yifan road.

"I don't know what the master is doing now."


The former site of the Lord's mansion in Bihai plain.

A pile of food was sent to the old site of the city Lord's mansion. Qi Shaorong said gloomily: "Hailing is really insidious! I've found some big stomach kings to come here, even if I eat too much. If I don't eat cheap goods, I like to eat those smart ones. "

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "Hailing is not only handsome, but also bad. It must be very popular among the sea people."

Qi Shaorong: "..." Is bi Liuyun saying something wrong! Not only handsome, but also bad, shouldn't it be though?

Bi Liuyun looked in the direction of Zhuang Hao and said: "Young Master Zhuang is really virtuous! Thanks to him, otherwise, there will be a riot among so many Haizu from Hailing. However, the successor of the dealer is cooking here now. It's a little overqualified! "

Qi Shaorong grabbed his hair and said with some headache: "this is a ghost place. It's hard to find a suitable cook."

The chef can't be found temporarily. Zhuang Hao is the only one who can play in person. In fact, Zhuang Hao's cooking skills are not so good, but one thing is that other chefs can't match him. Zhuang Hao knows the ingredients very well, so if Zhuang Hao does, he can keep the aura in the ingredients completely.

Bi Liuyun looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "the blue sea plain is the place of barbarians! How good conditions can we expect! "

Qi Shaorong: "..."


When Hailing returned to Feilong business, the manager of the business immediately came out and said, "young master, Miss Ariel is back."

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"She has come here." Hailing frowned.

"Young Lord, do you want to see me?"

Hailing nodded and said, "let me have a look. If I don't, she won't go."

Hailing walked into the secret room of Feilong business, Ariel jumped on it, grabbed Hailing's arm and said: "brother Ling, you are back! I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

"What are you doing here?" Hailing asked unhappily.

Looking at hailing, Ariel said displeased, "brother Ling, why can't I come?"

"You are a mermaid. If you let people know who you are, those murderous smugglers will catch you regardless of everything." Hailing road.

"Brother Ling, you don't have to worry. The people are so useless that they can't catch me. The last Lord tried his best to catch us and sell them. As a result, he found his own way to die. There was no place to die."

Hailing looked at Ariel discontentedly and said, "no matter what, you'd better go back to the Haizu early. It's not safe here. If something happens here, I can't explain it."

Looking at hailing, Ariel said, "brother Ling, I'm really disappointed. I heard that you are very interested in a human race recently?"

"Who did you hear?"

"Brother Ling, don't worry who I heard. Most of the people are crafty and have ulterior motives. Don't get too close to the people." Ariel was full of serious words.

Hailing turned his head and looked at Ariel with some displeasure. "Do you think you need to remind me of this kind of thing?"

Ariel's face was a little embarrassed. "Brother Ling, I'm worried about you too."

Hailing said displeased, "I don't need you to do much about my business. You'd better go back to the mermaid Imperial City earlier."

Ariel lowered her head and said, "father and mother have been asking me when I will marry you.""We'll talk about getting married when we find haiwangzhu."

Among the sea people, the Sea Dragon King and the mermaid king are married from generation to generation. The sea dragon king takes the sea king pearl as the dowry for generations, while the mermaid family's dowry is the heart of the mermaid. Every time the two families have a happy event again, the former generation will give the keepsake to the next generation.

However, after the death of the king of the mermaid royal family in the previous generation, there was no heir of the royal family, and the mermaid royal throne was inherited by the side branch of the mermaid family. In the process of the alternation of royal power, the sea king pearl kept by the mermaid family was lost.

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