Qi Shaorong sat in the living room, studying the medicine, and Qi Heng came in with a dignified face.

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"Ah Heng, you don't look very well! What's the matter? " Qi Shaorong said.

"I just got the news that competitors from several countries will join hands to deal with Zhuang Shao." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong looks up and glances at Qi Heng. He can't help but wonder, "where did you get the news?"

Qi Heng twisted his brow and said, "don't worry where the news comes from, young master. I think there should be no mistake."

Qi Shaorong turned his eyes, smiled and said, "it's the news from Zuo shaogei. He cares about you."

Looking at Qi Shaorong's gossiping face, Qi Heng took a deep breath and said helplessly, "young master, don't you think it's more important to pay attention to the news itself than to the people who pay attention to it?"

Qi Shaorong looked at Qi Heng and said, "that's what I said! Zhuang Hao's popularity is so bad that he even provokes others to join hands to deal with him. This guy is too incompetent. "

Qi Heng looks at Qi Shaorong and has no words on his face. "It's mediocre not to be envied. It can't all blame Master Zhuang Hao."

Qi Shaorong rolled his eyes and said, "you are very good at speaking for him!"

Qi Heng: "..."

Qi Shaorong, holding his chin, said thoughtfully, "when it comes to the League of several countries, Zuo Shao won't join in."

Qi Heng shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Heng and said, "it doesn't matter if you join in. I'll let you deal with it. Ah Heng will be able to deal with him."

Qi Heng looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "Master Zhuang, you really believe me! Zuo Yunfei is much better than me. I am not his opponent. "

Zhuang Hao smiled and said: "Qiheng, you must not be arrogant, just a left cloud flying, you are absolutely flat." Some things are not just about strength!

Qi Heng: "..."


Zhuang Hao and Qi Heng are talking here. There is a bustling sound.

, "Your Highness is coming."

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said, "here comes Princess Yueting! It is said that Princess Yueting is very beautiful! I'll go out and have a look. "

Looking at Qi Shaorong's back, Qi Heng said to himself: I haven't changed my temperament at all. I can't wait to hear that there are beauties watching.

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The princess's luanjia stopped in the center of the other courtyard, while the princess Yueting stayed in luanjia and didn't come out.

The princes of different countries living in the other courtyard are all gathered in the courtyard.

The princes of various countries are all dressed in bright and beautiful clothes, and all the eyes of the princes are focused on the direction of setting up and driving.

Qi Shaorong looked at the other people in the courtyard, blinked, and said: "the princes of all countries have arrived. This princess has a good appeal!"

Zhuang Hao did not know when he appeared beside Qi Shaorong. He turned his eyes and said: "where is the princess's appeal?"! It is clear that the appeal of the throne of the cloud kingdom is good.

"Thank you, Prince. It's a great honor for Yueting to come here to invite you."

"Although Yueting is a female stream, she yearns to explore all kinds of dangerous places. She is eager to find a person who shares the same interests with me. This person should be able to live and die together with me and do everything for me."

"As the saying goes, it is easy to seek priceless treasure, and it is rare to have a lover. If you cannot find the person you like, Yueting would rather live a lonely life."

"The next test is very dangerous. All the princes are pillars of the world. If something goes wrong, Yueting will be really upset. You can quit now, but it's too late..."


Princess Yueting's voice is clear and moving, which makes people warm. Several princes listened to Princess Yueting's speech and expressed their willingness to go through fire and water for the princess.


Princess Yueting came to another hospital to give a speech. She waved her sleeves and left without taking away a handsome man!

"The time is fixed. Tomorrow, the princes will gather in the rad mountains." Tang Tianying said.

Zhuang Hao looked at Tang Tianying and said, "what's wrong with you! It doesn't look good. "

Tang Tianying smiled awkwardly and said, "I seem to be isolated and worried."

Tang Tianying takes a deep breath. Although the princes of all countries are competitors, Tang Tianying still sees that the princes of several royal families have a good relationship with each other, but it seems that there is no one to take care of him.

Zhuang Hao patted Tang Tianying on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. Anyway, you have been isolated. It's too late for you to have a good relationship with other princes."

Tang Tianying: "..." Is that comfort?

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "when the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight. Don't worry."


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"Zuo Shao, Tang Tianying's three guards have been appointed. They are Qi Shaorong, Zhuang Hao and Qi Heng." Li yingdao, Prince of Jin.

Zuo Yunfei closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "is that right?"

Zuo Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said in secret: his words, Qiheng was indeed regarded as a sidewind. If Qi Shaorong asked Qiheng not to go, Qiheng would accept it without any objection."Zuo Shao, are you worried about Qi Heng?" Li should have some strange way.

Zuo Yunfei glanced at Li Ying and said, "who told you, nothing."

Li Ying nodded and said, "I think Jingguo and other countries are closely connected recently. I'm afraid there are some big moves."

