Qi Shaorong looked at Qi Heng, who was blushing, and asked with concern, "ah Heng, are you ok?"

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Qi Heng shook his head and said, "it's OK."

"Zuo Yunfei, I didn't do anything to you." Asked Qi Shaorong.

Qi Heng shook his head and said, "No."

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Heng's face and said, "Qi Heng, your face is very red!"

Qi Heng rubbed his face, smiled reluctantly, and said, "is that right? Maybe it's too much sun, so it's red. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Zhuang Hao looks at Qi Heng and says, "I saw Zuo Yunfei send you flowers. Did he tell you his love?"

Qi Heng glanced at Zhuang Hao and said, "no, Master Zhuang Hao, don't think too much."

Zhuang Hao rolled his eyes and said to himself: it's not that he wants to think too much, it's Zuo Yunfei's work. He can't help thinking too much!

+++++Li should look at the direction of Zuo Yunfei and say: "the relationship between Zuo Shao and Qi Heng seems extraordinary!"

The river nodded and said, "yes!"

Although zuoyufei's attitude is always cold, zuoyufei's appearance is excellent and strength is outstanding. There are still many people approaching zuoyufei against the cold wind. However, those people, zuoyufei, are all air. Li Ying hasn't seen them before. Zuoyufei is so interested in someone.

"I saw Zuo Shao send the red cherry blossom to Qi Heng just now." River course.

Red cherry blossom represents love. It's self-evident that Zuo Yunfei sent red cherry blossom to Qiheng.

Jiang Qinxin sits on the ground without speaking.

Before, Zuoyun flew to collect red cherry blossom. She also saw that at that moment, jiangqinxin had a dream. If zuoyunfei would give her red cherry blossom, she would surely become the happiest woman in Jin.

As a result, Zuo Yunfei gave the cherry blossom to Qi Heng. Jiang Qinxin looked at Qi Heng's direction and took a deep breath. What kind of past existed between Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei, which made Zuo Yunfei so hard to give up and love hate intersection.

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Qi Shaorong looked at Qi Heng and said, "Qi Heng, those people in Jin seem to be looking at you."

Qi Heng was a little unhappy and said, "I'm not a rare animal. I don't know what these guys look like."

"I look at that Miss Jiang Qinxin. She seems to be envious of you!" Qi Shaorong said.

"You worry too much, young master. There is nothing to be envied in me." Qiheng road.

"Why not? That Zuo Shao cares about you very much! That Miss Jiang seems to like Zuo Shao. " Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng turned his head and looked at Qi Shaorong seriously and said: "young master, don't you make such a joke with me, OK? It gives me goose bumps all over. "

Qi Shaorong: "..." The spectators can see clearly. Qi Heng, this guy, can't see Taishan!

"Are you scared? I'm sorry. " Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng as like as two peas, frowning, and looking at his face, some of his headaches were "just like the left cloud flying."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Well, if the flowers are picked, let's go back first. Princess Yueting should wait." Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao nodded, "it's reasonable."

"although the specific time limit for collecting red cherry blossoms is not specified, it should be able to make a good impression on the Royal Highness." Qi Shaorong said.

Zuo Yunfei and others successively embarked on the sea boat.

+++++Qi Heng stood at the bow of the boat and took a deep breath, feeling relaxed in his heart.

At last, we are on the way back. In this way, it may be over soon.

Qi Heng turned his head and saw Zuo Yunfei standing not far away.

Qi Heng sipped his lips, looked at the visitor and said, "what's up?"

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"You lost the flowers I gave you." Zuo Yunfei cold tunnel.

Qi Heng looks at Zuo Yunfei and somehow feels a little guilty in his heart.

"When the flowers are dry, I will lose them." Qiheng road.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qiheng gloomily and said, "that flower can't be lost at will."

Qi Heng said angrily, "then I lost everything. You can't let me pick it up."

Zuo Yunfei stares at Qiheng, takes a bunch of flowers out of the space ring, and forcefully puts a bunch of half withered flowers into Qiheng's hand, "take it away, I will not let anyone else throw anything I send out."

Qi Heng reluctantly put the bouquet into the space ring.

Qi Shaorong came out of the room. "Ah Heng, Zuo Shao has a personality, doesn't he?"

"Young master!" Qi Hengman is helpless to turn a white eye, where is left Yunfei personality ah! It's clearly a disease.

+++++Li Ying looked at Qiheng's direction, sighed and said: "it's unusual for Qiheng to be left less! It seems that miss Junlan Yue is going to be disappointed. "Jiang Qin's heart narrowed, and Jun Lan Yue was Zuo Yunfei's fiancee. They had a good relationship at the beginning, and they had already reached the point of discussing marriage. However, after Zuo Yunfei's accident, Jun's family worried about Jun Lan Yue's involvement, so they quickly withdrew from their marriage, and quickly ordered another marriage for Jun Lan Yue.

