Tang Tianfeng's frame is flying along the road.

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Tang Tianfeng is sitting in a luxurious carriage with his chin on his back, thoughtful.

"The second prince, we are going to Bihai plain soon. Are we going to the Lord's mansion directly?" Asked the old man beside Tang Tianfeng.

Tang Tianfeng shook his head. "No, let's go to the market in Bihai plain."

"All right."

Tang Tianfeng lowers his head. Bihai plain is the place other lords avoid. However, it's said that Qi Shaorong did well in Bihai plain. Tang Tianfeng would like to see for himself how well Qi Shaorong did.

When Qi Shaorong arrived in the Bihai plain, he made a face lift for several Haizu and cured the Night Walker. He had a good reputation among Haizu.

Affected by this, the relationship between human and sea people on the Bihai plain has been a lot of harmony, and the trade between human and sea people has been a lot of frequent.

Tang Tianfeng has made a circle in the market of Haizu, about knowing the evaluation of Qi Shaorong by the majority of Haizu civilians.

Lord, although very thin, but very rich.

The Lord's cosmetics are very easy to use. It's a powerful tool for chasing his wife. It's just a little expensive.

Lord, you can have plastic surgery. If you want to be beautiful, go to the Lord. But the cost of plastic surgery is it ' s a long story.

The man in black beside Tang Tianfeng couldn't help sighing: "Qi Shaozhen is very good at business, and even develops cosmetics to the sea people."

"Yes! Qi Shaorong's business is really very big. " The cosmetics business of the imperial capital is getting better and better. It is said that the big head has been taken by Ivan.

The old man in black locked his eyebrows and said, "it's strange that Qi Shaorong bought a crystal stone for 30 million yuan, which is said to be for Zhuang Hao."

"It seems that the relationship between Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong has made a breakthrough. Qi Shaorong is so willing to spend money." Tang Tianfeng said in secret: Zhuang Hao, he has the talent to be a small white face and eat soft food! At that time, Shen Yuan and Yi chuxue gave Zhuang Hao a divorce, which seemed to be just a busy job after all.

"Yes!" The old man in black nodded with approval. "Thirty million, that's a lot of money!" Thirty million yuan, such a large sum of money, if you come up, you must be heartbroken.

"What is that crystal, worth so much money?" Tang Tianfeng couldn't help saying.

"I don't know."

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"Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong are not impulsive people. Since Qi Shaorong is willing to spend 30 million yuan to buy such a thing, it means that it is indeed worth that price." Tang Tianfeng has a feeling of depression in his heart. He came here for two purposes. One is to urge Qi Shaorong to get Haisha secret silver as soon as possible. The second is to find out Zhuang Hao's current strength.

The news that the father got was Zhuang Hao's strength. He has entered level 9.


Tang Tianfeng went to the gate of Tianlong business, "is this one of the two big businesses in Bihai plain?"


"At last." Tang Tianfeng is in the imperial capital, but he has heard that there is such a magic business in Bihai plain, which only deals in the commodities of Haizu, and everything in it is not high-quality.

When Tang Tianfeng entered Tianlong business, he couldn't help but feel an eye opening.

Tang Tianfeng is the prince of the original country. He has met the world since he asked himself. However, when he entered the Tianlong business, Tang Tianfeng was shocked. The commodities in the Tianlong business are all the treasure of the sea people. The royal family of the original country is not so rich.

Hailing stood on the stairs, looking at Tang Tianfeng and his party downstairs, drawing up the corners of his mouth.

"Shaodong, these people are unknown. They should be..."

Hailing waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. Come on. It's none of our business. Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao will entertain this guy."

Tang Tianfeng took a turn in Tianlong business, and then retired.

"The second prince, it is said that the boss behind the Tianlong business is the young clan leader of Hailong nationality, who has a lot to do with biliuyun Biqin master." Tang Tianfeng's personal way.

Tang Tianfeng took a deep breath and said, "I know."

The news of biliuyun and hailing has long been received by Tang Tianfeng, but it can't be confirmed.


Tang Tianfeng came out of Tianlong business and arrived at the city Lord's mansion.

"Second prince, you have come. I heard that you are coming. I have been waiting for a long time." Qi Shaorong is respectful.

"Thank you, Qi Shao. It's my fault." Tang Tianfeng smiled gently and looked very friendly.

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Zhuang Hao came out of the city Lord's mansion.

Tang Tianfeng looked at Zhuang Hao and said: "Young Master Zhuang is more and more dignified and charming. During this period, he entrusted the blessing that young master Zhuang was not in the imperial capital, and the other heroes of the imperial capital had a bright future."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "the second prince is joking."

