"Ah Heng, what's the matter with you and Zuo Yunfei?" Qi Shaorong curiously grew up and looked at Qi Heng and asked.

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Zhuang Hao's eyes widened on one side. He had a strong thirst for knowledge and the same look as Qi Shaorong.

Qi Heng looks at the two people who are "covetous" by his side. He is speechless.

"I have seen him ill." Qiheng road.

"He said, he slept with you?" Zhuang Hao asked with curiosity.

Qi Shaorong choked for a moment, saying: look at Qi Heng's face, it seems that it's not just nonsense! Don't say, ah Heng is really taken advantage of, this bastard.

Zhuang Haoman was puzzled and said, "if you treat him, he should not look that way."

Qi Heng narrowed his eyes and said: "when I found him, he was dying. I used some methods to hang his life. I found that the man's physique was very good. He was a good experimental body. My medical skills were not very good. He used many bad treatment methods. Maybe he had some mustard."

"What a bad way you used!" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Qi Heng thought about it and said, "a lot, many of them can't remember clearly."

"Pick up some and talk about it." Qi Shaorong said.

"I've stripped him up and left him out in the sun." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "what are you doing in the sun?"

"Young master, you said that there is a kind of disease called osteochondrosis. As long as you bask in the sun, it will be OK. His appearance and symptoms at that time are similar to what you said about osteochondrosis."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Does the sun work?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Qi Heng shook his head and said, "it's no use."

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Zhuang Hao: "..."

"Just like that?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"Later, I caught a vat of poisonous snakes, scorpions and insects, soaked a vat and threw him in." Qiheng road.

Zhuang Hao: "that's not good..."

"There is no cure for his poison, so I'll try to fight it with poison." Qiheng road.

"You are not afraid to kill him!" Qi Heng frowned and said: "anyway, he was not saved." "Is it effective to attack poison with poison?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Qi Heng shook his head and said, "it doesn't seem to have any effect. Later, I used the thunder inducing skill you taught me to attract thunder to split him."

Zhuang Hao can't help tightening his heart strings. How can he not know that Qi Heng is so hidden! It seems that all along, he should thank Qiheng for his mercy.

"How do you think of lightning?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"Because he is a thunder cultivator, double cultivation of magic and martial arts, and seems to be a special physique, I think a split of lightning can stimulate his potential, and make him reborn." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong felt his chin and said thoughtfully, "I haven't thought about this treatment!"

"Does it work?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Qi Heng nodded and said: "it's effective. The way of attacking poison with poison made his whole body full of strange pimples. He was chopped by lightning, but all of them were gone, and his skin became better all of a sudden."

"Not bad! Why didn't you tell me such a thing? " Qi Shaorong's eyes are shining.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong with an eager look. "There are a few people like Zuo Shao who are hard-working, not all of them. After so many, they can still survive."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that's what he said! Zuo Shao is really resistant to twists and turns! It's a good experiment. "

Zhuang Hao: "..."

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"You cured him later?"

Qi Heng nodded and said, "it's true, but because I use too many methods, I'm not sure which one works, or because of some kind of coincidence, several methods work together. In fact, I don't know how good he is, just muddleheaded."

Zhuang Hao frowned and said to himself, "from Qiheng's words, we can see that Zuo Yunfei should have been tossed by Qiheng! It's no wonder that when we meet, it's the expression.

Qi Shaorong looked at Qi Heng and said, "why don't you bring people back to me?"

"Too far." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong nodded and understood: "it's the same."

"Anyway, he couldn't live. He died. He was also unlucky..." Qi Heng's face was plain.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Heng and said, "Zuo Yunfei's strength, you should not be an opponent. How can you control him?"

Qi Heng glanced at Zhuang Hao and said, "if his strength was in its heyday, I would not be an opponent. However, he was deeply poisoned at that time, and his strength could not be exerted."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "no wonder!"

Qi Shaorong looks at Qi Heng, smiles and says, "ah Heng, you will cure the disease, too! Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you told me, I...... "Qi Heng shook his head and said, "I won't cure the disease. In those days, I just hit him by mistake. I think he didn't save his life, so he used it as an experiment. However, it seems that the treatment effect is not good..."