After Zuo Yunfei returns to his left home, Junlan month quickly withdraws from marriage again, attempting to resume his engagement with Zuo Yunfei. Unfortunately, Zuo Yunfei also fails to take care of it.

Junlan month twice retreat, has also become a joke of the capital of Jin.

"If Qi Heng goes to the Jin State, miss junlanyue, he will not give up." Jiangqin's heart.

The matter of quitting marriage is that Junlan month is in fault. Several times in Junlan month, finding Zuo Yunfei failed, making a lot of jokes.

However, Junlan Yue is arrogant and domineering. Whoever is close to Zuo Yunfei, she will find someone's trouble.

"Qi Heng is Qi Shaorong's man. After this event, I don't think he will stay in Yunguo for a long time. He should go back to the original country with Qi Shaorong." Li yingdao.

"Not necessarily." Jiang Qin takes a deep breath and says, "if Qi Heng can follow Qi Shaorong back, I'm afraid that Qi Heng has other ideas!"!

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"It's also true. I think the relationship between Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng is good. Maybe Qi Heng will want to follow Zuo Yunfei to the imperial capital." Li yingdao.

Jiang Qinxin: "..." If Qiheng wants to deal with Jiang's family, will Zuo Yunfei help?


the capital of the kingdom of cloud.

"Princess Royal, there's a prince coming back."

Princess Yueting looked at the person who came to report unexpectedly and said, "has the prince come back?"


Princess Yueting took a look at it accidentally and said, "unexpectedly someone came back so soon. Who is the prince?"

"It's the prince of Tang Tianying and the prince of Li Ying of Jin."

"It's those two. Of all the guards, Zhuang Hao and Zuo Yunfei are the best."

"who is your Highness Princess, more inclined to choose?" Is it Tang Tianying or Li Ying

Princess Yueting frowned, and a little disdain flashed on her face. "Those two are not so good. If some of them are Zhuang Hao or Zuo Yunfei, I won't have to be so embarrassed." The

guard looked at the pavilion, and said, "Your Highness, your majesty has ordered you to choose one of the princes."

Princess Yueting said impatiently: "the old man is really, always so impatient when doing things. I'm still young and very young. Is it necessary to worry that I can't get married so early?"

"Princess highness, in fact, Tang Tianying and Lee Ying Ying, are good." Guard road.

Princess Yueting sneered and said, "yes, where is it?"


other hospitals.

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Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao sit together and play chess.

Qi Heng sat on the side and watched. "Master, four princes and Li Ying Ying went into the palace. You see who the princess will choose."

Qi Shaorong swept Qi Heng and said casually, "I look at your highness. It's not so easy for people to pass."

Qi Heng smiled and said, "I think so."

After a while, Qi Heng smiled and said, "it should be the fourth prince who has come back. I'll go to explore."

Tang Tianying opened the door and came in sad.

Zhuang Hao swept Tang Tianying and said, "how is the situation, fourth prince! You give flowers to the princess. Has your princess been devoted to you? "

"Princess highness, if it's so easy for a man to be tempted and unable to get to our foreign princes, she has already found a man in the kingdom of Yun." Tang Tianying sat in one of the chairs and said wearily.

Zhuang Hao looked at Tang Tianying and said, "what's your royal highness request?"

"She said that her husband, even if he is not a hero of the world, should be at least a hero of the people, so this person should at least have the same strength as her." Tang Tianying said.

Qi Shaorong tilted his head and said, "so if you want to marry a princess, you have to fight with her?"

Tang Tianying nodded and said, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong patted Tang Tianying on the shoulder and said: "four princes, you are one of the seven shows in the capital of the emperor. This princess seems to be a bit of a drag! You go to beat her down, give her some color to see, let her know, Huangdu seven show is not easy to provoke

Tang Tianying said with a wry smile, "Qi Shao, in the past, the seven show of the imperial capital may be famous, but since you took a move to Shen Yuan, the seven show of the imperial capital has lost its reputation. Now, the seven show of the imperial capital has almost become a joke."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said: "the fourth prince, don't make a fool of yourself. Anyway, you are more powerful than Shen Yuan's idiot. Since the reputation of the seven show of the imperial capital is ruined, you just take this opportunity to recover the reputation of the seven show of the imperial capital!"

Tang Tianying looked at Qi Shaorong awkwardly, and said, "Qi, the strength of the princess is a bit strong. So, it's hard for me to reach your request.Qi Shaorong looks at Tang Tianying and says to himself: Tang Tianying is such a guy. He has no ambition.

Zhuang Hao chuckled and said, "it's not easy to ask for a daughter-in-law. It's impossible to expect pie in the sky. Let's face it."

Tang Tianying: "..." Is Zhuang Hao's remark his own experience?

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