Deep in the blue sea, two "shrimp men" with long tentacles walk in the deep sea.

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Qi Shaorong was very busy in the last life, and did not learn to swim. In this life, he found that even if he could not swim, he could walk freely in the water. Qi Shaorong could not help but be happy.

Zhuang Hao moved his body to keep up with Qi Shaorong. He was full of cruelty and said, "you look like a dog paddle. It's ridiculous."

Qi Shaorong said with a black face and gnashing teeth, "don't worry!"

"No matter not! You're too blinding. "

Looking at the direction of Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao, a sea man of jellyfish race said: "elder sister, come and have a look! What a funny way for this shrimp man to swim! Ha ha ha... "

Qi Shaorong has three black lines floating on his forehead. What's funny? What's funny.

Another jellyfish swam over and said, "this shrimp man has a brain problem. It's pathetic. The shrimp man with a brain problem will be thrown out sooner or later to feed the senior sea demon."

Qi Shaorong: "..." It's a shame.

Zhuang Hao grabbed Qi Shaorong's hand and said, "let's change places."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zhuang Hao with Qi Shaorong, in the water moving rapidly.

"You are like a fish in water!" Qi Shaorong couldn't help his sour way.

"You forget, I'm also a water magician." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong snorted and said, "you are so lucky!"

Zhuang Hao: "..."


Zhuang Hao, with Qi Shaorong, stopped at a Haizu market at the bottom of the sea.

The conversation between the two Crabs with hard shells spread to Qi Shaorong's ears.

"Have you met the new Lord?"

"Yes! Yes. "

"How do you look?"

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"It's not very long. It's as thin as an insect. It can run when the wind blows."

"Such a weak man can't live long."

"Well, I don't think we'll be able to live long. The first few won't be able to live long."

"Don't say that Lord, it's probably a small role. No matter how many lords are changed, the blue sea plain is also the world of our sea people."

"Yes! The Terran guys are weaker than each other. How can they be stronger than our Haizu! If not for our Haizu, we can't stay on land for a long time, where can we get the arrogance of the human race! "


Qi Shaorong frowned and said to himself: these two dead crabs dare to arrange him like this. If he has a chance, he must bake them.

Zhuang Hao takes Qi Shaorong and turns to another place.

Qi Shaorong saw two mermaids by accident. According to the legend, mermaids are all the characters of the country. However, the mermaids in this field are very common people. Apart from having more fish tails, they are no different from ordinary people.

"Hello, you said you were going to sell Jinsha fruit in Mermaid imperial city. Did you go there?"

"Go! The fees of the stalls in the imperial city are too high. It's better to be outside. "

"If you go to Mermaid City, you should do business only by the way. It's proper to see noble Mermaid beauties."

"See the mermaid beauty?"

"Of course, you can see that Mermaid kings are well-known and there are Mermaid beauties everywhere."

"Princess Ariel, it's not a small one. The king of Hailong, don't you come to propose marriage?"

"It's said that the sea king pearl kept by the mermaid family has been lost, so it's hard to say whether the marriage between the Sea Dragon King family and the mermaid king family can go on smoothly."

"How could haiwangzhu be lost?"

"I don't know, but the news has spread."


Qi Shaorong turned his eyes for a while, and a little schadenfreude flashed in his heart.

There was a flash of light on the light curtain of the Imperial City, and the civilians in the market, one by one, were accustomed to the expression.

"Another sea animal attacked the city! It seems that sea animals attack the city frequently recently! "

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There is a layer of protective cover outside the Haizu City, so sea animals can't easily break through the protective cover to invade.

Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao walked over and found a whale hundreds of meters long.

"What a big fish!" Qi Shaorong couldn't help saying.

Zhuang Hao's eyes were fixed on the whale, which soon swam towards the distance.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you contracted that whale!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "a temporary contractual relationship has been established."

Qi Shaorong: "..." Zhuang Hao's contract skill is very useful! As long as there are several sea animals in the contract, it is equivalent to leaving several pairs of eyes at the bottom of the sea.


Three days later.

"Young master, are you back?" Bi Liuyun looks at Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao and smiles.

Qi Shaorong looks at BI Liuyun angrily. Bi Liuyun is full of resentful eyes and looks flustered."Young master, why do you look at me like this!" Bi Liuyun is full of innocent ways.

"You still have the face to say that your water avoiding pill can't last for three days." Qi Shaorong's way of gnashing his teeth.

Bi Liuyun opened his eyes wide and said, "so, did I buy fake products? I said, no wonder it's half price. I thought it was because I'm so handsome that I got a discount. "

Qi Shaorong, with a black face, said, "you've bought me half price bargains."