"I heard that Qi Shaohua spent 30 million yuan and sent a crystal stone to make a token of affection for Master Zhuang. It seems that two good things are close!" Tang Tianfeng.Zhuang Haoman nodded happily, and said, "soon, soon."

Qi Shaorong glanced at Zhuang Hao, who was smiling very quickly. He said angrily, "soon, what is fast?"

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong's bad face and shut up awkwardly.

"Second prince, you misunderstood it. It's not a token of affection." Qi Shaorong is stuffy and stuffy.

Tang Tianfeng is full of wonder: "Qi Shao, what you spent 30 million on is not a token of affection?"

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "I was just on impulse. Seeing that guy who sells things, I look like a poor guy I can't afford. I'm angry, so I bought it. After that, I really regret it."

"Qi Shao, even if it's a token of affection, you don't have to be embarrassed." Tang Tianfeng is smiling.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes! It's a token of affection, and it's not very interesting. "

Qi Shaorong rolled his eyes and said: "Zhuang Hao, an idiot, didn't have a cold for Tang Tianfeng, so he would stand on the same line with others.

"Is the crystal still there? Can you show me that? " Tang Tianfeng.

Qi Shaorong cluttered for a moment and said to himself: the purpose of Tang Tianfeng is here. Semi Shengjing has been absorbed by Zhuang Hao.

"Well, yes." Zhuang Hao took out a colorful crystal and handed it to him.

Qi Shaorong looked as usual, but he was stunned.

What Zhuang Hao brought out should be a common rainbow stone of the Hai nationality. Although the rainbow stone is beautiful, it has no practical value and its value is limited.

"That's the stone?" Tang Tianfeng is a little weird.

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Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "yes! For me, Shaorong has suffered a great loss. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"The second prince, I haven't eaten yet. I've prepared a banquet to catch the wind for you." Qi Shaorong said.

"Thank you very much." Tang Tianfeng.




Zhuang Hao sat beside Qi Shaorong and said, "did Tang Tianfeng tell you about Haisha secret silver?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "not yet."

Qi Shaorong could see that Tang Tianfeng wanted to win him over, but he was afraid to win over the emperor's suspicions. The royal family was so tired that Qi Shaorong could not help but sympathize with him.

"It seems that he wants to make a good impression on you." Zhuang Hao said.

"I think you have a good impression of him! I have a common language with him. " Qi Shaorong said with a smile.

Zhuang Hao scratched his head awkwardly and said, "no! However, what the second prince said is true. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Where did the crystal come from?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao said casually, "when I went to the sea, I saw that the stone and the semi holy crystal looked like each other. I picked them up at will."

"You've already guessed that." Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao, holding his arms in his arms, said, "of course, I can't be sure, but I'm prepared for nothing."

Qi Shaorong turned his head and looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you are very good at preparing for a rainy day!"

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Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "I have always been very smart!"

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Don't say that. Has the knife been dealt with?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "the secret silver of Haisha has been separated. It's three Jin and four Liang in all. The Haizu are really rich! The power of that Sabre is general, and the craftsmanship is not in the current. The material used is the sea sand secret silver that can be met but not sought. "

"Give this thing to Tang Tianfeng, you should be able to send that guy away." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao felt his chin and said, "there is something that can be provided by Hailing."

"If Hailing finds Haisha secret silver, I'd like to keep some for myself." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said: "are you interested in magic crystal gun?"

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "there are some."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"It's about the same to give me more than three jin." Qi Shaorong said.


"Second prince, didn't you talk with Qi about Haisha secret silver?" The humanity in black around Tang Tianfeng.

Tang Tianfeng closes his eyes. The task of Haisha secret silver has been issued for a long time. However, Qi Shaorong hasn't heard anything yet. He obviously doesn't want to take this order.

"The secret silver of Haisha is a forbidden product of Haizu. Qi Shaorong must know this. He must have a grudge against his father."

"The second prince, although Haisha secret silver is a forbidden product of the Haizu, Qi Shaorong and the head of the Hailong minority have a friendship. He has made a facelift for some of the Haizu bigwigs and saved the night walkers of the Haizu. If he really wants to complete this task, it is not impossible." The old man in Black said.

Tang Tianfeng closed his eyes. The old man said, of course, he knew. It's a pity that Qi Shaorong, as a man, had no idea of being loyal to the emperor.Looking at Tang Tianfeng, the old man in Black said: "you are very interested in the secret silver of Haisha. Second prince, if you can, it's better to hurry up as soon as possible."

Tang Tianfeng nodded and said, "I know."

"Just now, when we came in, I looked as if I saw the chief guard of the main mansion of the city, as if he was really a nine class sea people."

Tang Tianfeng takes a deep breath. The nine level sea guards are only available to people like Qi Shaorong. Qi Shaorong is really unpredictable!

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