"How did your brother suddenly think of going out on a mission?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

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"He wants to help a distant cousin." Zhuang Qian said.

Qi Shaorong said curiously: "distant cousin? Which? "

"I have a cousin, Zhuang Linyuan. He has a daughter, Zhuang Ling. Sister Zhuang Ling is beautiful, but she is not very well. She has been taking all kinds of miraculous medicines since she was five or six years old. When the miraculous medicine is broken, sister Zhuang Ling will feel uncomfortable and even faint." Zhuang Qian said.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "she has been taking miraculous medicine for more than ten years?"

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "yes! In the past, only some common miraculous medicines were needed. Recently, more and more miraculous medicines have been needed, and the quality demand has also increased. Uncle Zhuang Linyuan has been looking for miraculous medicines for sister Zhuang Lingyuan for so many years, but his strength has not increased much. "

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "have you seen the doctor?"

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "yes, the doctor said that sister ling'er is weak, so she needs to be well mended. However, after so many years of mending, she has not seen any improvement."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

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Zhuang Qian looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "elder evil doctor, go to see elder sister ling'er sometime! Those quacks can't help it. Maybe you can. "

Qi Shaorong smiled helplessly and said: "Zhuang Shao, you are too optimistic about me. What I'm good at is only cosmetic surgery and medical treatment. It's not my specialty. Let's talk about it later."

Zhuang Qian and Qi Shaorong talk a few words, get Qi Shaorong's answer, hurriedly left.

Looking at Qi Shaorong, Qi Heng said, "young master, have you promised to Zhuang Qian?"

Qi Shaorong held his arms and said: "it's said that Zhuang Hao is a genius rarely seen in a hundred years. I'd like to see how capable this guy is."

"Young master, do you want to know Zhuang Hao's details?" Qiheng road.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and there will be no danger in a hundred battles." Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng narrowed his eyes and said, "young master, if you know Zhuang Hao's weakness, it will be easier to pick up Zhuang Hao later."

Qi Shaorong smiled mysteriously and said, "yes, I think so too."

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Qi Shaorong gathered at the appointed place according to the agreement. Shen Yuan came up and said, "I'm glad to see you again, senior evil doctor."

Qi Shaorong looked at Shen Yuan and said, "you too?"

"Not only me, but also ah Qian and Shaofu."

"Senior evil doctor, are you here? I'm glad you could come. " Zhuang Hao said with a smile.

Looking at Zhuang Hao, Qi Shaorong said with some doubts, "young master Hao is famous. It's hard to see you. I'd like to come here to see you. However, it's OK for you to bring so many oil bottles."

Shen Yuan looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "don't worry, elder evil doctor. If ah Hao can't protect you, I will still be there."

Qi Shaorong looked at Shen Yuan, smiled coldly, and said, "don't be kidding. I'm talking about you."

Shen Yuan: "..."

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Qi Shaofu rubbed his nose and went up to Qi Shaorong and said, "let's go, master evil doctor. I don't know why. When I see you, I think you are very kind. It seems that there is a special fate between us."

Qi Shaorong looked at Qi Shaofu and said, "don't be kidding. You haven't even seen my real appearance. Moreover, even if you say that, I won't give you a discount."

Qi Shaofu: "..."


Zhuang Hao whistled and a bluebird fell down.

After the green bird fell, he rubbed against Zhuang Hao.

The size of the bluebird is too big. Compared with the Bluebird, Zhuang Hao is like a small bird.

Qi Shaorong has the feeling that Zhuang Hao is going to be pushed out by this giant bird, but in fact, Zhuang Hao is very stable.

Zhuang Qian looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "master of evil medicine, do you know my brother is a master of animals?"

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Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I heard that."

"Do you know the animal master makes money?" Asked Zhuang Qian.

Qi Shaorong smiled dryly and said, "I've heard of it."

"It's not as much as my predecessors, but it's also a lot." Zhuang Qian said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes! Yeah! It's no wonder that your brother is so popular that he can make money with his good looks. He is so popular that he goes all the way to get rid of his wife. "

Zhuang Qian: "..."

"Come up and sit. Let's go to the wasteland with the little green." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao's Mount, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Zhuang Shao, your mount is very good!"

Zhuang Hao smiled and said: "thank you for your praise! Let's all come up. "

"Elder evil doctor, please sit behind my brother. If the wind is strong, you can hide behind my brother. If you are not stable, you can hold my brother's waist." Zhuang Qian reminds me.Qi Shaorong: "..."

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