Zhuang Hao blinked, looked at Qi Heng and said, "ah Heng, you are too modest. You can see that Zuo Yunfei is so active now, which is enough to prove that your treatment effect is very good."

Qi Heng looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "he is good, but it has nothing to do with me. The main reason is that his life is hard enough, his luck is good enough, and no trouble will happen."

Zhuang Hao: "..."


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"I think there is something unusual between Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng. Zuo Yunfei seems to hate Qi Heng very much." Zhuang Hao said.

"Zuo Yunfei is too stingy. Even though Qi Heng's method is extreme, it's impossible! There's really no need to worry about that guy. "

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't think it's that simple. Zuo Yunfei said he slept with Qi Heng, so I wonder if Qi Heng raped him!"

Qi Shaorong: what are you talking about

Zhuang Hao said: "Zuo Yunfei didn't have a strong hand at that time. Besides, the guy looks good. Qi Heng took him off and threw him out to the sun. Maybe he saw that Zuo Yunfei had a good figure..."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "it seems reasonable to be said so by you!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes! I think that's the truth. "

Zhuang Hao shook his head and sighed: "I always thought that the most twisted person under you was Yi fan. Unexpectedly, Qi Heng As expected, there are dragons and tigers around you. Qi Heng is really amazing. Zuo Yunfei, even me, should be afraid of his three points. Qi Heng actually gave him up. "

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao angrily and said, "things are not sure yet. Don't talk nonsense."

"What is Qi Heng's origin?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"Ah Heng seldom mentions his family background. I only know that ah Heng's luck is not good. His father is a commoner and has no right of inheritance. He was forced to work hard by his father. All the benefits were given to his uncle."

"Later, ah Heng's father died in battle for his family. After his father died, he and his younger brother were left. All the property left by his father was occupied by his elder uncle. Later, his younger brother became ill, had no money for treatment, and died of illness."

"Later, ah Heng was told by his uncle that he liked to do something sneaky. He was driven out of his family and drifted into the hands of human traffickers. Ah Heng was stubborn and rebellious, so he was often abandoned and ran over several owners. Finally, I bought him."

Zhuang Hao widened his eyes and said, "I can't see it!"

Qi Shaorong reluctantly smiled and said, "over the years, his temperament has been much better. When I met him, he was very reticent. His temperament is like a lone wolf. He can't get close to anyone."

"The people around you, all hiding dragon and crouching tiger, you really can pick people." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "it's not that I can pick people, it's Tingxuan. Tingxuan can see a person's potential. I'm not a good person. I'm fastidious about no return. What I invest is worth investing."

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Qi Heng walked halfway and was stopped by Tang Tianying.

"Fourth prince, what can I do for you?"

Tang Tianying smiled and said, "yes, can we talk about it alone?"

Qi Heng nodded. "Of course."

Qi Heng looks at Tang Tianying and mutters something in his heart. During this period, when Qi Shaorong looks at him, his eyes are shining. He is interested in the private affairs between him and Zuo Yunfei. Qi Heng is almost in a psychological shadow. Qi Heng can't help thinking that Tang Tianying is interested in his private affairs.

"I don't know what the fourth Prince's advice is."

"I think, director Qi Heng, you should know that Princess Yueting can allow three followers." Tang Tianying said.

Qi Heng nodded and said, "I know that Zhuang Shao and Shao Da have the quota."

"I want to invite hengshao to accompany me into the rad mountains. I don't know hengshao. Would you like to?" Tang Tianying said.

Qi Hengman looked at Tang Tianying incomprehensibly. "Why me? As far as I know, the fourth Prince has brought a lot of guards here?"

Tang Tianying looked at Qi Heng and said, "yes! I have brought a lot of guards, but they are too weak, and their strength is too poor. Even I can't fight. At that time, I will protect them, not because they protect me. "

Qi Heng looked at Tang Tianying and said, "the fourth prince, in fact, you are very powerful, and I am not your opponent."

Tang Tianying looked at Qi Heng and said: "Heng Shao, don't be kidding. Everyone knows that the evil doctor's hands are useless. You can see Heng Shao's level from he Yifan and Mo Tingxuan. I think about it, but I still think that it's safer for you to follow me."

"Since the four princes have said so, I am not respectful." Qiheng road.

Tang Tianying smiled and said, "Heng Shao has agreed. That's great. There's no need to work."。

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