"Young master! This is not my fault, mainly because the current business is too bad, everything is fake! Young master, I will pay attention next time. " Bi Liuyun is full of sincerity.

Qi Shaorong snorted and said, "I haven't had a problem since I left."

Bi Liuyun shook his head and said, "no!"

"Young master, what did you find when you went to Haizu for a few days?"

Qi Shaorong throws out a space ring, a lot of seaweed, kelp, and Ganoderma lucidum Exposed. "Young master, where are these things from! You got it with Master Zhuang Hao. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes!"

"Young master, you are very powerful! In such a short time, so many things have been retrieved. " Blue clouds are full of admiration.

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Qi Shaorong smiled dryly and said to himself, "it's not me who is strong in action, but Zhuang Hao. Zhuang Hao's contract can contract multiple contract beasts to work for him. So this guy contracted dozens of sea beasts at a time.".

"I've heard a very interesting story." Qi Shaorong said.

Bi Liuyun blinked and said, "what's the matter?"

"The sea king pearl of the Hailong nationality is kept by the mermaid nationality. However, it is said that it was lost by the mermaid nationality. It is said that the pearl is related to the marriage plan between the two nationalities, which is very important." Qi Shaorong said.

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "it's really important. There is a legend of Hailong people. Hailong pearl can help Hailong people to advance to the holy level. Although it's just a rumor, it's enough to show the value of Hailong pearl."

Qi Shaorong looked at BI Liuyun and said, "Liuyun, you know so much."

Bi Liuyun smiled and said, "it's nothing. You know, I used to collect intelligence."

Qi Shaorong smiled coldly, and said to himself: Bi Liuyun, this guy, doesn't collect much information from the original country, but he knows a lot about the information from the sea people!

"By the way, when I came back, I saw the branch of Qingcheng cosmetics store, which opened so quickly?" Qi Shaorong has some magical ways.

Qi Heng, with his hands on his back, came in and said, "it wasn't so fast, but I have a great help!"

"Who are you? Who is it! " Asked Qi Shaorong.

"Hailing!" Qiheng road.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "master Biqin, you are so charming! It seems that the sea minority leader can't escape your palm. "

Bi Liuyun smiled and said: "Master Zhuang Hao, you can really praise people. In fact, my charm is not so good. It's just dozens of times higher than you."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"That guy in Hailing doesn't know what he's up to." Qi Shaorong's stuffy way.


Qi Shaorong opened the door and walked into Zhuang Hao's room.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "Why are you here?"

Qi Shaorong opened the food box, took a bowl of medicine to Zhuang Hao, and said, "try it."

Zhuang Hao took up the bowl and took a sip. As soon as the liquid medicine entered his throat, Zhuang Hao felt warm all over. The original stagnant magic power and fighting spirit also increased a little.

Zhuang Hao's heart surged with emotion. He followed Qi Shaorong for such a long time. Qi Shaorong should be a little loose.

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"How do you feel?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao holding his face, smiled at Qi Shaorong and said: "although the medicine is very bitter, it's sweet to think that it's brought by you."

Qi Shaorong got a cold from Zhuang Hao, and his face was stained with some crimson color. "Who asked how you taste? I asked how you feel!"

"It's very good. I feel that magic and fighting spirit seem to have increased. There are blood pearls in it and several precious miraculous medicines of the sea people. Shaorong, you are very kind to me." Zhuang Hao hugs Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong broke free of Zhuang Hao's shackles and said angrily: "don't think too much. I'm just worried. You're too weak and you've hung up. Someone comes to find fault with you. No one can deal with it."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "don't worry, Shaorong, I will protect you."

Qi Shaorong snorted and left.

When Qi Heng came over, he saw Zhuang Hao staring at the medicine bowl and giggling.

"Master Zhuang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuang Hao raised his head, looked at Qi Heng and said happily, "Qi Heng, do you know that your young master is in love with me?"Qi Heng: "..."

"Master Zhuang Hao, are you on drugs today?" Qi Heng looked at Zhuang Hao's appearance and said to himself: Zhuang Hao is not going crazy.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Heng, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant! Do you see that? I've taken some medicine. Your young master brought it. "

Qi Heng: "..."


Qi Heng walked into the pharmacy and saw Qi Shaorong decoction.

"What are you doing, young master?"

"I'm working on several kinds of panacea. I want to fry them to see the effect."

"I just saw Master Zhuang Hao." Qi Heng hesitated.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "what's wrong with him?"

"He's been giggling!" Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "Zhuang Hao, this boy, just can't be too kind to him."

Qi Heng: "..."

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