Zuo Yunfei said casually: "even if there are actions, they are not aimed at us. It doesn't matter."

Li Ying looks at Zuo Yunfei's face. He has a strange feeling in his heart.

"Zuo Shao, take a rest earlier. I'll leave first." Li yingdao.

Zuo Yunfei nodded and answered, "OK."

Not long after Li came out from Zuo Yunfei, he met Jiang Qinxin, "Your Royal Highness."

"Miss Jiang, are you still up?"

Jiang Qinxin shook his head and said, "I can't sleep. Does your royal highness come out from Zuo Shao?"

Li Ying nodded and said, "yes!"

"What did Zuo Shao say?"

"Nothing, Zuo Shao just asked the bodyguard candidate of the prince of Rongguo, and said..."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Qinxin asked eagerly.

"Nothing. It's just that Zuo Shao seems to care about the one named Qi Heng."

Jiang Qin's heart reluctantly smiles and says, "is that right?" Jiang Qinxin's eyes turned. He said to himself: the relationship between Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei is really not simple!

Qi Heng was expelled from Jiang's family in those days, and he would have hidden resentment in his heart. If Qi Heng wanted to revenge Jiang's family, Zuo Yunfei would not help him.


The next day.

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The princes of all countries gathered at the seaside, ready to go to sea, to the della mountains.

The della mountains are continuous mountains, but they grow out of the sea.

If you want to go to the della mountains, you have to go to sea by boat first.

A sea boat has long been at sea.

From a distance, the sea is vast and the mountains are looming in the sea.

Qi Shaorong held his arms and said with great interest, "there are many handsome men!"

Zhuang Hao's eyes fell on several cultivators around Prince Jingguo, and some doubts flashed in his eyes.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "what's the matter?"

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "it's nothing. I don't know if it's my illusion. There seem to be several experts around Prince Jingguo. They seem to be no worse than me."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "no, not all the guards are not over 40 years old. Jingguo has young talents who can compare with you?"

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't think so." Even if there are, there won't be so many.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "don't you say..." cheat! Yeah! You can cheat!

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "there is a kind of transfiguration technique, which can change a person's appearance without leaving any trace."

Qi Shaorong: "..." But it shouldn't be! Even if the appearance can be changed, however, it seems that the royal family of the state of cloud has checked in advance, the age of all guards! Can we say that the prince of cloud also participated in cheating.

"Princes of all countries, if you are ready, please set off." The royal family of Yunguo presided over the princess's marriage invitation.

Prince Jingguo and his party took the lead in entering the sea boat and went to sea by boat.

Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong wait behind, not ahead.

"It seems that it's a little late for people to go in and expose now." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "Princess Yun is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Maybe she also wants me to die."

Qi Shaorong patted Zhuang Hao on the shoulder and said, "I'm sorry."

Zuo Yunfei glanced at Qi Heng deeply and sat on a boat.

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"Ah Heng, Zuo Yunfei seems to see you." Qi Shaorong said.

"I have nothing to look at. I think he is looking at you." Qi Heng's cold way.

Qi Shaorong: "..." Every flower comes into everyone's eyes. Although he is very handsome, I'm afraid it's not the big and small dish of the left family!

Zhuang Hao looked at the people who had left and said to Tang Tianying, "OK, let's start."

Tang Tianying nodded and took the lead on the boat.


, "Your Highness, everyone's gone." A servant said to Princess Yueting, who was sitting in a sedan chair.

Princess Yueting nodded and said, "I don't know. Princesses of all countries can survive this time. If they die, I won't get married again."

"Princess, don't be pessimistic. There will always be a prince who can pass five hurdles and cut six generals to meet your requirements."

Princess Yueting smiled coldly and said: "the quality of the prince is not good this time. However, there are several good ones escorted by the prince. It's a pity..."

"Princess, the princes of all countries should have left. Why don't you go back first?" The waiter said.

Princess Yueting looked at the person who left, smiled and said, "well, let's go."Zhuang Hao's boat sailed for a while and was surrounded.

Zhuang Hao looked at the four boats, frowned and said, "my popularity is worse than I thought!"

When he was on the coast, Zhuang Hao felt a few strong breath, which made Zhuang Hao feel more clear.

"There seem to be five nines."

Qi Shaorong frowned, some dignified way: "five nine levels, but it doesn't matter, these hands will not have a god forbidding ring."

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "if that's the case, let me get out of the way..."

Hearing this, Zhuang Hao let the bow out.

Qi Shaorong waved his staff, and two dragons, one white and one black, flew out from the top of Qi Shaorong's staff. Qi Shaorong's staff is inlaid with two holy crystals. The staff can increase Qi Shaorong's magic power by dozens of times. Two giant dragons flew out and two boats blocked in front of Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao were washed away.

Qi Shaorong drove the boat out of the encirclement.

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